Chapter 192

On this day, the enemies who came from the deep sea and headed for the northern part of the Nok Continent ascended to heaven collectively!It's like a dung ball in a cesspit, swept away by the excavators!The dung beetle will cry when he sees it
As for captives and survivors, those are not important!

The most important value of Huokou is intelligence and negotiation.

For the intruders, negotiation is not important. According to the set policy, they have only a dead end, and negotiating terms with them is a waste of time.

When eating chicken legs, there is no need to negotiate with chickens, and when dung beetles roll dung balls, there is no need to negotiate with dung balls.
As for the intelligence brought by the captives.
Even if they know their next actions, it will not have any effect on the overall situation of the battle, and the language is also a problem!
The murlocs barked indiscriminately, no different from the barking of dogs and pigs in the village, and only the refined wild boars in the ravine could understand it.

Therefore, from the perspective of time cost and action cost, it is not a wise choice to cast a rat trap because you want to catch the living.

Killing the enemy is the most direct and effective way, there is no need to waste time.

a few hours later.
The sea estuary in the northwest of the empire has been engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. Apart from an ice wall not far away to cut off the heat waves, there is no place to set foot.

In this situation, Galen, who had just stepped into Ted's pirate ship, got the confidence from nowhere, and his back hardened!It's like Teddy, who is fighting against others, seeing the enemy's distressed appearance, it's like his face is covered with gold!
The second prince, Galen, didn't even touch a gun, so he started flirting with what he looked like during the war.
At this moment, his heart is at ease, and he seems to have foreseen the future: "At that time, I will fly around in a plane and bombard everywhere! My name will spread all over the world! No one knows, no one knows!"

Of course, he only dared to say these words in his heart. If he said them, he would definitely be ridiculed by everyone present!
Not far away, Ted raised his right hand, touched his nose lightly, then turned around and came to Joseph, switched to a private channel and told him: "We have one more tool man in the north, when the time comes, Select 20 elite soldiers from the army, and 100 smarter soldiers, and assign them the newly manufactured MK14, keep an eye on his every move, if something goes wrong, call the transport plane, and evacuate after killing everyone.”

"No problem! Sir, but may I ask a question?"

In the entire northern border, not many people dare to ask such a question. Joseph is his future brother-in-law. When the family has questions, Ted doesn't mind answering them for him: "Speak."

Joseph's problem is not about guarding Galen, because he believes that the quality of the soldiers will not be ashamed. He is just curious about why the standard equipment takes such a strange route: "Sir, isn't the MK14 just the M1 rifle with an extended version?" Magazines, and replace the wooden stock with an EBR stock, why not use SCAR-H or HK417”

In terms of combat literacy and intuition, Joseph is indeed excellent, but when it comes to military production and macro-war logistics, he is not so professional
In future large-scale wars, excellent and precise weapons are not the first choice, but durable weapons will become standard equipment.

Besides, hunks don't like to use bullets with small caliber and small charge. It seems that being able to control 7.62 nato bullets is the standard for an 'entry-level' hunk.

Ted let out a long sigh of relief, and told the truth: "Eh, although the latter two weapons are better than the former in terms of accuracy and maturity. But to some extent, war is not about weapons, but logistics. Using MK14 can save 7% of logistics costs, and the mechanical equipment for producing M1 rifles can be used again, and only need to modify some parts to continue to use, and at the same time, it will not delay our production of M1 for sale! Besides, our army is full of macho men. Those who don’t live in 7.62NATO have long been eliminated”

Having said that, Joseph roughly understood what Ted meant: "Sir, that is to say, the weapons used by our special forces may not be used by ordinary soldiers?"

"Yes, maybe when you use electromagnetic weapons, the large troops have just finished changing their rifles. Because the cost of replacing the equipment of large troops is astronomical! If you think about it this way, every soldier has to change their equipment from head to toe! Wait for me When Chris handed over the budget slips, his head was going to explode."

In just a few seconds, Joseph did a simple math problem. If the equipment price is multiplied by 1000, it is still acceptable. If it is multiplied by hundreds of thousands, millions, or even 1000 million.
Money is not enough! "I see sir. How long will we have to use the M1 rifles in our hands?"

