Duke of Herrington

Chapter 98 The final preparation, the attack is about to take place!

Chapter 98 The final preparation, the attack is about to take place!
After all the recruits entered the room, Ted loosened his frowning brows, put his right hand on the railing, turned his head to look at Chris, and then raised his left hand to point to the barracks not far away: "I said. Is this really true?" Is it possible?"

Chris shrugged, turned to look directly at Ted, and responded seriously: "I don't know, but it should work!"

As a very reliable person, Chris has always believed in one point of view!
That is, human energy is limited, and it is impossible to be proficient in everything. Even if a moon elf or a giant dragon has an infinite lifespan, there is no way to learn everything.

Memory will change from being proficient in one item to being proficient in two items as time goes by, and by the time you reach the third item, you will lose the level of proficiency in the first item.

Therefore, it is the most correct choice to entrust professional matters to professional people.

No one in history can master all the knowledge in the world!Knowledge is always increasing, and the brain has only so much capacity.

Besides, this in itself is an unrealistic thing. After all these years have passed, the dragons are still the same. They are as powerful as Francis and don't know how to calculate the addition and subtraction of more than 100.

For them, their own strength is already strong enough. Compared with the improvement of their abilities brought about by science and technology, it is not as good as growing 2 taels of flesh.

No scientific breeding, no greenhouse planting, it is better to hide in a hole and sleep!

However, if the brains of the giant dragons are used, they must be better than these small creatures.

But, such a big brain consumes a lot of power. Maybe thinking about a problem for an hour will cost you a meal!So thinking about something, forget it, lying down is the best choice.

These simple principles seem simple, but few people can really understand and implement them!
Just like Brother Martian's dance, each movement seems very simple, but if you change it to another person, connect the movements, no matter how you twist your body, you can't reproduce the beating look.

Thinking about this, Chris put away his notebook and continued to respond seriously: "My lord, it's still the same sentence, professional things are left to professional people. Our task is very simple, which is to screen out those who share our goals and obey our orders. Our people, give them the task!"

"you are right"

Ted let out a long breath, reached out and patted the railing in front of him lightly, and continued after a while: "It seems that I don't need to hold everything in my own hands, I have to let it go."

In this regard, it is hard for Chris not to support: "Yeah, screening qualified talents is already very laborious. I hardly slept a while ago, just to screen out those who are really willing to serve the people."

After sighing, when the two were about to change the topic and continue chatting, there was a snoring sound, and Steve fell asleep.

Unlike ordinary people who snore, normal people snore when they inhale, but Steve doesn't move when he inhales, but makes a sound when he exhales.

It's like a low-profile version of motorcycle bombing street, and it sounds very rhythmic.
Ted turned his head to the side, listening to the thunder echoing in the room, he couldn't help asking in his heart: "How can Vadina endure such thunder?"

I can't take care of so much now, because this place is not suitable for sleeping. If Steve just fell asleep here, it would be difficult to deal with being cold and catching a cold!

So, Ted approached Steve quietly, put his hand on his shoulder, and called softly: "Steve! We are going to the shooting range! If you are tired, we can talk tomorrow!"

As soon as this sentence was said, Steve woke up immediately. He got up in a hurry, put on his hat, and said with sleepy eyes: "I'm not tired, let's go, let's go now!"

Right now, Steve has only two hobbies, being with Vajna, and seeing these weird things
Since Steve doesn't plan to go home, Ted has to take them to his arsenal~
"Then come with me, don't forget to wear earplugs, we have a semi-open-air shooting range to test weapons, but the sound is still very loud."

"Don't worry, I have several pairs with me!"

Infected by Steve, Ted was also a little tired. He stretched his waist with his mouth wide open, put on his coat and turned his head to signal Steve: "Then let's go."

According to the previous agreement, Chris was not invited to the shooting range because he was only responsible for people's livelihood and development, and he had no right to intervene in the military field.

It's just that it's just a weapon, a man's toy, it's not military, it's just relaxation at best.

"Chris, if you have nothing to do this afternoon, come along!"

"No problem my lord, I just want to see how this weapon differs from our traditional swords."

So far, Chris has only heard of this kind of thing, and has not really felt the power of this thing. Right now, he has time and is invited by the lord. If he misses it again, I don’t know how long it will take
Putting on their coats, under the leadership of Ted, a group of people crossed the road and headed towards the shooting range.

