Duke of Herrington

Chapter 73 This God?Believe it or not!

Chapter 73 This God?Believe it or not!
In order to prevent accidents, Ted checked everyone's bullet bags, and after confirming that they were correct, he let the soldiers leave.

It wasn't that Ted didn't trust the soldiers, but he was afraid that the bullets would be discovered by others.

In the northern border, apart from scientific researchers and soldiers, only Chris and Steve in front of him knew about it. Even his closest wives didn’t know what this wooden stick was.
Others just know that there is such a fire stick that is 'not qualified to be used as a shit stirrer', but they don't know its purpose, let alone 'peanuts'.

After all the soldiers had evacuated, Ted made a gesture of asking for Steve to leave with him.

"Please, Steve, I'll take you to see my collection, and after reading it, I'll treat you to dinner~"

"Then I'm welcome!"

The surrounding atmosphere has changed, but Steve didn't realize it. It may be that Ted's acting skills are too good, or it may be that he has been reminiscing about the tenderness with Neptune, which misled his senses.

In short, the two chatted and laughed happily, crossed the corridor, went straight through the hall, and came to the lord's office.

The moment the door was closed, a group of heavily armed guards came to the door, waiting for Ted's order of "throwing the cup for the sign".

Inside the house, turn on the unique electric light in the room, and the light instantly fills the whole room.

It's not the first time Steve has seen these things, he's seen them before and is fascinated by this amazing little thing that doesn't use fire, doesn't smell bad, and is much brighter!
In this situation, he couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration: "Oh! This 'electric light' is so convenient, it can light up the whole room with the push of a switch! Thank God! I can see these things."

These words seemed ordinary, but to Ted, they were extremely harsh. It seemed that the development of the electric light was a credit to God and had nothing to do with the researchers in the academy.

So, Ted subconsciously said: "I said, Your Highness Steve, why do you always talk about God? This electric light was made by the researchers of the academy and has nothing to do with God!"

Of course Steve would not agree with this statement. He shook his head, and after thinking about it with his not-so-intelligent mind, he responded: "It's God who guided them to discover this miraculous little thing!"

"Just like back then, God blessed me and didn't let you hack me to death. He protects me and guides me all the time."

Hearing this, Ted plans to change his strategy, ask questions like this, let Steve answer nonsense, maybe he will get caught in it, why not let him talk, and find a breakthrough point from it.

Because at this time, tell Steve that these technological products are not guided by God, but by himself. For him, it will not have any effect.

There can only be two results, that is, the topic will be brought back to 'God guided Steve to meet Ted', and 'God did not let Chris kill Steve'.

So asking is a waste of time!
"Steve" Ted pulled the chair away with a smile, made a gesture of invitation, and took out two cans of happy water again: "Since you believe in God so much, then tell us your views on God."

As soon as Steve heard that Ted wanted to know his views on God, he immediately sat upright, with a look of showing his hospitality to God, and patiently explained with a straight face.
"God is supernatural! He created time, space, the world! And the sky!"

Hearing this outrageous remark, Ted put his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh.

As long as you have a little brain, you won't believe these things, but you don't need to complain, let alone despise ancient people with modern people's cognition.

"God is the aggregate of all wisdom, and everything he created is perfect! Before everything appeared, God existed! He! He is omnipotent! He is also strong! He is invincible!"

Ted's facial expression became distorted, he wanted to laugh, he wanted to complain, but his rationality told himself that he should hold back now and continue to watch Steve's performance to see how deeply he was framed by religion.
"God is sovereign and He is in control! Everything He allows to happen! It is for good."

"Hahahahaha" Ted couldn't help it anymore, he really couldn't stand Steve's serious nonsense face, which was completely different from his usual lewd look.
Such a 'disrespectful' behavior stunned Steve. He frowned, showing an unusual majesty, and advised as an 'experienced person': "Mr. Earl, I don't think what I said was a joke. Not that funny."

Ted shook his head helplessly, took a sip of the drink to relieve his emotions, and asked again: "Then Steve, let me ask you, if you believe in God, you have to worship frequently and pray, then may I ask, if you ask God Help, will he help you?"

Steve was confident and seemed to have the answer already. He opened his arms and raised his finger to Ted: "God sent you to help me, didn't he?"

Ted held back his smile again, showing a twisted face, and responded calmly: "But I don't believe in God. I didn't hear what he said to me."

