Duke of Herrington

Chapter 85 Taxation

Chapter 85 Taxation
The negotiations are finally over, and Lilia returns to Valentine with Ted.

For the remaining half a day, Ted did not intend to just rest like this, but planned to purchase those parts that could not be manufactured according to the factory drawings and combined with the technology in his hand.

In the end, after multiple confirmations by Ted, the required parts form was finalized, excluding the parts that could be manufactured, and 8000 star coins were needed to build the ironworks, the soda-making factory and the supporting nitrogen fertilizer factory.

Not long ago, Ted got 9000 star coins, and he spent some of them himself, leaving more than [-], and after such a toss, there is not much left.
"Hey, when will my star coins skyrocket like Wang Duoyu's money?"

In the office, Ted sighed and lay on the table, constantly thinking about how to do tasks to get stars
"grown ups?"

A familiar voice came, and Chris flashed here at some point: "My lord, are you done?"

"Chris? When did you come in?"

Since the beginning of planning the parts, Ted didn't look up again, but lowered his head and thought carefully according to the prompts of the drawings, and didn't notice Chris coming in at all.

"Ahem, I've been here for a long time. I see that you have been thinking about drawing, sir, so I didn't bother you."

Ted laughed. He didn't know how many times he was moved by Chris's careful behavior.

"Ahem, stop standing, sit down and talk slowly~" As usual, Ted poured two drinks, one for Chris and one for himself.

Dragging his slightly tired body, he stretched, pointed to the folder in Chris's hand and asked, "Why, what can I do for you?"

With a smile on his face, Chris put down the folder in his hand, and explained the purpose of his visit: "My lord, there are indeed some things, such as some uneducable people, they are unwilling to work, but they are lazy. To repay you!"

"Puff." Ted had expected it a long time ago!No matter what the world is, as long as you can get things for nothing, there will be such a group of lazy people.

"That's all?" Ted tore open a box of secret biscuits from the Moon Elf shop, put it in the middle of the table, and signaled Chris to try it too.

Picking up a piece of vanilla-flavored chocolate biscuit, Chris put it in his mouth, chewed and said, "My lord, there are quite a few people who do this, you have to find a way, right? You said before, don't let the North Someone starved to death, and they took that, and used your sympathy as their capital."

Ted took a sip of his drink with a smile, bit half of a biscuit, and then continued with Chris's proposal: "It's easy to handle, anyway, most residents already have jobs, the city is on track, and we have plenty of time to deal with it." This group of lazy people. Have you counted the number of lazy people?"

Chris opened a folder, with a strange arc at the corner of his mouth, and handed it to Ted with a smile: "These are the selected lists."

"The list!?" Ted looked at Chris in astonishment. He thought that it would be very soon to be able to count the data and hand it over to him, but he never expected it!He even counted the list!
"According to the information in the book, we remove those who are unable to work due to injury and illness from the list, and plan those who have been removed into the 'Northern Frontier Employee Insurance' plan, and they can receive standard wages for the rest of their lives as a guarantee of life."

"In this way, we can test the feasibility of this system in advance."

"You guys are really fast!" Ted took the list and was about to screen it again to avoid mistakes!

Because he will not chill those who are hurt by the development of the North.

But when he opened the list, Ted was once again overwhelmed by Chris' work efficiency: "The reason and physical condition are all marked? How did you do it?"

Most of the lazy people on the list are able-bodied and middle-aged men who do nothing but receive supplies on time every week.

"My lord, the household registration system is very effective. One registration can solve a lot of things. In addition to the recent standardized system, everyone's information must be registered in the register. Who does what work, who gets how much salary, every How many hours of work a week, these are clear at a glance!"

Having said that, Chris turned around and took out another document from the four-dimensional backpack to Ted.

"My lord, the people actively responded to your call, and we also took advantage of everyone's enthusiasm to register these!"

"Now, every working employee will pay taxes according to the scientific ratio, and the bosses will hand over the employee's name and social security number to the city hall for processing."

"Name? Social security number together? Ah! I remembered!"

Ted suddenly realized, and remembered the set of procedures he had changed. Because first names and surnames are more common, Ted simply applied the routines of most European countries and adopted the social security number system. Pay taxes and file taxes every year!

"That's true. This is indeed a method specified for standardized operations, but I didn't expect you to implement it so quickly?"

