Chapter 124 City of Thousand Buddhas
Yu Chixin was practicing the battle formation of the Yue family's army in Dashuixia, Shangbo's envoys had assembled and were heading north from Shazhou.

There are 12 envoys in total, Shang Bo is the head of the envoy, Wang Shixiong and nine other elite adventure players act as guards.

Professor Fang Guoshou served as a consultant and translator, and a Mongolian player named Timur served as a guide.

Originally, Shangbo was planning to find a guide among the aborigines, but Timur, a Mongolian player, took the initiative to find him.

Timur is from Inner Mongolia, and his parents are diplomats. He lived with his parents in Outer Mongolia for a long time, and once traveled the whole Outer Mongolia by car.

The current sphere of influence of the Uighurs is probably the northern part of Inner Mongolia plus the area of ​​Outer Mongolia and southern Russia.

The Uighur Yazhang is the royal court of the Uighur, just above the Orkhon River Valley in Mongolia.

Timur was full of confidence, thinking that he would be able to bring everyone to their destination, but Shazhou City couldn't find a guide who was familiar with the terrain of the Uyghurs, so Shangbo could only recruit Timur as a guide.

Shang Bo held Li Yan's festival battle and headed north from Shazhou.

Fang Guoshou was holding an ancient map and comparing it with a modern map.

Timur sat beside him with his head down, while Fang Guoshou spat:
"You also said that you know the way, but you get lost as soon as you leave Shazhou. If you continue walking like this, you will never reach the Uighur Yazhang in this life."

Timur lowered his head and said, "Don't scold Mr. Fang, I didn't know there was such a big change between the game and reality!"

"Can the changes be small? 1000 years of vicissitudes, what road did you lead!"

Shang Bo has a headache, Fang Guoshou, a professor with a very hot temper, has gained a young and healthy body in the game, and his combat effectiveness has soared.

Shang Bo even suspected that Cui Tao asked his mentor to join this mission just to clear his ears.

Shang Bo really regretted that he found Timur, an unreliable guide, and Fang Guoshou, a super big troll.

But anyway, Fang Guoshou just slandered Timur, and Shang Bo also wanted to slander him. Under Fang Guoshou's correction, the team finally took the official path.

"Let's go to Gaochang City to recuperate." Shangbo didn't want to enter Gaochang City at first, but seeing the team like this, he decided to go to Gaochang City to rest for a while.

Fang Guoshou nodded and said: "Gaochang is the seat of Xizhou, Xizhou governor Li Xiuzhang is also a loyal man, when Tubo attacked Gaochang a few years later, Xizhou prefect Li Xiuzhang also insisted on resisting the Tubo people with the people in the city, vowed not to surrender, and finally He was hammered to death by the Tubo people."

Everyone sighed, and Fang Guoshou said again: "Gaochang was originally the capital of the ancient Gaochang Kingdom, and its geographical location is very important. During the Zhenguan period, Emperor Taizong sent Hou Junji to lead five thousand light cavalry across the vast sea overnight, and destroyed Gaochang Kingdom."

"After Zhenguan, Tang Ting established counties and counties in Gaochang, taking the old land of Gaochang Kingdom as Xizhou, Gaochang is the seat of Xizhou, and appointed a prefect to manage Gaochang."

It turned out that Gaochang still had this history, Shang Bo asked again: "Mr. Fang, does Gaochang still have allusions?"

Although this professor Fang has a hot temper, he is indeed very knowledgeable and has all kinds of historical allusions at his fingertips.

Fang Guoshou said: "Everyone in Gaochang believes in Buddhism, and the last king of Gaochang, Ju Wentai, is also a celebrity."

"I haven't heard of it."

Fang Guoshou said: "Xuanzang traveled westward during Taizong's reign, and was hunted down by the Tang Dynasty along the way. After arriving in Gaochang, Ju Wentai treated Xuanzang with courtesy and built a special tower for Master Xuanzang to live in."

Timur interrupted and said, "Wait, Mr. Fang, that's not how Journey to the West was written. Didn't Journey to the West say that Tang Seng and Li Shimin sworn brothers? How could the emperor's younger brother be hunted down by Tang?"

Fang Guoshou sighed and said, "I'm talking about Xuanzang, not Journey to the West. When Xuanzang traveled westward, he left the country illegally, and betrothing his brother is just a rumored story in Journey to the West."

Fang Guoshou continued: "It is said that he was sworn brother. At that time, the ruler of Gaochang, Ju Wentai, was married to Xuanzang. Ju Wentai wanted to ask Xuanzang to stay in Gaochang to teach Buddhism, but Xuanzang went on a hunger strike to protest, and he was determined not to stay in Gaochang. "

"Later, Ju Wentai was moved by Xuanzang's dedication to Buddha, and helped Xuanzang write letters to the rulers of the 28 countries in the Western Regions, and then escorted Xuanzang out of Gaochang with Gaochang's army."

"However, Ju Wentai and Xuanzang agreed that when Xuanzang came back from learning Buddhist scriptures, he would teach Buddhism in Gaochang for three years."

Timur listened amusedly, pricked up his ears and asked, "Old Fang, what then?"

Fang Guoshou sighed and said: "By the time Xuanzang came back from learning scriptures, Gaochang had already been destroyed by Emperor Taizong, and Ju Wentai had already died of frightened illness when the Tang army surprised Gaochang."

"History is really full of irony. When Xuanzang was arrested by the frontier army when he left the Tang Dynasty to learn Buddhist scriptures, King Gaochang was still the lord of a country and powerful in the Western Regions."

"When Xuanzang returned, he was warmly welcomed by the whole Tang Dynasty, and was regarded as a national teacher to welcome him into Xijing, and the Gaochang king had already died."

Everyone sighed for a while, and Shang Bo asked again: "What happened next?"

Fang Guoshou said: "Historical records show that in a few years Longyou was besieged by Tubo, Li Xiuzhang, governor of Xizhou, died in battle, and Gaochang fell into the hands of Tubo."

"Later Tubo and the Uighurs fought, and Gaochang changed hands to the Uighurs again, and then there was nothing else."

Hearing this, the team fell silent again.

A few simple historical materials, but behind them are the elegiac songs of millions of Han people in Longyou.

"We're here to change that," Shambo said.

"Well, it will definitely change this!"

The group cheered up again, and finally saw the golden light on the top of the pagoda in Gaochang City in the early morning of the next day.

When everyone saw Gaochang City, they couldn't help but marvel: "It's so beautiful!"

"Quick, quick, turn on the game recording! This Gaochang City is so beautiful!" Shangbo immediately asked everyone to turn on the in-game recording function.

Behind the majestic city walls, there are towering pagodas, and the golden pagodas shine brilliantly in the morning sun.

Not only inside the city, but also outside the city is densely populated with pagodas, and outside the city you can see many monks wearing loose monk robes.

From a distance, you can see the tall stone buildings in Gaochang City, and the buildings are still pasted with colored stones.

Even Gaochang's city walls are different from those of the Han people. The round domes of the turrets have a strong Western style.

Fang Guoshou exclaimed, "It's so beautiful! It's exactly the same as the Gaochang City I imagined. It is indeed the pearl of the Hexi Corridor, the City of Thousand Buddhas!"

Shang Bo and others took out their passes and went into the city. Originally, Shang Bo was just planning to stay in a random place in Gaochang City for one night, and continue northward after resupplying, but he did not expect to be taken to the Governor's Mansion by the soldiers.

 I've been writing slowly lately, I'll add more when the plot comes

(End of this chapter)

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