Duke of Herrington

Chapter 51 One person does one thing and one person does it!

Chapter 51 One person does one thing and one person does it!

In the city hall, the soldiers still stayed in the cafeteria, because they had nothing to do at night, so they might as well learn to read with Uncle Makarov.

Among the soldiers, many have learned to read and write, but most of them are still stumbling, so a temporary mutual aid group was formed at night to help each other speed up their literacy.

Just when Mueller was about to go to the toilet, he saw Joseph escorting his father to the city hall.

"Eh? Joseph, what's going on? Didn't you go to celebrate your brother's birthday?"

With a sad face on his face, Joseph didn't know how to answer, he could only cope with one sentence: "It's hard to say."

Seeing this, Muller didn't ask any more questions, and reminded with a smile: "We spontaneously organized mutual aid literacy in the cafeteria. I remember that you have learned to read and write a long time ago. Don't forget to teach everyone later!"

"Of course no problem!" Joseph nodded with a smile, and continued to escort his father to the citizen reporting office.

At the same time, Ted and Chris are discussing matters here, they are studying how to allocate limited resources, and they happen to see Joseph.

"Eh? It's you? Is the dragon fruit delicious? What's the situation? Did you catch a thief on the way?"

Ted signed his name and handed it to Chris for the file.

Since free food was distributed, the crime rate in the northern border has plummeted. It has been a long time since we have seen criminals. After all, most criminals only commit crimes because they have no food to eat, not for the sake of committing crimes.
Immediately afterwards, the two joined in the fun and came to Joseph.

Originally, Joseph just wanted to report his father, pay a fine, and drive him out of the house.
Just atone quietly like this, don't want anyone to know.
It's just that the plan never changed as quickly. I didn't expect Joseph to meet the captain first, and then the lord and his vassals.

If you let them know, then your face will be completely gone.

"My lord. I." Joseph hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth. He didn't have the courage to lie in front of the lord. Telling the truth would at least make him feel better.

"That's right, my lord, please listen to my explanation"

After listening to Joseph's explanation, Ted shook his head with a smile, pointed at the handcuffs and said with a smile: "Untie your father."

"But, my lord"

"Hey, you don't have to pay the fine. One person does the job and one person is responsible. Your father is an adult, so he should pay the fine himself. Since he has no money and has a criminal record, let's hand it over to the labor reform department."

In order to confuse Joseph in front of him, and to popularize the law, Chris flipped through the "Northern Criminal Law" and turned to the page of stealing public resources, and read it carefully: "Article 122 of the Northern Criminal Law, anyone who has a previous conviction, if he commits a crime again, the value of the case involved is greater." If less, he was sentenced to three months of labor reform to pay compensation and fines.”

"Then, thank you, sir." Joseph didn't know what to say, so he could only think of such a sentence.

"Hey, what do you thank me for? You should thank the law, and yourself for your law-abiding behavior."

Ted remembered very clearly that this law was revised by himself according to the future criminal law. The original sentence was only one month in prison and a fine, but he felt that such a sentence was too light and useless.

The law not only allows criminals to be punished, but also allows those who are about to make a move to think clearly about the consequences.

It is useless to let criminals know their mistakes and correct them. It is useless to punish criminals. It is better to let criminals sweat in the quarry and be exhausted.

Judging from the value created by working as coolies in prison for three months, their theft is like spending hundreds of times the price to 'rent' an ordinary object.
When the next time your hands itch again, you will first weigh whether your behavior is worth it?
"My lord." The guard came to the crowd and waited for the order.

"Take this man away and sentence him to 3 months of forced labor!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

After the guards picked up the criminal, Joseph returned home in disgrace. Although the lord did not say anything about himself, he always felt a burning pain in his face. It seemed that there was such a relative, even if it was not his fault, he would feel ashamed
When the surroundings returned to calm, Chris took the small notebook in his hand and continued to ask: "My lord, are you sure you want to cancel the probation and bail? Do you want to cross out this parole for medical treatment and other things?"

Ted picked up a copy of "Cygnus Codex" and explained: "Of course, my concept is the same as that of some sages."

"If you commit a crime, you should be punished. No matter how good the criminal's performance in prison is, it cannot be a reason for his sentence to be reduced. At the same time, they will not reduce or evade punishment for any reason, because compared with the victims and their families. , this punishment will never be enough!"

Looking through all the codes in the system library, only this "Cygnus Codex" is the most suitable for my thoughts.

Chris continued to check one by one according to what Ted said, and circled the next key word: "The mentally handicapped... Do you want to cross it out too?"

"This article is reserved to prevent those with ulterior motives from taking advantage of the loopholes and hand over the decision-making power to the judge and the jury formed by the judge, so that they can cooperate with the local guards in the investigation. If it is forged, the crime will be increased."

