Duke of Herrington

Chapter 65 The Ice Age...

Chapter 65 The Ice Age.
The donation ceremony went very smoothly. Everyone praised Prince Steve's behavior. They ate fruit while discussing future plans.

As a prince of an empire, he felt pressured during the discussion, and even felt that his IQ was not enough, so he was pushed to the ground by these people and rubbed hard.

The outstanding citizens around can not only express their opinions, but even drafted many documents!And made a set of forecasting models, 'follow guesswork', what will be the benefits?and compare them together.
In the imperial capital, the prince has never seen such a capable person. Everyone is flattering. No matter what position people are in, they only flatter horses or go to church to show how loyal they are to God.

When the 'dinner party' was at eight o'clock, because there was nothing to do, Ted even asked everyone to dismiss early and go home to spend time with his wife and children.

For such an efficient meeting, Steve was not only sad but also grateful!Because such awesome people are his teammates.

"Hi'er!" Lilia was finally full, and sat at the dining table to eat some fruit to balance her nutrition.

After all the people left, only a few core figures remained in the banquet hall.

Originally, Steve was going to discuss with Ted about the transportation of the chamber of commerce next year, but he was coaxed and dragged away by Wazina. He could only leave the prince's seal and hand it over to Chris for him to handle.

"Lilia, are you full?" Ted came to the dining table, put down the documents, stretched his hand over the chair beside him, and sat opposite Lilia to watch her eat the fruit.

It seems that this scene of wolfing down is also a bit pleasing to the eye?At least, in the eyes of other people, watching her eat will also arouse their own appetite!

As usual, Ted took out two cups, opened two cans of Coke, poured out a cup and pushed it to Lilia with his fingertips: "Lilia, can I ask you a few questions?"


"You are the ice dragon branch of the giant dragon family, aren't you?"

"Eh? You get it! Then I don't need to explain."

Ted turned to look at Chris and gave him a thumbs up by the way.

"Then you come to our human land, are you looking for food?"

Hearing this, Lilia stopped what she was doing. It seemed that Ted's words did not match what she remembered!
"Your human land? This is the territory of our giant dragon! My grandfather came here to you human beings millions of years ago, but he stayed here for only 2 years."

"By the way, I remember that 2 years ago, I had dinner with a human named Billy!"

"Billy?" Ted held his breath and covered his mouth, shocked beyond words!
That was the first generation of Viscount Herrington, considered an old ancestor.
Chris closed his notebook and whispered in Ted's ear, "My lord, what she said is indeed true"

"Huh" Ted let out a long breath, recovering from the shock.
Now that you know the truth of the matter, you can ask the question you just discussed with Chris.
"So, Lilia, do you know what the ice age is like outside?"

Lilia broke off a piece of watermelon and stuffed it into her mouth, enjoying the cool and sweet taste. She tilted her head and asked in doubt, "What ice age?"

"Well, do you know why the snow outside suddenly becomes bigger?"

"This! It's because of me." Lilia put down the watermelon in front of her and explained patiently: "We ice dragons usually control our own breath and don't let this force disturb the weather, but I'm the youngest in the family. Only 50 years old, the control of this ability is not very good."

Speaking of this, Lilia scratched her head and said shyly: "So, I have to eat a full meal every 1000 years. But in the era when I was born, food was too scarce, so I didn't evolve into adolescence. I couldn't be like my parents. Or brothers and sisters get energy from the environment like that.”

Speaking of this, Ted roughly understood what was going on.

The ice age was caused by the little guy in front of him unable to control his own energy, and the territory was not owned by humans, but the territory of the giant dragon clan. It was their permission to live here.

The best proof is that my ancestors ate with Lilia's family.

"So~ Lilia, are you full?"

Lilia nodded in satisfaction, and said happily with a thumbs up: "This is the first time I've eaten enough since I was born!"

"First time full? For the first time in 50 years?"

Lilia guessed that Ted would ask this question, so she slowly told her early experience: "We all lived by eating dinosaurs a long time ago, but... on a certain day, many big stones fell from the sky and killed these dinosaurs. After more than half of them were wiped out, we would have nothing to eat."

"The patriarch grandpa ordered everyone to stop breeding in order to prevent the extinction of dinosaurs, and I was the last egg"

"In order to let the future generations have enough to eat again, grandpa chose to take everyone to sleep on the snow-capped mountains, waiting for the moment when the world comes back to life."

"That's it." Ted sighed, and opened the world map of Planet Aquamarine built into the system.
The places I haven't been to are all gray, but there are still descriptions and introductions of races, and the approximate number of creatures is also displayed.

Over the years, the number of dinosaurs has indeed recovered a lot, but it certainly has not recovered to the level of the year.

After that disaster, a large number of dinosaurs died, giving other small races a chance to survive, thus establishing civilization to dominate one side, thus indirectly reducing the living space of dinosaurs.

According to data records, the place with the most dinosaurs should be located in the subtropical rainforest continent in the southern hemisphere of Planet Aquamarine.
"The Zandalari Empire? Are you sure you didn't go to the wrong set?"

"Oh, no, I was wrong."

The system simplifies the information so that the host can understand it immediately.

'This empire can be understood as the 'Zandalari Empire' that the host has seen. On Planet Aquamarine, they believe in the sun god, similar to the ancient Egyptian civilization on Earth. The supreme ruler is the pharaoh, and the full name of their empire is for "Unknown"'

Sure enough, those who haven't seen it are unknown, but at any rate, I have an understanding first. It's just that it's too early for me to be in the southern hemisphere of Planet Aquamarine while I am in the northern hemisphere.
Now that you understand all cause and effect, you can ask some key questions.

"Miss Lilia, if you are full now, will the ice age be gone?"

"Yes! As long as Lilia is full, there won't be the so-called 'ice age' and winter won't be prolonged~ just like other places in the continent."

Hearing this, Ted's hands began to tremble.
The number one reason for the backwardness of the North is the climate!If the climate was like the rest of the Empire, the North would be 800 streets behind them under its own leadership.

"K! Re! S! Call everyone who can mobilize, we're going to get started!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

If he had known about this earlier, even if Ted had pawned his bitter tea seeds, he would have fed this young dragon!

Of course, taking the opportunity to kill her is also a way, but... this is the territory of the giant dragon, and you want to be an enemy of those things?It is estimated that they will eat all human beings as food!
Moreover, Ted will not attack friendly targets or neutral targets, let alone make enemies everywhere.

After Chris left, Ted stood up and stretched out his right hand: "Lilia, from now on, I will take care of your meals, and I will never let you go hungry!"

When he said this, Ted was full of confidence, because according to the production model inferred by Chris, the growth of meat is enough to feed 90 people.

The Lilia in front of her can eat 1000 people, which is nothing compared to the increase of 30.

From this point of view, just consuming 1000 more people's rations can exchange for prosperity in the northern border. This deal is too good-for-nothing!You don't lose money with your own blood!
In front, Lilia was completely stunned after hearing that she could 'eat a meal'.
Not only was she overjoyed, but she was so moved that she shed tears of pain. Instead of reaching out to shake Ted's hand, she threw herself into his arms.
"Are you really going to make Lilia full?"

"Of course, I will do what I say! I swear on my life, I will definitely make you full!"

"Then Lilia is willing to marry you!"

"No. Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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