Chapter 147
In Fengxiang Mansion, the emperor who lived in the palace sat up from the collapsed bed, staggered and almost stopped.

The eunuch Li Fuguo who had been serving on the side quickly stepped forward to help the emperor.

Li Heng waited for a long time before he stood up, he pushed Li Fuguo away and said: "I can do it myself."

Li Fuguo was extremely ugly, but he was the emperor's favorite eunuch. Li Fuguo, who had served Li Heng since he was a child, knew that this saint looked approachable on the surface, but in fact he was very stubborn.

Being the prince of the emperor is not an easy task. Li Heng was named the prince in the 26th year of Kaiyuan. He encountered the crisis of abolishing the prince many times, and finally survived with difficulty.

The emperor, the minister of power, the courtiers, the feudal towns, Li Heng spent the first half of his life trembling and trying to play a filial prince.

He can't be too capable, otherwise it will make the emperor wary, he always has to play the role of a young and impulsive prince, and often conflicts with his father's favored ministers in the court over trivial matters.

He can't be too incompetent. The emperor Li Longji looked down on incompetent idiots. He was able to stay in the position of prince for so long. Li Heng's ability in politics and military affairs is still good.

After so many years of prostrating under the emperor's throne, the East Palace is like a prison, and Li Heng will only show his original appearance in front of a trusted eunuch like Li Fuguo.

"Saint, it's time to take the pill." Li Fuguo took out a small box and presented the pill to Li Heng.

Li Heng picked up the elixir. The emperor of the old Li family had a tradition of taking elixir. Li Heng also learned the art of alchemy himself, and specially congratulated the emperor on his birthday.

It's just that the emperor didn't eat the elixirs he refined, but gave these elixirs to Li Heng himself.

In front of the emperor, Li Heng ate the elixir he made without hesitation, but since then Li Heng never made alchemy by himself, but asked the world-famous alchemist to make alchemy.

In recent years, Li Heng began to believe in Buddhism again, and there were many monks chanting scriptures while walking, and Li Heng even conferred several great masters at once.

In the past few days, Li Heng's headache became more serious, Li Fuguo still supported Li Heng, and walked into the yard.

The location of Fengxiang Mansion was originally the emperor's residence. Fengxiang Mansion was located in an important place. When the Emperor was in power, he visited Fengxiang Mansion many times and ordered Fengxiang Mansion to build a huge palace.

"Fuguo, I don't know if the emperor is doing well in Sichuan?" Li Heng supported Li Fuguo and looked to the southwest.

Li Fuguo immediately understood what the emperor meant and said: "I heard from the news in central Sichuan that the emperor spends his days traveling and reading books, but he missed Concubine Yang and became ill a few days ago."

Li Heng snorted coldly. Concubine Yang is Yang Yuhuan. When she was the only one in the harem, her elder brother Yang Guozhong also ruled the government as prime minister. At that time, Yang Guozhong suggested several times to abolish the crown prince. The two of her brother and sister found a chance to abolish them.

During the mutiny in Maweipo, Li Heng watched his father's companion strangle Concubine Yang to death with his own hands, and it was he who took Concubine Yang's body to kill Concubine Yang.

At that time, the royal father, who was once so majestic and could make important court officials tremble with a cold snort, was terrified like a bird in a cage. He agreed to the request of the rebellious sergeant without hesitation, killed Yang Yuhuan and Yang Guozhong, and returned Take out all the property to reward these soldiers.

Thinking of this, Li Heng understood even more how insignificant the so-called emperor's favor was in front of the emperor's own life.

If he followed the emperor to Shuzhong, which was Yang Guozhong's lair, and he, the prince who was at odds with Yang Guozhong, went, the soldiers in Shuzhong would ask the emperor to abolish himself as the prince, just like the soldiers of Maweipo's rebellion.

That's why Li Heng went to Lingwu and became emperor with the help of Shuofang Jiedu envoy Guo Ziyi.

Li Fuguo saw that the emperor's face was not good, and he said again: "The emperor already knew the news of King Yong's rebellion, and he issued several orders in a row, saying that he would recall King Yong to serve him in the middle of Shu. In a few days, King Yong The news of the defeat should be sent to the emperor."

Li Heng replied coldly, Yongwang Li Lin was not seen by the emperor at all, and he was appointed as Yongwang to control the Jianghuai military, which was also the way the emperor used to control himself as the emperor.

Even if he knew the news of King Yong's defeat, the emperor would probably be more frightened than sad.

Compared with the emperor, Li Heng raised Yongwang since he was a child, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

In the face of power, even this younger brother who he has sheltered for more than 20 years is not reliable anymore.

"What's the news from the front?"

Li Fuguo said respectfully: "The military information sent by the Yujian Army, the army has already arrived in Xiangzhou."

Li Heng nodded. Xiangzhou is the gateway to the two capitals. As long as Xiangzhou is captured, the two capitals will be within easy reach.

At the same time, Xiangzhou is also the gateway to Fan Yang, the home of the rebels. If Xiangzhou is captured, the connection between the rebels and the home of the two capitals will be cut off.

Originally, Li Heng rejected Guo Ziyi's plan of the Eastern Route Army. His plan was to attack the rebels from the west of Xijing and directly recover Xijing.

However, the progress of the West Route Army was not smooth. On the contrary, the East Route Army, which did not have many soldiers and horses, advanced all the way, and was about to enter Xiangzhou.

At this time, Li Heng could only order the West Route Army to advance eastward, and ordered Guo Ziyi to repair the army in front of Xiangzhou, and would attack Xiangzhou with the West Route Army.

Li Heng is a hundred times unhappy, but the matter has come to this point, and he can only attack Xiangzhou first and then recover the two capitals.

More importantly, Guo Ziyi cannot be allowed to take the credit for capturing Xiangzhou.

Now that the crown prince is the general of the world's soldiers and horses, Li Heng no longer allows the crown prince to lead the army in person, but stays in Fengxiang mansion to handle government affairs.

Prince Wen has Li Mi, and Wu has the support of Guo Ziyi. If Guo Ziyi takes the credit for capturing Xiangzhou again, Li Heng will be even more passive in court.

Li Heng ordered consecutively to mobilize the troops of the ten towns to gather in Xiangzhou, but he did not set up a marshal, but sent his confidant Yu Chaoen to serve as the envoy of the tenth army and the supervisor of the tenth army.

Only when the Tenth Army was in his hands, Li Heng felt at ease. After Yu Chaoen arrived in Xiangzhou, he quickly took over the army and was about to attack Xiangzhou soon.

Li Heng's mood improved a little bit, but he had a headache again. The current situation seemed to be back to the emperor's era, but the crown prince changed from Li Heng himself to Li Heng's son.

What's more troublesome is that his son seems to be too capable.

Li Chu, the king of Guangping, was quite loved by the emperor during the emperor's time. It was even said that Li Heng was able to be named the prince because of the fact that King Guangping was in the royal family.

Since the Anlushan Rebellion, King Guangping has led the armies and performed very well.

With such a prince, Li Heng always felt that the throne under his butt was not so safe.

Thinking of the youngest son born to him by Empress Zhang who had just been registered, Li Heng became even more afraid of this overly capable prince.

(End of this chapter)

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