Duke of Herrington

Chapter 47 The Movies Are Deceitful!

Chapter 47 The Movies Are Deceitful!

With a "click", Ted pushed the pull bolt and aimed at the pig that had just been slaughtered in front of him.

In order to demonstrate the effect of the weapon, Ted even asked the butchers not to let the blood out when slaughtering the pig, but to smash the pig's brain with a big stick.

In this way, before you dissect the second senior brother and turn it into dinner, you can understand how terrifying the damage caused by the 'cavity effect' is!
Unlike Battlefield Superman who holds a sponge and blood clots, and calls of duty that relies on breathing to return blood, as long as a full-power rifle bullet hits an unprotected torso, even if it is not fatal at the time, it will lose the ability to fight.

This is why, after the invention of firearms, the nomads added all unallocated attribute points to singing and dancing~

Following the principle of three points and one line, Ted aimed at the second senior brother 20 meters ahead
The heavy metal feel is very reassuring!
This is the first live ammunition shooting in his life. He thought it would not be a problem, but suddenly found that this firearm, which is close to 5 kilograms, is not easy to control when it is lifted.
Fortunately, my physical fitness is not bad. After adjusting it, I can still accurately aim at the target.

Finally, taking control of his breathing, Ted pulled the trigger.

'boom! '

When the first shot was fired, everyone present was frightened, and even Ted himself felt his head buzzing.

In addition, he can still feel that his heart has been punched by something, which is twice as strong as the discomfort of the bass bombarding the heart in a nightclub.
Only now did he truly understand that the movies were all lies.
If it is really on the battlefield, the opposite gun will shoot at you
In all fairness, Ted would definitely pee his pants while hiding in the trenches. The dense and distracting gunfire was enough to make him lose all courage, curl up in a corner and cry, and would not have the guts to rush out and fight the enemy desperately.

This sound was like a firecracker with a full charge exploding on the face, and the tinnitus that followed kept echoing in my mind.

The next moment, Ted's mind went blank, followed by 'Who am I?where am I?What am I going to do? 'The idea came to me.

In order to continue the demonstration, Ted didn't stop, but forced his face, adhering to the idea of ​​speeding up if he was going to die, and fired seven shots in a row!

The sound after that was not abrupt. I could only feel a slight 'ding' sound, not because my ears got used to it or the sound of the gun was not loud.

It's because I'm fucking deaf
Even at the end, I didn't hear the 'ping' sound that everyone talked about, but a piercing pain hitting the eardrum
"I knock. How did those soldiers endure this sound? I feel like my head is going to explode! The movie is really harmful!!"

Ted tremblingly put down the weapon in his hand, and turned to look at everyone.

He could see that everyone present was full of curiosity about the weapon in his hand, but Ted couldn't hear what they said at all. He could only deduce it from the mouth shape and exaggerated facial expressions. They should be shocked.

After 3 minutes, Ted's tinnitus gradually changed from 'buzzing' to the sound of the sea tide that can only be felt at the seaside, as if it was caused by the waves, making his ears submerge in the water for a while and surface for a while.

After 5 minutes, Ted gradually relieved from the tinnitus and began to hear the words of people around him clearly, but the phantom pain still existed, and there seemed to be bugs crawling on the eardrum, and he would bite himself from time to time.

It may be the first time in this life to hear such a loud sound, and the ears can't adapt to it. I guess it will be fine after a while
Before starting to formally learn to shoot, Ted made up his mind that certain protective measures should be taken for the ears, at least a layer of cushioning, and at least two lumps of wool!

As for Laomei's tactical headset, Ted still doesn't have that kind of strength.

In my previous life, as a cute new military fan, I even spent money to buy one from Haitao's old driver to play.

The full name of this miraculous earphone is "Pickup Noise Canceling Earphone". Not only can it be used as a radio to communicate with teammates, but its main function made Ted feel the shock brought by this humble technology.

First of all, through the basic physical noise reduction, the external noisy ambient sound is reduced to protect the ears, and the sound pickup function of the microphone is used to reduce the low-frequency sounds that are difficult to hear, such as the imperceptible voice next door, and the footsteps upstairs. Sound, amplify these useful sounds!
At the same time, it limits the high-frequency sound, prevents the sudden sound of guns from torturing the ears, and reduces the noise to an acceptable range.

The ones with active noise reduction and low delay are too expensive, and they are mostly used by artillery, armored soldiers, and pilots. Besides, this involves a country’s secrets, so you can’t buy the ones that Ted bought, and they eliminated them. s things.
Equipment like this is enough to reflect the crushing brought by Laomei's equipment advantages in "asymmetrical combat".

When the gangster is slowly moving towards you or whispering, this headset will let you hear them clearly, so you can prepare ahead of time, and don't let the explosion of gunfire knock your eyes out in the ensuing firefight. Ears, by the way, can also provide the ability to communicate with teammates~
Good things are good. The price of 10000 yuan is a bit expensive, but
Wearing it, whether it is a loving couple upstairs in the middle of the night, an old man playing chess downstairs, or the voice of a neighbor's parents reprimanding their children, it is like a live broadcast in the ear, which can be heard everywhere.

Even when I was in the hotel, at the other end of the corridor, the takeaway boy stepped on the blanket quietly, and could hear the sound of the takeaway quietly.

At that moment, Ted felt that his hearing was strengthened, and he even worked as a private investigator for three months, helping rich local tyrants to check whether their wives were faithful.

Although this gadget has excellent functions, it cannot be used to listen to music. If you play music, it will explode like the total loss sound quality heard in the toilet of a concert. A drum beat will be transformed into the noise of fingernails scratching a blackboard.

So not long after, he resold it for [-] and bought a new phone for himself.

This kind of headset, Ted is not thinking about it for the time being. Rather than coveting this kind of advanced equipment, it is better to climb the technology tree earlier, so that those students can master this technology in advance and equip it to soldiers.

Then you can train an elite special team, assemble top-level equipment, and take them all over the world to bully others~
After that, if the two countries fight and you don't want to sell arms, but you still want to persuade the fight, you can parachute to their palace, tie up the two emperors, and put them on a table to have a good talk.

If the talks go well, they will live in peace. If the talks don't go well, it is estimated that their gods like them quite a lot. Sending them to reunite seems to be a good choice.

When Ted regained half of his hearing, he stopped thinking about it and asked the soldiers to dissect the pig with daggers to check its physical condition.
In the next hour, Ted told everyone what the weapon in his hand was, and told everyone the simple principle, by the way, he initially mentioned the cavity effect.

After all, today is just a preliminary understanding, and deep learning will start tomorrow.

If you want to learn thermal weapons, you have to start with the most basic maintenance, and then start when you understand it.

And Ted can be regarded as understanding the good intentions of the system. If these soldiers get these weapons without learning, there will definitely be troubles
(End of this chapter)

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