Let amateurs form a jury, this kind of suffocating operation Ted can't do it, since it is necessary to set a sense of ritual, it must be carried out to the end!Combining trainee judges who have just graduated with serving judges to form a jury can not only reduce the error rate of executive judges, but also make them more rigorous!
"My lord. Then this one. Do you want to change human beings into any creatures?"

Ted had already known that Chris would ask such a question. After all, he didn't know much about the world. There are far more creatures on this planet than humans and elves: "Of course, in the North, even if the criminal is a dog or a criminal... A worm will also be sent to court and sentenced to a normal person's sentence."

"But if a dog stole the bacon from the neighbor's house next door, do we really have to judge the dog? Then who will defend it...?" Chris questioned his soul while stroking his non-existent beard.

"...You are right, change this to intelligent creatures!"

"Good lord."

The conversation went smoothly, and Ted revised many local laws with this "Cygnus Code", at least making most people feel that rewards and punishments are clear: "Again, the law is to protect victims, not Criminals, don’t mention any human rights in front of me. Criminals are deprived of all rights during their sentence, and they are not considered human beings. When they leave prison, they will return to ‘human’.”

"In that case." Chris frowned, looking at the last item in the notebook: "My lord, since you want to punish the criminals, why do you want to abolish the death penalty? Raising them and wasting food, wouldn't it make people happy to execute them in public?"

Ted smiled knowingly. He pulled Chris to the door, looked at the snow blowing in front of him, and asked, "Do you think those sentenced to death are afraid of death?"

Hearing these words, Chris stopped what he was doing. According to his own memory and the legal records of past dynasties, most of these condemned prisoners were not afraid of death, and even a large number of them clamored on the guillotine that '18 years later, it is time to die again. A good man' or something like that.

"They...are not afraid of death"

Ted turned around and snapped his fingers, and responded: "So, what's the point of you sentence them to death? Give them a good time, but it will fulfill them."

Next, Ted's expression changed, becoming eerie, like a demon coming to execute in hell
"I want to keep them alive. I only give them a little food every day to keep them alive, and then I will give them handcuffs and shackles that are not locked. As long as they are welded on, they will not be able to take them off if they keep breaking their hands and feet! Let them work in the quarry every day. Everyone spurned! Until stepping into the grave!"

"Not only that, but I also want to send soldiers to guard them, to prevent them from committing suicide, and to rescue them when they are injured. I want them to live their lives like walking dead."

"By the way, use them as negative teaching materials to deter those who want to commit crimes!"

These words made Chris sweat coldly behind his back. This suggestion is a good suggestion, but it is a bit scary to be said by Ted.

"Of course, these are aimed at those who commit the most crimes. A kind-hearted lord like me is also very kind to criminals like thieves. It would be nice to go to the quarry to dig stones with the vicious people for a few months~ "

Chris took out a handkerchief to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, picked up a pen and continued to record: "Ahem. Okay, my lord, I wrote it down, and I will let the staff of the legal department discuss it as soon as possible and then revise it"

Ted saw Chris's scruples, and took out a booklet from his hand: "Housekeeper, you have to remember one sentence, people are inherently evil, and those who are good are hypocritical. We can only rely on strict discipline." Only the criminal law can reduce crimes, so don’t mention the commutation of sentences!”

"Besides, I'm not that absurd to bet on other people's lives on whether a person is kind or not"

"Yes, my lord, no problem"

Chris saw another side of Lord Lord today.It was a bit scary, but he felt that what he said was very reasonable, and even made him forget that this lord is only less than 16 years old this year.
"By the way, do you know that there is a newly opened snack shop. The chocolate they sell is very popular. The price is 20 copper coins, and the cost is about 10 copper coins. Tell me, can we sell it to other parts of the empire? Will anyone buy it if the price is set at ten times the price?"

As soon as the subject changed, the tense atmosphere around was blown away by the sweet chocolate
"My lord, if it's ten times more, I think it's better to supply it exclusively to the nobles. The common people probably won't have the money to buy it. It should be fine to package it as exclusive to the nobles."

"Good idea, then write it down first, and I will discuss it with Steve in a few days."

Mentioning this sanctimonious prince, Chris couldn't help but sneered and said, "My lord, is he really a strict wife? These days, he's blatantly spending at least 18 hours with Wazina every day, without any , even a little bit of regret!"

Ted opened a can of Coke, handed it to Chris, and brought himself another can, pointing to the Yingbin building opposite the city hall and said with a smile: "People's ability to deceive themselves is the second, and no one dares to say the first." , look at it, as long as his wife doesn't know, he will steal forever! He will pretend to be a good man~"

(End of this chapter)

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