Duke of Herrington

Chapter 24 Victory, but what's the use?

Chapter 24 Victory, but what's the use?
Southern Empire, Frontier Battlefield.
Over the past few days, the two armies have confronted each other on the front line. Every day, they send soldiers with loudspeakers to insult each other in front of the battle. Neither side is willing to send troops to fight first.

The Xueman Empire didn't have enough troops to launch an attack, so they just huddled behind the bunker and set up a formation, waiting for the opposite side to send it off.

In order to reduce unnecessary casualties and further expand its advantages, the Harker Empire ordered the troops to hide at a safe distance, and constantly provoked the soldiers in the city, asking them to come down and confront their own side!
But the Xueman Empire is not a fool, the troops seem to have agreed, no matter how humiliated the other party is, they don't take it seriously, they should eat and drink behind the bunker, and stick their heads out when the other party is tired He yelled: "Grandson! Come up if you have the ability!"

Since this sentence was uttered, the two armies began to shout at the border.
"Oh come on! You stupid groundhog! I'll send you to hell to shine Satan's shoes!"

"My God! For God's sake, come down! I promise I'll burn you in the oven next door to Aunt Susan!"

This shouting continued for ten days in the same way, until the scouts sent by Ted completed their mission and came to the city to report to the frontline generals, which made things different.

The general was overjoyed when he heard the news, and sent a large number of scouts at night to find the best time to attack.
One morning three days later, as usual, the two armies continued to scold each other, but the Xueman Empire was ready to fight.

The scouts returned yesterday and reported the situation of the Huck Empire to the general, and the general immediately prepared to go out after hearing the news!
"General! There seems to be a plague in the Harker Empire. Many people are holding their stomachs and vomiting and diarrhea, and they can't even hold their weapons steadily!"

"Yes! The situation I saw here is the same, at least 8% of the people have lost their combat effectiveness! Only the few people in front are left!"

"According to my eavesdropping, the people in front of the battle all drank the water that was brought in a few days ago. When the water is used up, there will be problems with the water they drink tomorrow morning!"

"Since that's the case, let's regroup the army tomorrow morning, set off immediately after dinner, and fight for a wave! Beat them back!"


The news quickly spread among the army, the Huck spies lurking in the Xueman Empire, no matter what they do~ it will be of no avail!

The retreat speed of the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled is far slower than the running speed of healthy people. With 400 million troops and 300 million logistics personnel, it is simply a dream to retreat quickly!

How do those soldiers who can't even hold weapons fight against the hunks from Xueman?
If there is a fight, the soldiers of the Huck Empire will only become French fries, which will be scooped up by the Xueman hunks as military exploits!
The information about the spies and undercover agents is only known to the generals of the Harker Empire. If there is a temporary rebellion, it seems to be an option to come to Xueman's side to be a citizen!

Anyway, these people have no relatives and no reason in the Harker Empire, but they have become a family in Xueman.

Most of the undercover agents came to Xueman Empire when they were five or six years old, and they have been undercover agents here for more than 20 years. They don't even know whether they are people or ghosts.

They don't know any of the various festivals and celebrations of the Harker Empire, but they know the laws and customs of the Snowman Empire better than the locals!You can even recite it backwards!

Before the war, the present situation seems to be that the Xueman Empire has the upper hand. It is estimated that it will be difficult for General Huck to fulfill his promise to give himself glory and wealth.
Besides, General Huck is not a good stubble, even if Xueman is swallowed up, there is a high probability that he will be executed to prevent this gutter deal from being seen and dirty his glory
How about just being a Xueman honestly?Um!This is indeed a good choice!

It's like a saying in the Xueman Empire: The bold are starved to death, and the timid are starved to death!If you don't accumulate money, you can reach thousands of miles. There are very limited ways for ordinary people to make a fortune, and there is an opportunity in front of you!
When fighting for a while, you want to rush to the front, get a few more heads, get military exploits, and then get rewards and go back to the rear to honestly marry a wife, and live a peaceful life of men farming and women weaving?Isn't it flattering?
"The needle doesn't poke!"

At this moment, all the spies lurking in the Snowman Empire seem to have figured it out
The top priority is to kill the general of the Huck Empire, that's it!No one will know that I am an undercover agent!
A brilliant life is beckoning to me. I believe that other people's big cakes will only be led away as donkeys. The future is in front of my eyes, so I must seize it!right!grab it!
The undercover agents clenched their spears and the future, and joined the vanguard to take a gamble!As long as you survive, you can lie flat for the rest of your life!

noon!The Huck soldiers below were still shouting.

The frontline doesn't know what happened in the rear. If the people on the frontline know, they will be panic-stricken.

If you rush to retreat, your army will be defeated, Huck will have no future, why don't you tell them and let them continue to scold!The rear quietly retreated, and when Xueman reacted, Huck's loss would not be too great, at least within the acceptable range!

