Duke of Herrington

Chapter 82 The Serious Dragon...

Chapter 82 Serious Dragon.
On a mountain not far away, in the patriarch's cave
Two serious dragons sat on a stone bench and communicated with their spiritual power:

"Francis, do you think this male creature in front of you is reliable?"

"Miss Zoe, I'm also waiting for your judgment."

"Well, I can't see through him, can you?"

"I can't either, I always feel that something is helping him to cover up, and I can't see everything clearly"

Ted sat on the cold stone bench in a daze. In front of other people's parents, he was too embarrassed to take advantage of Lilia. As a guest, he couldn't initiate a conversation. If he didn't say a word well, his image would lose points!

But in the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, and just sat idle for two hours. If he didn't speak any more, Ted would be driven crazy by the oppressive atmosphere!
He put his right arm on the table and took the lead to break the silence: "You two elders, why don't we chat while eating?"

Francis sat upright, slowly opened his eyes, and responded with his simple and majestic voice: "Forget it, just chat while eating."

Over the years, the people of the clan have used the spirit link technique to talk about the dragon version of the dirty jokes all the time. Now, as the head of the clan, he is very afraid that he will say some tiger-wolf words in the next second to destroy the atmosphere.

Especially when the youngest member of the family is present, he must pay more attention to his words!
Not knowing if it was a hallucination, Ted felt that the surrounding atmosphere had eased, so he dared to relax and raised his hand to conjure up a pile of food on the table.

Compared with the meals on the table just now, the food on this table is richer and more exaggerated.

Even the simplest dish, the braised pork ribs, was shaved off the bones by Makarov and replaced with potatoes!

"Ahem!" Tens of millions of years have passed, and the giant dragons either ate raw meat or roasted meat.

But now, with such a table of dishes appearing in front of his eyes, any dragon would be surprised!

It's just that they are the oldest and have the most experience, and after a few seconds of distraction, they return to their original serious appearance.

Just when Ted thought the 'food law' was out of the question, Francis spoke.
"Many years ago, our giant dragon was indeed a proud species, and we would not accept anyone when we said we would do it. However, our era has passed, and we should accept more new things and new races."

As he spoke, he picked up the cutlery with a blank expression, and raised his hand towards a plump roast chicken
Just as Francis touched the food with the fork, there was a "click." Zoe stopped him with a knife.

"The first bite, you have to give it to your wife. This is the rule you set, isn't it?"

Francis nodded, reluctantly withdrew his right hand, closed his right eye, and waited for his wife to eat first.

This rule was established tens of millions of years ago. At that time, there was no shortage of food, so it didn't matter who ate first, but now... it's hard to say.

So instead of closing his left eye, he stared at the roast chicken with it.
When his hand came back under the table, Zooey noticed that her husband had closed his eyes, then dropped the tableware in his hand, and grabbed the whole roast chicken with his paws!Open your mouth wide and ready to swallow!
"Hey! It's a good deal! Why are you opening your mouth so wide!" Francis panicked. He had been keeping an eye on the chicken from the very beginning. If he didn't eat any of it, his wife would eat it all. Years of sleepless nights!

"I'll just take one bite! Let me take a bite!" Zoe took the roast chicken in her hand and stuffed it into her mouth with all her strength, but Francis used both hands to stop her, and she couldn't stuff the chicken into her mouth.

The original harmonious and serious atmosphere, just because of a dispute over the ownership of a chicken, has become a funny comic scene.

"You'll be gone with one bite!" Francis clenched Zoe's left hand in tears, ready to eat the chicken first, but Zoe's right hand tightly covered Francis' face, pushing him away with all his strength. open
"What? You have to go back on the rules you set? Are you still the patriarch? Are you ashamed!?"

"At least... leave me a chicken leg!" Francis tried his best, even sticking out his tongue, trying to lick the roast chicken with it!

As a female dragon, Zoe must not be as strong as a male dragon of the same weight, so she used her feet this time!At the same time, she didn't care about any relationship between husband and wife, and shouted: "I won't give you a chicken butt!"

In this situation, Lilia could only shake her head helplessly, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of braised pork from the table and put it into her mouth, then turned her head to look at Ted beside her.

Ted had no choice but to shrug his shoulders to express his embarrassment. He wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. He could only pretend to sit there calmly and put the food into his mouth bit by bit.
Finally, after a 5-minute tug-of-war, the two in front of them compromised!

Francis gets cock ass but only half
After that, everyone was eating in harmony without saying a word. Ted wanted to chat, but was stopped by Lilia. Judging from her facial expression, it was better not to disturb the second elder while eating.
At first, they ate with knives and forks or spoons, but when they found that they were strong enough to pick up the whole pork knuckle with chopsticks, they gave up the knife and fork.
Pick it up directly with chopsticks and throw it into your mouth to chew.

