Duke of Herrington

Chapter 187 The temptation of family!

Chapter 187 The temptation to go home!
A few hours later, everyone who was dozing off was woken up by the pilot's announcement
Because everyone is on their own, there is no need to be surprised and shout directly into the microphone!Well-educated pilots will not wake everyone up with such extreme methods under safe flight!
So... the pilot took a very gentle form!

He led the co-pilot to sing a piece of the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song.
And this familiar voice brought a few people who were dozing off to their senses.

"Going home?"

"Yeah! It's almost home, but Ted. Tell my wife tonight, I'm staying at the airport"

"Understood. I'll tell!"

After getting along for this period of time, Ted can guess from Steve's "ready to eat" accent: he most likely wants to go back to accompany his true love
At this time, the voice of the pilot came: "Everyone, we have reached the sky above Valentine, the ground temperature is 25, and the wind speed is level 2!"

It is another international practice. In his previous life, Ted often traveled on business and traveled to various sales locations to impart experience. This is the voice he hears most.

He yawned for a long time, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and asked, "Huh, are you really going to get off the plane?"

Joseph put away his weapon, opened his mask, and responded: "Yes, sir, we are really home!"

A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own small nest~ No matter how beautiful the outside world is, no matter how beautiful the environment is, you can’t sleep comfortably in a small bed in your hometown!Besides, the nest outside is similar to a cesspit, and it is completely incomparable with my own home!
"Good to go home! Good to go home! Sleep safe and comfortable!" Although Steve only stayed in the North for six months, the 'feeling of home' and 'sense of belonging' he brought to himself were far greater than that. The icy cold palace!

He said that the North is his home, and other people will not feel disgusted, because everyone has recognized Steve~
"Hey, it feels so good to be home! I have to take a shower first, and then go to the toilet! I don't know how many documents Chris piled up for me in the past few days"

Hearing this, Steve raised his hand, took out a wet wipe to wipe his face and tried to lift his spirits!
Ever since he flew over the northern border, he began to feel drowsy: "I want to take a shower first! Then have a good sleep! Hey! I just don't know when there will be a means of transportation that can be used as a mobile home without having to live in The smell of other people's body odor and excrement is smelling every day in the pickled palace!"

"Eh?" Hearing Steve's complaints, Ted was invigorated. The things he described were not rare objects.
Just an RV!
According to the current industrial capacity of the northern border, it is not difficult to get such a thing done!
"Steve, what you said seems to exist!"

Hearing the existence of what he said casually, Steve was no longer sleepy: "Oh? Then get me one quickly! Get a driver and a few guards and go straight away! That way you don't have to endure the strange smell!"

Now that you have made a request, you have to make a full set of requirements!
This time, Steve was completely refreshed, he moved his buttocks and leaned up!Whispered in Ted's ear: "Can I install the air conditioner? Either it's too hot in summer"

I thought that Steve wanted to install a cannon on the RV, but Ted felt cold in his heart! "Hey, what a big deal! It's just an air conditioner, it's all standard equipment!"

summer!Air conditioning is life!Out of the northern border, there is no natural aura of dragons to cover, and the temperature can reach up to 45 degrees!Without an air conditioner, it will be cooked after a while: "That would be great, when can I use it?"

"Tomorrow we are going to bomb, and it is estimated that it will be assembled in the evening. This thing is not complicated. It is just a truck, loaded with the things that should be in the room. We have drawings, and there are spare trucks. It is very simple to make such a thing. .that is.supply is a problem."

"Replenishment?" Steve only learned half of the new thing, and the other half was completely thrown away
Seeing this, Ted could only explain: "Yeah, trucks rely on fuel to run. Even if the fuel tank is large, two can hold 360 liters of gasoline, but with full functions, it takes nearly 20 liters to run [-] kilometers. It is very difficult to drive to the imperial capital Deherim. Not to mention the bumps and bumps along the way, I don’t know how many detours”

"Ah this."

Judging from the current facilities, there are no gas stations, roads, or railway lines in the empire to ensure fuel transportation.

If Steve wants to park outside the palace in his RV and rest decently
Then you have to bring a tank truck with you!
This idea of ​​'saving' works for the average person, but not for Ted.
Fuel or something, the oil in your own territory is a little more than the reserves on the earth combined, sometimes there is no need to dig and search!

Anyway, the fuel output has been high recently, so a little waste is nothing.
"Steve! Don't 'ah this'! I'll arrange it for you right now. When we come back tomorrow night, we should be able to do it well. At that time, you can go directly to the imperial capital by car, and you will be there after a night of sleep."