Ten minutes later, Ted entered through the back door of the shooting range with his own key, and brought the two of them to his arsenal~
Due to the upgrading of technology, the prices of some items in the system have dropped a lot, and Ted also took this opportunity to expand his arsenal.

It's just that the star coins are still a little nervous, so there are not many weapons mounted in the glass display case.

Ted also barely collected the weapons that appeared on Earth in World War II.

Of course, the scope of collection is limited to American weapons, Su weapons, and German weapons. As for the equipment of the little Baga, those weapons designed against human beings, as long as they have a little normal mind, they will be replaced by others!

Unless Ted had no choice, he would never choose Little Baga's equipment.

Just when he walked into his armory, before the door was locked, someone knocked from outside, followed by a familiar voice.
"My lord, are you there? I'm John, I want to borrow some weapons from you"

As soon as he heard the word 'borrow' the weapon, Ted probably knew what was going on.

Not long ago, John brought all the members of the weapons department to his office to seek samples of firearms, and Ted gave them the Thompson submachine gun.

The result did not disappoint. After only a few days, this group of people was able to successfully produce this more complicated firearm.
Compared with drawings, the R&D and production assistance brought by samples is more efficient.

John is a gun designer, and he also has the right to enter the shooting range to watch other people's test results.Therefore, whenever Ted walked towards the barracks, John in the city would follow him all the way to the barracks.

Now that he knew who was outside, Ted smiled and raised his hand to pull the door open!

Along with them, there are other students. However, according to the current level, they are already regarded as 'gun designers'!

As for why
Back then, Kalashnikov could not even make blueprints, let alone use vernier calipers, but with the help of workers, he was able to rub out a gun by himself. Although the things these people made were not original, in terms of results, they were also worthy of the title.

"My gun designers, are you following me again?"

"Yes, yes!" John, the leader, did not say the result euphemistically, but directly stated his actions truthfully.

Compared with the green face before, after being dua Lang by the moon elf beauty, she also showed some maturity and stability, at least not as rash as before
Since he came here to borrow weapons, it was necessary for Ted to ask first: "What weapons are you going to borrow here? What are you going to do?"

But the witty John did not answer directly, but first stated his main purpose of coming here: "My lord, because our technology is mature, the lathes have also replaced a batch of new ones, and the weapons you asked us to make last time we brought Here we come! But... there is no way to get the bullets without your approval slip."

"That's why we want to test it right away! But the military shooting range is conducting shooting training, and there is no vacant space, so we are eyeing the location of your private shooting range."

Hearing this, Ted couldn't help laughing, and turned sideways to signal everyone to come in: "Come in, let me see what you all made."

"Come on, let's all move in!" John waved his hand, and another group of students hiding in the corner pushed their cars to Ted's shooting range
I thought there were only a few sample guns, but Ted was stunned by what was delivered.

"You can make things at a good speed!"

"Of course, my lord! These are all made according to the samples. We have produced a few qualified samples, so let's try them."

"Is that so?" Ted stroked the slightly growing beard on his chin, and took out a key from his pocket.

"When you come to test weapons in the future, just use my shooting range. As for the bullets, I will tell the Ammunition Management Office. Every time you come, there will be an ammunition manager accompanying you to provide you with ammunition."

Hearing that someone was guarding him, John put on a pain mask and fought for it: "My lord, no need. We have all passed the firearms test, and we need someone to accompany us."

Ted shook his head and refused bluntly. He pointed to the weapon beside him and expressed his thoughts: "The gun can be tested by you, and the bullets should be strictly guarded, but I really should build a small shooting range next to the weapons research institute. For you to test your weapons"

The thing that came to mind should be dealt with immediately, Ted turned to look at Chris, and said: "My dear housekeeper, remember to build a small shooting range for them as a test."

"Understood!" Chris reluctantly moved his gaze away from the exquisite submachine gun in front of him, took out his notebook and wrote the new mission on it.
In order to test the things made by everyone, Ted turned around and came to the small cart, and took off all the curtains covering it.

The moment the last piece of curtain was taken off, a big baby with a thick sleeve appeared!Shine golden!Appear in everyone's field of vision!

When Ted saw such a weapon, his confidence instantly increased a lot!He touched the steel body in front of him, drooling unbelievably!He couldn't help admiring: "You guys are amazing. Have you made this stuff?"