It doesn't matter whether the pork knuckle has bones or not, they don't mind, relying on a mouthful of teeth that are harder than Adamantium alloy, they chew the bones into a crispy chicken chop!

After a few minutes, the two of them seemed to have figured it out. In order to speed up the meal, they threw away the tableware, picked up the plate and put it directly into their mouths, licked the food with their tongues like eating scallops, and then piled the plates aside.

Next, there was the Ganfan Contest where the two dragons raced against each other. Ted and Lilia put down the tableware knowingly, and sat on the stools to watch the two dragons fight each other.

They look at each other, use hands and feet, plus a flexible tail, while maintaining elegance, try to let themselves eat as much as possible, and prevent each other from eating.

If because of this meal, the marriage of the Julong couple that lasted tens of millions of years was ruined, Ted would probably be depressed for decades.


Inadvertently, he saw the plates stacked aside
For humans, there is no need to wash the dishes licked by the ice dragon, because the body fluid secreted by the ice dragon is mountain spring water.

When they first learned about this, everyone was shocked, some felt disgusted, and some lowered their heads in thought.

But in the end, they all accepted the fact.

Their sweat, urine, and even saliva, whether they are put into the laboratory for testing, or directly drink to taste their taste.

The results are exactly the same as the mountain spring water left on the icebergs in the north, and the minerals contained in it can effectively supplement the trace elements missing by living things.
This is also one of the reasons why people in the northern border are strong. Even hundreds of years ago, they didn't have so much food to eat, and they were so thin that they didn't have much meat on their bodies, but their bones were still strong.

The other is the solid excrement of ice dragons. Generally speaking, they are all non-radioactive metal alloys on the periodic table of elements. Although the amount discharged is not large, it is better than sustainable development!
As long as the group of dragons eat and drink enough, humans can harvest precious metals. In this era, iron, copper, and lead are very common. Other precious metal elements are mostly associated ore, which exist in iron ore.

The existing methods are basically useless for impurity removal and purification, and can only be used with low-end alloys.

In other parts of the empire, the tableware used by the nobles was mainly made of iron-lead alloy, so it didn't take long for them to become stupid and stupid, and finally died young.

And Ted has always used wooden disposable tableware, throwing it into the stove and burning it after eating. According to the ancestors, this way is healthier!

At the same time, the chefs in the North were very poor, and the winters were long, which led to a strange tradition of using ice skates as kitchen knives, so Ted was less likely to be exposed to lead metal.

From a certain point of view, poverty can be regarded as the achievement of Ted
Eight minutes later, the four of them ate up everything in front of them.

That's when everyone started talking.

Francis wiped his mouth clean pretending to be calm, and looked up at the human in front of him: "Who, don't you know your name yet?"

"Well, my name is Ted, and I am a lord of human forces. I am currently in the north, not far from here~"

"Oh~ I remembered, there is indeed such a force on our site, but have you paid the rent on time?"

Ted shook his head, took out four glasses, filled them with Coke, and slowly passed the glasses to them.

"I think, you also know that we humans don't have a long lifespan like yours. The agreement made in the ancestors' time is difficult to pass down to ten thousand years later, so I don't know about the previous lease."

"Are you trying to break the contract?" Francis squinted at Ted, as if he was examining his mentality and coping ability.

"Breaking the contract? You are joking. Although I don't know what kind of agreement the ancestors made, but if you can tell me the content, I am willing to make corresponding compensation, including interest."

"Of course, I believe in you. After all, you have lived for hundreds of millions of years, and you will definitely not make fun of me, a 16-year-old boy."

Ted didn't treat Francis as an outsider, but looked at Francis in front of him more like an old man who wanted to please Lilia in order to marry her home.

According to the current information, everything about the dragon should be decided by the patriarch, and Lilia's parents have no right to interfere too much.

In other words, if the person in front of him is settled, not only will there be no problems with Lilia, but the land issue will also be resolved.

"Are you sure you can afford it?"

"If you can't afford it, you have to pay it. Someone has to pay the debt owed by my ancestors. Besides, I have a habit of not wanting to hand over the mess to future generations, so! I have to put forward conditions, while I am alive carry."

Francis swallowed the Coke in one gulp, and was quickly attracted by the sweet and astringent stuff.

"Ahem. Young man, as I said just now, the era of giant dragons is over, and now it is the world of small intelligent creatures like you. No matter how many requests I make, it will be a drop in the bucket for our entire group , even if you can do it, it won’t last long.”

The words of the patriarch are indeed reasonable. No matter how much interest is paid, no matter how much the price is paid, it is not enough for the entire group to survive for a long time.

"In this case, let me say first, you can balance the conditions and bargaining chips in your heart." Ted took out another can, filled it with Francis, and made a gesture of invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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