However, General Xueman already knew everything, and even saw through Huck's every move!
Below, Huck's soldiers raised their spears and pointed at the fort ahead and shouted: "Groundhogs! Come down quickly! Fight with me for [-] rounds!"

Above the fortress, a soldier with a loud voice showed a very angry look. He pointed down with his eyes wide open, and said angrily, "Grandson Huck! Don't run! Grandpa, I'm coming down now! Use my pointed boots!" , poke your ass hard!"

Seeing that they had successfully angered the enemy, the soldiers below turned their heads to signal everyone: "Beat the drum!"

The order had just been issued, and the soldiers present only felt something spinning in their stomachs.
The next moment, the stomach was overwhelmed, and the hot taste washed every inch of the stomach and intestines!A sense of urgency that was about to come out made the soldiers frown!

'Hey!Hey!Hey yo nest! '

Immediately afterwards, the earth-shattering stench hit, and everyone turned into a large shower! The sound of "Puff" sounded like a fairy music intertwined together, and the sonorous and powerful farts were like the drums of war!Let the whole battlefield become anxious!
At this moment, follow the rhythm and rhythm and even have a b-box!

Regarding this situation, Xueman Empire also has an old saying: If you gather together, you will fly together, and if you disperse, the sky will be sparse. If you disperse and become sparse, it means that you are about to leave the world and go to the stars in the sky.
It’s like a supernova explosion in the universe, a lump that was originally condensed, but exploded due to various reasons, turned into stars all over the sky, drilled into the ground, and became the nourishment of plants in the coming year.
Below, the man who was shouting just now, now lying on the ground with his hands on his stomach, has lost his pride just now, and shouted in panic: "I puff. Surrender puff."

The water is drunk in the morning, and the people are gone at noon. The Huck soldiers have almost lost all their combat power.

The soldiers of Xueman Empire stood in front of him and taunted: "Who said just now that they would fight us for [-] rounds? Are you wilting now?"

In order to catch the big fish first, the soldiers had no time to deal with the soldiers who fell on the ground, so they piled them together and rushed to the rear of the enemy army!

Two days later, the battle is over
Xueman Empire wiped out 200 million enemy troops and captured 500 million at a small cost, and among the 500 million, only one-third survived in the end.

This time, the sword hanging over Xueman Empire's head was kicked away, and the crisis was completely resolved!

From now on, it's the turn of Xueman Empire Yurou Township!How the Harker Empire bullied the Xueman Empire back then, this time, the Xueman Empire will bully back as if they were bullied!

Upon receiving the news of the victory at the front line, nobles from all walks of life who were planning to pack up and run away came to the palace one after another, talking nonsense about how much they had contributed to the front line!
When the detailed battle report was sent to the emperor, he tremblingly ordered the servants who were packing their luggage to stop what they were doing!Instead, hold a celebration banquet!
The emperor opened his mouth wide, revealing his big black and yellow teeth, and took the report to discuss with all the unscrupulous nobles present how to maximize the benefits of this matter!

All of a sudden, everyone discussed how to let the other party cede the land and pay compensation, and how to confer titles on the heroes, and throw another wave of coins!

However, in less than a month since the beginning of the war, prices in various cities and towns in the empire have doubled, and prices on the border have even increased a hundredfold. The price of a bag of wheat is so outrageous that it has to be measured in silver coins
Burnt fields and forests still smoke, and looted villages are left with nothing but bones.

The already dilapidated town was filled with waste, and human corpses and piles of animal remains piled together to emit a stench.
The only few left-behind old people walked towards the cart with their lame legs. With a salary of a few copper coins, they pulled the cart full of body bags and pushed it out of the city.

Piles of flies and bugs filled the wells and granaries, and a few lunatics stayed where they were because they ate human flesh, laughing like crazy, leaving a mess all over the place.

Outside a small village not far from the town, the last wave of retreating residents sat in carts, whipped the mules pulling the cart vigorously, and joined the huge team retreating northward.

The afterglow of the setting sun disappeared with the passage of time, leaving only the last ray of setting sun hitting the river.

Suddenly, a rough plush toy slowly sank into the river following the light, and the belated winter wind lifted the straw mat on the ground, revealing a pale little hand.

The gradually blowing wind finally blows the straw mat away
An ant that was carrying rice stopped for some reason
It looked up and found a girl's face with a smile, but this cold smile looked so miserable
Thunder came, and the sky was instantly covered by dark clouds.

This was the last rain in the southern part of the Snowman Empire. Mixed with the breath of winter, it condensed into freezing points and hit the ground. The pattering icy rain followed the little girl's smiling face, across the corners of her eyes, and permeated into the ground.
A bright red petal rolled with the wind, gently resting on the corner of her mouth, painting the last bit of color for this gloomy world.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and this smiling face was finally frozen into ice, frozen at this moment.

Gradually, she was submerged by the rain and fell asleep on this land forever.

(End of this chapter)

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