"My lord, this is not because of us, but more because of your policy of benefiting the people, which made the people feel high and responded positively!"

After getting along with Chris for many years, Ted is very satisfied with Chris's flattering skills, and he can always make himself happy just right, but not so proud.

"Then, my lord, look at this, this is the tax form we have calculated these days."

Chris is indeed a qualified mayor who knows everything in the city like the back of his hand!
Seeing the tax form, Ted frowned and looked at Chris in doubt: "Oh? Isn't our income gone? Why are there still taxes?"

"My lord. Because of the addition of the moon elves, the production of food and fruit is much more than before! Many wineries, bakeries and other workshops have reopened. I will introduce this slowly."

"The first is the seed tax. This is what I proposed, because the source of the seeds is you, so the share rate for you should not be too high. It must be there. After our final discussion, it was decided to be 10%!"

"Seed tax? You're a bit too much." Ted didn't intend to sell the seeds as a commodity. His original idea was to provide them to everyone free of charge.

Chris expected that Ted would react like this, and then patiently explained: "My lord, this is a part of the operation of the city. It was summed up by the think tank. It must be accepted. I hope you will respect our opinion!"

"According to an old saying, there is a priority in learning, and there is a specialization in art! My lord, you are far behind us in this respect, so I suggest you trust us."

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

"Thank you sir."

"But you have to explain"

Of course, the miraculously smart and reliable Chris predicted Ted's thoughts, and he handed over a batch of documents again, which not only contained his own understanding, but also notes in red pen.

"This is what I concluded from the book."

"In general, the tax is divided into several parts. The seed tax is the original agricultural tax. 10% of the 3% is your legal income, and the other 7% belongs to the city's fiscal revenue."

"We abolished the agricultural tax and replaced it with a seed tax. In the past, farmers had to pay their own harvest, but now... they only need to pay a 10% tax when they buy high-quality seeds from you."

"The next step is the consumption tax. Every transaction completed in the north has to pay a tax, and this rate is 15%, which is paid by the buyer to replace the abolished commodity tax."

"And then there's the payroll tax, and the minimum wage, and those are the regular taxes, and for the average household, it's the income tax and the consumption tax."

"For those self-employed, the way of paying taxes is a little troublesome, but it is not a problem!"

"According to your will, we canceled the poll tax and added a 2% construction tax. This amount will be deducted from everyone's salary in advance, and the people in the north will decide this according to the newly added real-name voting system. The specific use of this income will give everyone a feeling that we are deciding the future of the city, and increase the probability of producing outstanding citizens!"

After such a set of operations, the tax percentage has been reduced from the previous 65% to about 30%.
It seems that the ratio has decreased, but because of the increase in productivity and the substantial reduction in tax evasion, the actual income has actually increased a lot.

"Chris, I think this part needs to be changed"

"No problem, my lord, I will make a note of it, and I will hand over the result of the discussion to you later."

After 2 hours of deliberation, the method to deal with lazy people was determined.

Ted reduced the quantity and quality of food distributed, and only kept the level at the stage of starvation.

If someone complained, Ted wasn't afraid.

After all, it is now the world of hardworking people, not a pig's nest for lazy people.

Most countries with good welfare benefits will always have such lazy people. This sum of money alone can bring down a country. If this money is saved and used for other developments, or as a backup, it is better than nothing Coins.

If they get together in a small group and start acting weird, it is completely impossible to get the same treatment as those who work hard without doing anything.

The tax system Ted has instituted is designed to keep people out of this category.

Before enjoying the five insurances, citizens must declare their income in March every year. Those who have not declared their taxes will not be able to enjoy any city rights, including the upcoming medical system and urban transportation system.

Those lazy people don't have jobs, so they can't file taxes, and they can't enjoy any benefits.

Considering that most people must not understand this bunch of numbers, Ted even taught an accounting class to train professional accountants and file taxes for ordinary people, and the price is very conscientious.

"I don't know much about these. I'm not as professional as you, but I believe you will not mess it up!"

"My lord, we are still groping forward. We can't guarantee that there will be no mistakes, but we will definitely correct them in time and prevent the mistakes from continuing!"

"Click!" After stamping and signing, Chris left the office with a smile on his face.
(End of this chapter)

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