I thought it was just some rifles or submachine guns, but what Ted didn't expect was that John actually made a heavy machine gun according to his own sample firearms.
In order to adapt to future battles, John moved the research and development sequence of other types of firearms backwards, and raised the research and development priority of this heavy machine gun to the highest.

And this is not Ted's original intention. It is a suggestion written by Muller based on his own thoughts and experience after reading the book "The Art of Modern Warfare".
Because a real army is not enough to have rifles, it should also be equipped with heavy firepower and cannons!
For heavy machine guns, it can be put into use as long as a small amount of testing is carried out, and it is enough to modify and correct bit by bit during the battle.

As for the mortar, the sample has already been prepared, and professionals are testing it, but it will take a month before it can be officially equipped for use by troops.

Ted pointed to the machine gun in front of him, motioned for others to lift it up, put it in a window for experimentation, and asked by the way, "John, can you tell me why you chose this model?"

This question is not difficult for John: "My lord, there is a reason why I chose this weapon. First of all, it is because the bullets used by the M1917 Browning water-cooled heavy machine gun are the same as the rifle bullets we use now. They are all .3006, unified Ammunition can save a lot of cost and will not burden the production line, and we don’t need to spend extra effort to research ammunition of other calibers in a short period of time.”

This idea is basically on point. As an early modern army, the most important thing to pay attention to is the problem of ammunition. If the ammunition cannot be used universally, the pressure on logistics will only increase, and the pace of war will also be dragged down. .

"Well, I will leave two windows for you to test, and the remaining one window, I want to test something myself."

"No problem, my lord!"

After finishing this, Ted turned his head to look at Chris: "You haven't passed the basic study, so you can take a look first, and then you can get started after you pass the test."

"Of course, I know this, I'll check it out when I have time"

Firearms have not yet been equipped on a large scale, and Ted has no plans to release weapons to the public for the time being, but before that, a set of strict weapons control measures have been formulated.

If there were only humans in this world, Ted would definitely issue a ban on guns.
It's just that human beings are not the only ones in this world!If only relying on cold weapons, it would be difficult for human beings to contend with magical creatures. When encountering larger humanoid creatures, the weapons in their hands would not be able to cause damage to them.
A tall troll soldier in heavy armor can fight back and forth with 20 human knights, but the humans may not necessarily win in the end.

It is really not wise to let human beings abandon their weapon advantages and fight the enemy hand-to-hand when they are not dominant in all aspects.

Besides, you never know which will come first, disaster or tomorrow!

The best way is to let the people keep a certain amount of weapons and strengthen control, because these monsters don't know when they will emerge from the ground or in the forest, so it is not too much to strengthen their defenses!
With a hard and fierce weapon in hand, even if God comes down, people can fight him [-]-[-]!

Right now, in the first shooting window, because Steve completed some tests a long time ago, he can go straight to it under supervision.

Looking at the exquisite weapon in front of him, Steve couldn't help but want to try it first!

"I said, Ted, can you give me these weapons?"

As he spoke, he picked up a Thompson submachine gun, hung up the strap, and put it inside his coat.
Steve was not a skinny little fresh meat, he was a bit worse than Ted, but he was also a macho, one of the few normal products of inbreeding marriages.

It is said that among the several princes, only the second and fifth princes are normal people, and the others either have bad legs or are missing a few fingers.
Ted opened his arms, nodded to Steve and said, "As long as you pass the final test, you can take it away, but I remember that your test is still short of the last item."

"Yeah, about the psychological test, I took the test twice, but I still failed."

The purpose of the psychological test is to prevent gun owners from acting excessively towards ordinary people. If there is a problem with the psychological test, it means that Steve may not be suitable for holding a gun.
However, driven by curiosity, Ted still asked: "Which question? Let me analyze it for you, because I wrote the set of test questions."

"You made it?" Steve stared his nostrils wide, rolled his eyes at Ted, and complained loudly: "Question 72, about personal defense."

Ted remembered this question, and according to later statistics, he also knew that most of the testers had stumbled on this question, but the reason for failing was not because the testers were too violent, but too gentle!

A set of qualified test questions should not only make a fuss about the upper limit, but also control the offline to protect your own safety!

"Oh? What's your answer?"

Steve put down his weapon, turned his head and responded seriously: "What should you do when the opponent is holding a weapon and you are in danger? My answer is to fire a warning shot to make the opponent give up the attack."

"What?" Ted was stunned. He thought that the prince should be a little cruel, but he didn't expect his question and answer to be so gentle!