"I can see it!"

The people around were chatting enthusiastically, but Galen was the only one sitting aside, looking extremely embarrassed: "Hey wait, Steve is going to the imperial capital by car, then I"

Ted almost forgot about such a person. In order to show the generosity of the northern border, he planned to receive him according to the imperial standard: "You? How about arranging a royal carriage for you then?"

"This Steve is in a carriage, and you asked me to take a carriage? Is this plausible?"

Even if Galen has only experienced a car for ten minutes, he can tell which means of transportation is more comfortable!Besides, listening to Ted's description of the 'RV', it seems to be even better than the car I just sat in!

Now, the empire-style carriage is completely unsavory!

"Your Highness Galen, please pay attention to your words. Now you are in the northern border, and I am not a nobleman who supports you. According to tradition, I have no obligation to let you enjoy our resources for free. I can only obey Imperial Tradition."

"That is to say. It is the utmost benevolence to send a carriage to take you back."

Even a fool knows that Ted is making things difficult for others!But Galen was helpless, because the person in front of him didn't play his cards according to the routine!He had rejected his request to bring a guard before!
He also expressed eccentrically, 'It's the same whether you wear it or not!You better come with me, or at your own peril."

In order to satisfy his curiosity and live a few more years by the way, Galen came with him
Now it was clear what Ted meant!He just wants money!

Since this is the case, it is better to avoid disasters by spending money: "I will pay!"

Seeing that Galen took the bait, Ted withdrew his playful tone and said seriously, "Oh? Pay? I don't know what you want to pay? How to pay?"


The value of gold is not great. In the northern border, this thing is only a little more expensive than iron
So, Ted asked: "Is there anything else? Silver or copper coins are fine. We have received too many gold coins recently."

"Is copper okay too?"

"of course can!"

Hearing that this kind of "useless" resource can also be used for trading, Galen immediately cheered up: "That's great, there is a huge copper mine in my site, which can only be used to make copper coins. If you I need copper, so I just use it to pay the fee, and exchange some supplies by the way? What do you think?"

For the second prince, copper is not of much use, it can only be melted into copper coins, or made into utensils
Because iron smelting technology is mature, it is not a good choice to make copper into weapons, so such a large pile of mineral resources has become a 'chicken rib' instead!Tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard.

If they were all used as statues and placed in the territory, it would be too narcissistic!And now, some people say that this thing can be used as a general equivalent.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by!
In the cabin, other people heard that the second prince wanted to buy things with copper mines!They all covered their mouths and pretended not to know anything.

Ted completely changed his attitude, and responded in a calm but gentle tone: "No problem, I just need some copper to make copper coins!"

If you conceal the purpose of the material, it will definitely arouse suspicion from others. If you hesitate to say anything, it will definitely make the seller fanciful and raise the price by the way!

So Ted temporarily made up a reason, which has a reasonable echo with the 'too much gold' just said.
It's like having too many bills but no change.
When the second prince heard about Ted's intentions, he didn't take it seriously, just assumed that he really wanted to use copper to make copper coins
But in fact, Ted wants to use these things to make bullet casings or shell casings, and if the quantity is large, they can also be pulled for industrial use.
Adhering to the idea of ​​storing more strategic materials in the territory, Ted intends to replace mineral resources with cheap goods.First blackmail the materials in other people's territory and use them, and finally use the materials in your own territory.

In this way, in the event of conflict, domestic demand can still be guaranteed~
Seeing that the useless resources in the territory are useful, Galen said with a smile: "Then I mine the copper mine and pull it here with a carriage?"

"No! If it is pulled by a horse-drawn cart, the cost will increase a lot. When the time comes, our trading firm will directly pick up the goods at your door, and take the supplies to your place to deliver the goods. How about bartering?"

"If that's the case, it would be great!"

Now, both sides thought they had made a profit, but in fact, Ted just used the excess production capacity that had no place to put it, and switched to strategic resources with 'more long-term value'!

Because the dung of the giant dragons contains most of the rare metals, and there are not many commonly used metals such as iron and copper.

Ted didn't really want to use things in his territory, and this move by the second prince just solved his troubles.

"Then I can ask. Can I exchange for any supplies?"

"As you can see from the item receipt during the day, most of them are canned food, of which meat accounts for the majority, and the rest are mainly canned fruits."

"Then do you sell your weapons?"

"For the time being, we only sell it to members of the alliance, and we don't plan to have arms trade with the outside world."

