Chapter 110 Inn
The restaurant on the first floor of the inn has also been renovated, and there is a sweet wine in the store.

After Hubayi and his servants were full with wine and food, a burly cook delivered hot water to the room.

Soak your feet comfortably, and Huba leans on the soft bed. This inn is more comfortable than your own.

The gray sheets and gray quilt are soft and light to the touch, these are good things that Hubayi has never seen before.

I don't know where the store bought it from, Hubai covered the quilt and thought, and go to the store tomorrow to ask, and get such a quilt back home.

The head of Jucaifang is Sun Jianguo, and the business of Sun Ji Wool Shop is getting bigger and bigger. In order to continue to develop, Sun Jianguo spent 200 contribution points to buy a place of head.

Although Jucaifang has a large population, it is a mixed bag, and it is also the dirtiest of all the workshops in the city. However, Sun Jianguo took a fancy to the location of Jucaifang at a glance.

Jucaifang is close to the city gate. Although it is messy and poor, it has a large population. The houses here are also thatched houses, which are easy to tear down and rebuild.

At the same time, Jucaifang is close to Fangshi in Shazhou, and there are many inns and hotels. Passing merchants like to live in Jucaifang, which has cheaper rent.

After Sun Jianguo became the head of the village, the first thing he did was to transform the appearance of Jucaifang.

Sun Jianguo is also rich and powerful, and the Sun family wool shop is also the most profitable shop among players today.

He simply took out a sum of money and hired the people of Jucaifang to level the roads and build drainage ditches.

People used money to work, and Sun Jianguo vigorously promoted brick and tile houses in the workshop.

Originally, the common people were unwilling to live in brick houses. Before the Yuan Dynasty, bricks and tiles had already appeared, but at this time people still used bricks and tiles as materials for tombs, and ordinary people did not use bricks and tiles to build houses.

Except for reasons of custom, the adhesive in this era is rice paste.

In history, when Helianbo built Tongwan City, he used rice paste to build stones together. Helianbo also stipulated that soldiers should stab the stone bricks with long spears. If you pass through a crack in the stone, you will kill the builder who built the wall.

It’s okay to use rice paste to build stones. If you use rice paste to build bricks, the rice paste will melt after it rains. Such a house is not as rainproof as a thatched house.

However, players have already used volcanic ash to make soil cement. Qin Chuan and a few business-minded players built a cement workshop outside Shazhou City and hired the people of Shazhou City to produce cement.

Volcanic ash is ground into powder and mixed with sand and gravel mud to make cement. After the cement dries, it will not rot despite the wind and rain.

With cement, the brick house is stronger. In order to prevent the house from collapsing easily, the player's construction team also uses steel bars produced by the iron factory to support the wall.

Sun Jianguo is a big money player. He simply hired the player's construction team, built a row of brick houses in one go, and changed Fangzheng's house into bricks.

The outside of the house was uniformly painted with white lime, and Sun Jianguo invited a few garden designers and house designers to decorate it, and invited wealthy households from Jucaifang to come over as guests.

After seeing the solid and beautiful brick house, the wealthy households in Jucaifang were also moved, and asked Sun Jianguo how to build this house.

Sun Jianguo recommended the player construction team to these wealthy households, and began spending money to renovate the slums.

Qin Chuan's construction company is already very large. Although Qin Chuan is fighting on the front line, the construction company has recruited a lot of new players, oh no, new players come to earn contribution points together.

Sun Jianguo's renovation plan is also very simple. He asked the poor people in Jucaifang to contribute, and under the leadership of the player contractor, he remodeled the houses of the rich households.

The rich pay, and the poor, after earning money, spend money to renovate their houses.

At the same time, Jucaifang also provides some interest-free loans, and anyone who is willing to work can live in a comfortable brick house.

Then Sun Jianguo changed the most prosperous street in Jucaifang into a commercial street, and persuaded several large inns to renovate it.

A few days ago, the Tubo invasion frightened the wealthy households in Jucaifang, who spent their own money to renovate and upgrade. If Tang Jun loses his life savings, it will be in vain.

But I didn't expect to receive the news of Tang Jun's victory soon!
The whole city of Shazhou was jubilant, and merchants living outside the city also came into the city to play.

Sun Jianguo also suggested that the owners of various inns offer discounts and promotions to attract customers.

Sure enough, the inn business in Jucaifang was booming, and the bosses in the commercial street were all smiling.

Hu Bayi woke up comfortably from the bed, and the servant had already prepared hot water for washing.

so comfy!

Lying under the quilt and sheets, Hubayi didn't want to wake up at all.

I don't know what material this quilt is made of, it's soft and breathable, and it has a faint fragrance.

"Master, I heard that there is a free breakfast on the first floor, do you want to go down and use it?"

Hearing the word "free of charge", Hubayi immediately got up, washed up briefly, and then went downstairs with the servant.

The cooks served hot porridge, although it was very thin, but it was free!

Hubayi sat down, and the servant took the bowl to make porridge, when he suddenly smelled a fragrance.

What is it that smells so good?Hu Bayi raised his head and saw a lot of guests surrounded by a heated kang beside the dining hall.

Hubayi walked over, only to see a cook baking the biscuits.

It turned out to be Hubing, which is common in Longyou, and it is called naan in Anxi, and it is something that every household eats.

But this hubing seems to be different. I only saw the cook put the noodle soup on the iron plate and bake it into a cake in a short while.

Then add another egg, and turn it over when the egg is about to solidify.

After applying special sauce, sprinkled with side dishes and minced meat, he rolled up the cake and handed it to a guest.

smell good!Hubayi squeezed in and asked, "Is this mustache free?"

The cook who made the cake said without looking up, "One cake costs two dollars."

so expensive!Hubayi was just about to say why don't you go grab it?He smelled the aroma of the person next to him chewing on the mustard pancakes again.

He swallowed and said, "Give me a pancake!"

"The money is placed on the table and lined up at the back."

Seeing the long waiting crowd, Hubayi could only obediently line up behind.

The pancake maker is a player, and Pang Yawei is a player who has just entered the game. When other new players are rushing to chase the bandits to do corvée, Pang Yawei finds a new way to sell pancakes at a stall in Shazhou City.

Pang Yawei, a native of Tianjin, has become very popular in Shazhou City with his ancestral handicrafts. People line up to buy his cakes every day.

The owner of this inn is Pang Yawei's friend. He is a second-test player, and he bought this inn after saving a lot of money.

It took some contribution points to ask the player construction team to tear down and rebuild again.

The boss asked Pang Yawei to sell cakes in his inn, and Pang Yawei also had a fixed booth.

Just after Hubayi got his egg pancakes, the innkeeper hurried downstairs and said to Pang Yawei: "Old Pang, why are you still selling pancakes? President Sun called for a meeting!"

(End of this chapter)

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