Chapter 259 Enemy Attack
The largest army is like Chishui.

The Chishui Army used to be a very powerful army. It was established by Emperor Taizong himself, and it was also the starting point for the Tang Dynasty to open up the Western Regions.

The first striker of the Chishui Army was Duan Zhixuan, the founding father of the Tang Dynasty.

It should be glorious to join such an army, but in the more than 100 years since Datang was established, the Chishui Army has also fallen.

Shi Wulang was not a military household. He was originally a farmer in Wuwei City, living on a few acres of Susukida.

Later, he really couldn't survive. Seeing that the Chishui Army was recruiting soldiers, Shi Wulang gritted his teeth and signed up for the Chishui Army.

When recruiting soldiers, the officer in charge of recruiting said kindly that as long as he joins the Chishui Army, he can get a monthly fee of [-] yuan a month. If he goes to war or returns triumphantly, there will be additional rewards.

That's why Shi Wulang joined the Chishui Army. He didn't want to be successful, but just wanted to survive.

But after Shi Wulang joined the Chishui Army, the originally promised [-] yuan was deducted from [-] yuan. At this time, Shi Wulang already regretted it a little.

According to the current price of rice, the rice, flour, grain and oil replaced by [-] yuan, plus the original family's several acres of Susukida, are just enough for Ishigoro, a family of four, to live on.

But the monthly money became thirty cash, which was not even enough for a year's worth of food.

But after signing the contract and being included in the government's military register, it's not that Shi Wulang can leave if he doesn't want to join the army.

The military judge continued to read out the military law. Once he became a deserter, not only would he be beheaded, but even his family would be implicated.

For the sake of his family, Shi Wulang could only grit his teeth and continue working in the army.

Fortunately, in the first few years before Shi Wulang joined the army, the Chishui Army still fought a few small battles.

Relying on the rewards from these small battles, Shi Wulang's family survived.

Many grassroots soldiers like Shi Wulang rely on a little reward from the court to support their families.

But since Fang Guan, the Hexi Jiedu Envoy, took office, not only was his monthly salary deducted, but even the rewards that should have been given were delayed.

Shi Wulang was naturally angry. The salary, which was not enough to support the family, was even less than before. Now that there is no reward money, the family can't get rid of it!

The last time I went to the city for business, when Shi Wulang passed by the Hexi Governor's Mansion, he saw that the Hexi Governor's Mansion was installing glass windows.

Shi Wulang knew that this was a new gadget from Longyou, the glass was more transparent than the window paper, and it looked cleaner and brighter.

This piece of glass is worth Ishigoro's annual income.

When he thought of this, Shi Wulang became very angry. He picked up a stone on the ground and smashed the glass, and shouted loudly, "My husband pays back the money".

When he calmed down, he smashed the glass of the Jiedu Ambassador's mansion. I'm afraid it wasn't the crime of beheading. Shi Wulang yelled twice and hurried away from the scene.

There are still many soldiers like Shi Goro, and they join the army just to support their families.

When their rewards are not in place, they will naturally have unruly emotions.

But Shi Wulang didn't know that the Hexi Jiedu envoy gave each recruit 100 Wen a month, of which 70 Wen was embezzled by the officers from top to bottom in various ways.

Even Shi Wulang didn't know that his name was not in the military register.

The school lieutenant recorded a nonexistent Shi Dalang in the army book, and Shi Wulang's monthly cases were all taken out in the name of Shi Dalang, and then thirty coins were taken out of it and handed over to Shi Wulang.

The same is true for the rewards before and after the expedition. Most of the money given by the Hexi Jiedu Mansion went into the pockets of officers at all levels.

Shi Wulang repaired the city wall feebly. Relying on this ancient city wall left over from the Han Dynasty, the Chishui Army built a small castle west of Wuwei.

A thousand Chishui troops were stationed in this castle, echoing the three surrounding castles, and together built the fortifications of the Qilian Mountain Pass.

The daily repair work made Shi Wulang feel bored. He didn't know how long the history of this part of the city wall was. He only knew that the broken city wall had to be repaired every month, and the weathered and fallen stones had to be filled with rice paste and clay.

But Shi Wulang had never seen any Tubo people on the other side of Qilian Mountain, so he couldn't understand what was the point of doing this, and who was this castle used to defend against.

Ishigoro was very annoyed by the day-to-day heavy work. Fortunately, the work of repairing the city wall was not long. The team was blowing the whistle for assembly, and they were about to go to work on the farmland outside the castle.

It is said that the field outside the castle belongs to the captain's family. The most important job of these soldiers every day is not to repair the city wall, nor to train and fight, but to farm for the captain's family.

Regarding this matter, Shi Wulang has nothing to say against it. He is a farmer, and he prefers farming to repairing city walls.

I heard from an old man in the army that these fields used to belong to the Chishui Army. At that time, everyone worked very hard to farm, and everyone would rush into the fields when it was time to harvest.

During the harvest season every year, every soldier can get a lot of food, enough food for a whole family to eat for a year.

It's a pity that Shi Wulang didn't catch up with such a good day. Those veterans were very perfunctory about farming, just gesturing casually in the field with a hoe.

Even the captain just urged everyone to pretend to be fine, because the field of the captain's house is still waiting for everyone to plant it, and the captain can't see it anyway, so there is no need to waste energy in his field.

Shi Wulang is a serious person, he is just reluctant to part with such a good field.

He used a hoe to break up the compacted soil. Such a fine farmland is now overgrown with weeds and the soil is compacted.

At this moment, a veteran shouted hastily:

"Enemies! There are enemies!"


Shi Wulang didn't take it seriously, what enemies could there be in Wuwei?
Isn't it the bandits and the Qiang people on the mountain?

But the old soldier shouted in horror: "It's the Tibetans! The Tibetans are here! There are so many Tibetans!"

The team rushed out quickly, and Shi Goro followed behind. They climbed up a small hill and saw the densely packed Tubo army in front of them. Shi Goro was completely stupid now.

The horn of emergency assembly sounded behind him, and Ishigoro hurriedly followed the team and retreated into the castle.

Standing on the city wall, looking at the endless Tubo army, Shi Wulang's legs were completely weak.

Since he joined the army, at most he has wiped out the Qiang people on the mountain, and he has never seen such a battle.

Not only Shi Wulang, but even the captain of the Chishui army had never seen so many Tibetans.

Panicked emotions spread throughout the Chishui Army.

The Tubo vanguard general, Dai Ze, the father-in-law of Shang Qixin'er, looked at the castle besieged by the army, and only two words of military exploits remained in his mind.

With so many Tang troops, how many military exploits have been achieved!
How can we let them return to Wuwei City!

Not far from the battlefield, a hot air balloon was slowly inflating, rising into the sky little by little.

The players sitting on the hot air balloon are nervously broadcasting the battle live.

(End of this chapter)

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