Since the prince's psychology is not violent, he can indeed give some hints.

"Steve, I can tell you that your answer is too mild and you are only putting yourself at risk because you are being attacked by a stranger who is charging at you with a weapon and you don't know Is he really going to kill you, or is he saying he wants to capture you alive?"

"But no matter which one you are, you shouldn't be so gentle, and let's use your own life to influence the enemy. I can only say that you are really a saint."

Steve didn't understand Ted's meaning. He picked up a magazine, played with it for a while, then put it in Ted's hand, wondering: "I thought you would say I'm kind?"

"Kindness?" Ted was stunned. He turned around and shook his head, took the [-] rounds of magazines and responded: "It is kindness to be kind to one's own people, and kindness to the enemy is the Holy Mother! There is someone with a weapon trying to kill him." You, but you are feeling sorry for your enemy? Hope to fire a shot to make the opponent stop!?"

"But what if that person is a friend?"

Ted broke down. He shook his head helplessly, took out a mirror and hit Steve on the face: "I said Steve, why did your friendly army attack you? Everyone in the whole country knows your face, Who would have misunderstood you?"

Steve's portraits are all over the cities. As one of the few normal people in the royal family, it is necessary to show majesty on behalf of the royal family!So most people can recognize Steve.

"That's right, so what do you say?"

"This is an exam question, you need to think about it yourself."


While thinking, the alarm bell rang in the distance!
"Bell! Bell! Bell! - Ring!"

Three bells means an enemy attack with 500~1000 people!Two consecutive sounds represent the enemy's attack from the south of the city.

According to the speed of discovery, the enemy is still some distance away from Valentine.
"Damn, who could it be? At this time?" Ted turned sideways and thought about it. He couldn't guess what would come to trouble him at this time.
"Could it be... a beast in the forest south of Valentine?"

Just as the bell rang, the shrill whistle followed!

All those who can use guns picked up their weapons and divided them into two groups according to the rehearsal plan. One part stayed in place to prevent the enemy from using tactics to move the tiger away from the mountain, and the other part immediately took a truck to the scene of the incident!

"Shouldn't we go and have a look?" Steve picked out a suitable weapon, filled the magazine and waited for Ted's instructions.

Ted has played StarCraft and Warcraft 3, and knows a bit of strategic and tactical information, but there is no God's perspective here, and his own experience is useless at all. It is better to let those experienced officers handle it: "No, we are not going anywhere. , I believe my soldiers will take care of the trouble, at most 1000 enemies, nothing to worry about"

After speaking, Ted continued to explain the weapon, and the gunsmith beside him continued to test the weapon, completely ignoring the threat.

Even if the soldiers can't handle it, the working dragons can come back to protect the city!

Since there will be no safety issues in the city, then do what you have to do: "Continue with your question just now, I can explain it to you, because your answer is milder, I can indeed give you some hints."

As he spoke, he took out a pistol and aimed at a distant target.
"Bang" shot down, because the .45acp bullet does not have enough penetration, so the bullet is embedded in the wood.

"Don't show mercy to the enemy! Sometimes your bullets can't kill the enemy in one hit. If you step forward to check the situation when the opponent is not completely dead, it is really too dangerous, especially if you don't know how to fight. in the case of surgery"

After saying this, Ted took Steve's weapon, loaded the magazine, undid the safety, pulled the bolt, and pulled the trigger at the target in front of him without letting go.
The firing pin hit the primer again and again, and the tongues of flame were like a ghost escaping from the gate of hell, stretching out its sharp claws and tearing the wooden board in front of it.

Metal peanuts were nailed to the target one after another, and the splashed sawdust created smoke and dust, gradually covering the entire target.
With the last sound of the metal shell falling to the ground, the attack came to a halt.

The magazine was emptied, Ted pointed at the target not far away with a calm expression, looked back at Steve, and asked, "Now, do you understand?"

Ted almost threw the answer in Steve's face, if he didn't understand it, his brain could be cut off and kicked as a ball!

"You mean, if I meet an enemy, I should empty the magazine instead of firing a warning shot or just knocking him down?"

"The answer is correct! Not only do you need to empty the magazine, but you also need to reload it, approach the enemy to refill the gun, and make sure he is dead!"

Speaking of this, Ted unloaded the empty magazine and put the weapon away: "For your own people, as a leader, you can spend all your wealth to help them, but for the enemy, you should have no mercy, even a little bit. no!"