Ted smiled and turned to look at Joseph, jokingly said, "It's not a secret, I believe you have already guessed it, why ask me?"

Hearing this, he raised his hand to cover his head, and confirmed, "It really takes 50 years?"

"That's right. These equipment have to be equipped with soldiers of the entire empire, because I don't intend to separate the military and the police! Once the country returns to a strong period, we need about 1200 million soldiers to maintain law and order in such a large territory. If we want to unify the world Need something more”

Joseph stroked his head, stared at Ted for ten seconds, and then asked tremblingly, "Sir, I don't quite understand your ideal. Why are you obsessed with unifying the world?"

"Because I want to integrate resources!" As he said, Ted took out a book of astronomy and handed it to Joseph: "My dear brother-in-law, don't think that the world is one... and don't think that our enemies are only the ones in front of us. , only more than 20 people have read the books on astronomy. I don’t want everyone to know about this! The current development has been out of balance. If there is another "star and sea", the country will be completely messed up. Look at our military equipment and think it is Modern, but otherwise...the same as the dark ages, we have to quickly balance technology to continue these"

What Ted said is very reasonable. The high-level officials in the northern border are also aware of this problem. When the members of the scientific research team successively obtained the first-level titles, they began to give them new topics to make up for other technical vacancies.
"I understand, then I will do as you said immediately after I go back"

"no problem"

If it were someone else, Ted would definitely find a way to fool him, but Joseph will be his brother-in-law in the future, and he will be regarded as a family member, so there is no need to hide it from him. Besides, this matter itself is not a secret. Everyone should know.
Let the internal staff know earlier, and it will be easier to work later.

The next morning.
Steve set off in a newly produced caravan in the north. Galen's travel plan was pushed back to noon because the new guards were not ready yet.

At the same time, he also took out a piece of land outside the imperial capital for Ted to use as an airport.

Because when Galen saw this thing, he knew that he would be in frequent contact with airplanes in the future. Anyway, he planned to be a tool man, so he might as well perform his duties well, and then he could use Ted's hand to realize his dream. It's 'multi-win'!
During the time he stayed at the Beijing Airport, he was not idle. He was forcibly dragged away by a group of staff wearing chemical protective suits, washed clean, and even applied special skin care products!

This time, he will also live in the RV when he leaves, which is a little gift from Ted after Galen's "submission".

"Ahem. Please remember, Your Highness Galen, don't blindly believe in God. You have also heard my father-in-law say that these are all fabricated. I know that it is difficult for you to believe for a while, because you Being poisoned by this thing is very deep, but I will give you enough time to think slowly, think with your IQ, and don't follow blindly."

"Another way of thinking, he is a person to some extent, that is to say, are you willing to be the grandson of a illusory person, or are you willing to join us and become more NB! Even ride on his head shit?"

If you are a fool, you also know the answer to the question, the difference between being a grandson and recognizing a grandson. Everyone knows: "Mr. Ted, I find your metaphors are always wonderful, just like the apples in the oven of Aunt Gobi Susan Like pie, no one knows if it tastes good, but they always want to see it.”

"I was joking, Your Highness, Second Prince. It's almost time. I wish you a pleasant journey~ Because I still have a lot of things to do, I won't accompany you to wait for the convoy to prepare."

When parting, according to the etiquette of the empire, the host had to give some gifts. Although this RV was a great gift, it was not what Galen really wanted!
He wanted to bring back some 'Northern specialties': "Well, please wait a moment, Mr. Ted, I have one more request."

"Oh? Tell me, please."

"Can you get me a gun?"

Ted once thought about this thing, but compared with vehicles and swords, this thing will cause a great instability when given as a gift without knowing the basics. Ted can only refuse: "This Ah no, because you haven't passed the firearms test, I can't give it to you"

"I'm a royal after all."

'Royal family' is just an excuse. Galen only wants what he wants. After all, he is a prince, and he is one of the few macho men who loves to fight. From childhood to adulthood, he wants what he wants!must have!

