Duke of Herrington

Chapter 91 Black Dragon Heart

Chapter 91 Black Dragon Heart
All the dragons stared at Ted with wide eyes, and told him with benevolent expressions: 'Eat it quickly! '

It can be eaten raw. For Ted, who has never eaten a little bit of raw food, it is a bit too much!It has to be cooked before eating!
After thinking about it, Ted suddenly remembered the previous conversation with the black dragon. He stretched out his palm to signal everyone not to worry: "Wait, he said it just now. If he eats his heart, he will die, and our position will be blocked." Discover?"

Everyone does not deny this, so Francis shrugged and said all the pros and cons: "Ah, that's true! But... you can only kill him or eat him, no matter which you choose, you will be discovered, but from the results Let’s see, it’s even better if you eat him!”

"Then is there any other way?" Ted wasn't ready yet!He even has to eat 16 medium rare steak, not to mention this bloody, still beating heart!
Zooey rolled her eyes, pointed at the heart in front of her and joked, "Then you want us to fight him after he recovers?"

"of course not!"

Right now, time waits for no one, there is no need for the crowd to wait for the black dragon to wake up, knock him out again, and take his heart again.

Killing him directly and eating him have the same result, but not eating him is a waste.
But Ted didn't dare to eat it, but he couldn't do without it. In desperation, he had to reveal his secret to everyone again!

He let out a long sigh, quickly put his hand on his heart, and put him in the inventory.

[Acquired item: Fresh Black Dragon Heart x1]

"Huh?" Francis only felt as if something had taken the things in his hands away!He lowered his eyes and found that the palm of his hand was indeed empty, and there was nothing there!

The item disappears out of thin air technique, just like Lao Gunwu picking up the item, the black dragon heart instantly disappeared in everyone's field of vision.

At the same time, the ancestor of the black dragon opened his eyes. Because he was too sleepy, he did not locate the disappeared direct descendants?
However, according to years of experience, he did not die, maybe he went to a deep culvert to isolate the bloodline induction.

In short, he should still be alive. If he died, the bloodline sensor would ignore the limitations of time and space, and automatically send the place of his death and the last words he said before he died to all the direct descendants of the black dragon.

But now, the black dragon patriarch didn't receive these, so... he concluded that this naughty son must have gone to a certain 'paradise' because of his love of play.

As long as you meet him at the regular meeting in 200 years, you will be fine.

"It really doesn't make Long Xing worry." The ancestor closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

"Where did this thing go?" Francis was stunned by this sudden move. After so many years, he has never seen anyone who can instantly disappear an item out of thin air!

In memory, only the extinct faerie dragons can do it, but they don't directly make the things in front of them disappear, but they need to read a stinky and long magic spell to transfer the objects into the subspace!
Besides, the elf dragons are not so lucky. They are not favored by the world like other giant dragons. They are listed as ordinary creatures like dinosaurs, so they cannot be resurrected. Therefore, they were unfortunately extinct when the asteroid hit Seablue Star .

"Strange." Zooey pinched her chin and asked, "Is your ability to connect to another dimension? What kind of things can you put in? Can you put living things?"

In this world, there are very few things that interest dragons, especially this special ability beyond cognition!so!A group of giant dragons raised their heads, stared at Ted in front of them, and pressed forward step by step!
Ted could only wave his hands in a hurry, walking and retreating until he was forced to the rock!

Helpless, he could only hug Lilia tightly and use her as a shield: "I'll talk about this later, just pretend you didn't see it. After all, every creature has a little secret, right?"

Since Ted is not an enemy, there is no need to press further. Even Francis has a lot of secrets about his wife Zoe!
So everyone present, after a short thought, was relieved.

They don't care about this ability. In the eyes of the giant dragons, this ability is relatively useless. It can only be used as a storage space to bring more food, so that it will not rot, that's all!

"You're right. I'll just treat you as an elf dragon for the time being. That's fine. But when you plan to eat it, remember to let us know!"

"Do you have to eat it?" Ted felt nauseous and retched when he thought of the bloody heart!
"Hey" Francis pulled Ted over, patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Lilia is my great-granddaughter, and she is also the youngest in the family! We don't want her to have a happy marriage for only 200 years, so you eat You have to eat, you have to eat if you don’t eat!"

"Can I refuse?" Ted subconsciously raised his hand and made a gesture of rejection.

But the surrounding dragons didn't care.
Francis took the opportunity to pull Lilia over, pinched her face, and put her hand on Ted's chest: "It's useless if you refuse, for Lilia, we will stuff the heart into your mouth ourselves !"