After listening to this explanation, Steve understood Ted's meaning, that is, it is time for the Holy Mother, we must establish a good image!When dealing with the people, a temporary loss-making business will not affect the future, but when dealing with the enemy, the magazine must be emptied and a few shots must be filled.

"I see, so have I passed the psychological test?"

Ted took out the maintenance kit, disassembled the weapon, and maintained it bit by bit: "Of course not, because I leaked the test questions, and the second copy will be used tomorrow, and you will face new problems. However, as long as you hold the current test questions Mentality, there should be no problem after passing the exam.”

"In this case, I will make a reservation. Can this Thomson be given to me after I pass the exam?"

"Of course, I can also give you a pistol and body armor."

"Speak and do it!"

"Of course!"

Steve handed over all his property and the control of the Chamber of Commerce to Ted. If Ted is still entangled in some weapons, it would be a bit too stingy.
In addition, Steve will return to the imperial city after spring. Without the protection of the northern border, he must have a way to defend himself. If he only uses a sword, Steve will probably give it to him for nothing. Why don't he hand over the weapon to him? Give it to him and teach him how to use it.

A few days ago, before Steve left here, Ted roughly made up the scene of the assassin assassinating him.

According to my own speculation, coupled with the scenes described by Sir Da Vinci, the empire will fall into panic due to the food crisis, and the princes will also take advantage of the chaos to pave the way for their future.

If Steve is gone, my future plans will not be easy to handle. Only when Steve becomes the emperor of [Snowman Empire], can the future plans be carried out properly!

As for Steve's Heart of Mary, Ted still has a month to teach him, if it doesn't work, he will leave the task to Vadina and ask her to teach him
For Ted, it is impossible to attack the enemy with only one bullet!If he could really go forward with a water-cooled Maxim like Superman in the field, he would definitely burn out the entire ammunition belt before checking the enemy's body.

Outside the city, 36 northern soldiers with weapons came to the south of Valentine in a delivery truck.

Seeing the reinforcements coming, the soldiers guarding the tower put down their spears and shouted down, "Hey, are you all these people here?"

"It's okay, just tell us where the enemy is, we have new weapons!"

The soldiers on the city wall didn't know the power of the new weapon, but they heard from former comrades-in-arms that the fire stick could defeat one hundred, and dozens of people working together could even repel an infantry regiment!

Since the soldiers below are so confident, the soldiers on the city wall do not intend to persuade them: "The enemy is green skins, and they will come to plunder our village every ten years, but now we have no villages, so we fight against the city. idea!"

"They..." Deputy Captain Joseph shook his head, gave a thumbs up to the soldiers on the city wall, and then returned to the truck.

"Brothers, the enemy here is green-skinned, with a big physique, and you can hit them as long as you don't shake your hands. By the way, we will also avenge the villagers who died more than ten years ago!"

"no problem!"

The southern part of the northern border is connected to a primeval forest. It is said that no one has ever been able to come out of it safely!There are countless monsters and beasts hidden there, and there are even these disgusting green-skinned creatures.

They will come to human villages to plunder food when food is in short supply!If no food is found, they will even skin and eat humans!
As for why they were not recorded in the book, it was because in the eyes of humans, these green skins riding on wolves were essentially no different from wild beasts, so they were not regarded as intelligent creatures.

Most instances of being attacked are recorded as 'Attacked by Beasts'.

However, Feng Shui took turns, and now that the northern border has new weapons, the hardships suffered in the past will definitely be doubled.

But humans don't eat green skins. Because the meat of green skins looks very woody, even if they are used for stewing soup, they won't be rotten!
"Listen up, everyone. To deal with this group of enemies with swords, we will fight quickly and be accurate. We will finish it in half an hour! We can still catch afternoon tea when we go back!" Joseph turned his head and looked into the truck Sufficient ammunition, no fear in my heart.

The same goes for the soldiers around!

Ted took this into account when he chose the bullet type.

In this world, besides humans, there are also various large humanoid creatures.Ammunition with a small caliber and a small amount of charge is difficult to effectively kill these creatures.

But .3006 has perfectly solved this problem, not only for humans, but also for larger humanoid creatures.

The kinetic energy of 3600 joules is enough to cause fatal injury to them!
"Repress the bullets, I said open fire! The bullets will be emptied within 2 seconds, and they will be caught off guard! Go back and receive rewards according to the record! Don't grab the head!"

(End of this chapter)

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