Chapter 257
Zheng He looked at the thirty rancher players and said:

"Everyone knows that once a war breaks out, our Shandan Ranch is east of Zhangye City, and we will definitely not be able to escape the flames of war."

All the players nodded one after another, that's why they gathered here.

Zheng He went on to say: "We have to defend our own pastures, and we have to rely on ourselves in the end!"

Zheng He looked around and said, "I think each ranch will send out troops, and we will also form a cavalry. No matter which ranch is attacked, this cavalry can be used to rescue. What do you think of this method?"

Form cavalry?

Many ranchers look at me and I look at you.

In the past, everyone recruited many herdsmen from the nearby Qiang tribe for grazing.

Everyone can really form a cavalry force of hundreds of people if they get together.

Naturally, there is no shortage of war horses at Shandan Racecourse. As long as you buy some weapons, you can equip a cavalry unit.

Shandan Racecourse hangs in the east of Zhangye City. Once the war really starts, it will definitely be harassed by the enemy.

Zheng He said to form cavalry to watch and rescue each other. Although some grazing time will be sacrificed, at least they will be able to fight back after the enemy comes.

When the rancher players form cavalry to save themselves.

Shang Qixin'er, who had just completed her ordinance, had already led the army to Wuwei City.

This time, he assembled a full 7 troops from Tubo East, and there were almost [-] slaves in charge of logistics and transportation.

This can be said to have mobilized all the elite forces of the Tubo host!
The host castle owners sent their samurai. In order to participate in the battle, the samurai also need to prepare dry food on the road.

Ba Wu walked in the team, but he didn't have the joy he had when he went out for the first time.

It is already summer now, and it is the time when the field work is heaviest.

There is a shortage of water in the east of Tubo. Every day, Bawu carries a bucket to fetch water from the river several kilometers away, and then carries it back to the fields to irrigate barley and wheat.

He has to go back and forth many times every day, and Bawu's shoulders have been worn out.

Now that Bawu has been conscripted into the army, the only one in the family who can carry water is his younger sister, who is under 14 years old.

Thinking of his younger siblings at home, Ba Wu felt even more desolate.

The last time I was punished by Dalun, the family was easily humiliated.

The marriage that my sister had arranged since childhood was annulled, and Bawu couldn't afford the dowry for the engagement, which also made my sister unmarried until now.

Bawu felt that if he died in this battle, he would be ashamed to enter Changshengtian to meet his parents.

Not only Bawu, but all the Tubo warriors who participated in the battle of Dangjin Pass are not very emotional now.

Those warriors who escaped a catastrophe last time were full of longing for the future just like Bawu's first expedition.

They are looking forward to entering the cities of the Han people and plundering the property of the Han people.

They look forward to bringing the wives and children of the Han people back to their manors and become slaves in the family tradition.

They are looking forward to relying on the feats established on the battlefield to go further and become higher-level suedan warriors, or become castle masters who rule one side.

Anyway, Bawu has no ambitions, he just wants to survive the war.

The Jihu monk who presided over Shang Qixin'er's ordination also went out with the army, and he took his disciples to accompany Shang Qixin'er.

Shang Qixin'er sat on a palanquin carried by twenty slaves, and asked the Jihu monk beside him:
"Master, what do you think of our army?"

Monk Jihu immediately said: "The poor monk has never seen such a mighty army in Tianzhu. Dalun is indeed my Buddhist Dharma protector!"

Shang Qi Xin'er laughed heartily, his army could not see the end, and the cattle and sheep accompanying the army could eat up all the fodder in the passing places.

Naturally, Ji Hu, an eminent monk from Tianzhu, had never seen such a powerful army.

Shang Qi said triumphantly: "This time, the main purpose of the army is to defeat Jianning Moluo and turn Longyou into a Buddhist kingdom on the ground!"

After Monk Jihu took the precepts for Shang Qixin'er, the newly appointed Buddhist Dharma protector announced that King Jianning of the Tang Dynasty was the reincarnation of Mara, and he came here to destroy the Dharma!
Then, Shang Qixin'er announced Li Yan's ten crimes, listing Li Yan's "crime" of destroying temples on mountains and burning down Daleiyin Temple in Shazhou.

Shang Qixin'er had already issued an order requiring seven manors to enshrine a monk.

Compared with the barbaric and backward Bon religion, monks' mouths are much sweeter than the Bon religion priests who often sacrifice living people.

Moreover, the warriors discovered that the little Buddhist stories made the slaves feel more at ease. Some slaves recited the Buddha's name every day, praying that they would be reincarnated into a good family after death.

The Tibetan manor owners soon discovered that Buddhism was a good tool for ruling.

Many of these vulgar warriors also became interested in Buddhism.

This time, more and more Tubo warriors chose to receive the precepts together and became the "Dharma protectors" of Buddhism!
Shang Qixin's call to action against Jianning Moluo, the army was also excited, and they were all suffocating to fight the Tang army.

Ji Hu put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, if you can get the blessing of the Buddha in this battle, you will be invincible!"

Shang Qixin'er was in a good mood when she heard the monk's beautiful words.

Originally, when Jinshan Pass was defeated, Tubo lost the passage to the north.

Unexpectedly, the merchants from the west brought good news. King Jianning clashed with Fang Guan, the new envoy of Hexi Jiedu. Li Yan occupied Zhangye, leaving only Wuwei in Fangguan.

This also allowed Shang Qixin to see new opportunities.

Tubo's attack on Datang probably followed these routes.

By influencing the countries in the Western Regions, they harassed the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty.

Now this road is a bit difficult. The Anxi Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty is too strong, and the Dashi is also a rising dynasty. On the contrary, Tubo's influence in the Western Regions is the weakest, and it can't do anything at all.

The second road attacked Shazhou from the Dangjin Pass. Now the river valley has been lost, and Tubo has completely lost this road.

Then came the Qilian Mountains to attack Wuwei. Datang arranged Chishui Army in Wuwei City, and built a tall Wuwei City, just to defend against the Tubo people's attack in this direction.

Shang Qi Xin'er saw an opportunity. If Fang Guan and the Chishui Army could be held back, he could directly enter the Hexi Corridor and encircle Zhangye with a grandiose army.

As long as Zhangye City can be occupied, the connection between Longyou and the mainland of the Tang Dynasty can be cut off.

At that time, Shang Qixin'er can ask Zan Puting to mobilize the elite of all Tubo, and take Longyou in one fell swoop!

Just after the Tubo army set off, Yuan Tong and a group of monks and players who had infiltrated the Tubo host finally started to act.

This time, Shang Qixin'er not only took away all the warriors, but almost all the men in their prime.

After Yuantong returned to Bawu's manor, he immediately began to contact his believers from door to door. These flames scattered on the plateau had already burned even more vigorously under the brutal rule of Tubo!
(End of this chapter)

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