Duke of Herrington

Chapter 78 Young Bruce's Plan

Chapter 78 Young Bruce's Plan
The eastern part of the empire, in the city of [Munibai].

After careful consideration, the teenager Bruce decided to give up his suicide plan.He wants to live on for his family, no matter how difficult the future life will be, he will work hard to open his eyes and not forget to breathe.

Maybe it was because I was afraid of pain and didn't have the determination to commit suicide, so I made an excuse.

It may also be really for the parents, to continue living with their regret.

But now, none of that matters.
Because it is not easy to survive in this fucking purgatory on earth.

Sometimes, living like a walking dead requires more courage and perseverance than dying happily.

"Huh" Bruce leaned on the fence, stumbled back to the steps and sat down.

The flames beside him raised his body temperature again, and after an unknown amount of time, he finally regained consciousness.
Wearing his father's vest and his mother's handkerchief, he leaned on the stone pillar and lowered his head to think about the way out.

After that, for the rest of his long life, he would uncontrollably let out infiltrating laughter anytime, anywhere.
Such a chilling scene, just thinking about it makes me feel terrible!
Bruce wants to survive!Survive as a human being!rather than as a beast.
At the same time, he did not go to the disaster relief center under the city gate to receive cold rice soup.

Wang Mei quenches thirst, paralyzes himself with illusory hopes, and can last for a while. If he really smells the smell of food, but nothing flows into his stomach, the gastric acid secreted will probably cool him down faster.

"So hungry." Bruce looked up at the stars, waiting for tomorrow like the other refugees sitting nearby, moaning.

These days lasted for several days, until noon one day, Bruce could no longer bear the torment of hunger, and he planned to try his luck outside the city.

According to so many days of observation, no matter if they were officials or clergy, all of them had sunken eye sockets and walked unsteadily, and the priest was so emaciated that he couldn't even speak clearly.

Since people in high positions have nothing to eat, let alone low-level disaster victims like myself.

I heard some people who still have the strength to speak up say that there is still a small amount of grain circulating on the black market, but the price is extremely expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

If you want a piece of bread mixed with dirt and stones, you have to spend ten gold coins to buy it
But where do the surrounding disaster victims have ten gold coins?Not even ten copper coins can be taken out.

It is said that not long ago, a group of desperate people decided through final discussions that a village head who was still strong would lead more than thirty refugees to rob the black market.

But when they got there, they killed all the guards and pried open the closed gate, only to find that even the black market had been emptied.

In desperation, the group killed the fat man who was in charge of the black market, and the victims were sentenced to hang for public display.

According to this, if you continue to stay here, the food will definitely be consumed.

Before long, Munich will become a city of the dead.

After thinking about it, Bruce decided to leave here and try his luck elsewhere!

Staying here is dead anyway, so it's better to burn the boat and continue to go north while you can still move. If you encounter some hares on the road, you may live for a few more days if you get a bird's egg!

When she came to the gate, she looked up at the map of the empire on the bulletin board, and finally picked out a border town.

According to the thinking of most refugees, fleeing to a prosperous big city for refuge will have a greater chance of surviving, but the result is that everyone is crowded here, and in the end they can't even get a grain of rice, and the local residents will be affected , Let them suffer together with the refugees!
Therefore, Bruce decided to do the opposite this time and choose a city that everyone is not optimistic about!

Valentine in the north is too far away, and the shortest 120km wide Gobi alone persuaded me to retreat.

Besides, it is still winter, even if Bruce has enough food, as long as he enters the Gobi, without guidance, he will definitely get lost in the ice and snow.

In this way, it is better to settle for the next best thing and choose Heishui City!
On the way to Heishui City, you will pass by several villages and small towns. If you are lucky, you can find some food!
But the problem also came along with it. Going to Heishui City, the nearest place to stay, is [-] kilometers away from Sam's Village. If you go without food, you will definitely die on the way!

I heard from other refugees that in the woods north of Munich, there were no animals to eat, and mushrooms and wild vegetables were all uprooted and eaten.

"Try your luck! I hope someone with bad eyesight will leave me a wild vegetable."

People moved to live, trees moved to die, Bruce propped up his tired body, left the fire, picked up a few thick-looking clothes from the pile of dead people, and put them on his body.

"set off!"

