Duke of Herrington

Chapter 69 The Plan Against the Church

Chapter 69 The Plan to Deal with the Church ([-])
As for why the northern border has never done this. That is because most northern families can't even save a single silver coin a year.
The Pope never makes money-losing deals. Even if there is a God in this world, he will only protect those who are rich and powerful.
"If that's the case, then do it"

Ted picked up a pen and wrote down his plan bit by bit.

Christmas requires believers to sing hymns and pray, but also to repent of the sins they have committed with a pious heart
It is not too easy to compare this one!
If you pray for Christmas, the Sun God Sect also prays on this day!
This world is not a world of evildoers, but more of kind and honest farmers, who work hard every day to live, why are they guilty?
Therefore, the disciples of the Sun God can directly ignore the item of confession!After all, what can be said is not a crime at all, and no one will say the real crime.

Instead of deceiving yourself and others, it's better to pretend that you don't know, and when you really meet a criminal, you can use the law to judge~
The next thing is to pray. The believers of the Sun God Sect don't have to huddle together in a room, enduring the smell of sweat and bad breath, shouting Hallelujah to a broken cross.

As a noble Sun God believer, just stay in a sunny place during the day and say: "Great Sun God, please bless us" to complete the prayer.

If it's cloudy, just shout out to the east!Efficient and fast, it only takes less than five seconds to get God's blessing!Not an hour, not half a day in church!

Compared with the invisible and intangible God, the sun god will at least be seen by everyone!Although it is a little dazzling, but... he really exists, and he can be seen every day!

This alone is a million times better than that non-existing 'God'!
The farmers who graze the cultivated land every day also know the importance of the sun, as long as they are slightly induced, and then subtly let them think that the status of the "sun god" is higher than that of the "god", and the power of blessing is higher and more effective
Those peasants will shake their original teachings, and if they fool around a little more, they will definitely be lame!

As long as you believe in the sun god, the output of farmland can increase!
After all, there is no place to use Ted's gold, why not take this opportunity to give it a try~
Without the sun, there would be no human beings. Even people who believe in God know this, and they firmly believe in it!Now, the action is more convenient!
After the prayer is finished, a group of people will come to the built Sun God Purification Hall, which is the bath to purify all the filth on their bodies.

When believers do these acts of respecting the sun god, the sun god will definitely give some feedback to the believers!
Other churches will distribute free food to believers after prayers. However, the food distributed is mainly vegetarian. They firmly believe that on the birthday day, it is the greatest respect for God to let believers eat fast and drink porridge. There is no oil or water in the food.

Then Ted will use his ability to 'sprinkle coins' and do the opposite!Let the believers of the Sun God Sect eat all kinds of heavy-flavored and high-calorie 'turkey burgers' after bathing, and there is no limit!
It is not difficult to pay for these actions with the profits from selling sugar and tin cans.

This delicious burger obtained after the final test is made of turkey and added with butter, which makes it taste the same as beef, and the cost is controlled at the same level as wheat!
At the same time, a restaurant called 'Makarov' will be established in the city, which specializes in selling turkey burgers!
Not for anything else, just to let those Sun God believers who can't afford to eat have a good place where they can afford to eat!
Referring to the old-fashioned Wendy's Burger, this 'Makarov' is an ancient version of cheap fast food!

After the beginning of next year, a large-scale turkey farm will be built, and the price of turkey meat is even cheaper than cabbage!The extra parts can be sold in other regions for a small profit.

God has no ability to let the people eat meat, but the sun god can!

Priced according to the general prices in the empire, a hamburger with 300 grams of patty, plus a side of French fries, and a large glass of sugar water, only 8 copper coins!
This price is even lower than a plate of vegetable salad in other restaurants!

certainly!Not everyone can enter this kind of restaurant, they must be followers of the Sun God to be eligible to enter and receive the favor of the Sun God.

Now, Ted has seen what the future holds!The believers of the Sun God Sect held hamburgers, ate French fries and drank sugar water, but the apostles of God in the distance could only have clear soup and little water.

If Da Vinci drew this scene, it would be very funny!

"Hey, I haven't paid much attention to him recently, but I heard that after he recovered, he was taken home by his parents, and he is living a good life recently~"

The problems of the day have been solved, and the rest is the problem of the night.

Compared with the previous prayer stage, the problem is more serious at night, because the hostile forces will let the men of the empire release the sins in their hearts and show the darkest side of human nature.

"In this case." Ted frowned and pondered, his brain kept screening the desires that could compete with sexual desires.

Until a "Uncle Liu Huang" came into view, a classic line awakened Ted's mind.

"Then play music, then dance!"

Compared with the simple release of a certain aspect, using the sound to carry the music, let everyone revel together under the strong rhythm, sweat and activate all the senses!Eating meat and drinking wine, holding the idea of ​​"sleeping NMB and getting up", implementing the characteristics of "continue to play music, then dance", and use all the strength in my body.

After dancing to exhaustion, go home and sleep well, not only save most of the silver coins, but also eat and drink enough!
"Then the entry price is set at 20 copper coins per person."

Anyway, Lilia is full, so there is nothing to fear in winter!It is not a problem to choose the venue in the south far away from the imperial capital!
In this world, few desires can overcome lust, only the desire for wealth can compete with it.

If you want to get rid of it, you can only use a multi-pronged approach, use appetite, alcohol, and madness, superimposed together, and open at the same time!In order to have the power to fight!
After the plan was completed, Ted looked at the full plan list and had a rough plan.

"Then, let's start by conquering Baron Tomato not far away!" Ted put away the spread papers, and took out the part belonging to Baron Tomato from the thick stack of materials on the right.

"As for the doctrine, let Chris make it up in the end and I'll take a look at this first"

Opening Baron Tomato's profile, Ted checked each item.

"Hey, it turns out that Baron Tomato's ancestor was the first person to eat tomatoes."

At the same point in time, there will always be similar people who do similar things.

It is precisely because of this Tomato Baron that the people of the empire have added tomatoes as an option in their recipes.

At the same time, Tomato also made him a success, allowing an ordinary young man to become a hereditary nobleman from a lifelong nobleman and own a town.

This town is Heishui City not far from here.

Compared with other towns in the empire, the people in Heishui City don't care about worldly affairs, they put tomatoes first in everything, and the priests and pastors in the church are also locals. They firmly believe that tomatoes are food given by God!
However, Ted doesn't think so, a tomato without light has no soul!

Tomato should be the fruit bestowed by the sun god!As long as you see the tricks when you get to the place, and use your fooling ability, you will be able to fool all the people in Heishui City!

In a trance, Ted even had the idea that he would pretend to be the sun god and pretend to be a ghost.
"Hey! What am I thinking! You can't fool the people, you have to have principles! Yes! Principles!"

(End of this chapter)

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