"This..." Upon hearing that such a powerful weapon was not going to be sold, the second prince immediately became vigilant!

Because potential enemies have these things, but you don't.
"Don't worry, we won't sell it to the First Prince."

At this point, Ted directly showed his cards: "You just need to be your prince with peace of mind, and don't get in our way, and I won't trouble you! If you and the eldest prince plan to trip us up, or secretly harm us! Then don’t blame us for being rude!”

Such extremely offensive words immediately made Galen frown: "Why are you being rude to us? What do you want to do?"

"That's right. You and some of your family members, as well as the forces under your banner, will be captured by us as prisoners and spend your entire life in the quarry."

Such an answer is even more extreme than killing the second prince: "Are you planning to rebel?"

"Please pay attention to your words! This is not a rebellion, it's just a competition! I think Steve is more suitable to be emperor! If the country allows a warlike madman like you or a pervert like Andy to take power, the collapse of the empire is only a matter of time! "

"Oh? That is to say. You now have the strength to challenge the entire empire?"


"I think so, how could you"

"Listen to me. Not only do I have the strength to challenge the entire empire, I also have the strength to destroy the empire within a month! You should be thankful that I am a good person, otherwise you would have died long ago. Think about the nobles who provoked me that day , like a mutilated dead dog in the street! Died without dignity"


"Remember, this is not a reminder, but a warning. It's up to you to obey or not! We can cooperate and have trade contacts, but please remember, we are not the same way! Steve may be very kind , but I am absolutely not! Because you are not your own!"

After saying this, before Galen could reply, the pilot began to read "International Practices" again: "Didi. Prepare to land, everyone, please"

At the same time, the searchlights swept across the ground caught the second prince's attention.

Ted leaned back on the chair, stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers next to the microphone: "By the way, Second Prince, welcome to Valentine."

Looking out the window of the plane, Galen saw a city completely different from what he had imagined.

In his imagination, the capital of the most powerful aristocrats will only have a faint light at night, and the fire can be seen from a distance of up to 1 kilometer
And Valentine below, because of the 'lighting project' advocated by Ted, the whole city is brightly lit!Even at an altitude of several thousand meters, one can definitely feel the thick human fireworks below.

The outline of the whole city is clearly visible. Even after 10:[-] p.m., the downtown area is still full of traffic. From time to time, there are some giant creatures with wings roaring past in the sky.
"Is that the legendary dragon?"

"It's an ice dragon"

"Oh my God."

In just a split second, Galen completely forgot the unreasonable conversation between Ted and himself, and his mind was full of shock
After landing, the lights were turned on again, and Galen found that there was an extra person in front of him at some point. The armor he was wearing was completely different from the metal sheet on his body, but in terms of texture and complexity, it must be better than the thin iron sheet on his body. solid.

The plane is taxiing on the runway, everyone has to think about what to do first!Ted casually suggested: "Go home, let's take a shower first?"

Joseph immediately echoed: "Okay! I heard that in the bathroom box at the airport, you can take a shower directly! You don't have to go to the bathroom, you can unload and decontaminate together!"

Steve yawned a long time, stretched his muscles and bones by the way, and responded with a smile: "Then take a shower first, then eat, and then go to the hangar to see the new weapons?"

It's a great plan!It's just that the second prince who came with him felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy when he heard 'take a bath'. He reminded solemnly: "Take a bath!? You are so disrespectful to God, aren't you afraid of God's punishment?"

As the 'pioneer against God', Joseph raised his middle finger and yelled: "God's punishment? Pfft! God is a barren here! The dung beetle who rubs the dung ball is more respected than him!"

If you say these words in the empire, you will be tied to the stake and burned to ashes!Seeing this, Galen could only speak, using that weak language to defend something that didn't exist: "You! You are offending and will offend God!"

"Hey!? I said you are not"

"Hey! Joseph, leave him alone! Let's go!"

Seeing that the people around him were about to leave, Galen was anxious: "Hey! Wait! Then where am I going?"

"You? There are guards who will take you to your residence!"

"I don't have freedom of movement?"

"Of course not! This is my site. In order to prevent you from stealing our secrets, we have our own guards, but don't worry, we will take care of eating, drinking and messing around!"

After saying this, Ted got off the plane with the pilot and his companions, and Galen was directly taken by the guards to the customs room where suspicious persons were detained at the airport.
His residence is similar to the prison cell of the detention center, with a single bed, shower room and toilet!

It's just that these facilities are connected together, and surrounded by steel walls, there is no privacy at all
"You can't do this to me!" Galen growled
(End of this chapter)

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