Chapter 133 Wolf Tactics
Yu Chixin looked at the precise topographic map of Baowen Mountain in front of him, and held a military meeting among the players' officers.

Baowen Mountain is a small hill with a low altitude. Gongpo Spring flows down from the mountain, nourishing the fields at the foot of Baowen Mountain.

The Baowen Mountain Shouzhuo Mansion was built on the edge of the father-in-law spring, and the location is very dangerous.

There are boundless deserts to the north and west of Baowen Mountain. The Uyghurs quietly crossed the desert to the north and raided and besieged Shouzhuofu.

Now the Uyghurs are stationed at the foot of Baowen Mountain. The Uyghur general led the army to besiege Shouzhuofu, and then scattered out on horseback to plunder the nearby people.

This time it was a military discussion of the high-level players, so Yu Chixin simply let the players speak freely.

"We should detour behind the northern desert and cut off the way for the Uyghurs to escape!"

"How? The vast desert is so big, can you intercept it? I think we should capture the thief and capture the king, and cooperate with the defenders in the Baowen Mountain Shouzhu Mansion to directly attack the enemy camp at the foot of Baowen Mountain. As long as the main force is defeated We can go after the Uyghurs and fight."

"The main force is defeated? Do you know how far we are from the enemy's main force? Before we reach the foot of Baowen Mountain, the Uyghurs have either run away or fought over. The enemy is not a fool. With so many cavalry along the way, how can they Don’t know the movement of our army?”

Players, you say something to me, and what you say makes sense.

Yu Chixin cleared his throat and said, "What everyone said makes sense, do you still remember the goal of this mission?"

The objective of the mission, this mission is mainly to kill more Uyghurs. In King Jianning's original words, "promote peace through war and hurt Uyghurs".

Yu Chixin said: "This time it's a mission to kill the enemy, the more enemies you kill, the more contribution points, so I decided to dismantle the player's troops, and everyone is free to organize to hunt the Uyghurs. What do you think of the contribution points based on the results of the battle?"

The eyes of the players who participated in the military discussion brightened. They are all outstanding adventure players. This distribution plan is much more beneficial to high-end players than the previous one.

During the battle of Jinshankou, because it was a large army, so as long as they participated in the battle, they could get contribution points.

Players who kill more enemies can get some extra contribution points, but overall there is not much difference between them.

But if it is changed to everyone relying on their own abilities, and the contribution points are calculated by killing the enemy by the team, then it will be more beneficial to high-end players.

Yu Chixin said again: "I led the Moli Doulu Second Army and the Yumen Army led by Fan Zeng to attack the enemy camp at the foot of Baowen Mountain. I will update the information of the main battle on the forum in real time. Everyone can fight freely and eliminate as many as possible. More Uyghurs."

Players are gearing up one after another, and finally they can move freely!
Although it is said to be free action, in fact, most players still choose to form a team to act.

The main reason is that the game "Da Tang Feng Yun" is too real, and there is no electronic map. Ordinary players don't even have the ability to survive in the wild, let alone the ability to fight in the wild.

But the elite players of the first test and the second test have been fighting bandits for several months, and their ability to march in the field is quite proficient.

So such a team appeared, with the players of the first test and the second test as the backbone, and ordinary players formed battle groups with these old players one after another.

Li Longhua and his comrades formed a small battle group. Li Longhua, who could ride a horse, was the commander of the battle group. Seven of Li Longhua's comrades were the backbone, plus twelve ordinary players formed a small battle group of [-] people.

Li Longhua, like most battle groups, also chose to operate around the main army, mainly ambush those Uyghur troops surrounded by the main army.

After the army was dispatched, Li Longhua immediately led the battle group to act on the flanks in front of the army.

Sure enough, there was no army that could hide the actions of the Uyghurs, and the Beilin Army was indeed the elite of the Uyghurs. The rangers who were originally scattered and plundered immediately assembled into small groups.

Yu Chixin took the big beetle bestowed by King Jianning, regardless of harassing the Uyghur rangers who slowed down the army's advance, he just firmly marched towards the main formation of the Uyghur army at the foot of Baowen Mountain.

The Uighurs who are familiar with cavalry tactics know that when encountering the Tang army, it is not enough to rely on rangers to harass them. They must rely on cavalry to break through the Tang army to have a chance, so they formed rangers to harass the army. The Uighur army at the foot of Baowen Mountain gathered.

But this time, the Tang army used an even weirder battle formation. Soldiers with shields in front surrounded the army, and the bows and arrows of the Uighur cavalry could not hit the Tang army at all.

"There is a Uyghur squad in front, not many people, we can eat it!" Li Longhua held the binoculars and saw a camp of Uyghur rangers by the edge of the forest.

"We can go around the edge of the forest, and it is best to fight in the forest."

"Wait until the Uyghurs feed their horses before acting, when the vigilance is the lowest."

Everyone said something to me, and a battle plan was formulated.

Li Longhua's battle group quietly approached this Uyghur war group, Boyan, the leader of the Uyghur cavalry at the edge of the forest, was extremely anxious.

He is the personal guard next to the Uighur general Anashi, and Anashi sent him out to monitor Datang's reinforcements.

Although both Anashi and the generals of Beilin Army believed that Datang was no longer able to support Baowenshan to capture and defend the mansion.

But the cautious Anashi still sent his personal guards to investigate the movements in the south of Baowen Mountain.

Unexpectedly, the worst situation still happened, Datang really sent reinforcements!
Ever since he discovered Yuchixin's army, Boyan went all the way north to inform Anashi of the news.

"Hurry up, we will continue to go north, and we must tell the general about Tang Jun's news as soon as possible!" Boyan urged his subordinates to take all the time to rest. Now that there are still fifty miles away from Anashi's camp, he must pass on Tang Jun's news as soon as possible go back.

Boyan was anxious, now that the Uyghur cavalry were being distributed to plunder everywhere, this was the time when the formation was at its weakest.

This Tang army was very elite at first glance, and they rushed straight to the main formation at the foot of Baowen Mountain.

With the remaining troops in this formation, they are not the opponents of this Tang army at all.

Boyan must notify the general as soon as possible to regroup the troops. As long as the Uighur cavalry is assembled, they will still have the power to fight the Tang army!
But Boyan didn't know that he had become the prey the players were targeting.

Originally, Boyan only stayed for a short time, but he didn't expect a wild horse to get lost by the river. Boyan's men took some time to get off the horse. At this time, the player had already touched the back of the forest.

Li Longhua pointed his bow and arrow at the most gorgeously dressed Uighur knight, "Go!"

Li Longhua shot an arrow, and the players jumped out of the woods with their weapons in hand, and rushed directly at the Uighur cavalry squad!
 Grandma passed away yesterday, two more today

  Second update at seven o'clock in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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