Duke of Herrington

Chapter 61 Things Cat Owners Should Do

Chapter 61 Things Cat Owners Should Do
The 'Devil King' Xiaoguai wanted to have a comfortable sex, but suddenly found that the bright space in front of him suddenly became dim, and the light was covered by three heads.

She turned her head slowly and found three two-legged beasts staring at her with wide eyes!
"You three. I have to go to the bathroom, so don't look at me, okay?"

Ted shook his head, looked sincerely into Xiaoguai's eyes, and said solemnly: "As the master, I am obliged to observe your physical condition, and I can also tell whether you are constipated and whether you need our help."

"By the way~ I can also decide what to eat for your next meal by the way~ If everything goes well and everything is normal, I will feed you cat food and a cat strip for the next meal!"

"Cat strips! Really?"

"Hmm~" After saying this, Ted turned his head and gestured for the soft litter box in front of him with his eyes, telling her to hurry up.

Xiaoguai nodded for the cat strips, it was delicious after all!A compromise is not out of the question.

The kitten stretched out its front legs obediently and placed them in the litter box, and then stepped in with its other feet, posing in an elegant shape.

After 2 minutes, Xiaoguai finished going to the toilet, shook his fur, walked out of the litter box, looked up at Ted: "Go and see, don't forget to wipe my feet and pp! You said you were a good host , then you have to do all of these~"

Ted didn't refuse, and these were just his duties!
First, according to the picture in his memory, he took out the non-alcoholic foot wipes specially used for cats, and then took out a small brush to clean up the cat litter particles under the cat's body, and took out the particles caught in the meat pad.

After doing this, he wiped the cat's four feet clean with a wet towel.

Then, he knelt down on one knee, hugged Xiaoguai, swung her tail aside, and wiped the area around pp with a soft, clean wet towel.

"Well, you're a pretty good master, I'll give you a good review~" The kitten raised its feet, put it on Ted's face, and lightly touched Ted's face with its nose.

Ted blushed, put down the boy, and continued with the unfinished task.

After cleaning up the surrounding area, he used a excrement shovel to dig up a few hard lumps and observed them carefully.

"According to my years of experience in raising cats, you should be fine! Very healthy!"

Xiaoguai opened his mouth wide and yawned, then he lay sideways on the soft quilt and replied, "Yes, I'm not an ordinary cat~"

While the kittens were resting, Ted pulled Mia and Alice and told them how to deal with cat litter and feces bit by bit.

Of course, Ted also unreservedly told his wives the skills of judging the cat's health from the feces and hard lumps.

"Little cats are little angels sent from heaven. We can't abuse them. Even if they accidentally scratch us, don't hurt her."

At this moment, Ted seemed to remember something, and turned to look at Xiao Guai: "Little Guai, you are carrying a mad dog."

Before the words fell, the little girl stood up with a 'swish', opened her mouth and let out a fierce 'meow', and then said in a small angry voice: "Am I that kind of unclean kitten!"

Just cursing was not enough, the little boy jumped off the bed angrily, came to Ted and bit his arm lightly.

"I'll bite and wash you!"

Such a cute kitten made the two wives laugh, and Ted also laughed. He raised his hand and gently touched the back of the kitten's neck and responded, "Little boy! You are so cute, can you let me see you again later?" Shall I eat a cat's head?"

"Eat the cat's head?" The two wives looked sideways at Ted almost at the same time.

After 5 minutes, Mia lifted the kitten, stuffed it into her mouth, then took it out and handed it to Alice.
Alice did the same before handing it to Mia
The whole process lasted for an hour, and in the end, the little girl's face was ashen. She used her clever little head, no matter how overclocked she thought, she couldn't deduce this confusing behavior of the humanoid creature.

Not only was his face covered with saliva, but he also enjoyed the taste of leeks in his mouth for an hour.

"Chives and egg dumplings. Hey." Xiaoguai couldn't tell the truth, so he could only let the two women manipulate him.

When the two of them were tired from playing, Xiaoguai breathed a sigh of relief, ran out of the big bed, jumped onto the table and lay beside Ted.