However, Ted is very clear!What you can't eat is the most delicious. Want to play with guns?Why not! "Your Highness Galen, I know how you feel, but please forgive me, hot weapons like firearms are different from most swords, without systematic study, they are prone to chaos, just like our army, after obtaining Before getting a weapon, you have to train full-time for at least half a month before you can touch a gun."

"Then when I have a chance, can I learn it?"

Ted's purpose is to delay until he is sure that he will not mess up and become a qualified tool man before he will issue a license: "No, because you are not yet a member of the Nock League or hired by the Nock League. of bounty hunters are temporarily unable to obtain a gun license”

"Well. At least I have guards with guns to protect"

Having said that, Galen understood what Ted meant!
Holding this dangerous weapon in his hands, at least for now, is not good for him!
At this time, the vehicle arrived and was assigning seats and explaining precautions.

And Galen looked at their costumes and remembered what he had seen along the way.
To satisfy his curiosity, Galen asked tentatively, "Mr. Ted, how many troops do you have?"

"Twenty thousand."

"Twenty thousand? Sir, don't tease me. I'm going to wear a pair of pants with you right now. Do you have to hide it?"

The 'army' is indeed only [-]. If you are asking about the armed forces, that is not necessarily the case.
"Your Highness, I didn't hide it. You asked me how many troops I have? I really only have [-] troops."

"But when I was sitting in the car and crossing the street just now, I found that every street was patrolled by armed soldiers. There were at least three thousand soldiers along the way. Adding what I saw in the army, there were almost one thousand soldiers. In case I lead troops to fight all the year round, if the deployment is like this, even if the estimate is cut in half because of the advantage of weapons, the army will be around 15 to 25!"

Seeing that the second prince didn't understand what he meant, Ted covered his mouth and pointed to the soldiers beside him and explained: "Your Highness, you misunderstood, I do have only [-] 'army', which is in line with the laws of the empire. "

"That's huh?" During the conversation, Galen realized that the clothes worn by the soldiers in the barracks seemed to be slightly different from the clothes worn by the people outside.

Ted realized this, and took the opportunity to explain: "What you saw in the city is our northern militia, but I don't like the word 'militia' very much, so I changed the name of this organization to 'National Army'." Guards', that sounds taller"

According to conventional thinking, the equipment of the militia is not the same as that of the regular army. It is usually the things eliminated by the regular army. regular army is no different
"The militia and the regular army use the same equipment?"

Ted smiled and spread his hands, talking about the laws of the empire: "There is no law in the empire that prevents the militia and the regular army from using the same equipment?"

"It seems that there is no such thing!"

"So, I did come here according to the laws of the empire, so you don't have to worry! Our emperor won't trouble me because of this, or give me a big hat for treason."

"Ahem. If this is the case, is it convenient to disclose the number of your troops?"

"Why is this inconvenient? These data are publicly available, and Steve brought them to the empire. It is clearly written in the documents. We have 2 troops and about 21 militiamen, a total of 23."

Hearing that there are actually 70 armed forces in the northern border with only 23 people, Galen almost laughed out loud. This kind of armed force is not like the power that a "peace lover" like Ted should have: " Cough Mr. Ted, I can finally understand what you mean. It seems that it is not difficult for you to overthrow the imperial regime. Fortunately, you are a good person and did not kill me with a single shell."

"You think too much. I will avoid using force on my own people. Just like now, don't we have a good talk?"

"Yes. Hahahaha!"

At this time, the team is ready to go and can start immediately!

"Okay, I have everything ready. This gentleman is Major Benjamin. He will serve as your guard captain for a while."


"It is a kind of military rank in our northern border. The position of major and above is automatically awarded the title of knight. The other guards are also the elite of the elite. This 120-member guard can strengthen an army of 1. This is still not enough for the enemy. Under the premise of breaking up, if the enemy breaks up and flees, there will only be more and no less, so if you encounter danger, don’t panic, tell them, they will help you solve it.”

"I fully believe, please rest assured, sir, when I come back, I will be full of my sincerity, and you will be satisfied."

"Then I'll wait and see."

"No problem, good luck at work, sir"

(End of this chapter)

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