Chapter 268 Space Machine Player

Yu Chixin said again: "Can you send someone to investigate? I also want to find out the strength of Tubo."

Xue Hu nodded and said: "I have already set up secret sentries outside the city, but it is not easy to count the exact number of enemy troops."

Yu Chixin said with a smile: "You just need to ask the player in charge of the investigation to turn on the video, and I'll do the rest."

"That's no problem. As long as the Tubo army comes, I will send it to Boss Yuchi immediately."

Yuchi Xin closed the chat window, at this time a staff officer reported to Yuchi Xinhui:

"Boss Yuchi, I have already calculated that there are only about 6000 people left in the Tubo barracks, and the error is no more than [-]%!"

"I remember that in the last statistics, the Tubo Vanguard Army had a total of [-] infantry and [-] civilians, right?"

The staff officer said: "Yes, Dai should have taken away 9000 troops, but how many fighters are there in the 9000 troops? Wuwei City must send back the video as soon as possible."

Yu Chixin nodded and said: "I have already contacted Captain Xue in Wuwei, and the video will be available soon."

This staff officer is called Xu Liwen. As a computer nerd with no military background and no interest in war games, how did he become Yu Chixin's most trusted staff officer?
Xu Liwen has only one skill, ordering troops.

Don't underestimate this ability. Back then, Han Xin could be called the military god of the Han Dynasty. There is an allusion about Han Xin ordering troops.

It is said that Han Xin lost many soldiers in a battle, but Han Xin just glanced at the army and immediately calculated the strength of the enemy and us.

Han Xin immediately ordered the soldiers to charge, and he won.

After the war, Liu Bang personally counted the soldiers under Han Xin's command, and it was exactly the same as the number reported by Han Xin on the battlefield.

From then on, Liu Bang obeyed Han Xin's words and handed over most of the army to Han Xin's command.

Of course, there are exaggerated parts in this story, but in the period of classical wars, outstanding generals, whether in the East or the West, need to master the ability to command troops.

In the period of classical warfare, the number of soldiers determined the combat effectiveness.

Counting troops is not only to count the number of soldiers on one's own side, but also to predict the combat effectiveness of both the enemy and us.

In the modern age of electronic communication technology, counting the number of remaining soldiers on the battlefield is a very simple matter.

But in ancient times, the battlefield was chaotic and complicated, and there was no remote communication equipment, so it was quite difficult to count the number of people on the battlefield.

Many families of generals even have the "secret art of ordering soldiers" handed down in their families, which are actually some quick formulas for calculating the number of soldiers.

Of course, Xu Liwen didn't have any family secrets of counting troops. The secret to his ability to quickly calculate the number of enemy and enemy soldiers was computer graphics technology.

Xu Liwen can analyze the number of soldiers appearing in the player's video through the intelligent image recognition program written by himself.

Through this technology, as long as the enemy and our troops on the battlefield are recorded, Xu Liwen can use the computer in the real world to analyze the number of the enemy and us.

At first, Xu Liwen was trembling, fearing that the system would think it was a bug.

But I didn't expect that after Xu Liwen played it a few times, the system also recognized him as a "point of troops-Superior".

The system even recognized it!Not only recognized, but also gave Xu Liwen a super evaluation!
Naturally, Xu Liwen worked even harder. He didn't expect that Tangtang Cosmic Machine would use such a bug-like method to unexpectedly gain an advantage in the game!

Players today know that if they want to succeed in the game, they still need to use their professional knowledge in the real world.

Needless to say, professional players like Cui Ruoyun and Jianxia, ​​mechanical and chemical engineering majors are the golden fingers in this game, as long as they make a little technological progress, they will be rewarded with contribution points and professional experience.

The five Wan Xiangjun brothers who made hot air balloons to refresh the screen also made many aircraft model enthusiasts beat their chests. Why didn't I think of the simple method of hot air balloons?
All of a sudden, in King Jianning's territory, various player inventions emerged one after another.

Mechanics, chemical engineering and even civil engineering, these majors in the tiankeng in the real world, are unexpectedly useful in the game.

Social science majors such as literature, history and social sciences, which have always been difficult to find employment, can also enter the hegemony to serve as officials, and even rely on historical and military knowledge to serve as assistant political staff for King Jianning.

But the computer major known as the space machine in the real world is useless in the game!

The reason for this is also very simple. There are no computers in Datang Fengyun's world, so programming is useless.

Xu Liwen thought the same way until he realized that there are no computers in the game, but there are computers in the real world!
Data can be transmitted, as long as the data in the game is transmitted, and then analyzed by a computer in the real world, wouldn't it be all right?

data analysis!Isn't this also an important direction of a computer?

It just so happened that what Xu Liwen studied was image processing.

At this moment, the inner guard in charge of the investigation on the front line of Wuwei City heard a video of Dai Ze leading the Tubo army forward.

Xu Liwen immediately exported this video to the game, then logged out of the game and turned on the laptop.

Transfer complete!

I don't know what kind of black technology Datang Fengyun used. The video in the game can be quickly exported to the designated computer, and even the computer that is not connected to the Internet can be transferred instantly.

What transmission technology Datang Fengyun used is already a hot topic in computer circles.

Xu Liwen quickly imported the video into the analysis software he wrote himself, and the computer began to automatically count and calculate the number of people in the Tubo army.

8900 people.

Xu Liwen checked the calculation twice again, and the number of people was around 9000.

And from the enlarged analysis of the video, the 9000 members of the Tubo army are all Tubo soldiers wearing neat armor and carrying weapons.

Xu Liwen immediately entered the game and reported the result to Yu Chixin.

"Are you sure that Dai brought all nine thousand soldiers to Wuwei City?"

"Sure! This is the result of my program analysis, and the error will not exceed 100 people! These 9000 people are all Tubo soldiers wearing armor and carrying weapons!"

Yu Chixin looked at the map and said: "That is to say, Dai Ze sang an empty city plan for us. He only left one thousand soldiers and five thousand civilians, pretending to besiege the Chishui Army?"

Xu Liwen asked in confusion: "Are these Tubo people crazy? Aren't they afraid that the Chishui Army will break through?"

Yu Chixin shook his head: "The Chishui army was terrified long ago, and they didn't have the courage to break through. No wonder Tubo finally annexed Longyou in history, and this Dai still has two brushes."

"It's a pity that his empty city plan didn't count us. This is his biggest mistake."

"Assemble! Prepare to dispatch troops!"

(End of this chapter)

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