"I said ~ master, why do you have two wives? You are so connected. Heck, a person who is favored by the world must have a truckload of wives, right? I just caught the smell and these two wives are actually girls. !?"

Ted checked the last note, closed the notebook, lay down on the table, and said, "Why do you need so many wives? I'm going to die of exhaustion sooner or later!"

"But master, don't you have genetic enhancement medicine? Hurry up and develop the breeding industry! Let everyone have freedom of meat, egg and milk!"

"Hey~ I'm not in a hurry. I want to develop industries first. At least there must be oil drilling, oil refineries, coal mines, and steel factories! As for the genetic medicine, I don't plan to become the US team, so don't worry. Besides, my body is good enough~"

Ted was thinking about it, and stretched out his hand to embrace Xiaoguai.

"You little cat, what are you doing considering the owner's lifelong event? Can't you be your little cat honestly?"

The little boy blushed, so he gave a vicious 'meow', and then stretched out his paws to put on Ted's face.

At this moment, a villain suddenly appeared in Ted's heart, and he was crazily shouting: "Change quickly! Change quickly!"

Ted couldn't help shivering, quickly took a deep breath, shook his head to clear his mind: "Little boy, are you hungry?"

"No. Even if I'm straight, I can't eat 8 meals a day!"

As soon as the words fell, a maid of the lord's mansion quietly pushed open the bedroom door and whispered: "Master, ladies, the meal is ready, today's dinner is roast chicken~"

Hearing the roast chicken, Xiaoguai leaned back slightly tactically, and asked, "Have you added any seasoning?"

The maid didn't hear who was speaking, and thought it was a lady asking a question, so she answered honestly: "No seasoning is added, because the master likes to eat it with sauce after roasting."

"Hee hee!" Xiaoguai threw herself into Ted's arms without the slightest hesitation, feeling the warm embrace.

"Master, I will share some of the roasted chicken~"

"Of course~ I'll tear open the chicken breast myself and share half with you!"

"Meow~" The little cat's coquettishness is always the most effective. Ted has no reason to refuse, but turned around and woke up the two sleeping wives, and went to dinner with Xiaomi~
At the same time, a girl covered in snow rolled and crawled through the snow. When passing by Valentine, he smelled the aroma of food!
"I'm so hungry. There's food there. Sniff! It's meat!"

Drooling, the girl swam out of the snowdrift bit by bit and came to the gate of the city.

At this time, the guards standing upstairs also found the girl downstairs.

"Hey! Little girl, where are you from?"

"I'm so hungry." The little girl smelled the smell of pork and mushroom buns in the soldiers' hands!

"I'm hungry!" The girl immediately transformed into a pair of wings, flew steadily into the sky, landed gently next to the steamed stuffed bun basin, raised her finger and asked the soldier standing by: "Can you give me what you have in your hand?" "

"Well, no problem." The surrounding soldiers also witnessed all this, and the captain of the guard immediately asked the fast-footed soldiers to report to the lord!

"Ah! Mu! Hehehe, delicious!" The girl swallowed a small pot of buns in one gulp, turned to look at the other soldiers: "Is there any more?"

"The buns are here!" The cook and the two soldiers came to the city wall with a big iron pot full of buns as if they had planned it beforehand!
"Food!" The girl waved her wings to the side of the cauldron following the wafting scent, transformed her head into a shape several times larger, grabbed the handle of the iron pan with both hands, and poured all the buns inside into her mouth. Not even a tiny bit of soup was wasted!

"Hi'er. I'm full, hehehe, thank you, I will come tomorrow! You are good people! Hehehe!" After finishing speaking, the girl spread her wings and quickly flew to the sky, towards the top of the snow mountain in the distance
Only a group of soldiers were left at a loss in the cold wind.

"That. Our dinner." The captain turned to look at the cook.
The cooks put on their hats and let out a long sigh as if they were facing an enemy, so they had to lead people to make some fast food again, so as not to let the soldiers stand guard hungry.

"Wait, I'll make twice-cooked pork, let's eat twice-cooked pork pot!"

(End of this chapter)

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