"This..." Ted's face twisted into a twist. To be honest, he also wanted to obtain this special ability, but he couldn't accept eating the heart raw!
Francis has already seen Ted's thoughts and considerations, so he changed his mind: "Of course, you are only 16 years old this year. Don't be so anxious. You can go back and make mental preparations, but don't take too long! 100 years is enough. ?”

"Enough, 100 years is definitely enough! I will definitely think about it when I go back"

After Ted's pledge, a group of people returned to the construction site to continue the unfinished work.

The next day, Ted came to the small villa prepared for Francis, and he needed to confirm some things in person.

"This, Francis, I have an idea, and I need you to confirm it for me."

"No problem, as long as I know, I will definitely tell you!"

At this time, Francis was lying on a comfortable sofa, posing in a pose that a human being could not do.

"How is the ability of the black dragon? Especially in terms of defense, we have to prepare in advance to deal with future battles."

"This." Such a serious question made the drowsy Francis immediately refreshed, and he changed his look to make himself look serious.

"Their defense is not very good to be honest. Just like other giant dragons, they can be defeated with a slightly stronger physical attack. However. Their recovery ability is outstanding. If you can't kill them in a wave , it may be grinded to death by the black dragon little by little!"

"But these are only for us ice dragons, because our defense is very high, and magic damage is useless to us."

"At the same time, because black dragons are immune to magic attacks, when we encounter black dragons, we can only resolve the battle through hand-to-hand combat."

"In terms of attack ability, the black dragon's spell can easily knock down the fire dragon, and even kill the green dragon with one blow!"

Hearing that there are other types of dragons in the world, Ted interjected and asked, "Are there other dragons in this world?"

"Of course, we're not the only ones! It's just that we have nothing to do with the other two. The fire dragon always has an unpleasant smell. The acid attack of the green dragon doesn't do much damage, but it's too disgusting. I can't stand it." Those sticky venoms."

Speaking of this, Ted quickly reached out and said that he would not have anything to do with them: "Don't worry about this, I don't like green very much, fire dragons sound dangerous, they will ignite everything around them."

This sentence seemed to speak to Francis's heart. He sat on the sofa in a straight posture, took Ted's hand and agreed: "Oh, I didn't expect you to think so! I don't like green either! The group of fire dragons are also true, they like to burn things when they have nothing to do, they are simply synonymous with violence and massacre!"

"That's right!" At this time, in order to build a good relationship, Ted followed Francis's wishes and complained together!
In traditional culture, dragons who are associated with water do not seem to be that evil. On the contrary, dragons that breathe fire often act as the incarnation of evil. They use fire to burn down forests and towns, and it seems that they will only bring pain to other creatures!
Half an hour later, Francis answered all of Ted's doubts.

"In this case, I have a general understanding of them."

Speaking of this, Ted took out the weapon that repelled the black dragon yesterday.

"Look at these two, do you have any impression?"

"Oh?" Francis reached out and picked up the big sniper, and weighed it in his hand
"The portion is adequate and delicate, but what is this thing for?"

Ted stepped forward and signaled Francis to put down his weapon. He pulled out the magazine and took out a sniper shell from it.

"This is the one that broke the brain of your opponent dragon yesterday."

"What? This is it?" Francis was stunned. He never thought that such a small thing could shoot through the steel armor of a giant dragon!
"Yes, it's just that it's a bit laborious to operate. We humans can't use it for the time being. We can only rely on the giant dragon to transform. With a height of about 8 meters, we can control the weapon and use it!"

After learning about this sniper gun, Francis pointed to the other: "Then this is the weapon that can chase Long Fei?"

"Yes. Just aim and you won't be able to run away"

Although Ted didn't directly explain the purpose of coming, but based on the current conversation and the weapons on the table, he guessed a general idea.

"Do you want to eat the heart when you have the ability to fight the black dragon?"

"It seems that nothing can be hidden from you." Ted smiled and waved his weapon back, conjured up 10 boxes of Coke and put them on the table.

"Since you know everything, I don't need to repeat it again! What about me~ Seeing that you like drinking cola more, I will leave these 10 boxes to you. I don't have much reserves. When I research the formula, I will supply indefinitely”

"Hey! This one, I have to drink less. I only drink two cans a day. I can't let my wife see it. If she sees me, I won't have to drink." Francis said, lifting the sofa and preparing to hide the Coke. When he got up, he found Zooey standing at the kitchen door, looking at him kindly.

"Hey wife, listen to my explanation!"

"Give the first sip to my wife!"

"Hey, don't swallow the box, hey!"

(End of this chapter)

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