Regardless of the kindness of the people around him, Bruce walked out of the city without looking back.

It is better to die outside than to die in a crowd. This can be regarded as the return of the soul to heaven and earth, and the road after death is spacious and bright!

Because Bruce didn't want to fight for food with others on the way to the paradise after he died.

On the way to the gate, an old man’s oil lamp ran out and fell to the ground without moving. Bruce came to the old man’s side cautiously, and after confirming that he was not breathing, he bent down with difficulty to pick up an old walking stick and held it against the old man’s hand. Blizzard set off again.

It was too late to say goodbye to his dead parents, so he chose to take advantage of the night to sneak out of the city!
Along the way, he picked up a lot of dead people's equipment, but his fragile body couldn't carry too many items, so he only took a kettle and a small pot in the end.

At this time, the wind and snow outside gradually became smaller, and it seemed that it might be a good opportunity to leave here.

Two hours later, Bruce finally came to the elm forest above Munich.

The distance of only a few hundred meters consumed all the strength he had accumulated in the past few days.

At daybreak, he leaned on a cane to lean on the tree trunk out of breath, and lay down beside an elm tree to rest.

I heard from others that some wild plants are edible, but the roots, stems and leaves that can be eaten were all picked up by other refugees, and even those buried in the ground were dug up and eaten.

Now that the wild vegetables and mushrooms have been eaten, why didn't this group of people think about eating bark?
With this strange idea in mind, Bruce took out his father's dagger from his arms, cut off a piece of bark, and put it in his mouth to try
"It's so hard! I can't bite it!"

He still didn't give up, and continued to use the dagger to buckle off the hard bark on the outside of the elm tree, but his strength was not enough to support it.

But he did not give up. After many attempts, he peeled off the hardest part on the outside, exposing the inner layer close to the core of the tree.

Regardless of whether it can be eaten or not, Bruce directly opened his big mouth and bit it. After tearing off a piece of bark, he chewed it slowly in his mouth.
"It feels soft and glutinous, as if it can be eaten?"

Bruce's eyes widened, and he continued to cut through the bark of the elm with the dagger, gnawing at the inside.

"Really edible!?"

A force gushed out from nowhere in his body, and he gained strength again.

Two hours later, it was dawn, and Bruce also experienced the long-lost feeling of fullness, and his physical strength also recovered.

He even thinks the bark is a bit sweet, so he can make it into desserts and sell it to make a fortune next spring!
"Will I survive until then?"

The question from his heart ignited his desire to survive again.

"I want to live, I can't die here!"

Bruce quickened his movements!Because if you want to save enough food to go to the next foothold, you have to go faster, pick more edible bark from the elm tree, and store them in your backpack!

Because this tree was rotten by myself with a dagger, and once the refugees around found this tree and knew that the bark was edible, the forest would be eaten up in a few hours!
So, hurry up and go to the middle of the woods to get more edible parts before anyone else knows, store them in your backpack, and head north!
As long as you miss the crowd, you will win!

Bruce pulled out his dagger, took out a small backpack from the dead body on the side, and walked deep into the woods.

Three hours later, at dawn, refugees scattered nearby found the miserable tree.

"Can this bark be eaten?"

A daring refugee was so hungry that he opened his mouth and took a bite where Bruce hadn't.

The cold bark mixed with snow water slowly melted in the mouth, and the sweet taste echoed on the tip of the tongue. This refreshing feeling made the refugees shed tears!

"It's soft, glutinous and sweet. It seems to be really edible!"

As soon as the words came out, the surrounding refugees took out sharp weapons from their pockets, rushed to the nearest elm tree, peeled off the bark with all their strength, greedily sucked the leaves, and then tore off the bark with their teeth and swallowed it into their stomachs.
"There is something to eat!"

Just when the refugees had just started cutting the bark, Bruce had already removed a dozen trees, because he was not tall enough to take the lower part of the tree.

During this period, God favored the young man and let him discover a hibernating snake!
Bruce quickly chopped off the snake's head, smashed the head with a stone, and put it in the backpack together with the snake's body.

After a few more hours, the food was sorted out, Bruce collected all the dry food for the journey, took some snow water, and left along the path
Walking out of the woods, he looked up at the sky: "If I can survive, I must be a good person!"

(End of this chapter)

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