As a believer, he couldn't stand someone saying disrespectful words to God in front of him, let alone this 'hippie smiley face', but he still suppressed his anger and tried to persuade: "This! Ted, you should believe in God, no Because of anything else, just because God created human beings, you should be grateful to him! Believe in him! Without him? Where are we!?"

Ted was worried that he didn't have a good breakthrough point, and Steve sent one: "Steve, I ask you a question. You said, God created human beings, can you talk about the process?"

Such a simple 'knowledge point', Steve has to recite it in detail!
He cleared his throat and said sternly: "God created Adam, he was the first man in the world, and then God created the first woman in the world with Adam's rib, she is called Eve."

Just when Steve was about to narrate in detail what happened to this pair of men and women, Ted interrupted him by raising his hand: "Mr. Tell us about their descendants?"

"Adam and Eve's descendants include Cain, Abel, and another way of saying is Seth!"

"are these all?"

"Of course! They only have 2 or 3 sons, that's all!"

"Then can you tell me, where did the wives of these sons come from? Since Eve was the first woman, how did the other women come from?"

"This" Steve was just about to open his mouth to defend something, but found that his mind went blank.
"Or are these three sons reunited with their mothers to reproduce? But the Bible doesn't say that? If it's really like what I said, you should follow their example! Then why do you still need a wife? ? Don’t you have a ready-made one at home?”

"No. You wait." Steve was startled by this question, sweating profusely, and immediately took out the Bible he carried with him to read!

But no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any information about the wives of the three sons.
"It's impossible!" Steve never thought about this issue. He only knew that Adam and Eve were the first pair of men and women, but he didn't know about the second pair and the third pair.
Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, Steve is in a hurry, so he should make him more anxious when he is anxious: "Or, the wives of these three people are sows? Or are they lizards?"

"There is another point, I don't understand, that is the one who was crucified, he can walk on water, and he can save thousands of people from starvation with a piece of bread, so I would like to ask, such a NB booming person, Why was he nailed to the cross? Don’t tell me that he sacrificed voluntarily. You just said that Jehovah is almighty and a collection of wisdom. Then his son Jesus is just like this? He has to sacrifice himself Is it okay? There is no other way? Such a collection of wisdom is so capable?"

"If this is the case, I think the dog at the gate of the city hall can also be a god!"

"You you." Steve's whole body was soaked in sweat, and he pointed at Ted with a trembling right hand!

"What me? Do you think I have to go to hell? Then I have to say a few more words! You believers, you always let others go to hell, why? Are you from Satan? You want Satan so much. Get stronger?"

"It's me. You!" Steve's blood pressure soared, but he couldn't explain it. These are blind areas of knowledge. He didn't know what to say except for hemming and hawing!
When Steve had this expression, Ted knew that he had won, and then, just continue to add fuel and vinegar!
"God loves the world, and then sent the flood? Believe and you will live? If you don't believe, you will die? In order to prove my loyalty to this wolf, I have to kill my wife and children?"

"Just now you said that it was God's guidance that allowed you to come to the northern border to meet me and avoid the disaster that followed? If God had arranged everything long ago, wouldn't your unfortunate encounter also be arranged by him? You spent so much money to show your loyalty to God and then he still wants to torture you? Why didn't you show your loyalty to God in the first place? Instead, you ended up giving me this 'heretic'?"

"That shitty thing about the church, if God can see it, why doesn't he do something to stop them!?"

"A candle for 80 gold coins, are you so willing to light it? As long as you don't light it, the priest will curse your whole family to hell? Is this kindness? This shit is called a cult. If there is a God, he will let this You want to be a priest?"

"A single indulgence can absolve you of all your sins? Then your teachings? Why do you still have to abide by them? You have enough money to make mistakes for a lifetime! Why do you care about these? Anyway, buy an indulgence, and your god will I will let you go!"

Ted's mouth is dry from all the squirting in a row, and he's about to stop for a sip of water

"You look carefully at your scriptures with your brain. You should be very clear about how many contradictions there are!"

This sudden 'Gatling' question made Steve speechless. He looked at Ted profusely with sweat, and was completely dumb with the scripture in his hand.

He doesn't want to admit that God doesn't exist, nor does he want to prove himself stupid
What he was waiting for might just be a step, so as not to embarrass himself too much.

(End of this chapter)

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