Chapter 274 Treasure NPC
Player Wu Fan never expected that the one-eyed Orion he recruited could be so good at archery!

From the city wall to the Tubo officer who fell to the ground with an arrow, it was a hundred steps away!
The ability to shoot the enemy's eye socket with a hundred steps, the archery technique of piercing Yang with a hundred steps, is probably only possessed by Captain Xue of the Moli Army.

Wu Fan looked at Sun Duyan with even more fiery eyes, knowing that he is capable, but he did not expect to be so strong!

This is a top npc!
In the "game" of "Da Tang Fengyun", all kinds of NPCs are very important elements of the game.

According to the types summarized in the forum, the npcs in the "game" are divided into several types.

An npc like King Jianning who must gain favorability is the absolute core of the game.

Almost all important tasks come from Li Yan.

And if you want to receive these important tasks, you must brush up the favorability of King Gao Jianning.

"King Jianning is our sun, loyalty to King Jianning is the player's first priority!"

This rather funny slogan has spread wildly in the player forums, and has even become a hot topic on the Internet.

All players know that flattering King Jianning is the most important thing.

But in the fourth natural disaster, there are naturally chaotic and evil players. For example, when Li Yan just started the second test, some players tried to assassinate him, just to know what would happen if King Jianning died.

This also shocked Li Yan into a cold sweat. He immediately spent a hundred luck points to let the system create a new defense function.

As long as there is a player who intends to be unruly to Li Yan, he will be kicked out of the game and banned from logging into the game forever.

Since the high-profile disposal of several dead players, the players finally know that they should cherish their accounts and not have ill intentions towards Li Yan.

In addition to Li Yan, an NPC who can never be harmed, there are many important NPCs in the game.

Among them are court officials like Zhang Mian and generals like Cao Lingzhong.

Those aborigines who deal with players are considered this type of NPC.

This kind is called "friendly NPC" by players, and can communicate normally.

Although this type of NPC is not protected by the system like King Jianning, if the player kills these NPCs, they will immediately become "red names".

Players with red names will be wanted by the government. If they take up a career such as [Catcher], players with red names can also get professional experience points when they are captured.

If more "friendly NPCs" are killed, the red name will deepen, the government will post a wanted order with a higher reward, and players in an area will also receive hunting tasks.

After being caught, they will be sent to the government to be sentenced according to the laws of Tang Dynasty. If they are sentenced to beheaded and there are no other players in prison, then there is only one dead end.

"Friendly NPC" will sometimes issue tasks to players, and some NPCs will also teach players skills.

At this time, a genre of players was also born, that is, the "little brother style".

Adventure and do quests with friendly NPCs with skills by hiring and recruiting them.

When this genre was developed, it instantly became one of the strongest in the game.

The contributions made by the hired younger brothers will also be counted as the player's own contribution.

In other words, if you go on missions with NPC boys, they can not only provide help, but also provide more experience to the employer player and increase the evaluation during the mission settlement period.

All of a sudden, the "little brother style" became all the rage, and high-end players would be ashamed to call themselves high-end players without showing off with one or two NPC younger brothers.

But soon players discovered the drawbacks of this genre.

Once the recruited aboriginal brother dies, the government will require the player to pay a large sum of "funeral expenses" to the aboriginal family members.

Many players were on the verge of bankruptcy in the game due to the death of their aboriginal brother, and had to sell themselves to work to pay off their debts.

Xiao Diliu is still powerful, but there are no fools who have no brains to hire a bunch of NPCs. Players have become a lot more cautious when hiring NPCs. They will only recruit those NPCs with high martial arts and specialties.

Wu Fan stared at Sun Duyan, this is an NPC with excellent archery skills!

This is a treasure NPC!
Wu Fan was already thinking about recruiting Duyan Sun after the city defense was over.

Moreover, such an NPC can also learn archery from him. I really found a treasure!

At this time, the Tubo people finally reacted and began to shoot arrows at the city wall to fight back.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Wu Fan pulled Sun Duyan under the battlements.

Hearing the arrows flying over his head, Sun Duoyan felt a little scared now. Although these Tubo soldiers were not good at archery, their bows and arrows had no eyes. If they were shot, it would be a disaster.

Sun Duyan quickly thanked Wu Fan: "Thank you for your help!"

Wu Fan said with a cold face: "Sun Duyan! Don't underestimate the enemy, I know you are good at archery, but you can only fight better if you protect yourself."

Sun Duyan's heart warmed up. He has lived so long, so he naturally knows that Wu Fan cares about him from the bottom of his heart.

This brigade commander is different from other officers of the Chishui Army.

Wu Fan continued: "I've recorded all your achievements for you. When the defense of the city is over, I will report to Master Jiedushi."

At this moment, there was a rush of trumpets on the city wall.

"The Tibetans are starting to climb the wall!"

Wu Fan poked his head out and saw that Tubo Xiandeng had already started climbing towards the city wall with the simple climbing ladder made yesterday.

And within the defense area of ​​the hundred soldiers led by Wu Fan, there were already two climbing ladders leaning against the city wall.

Wu Fan patted Sun Duyan on the shoulder and said, "Start defending the city and protect yourself."

After saying this, Wu Fan began to direct the soldiers to fight back.

"Is the golden juice ready? Wait until the enemy is halfway up!"

"You can save some bows and arrows, just shoot the Tubo officers."

"Falling rocks and logs can also be used!"

After some orders, these newly recruited soldiers began to defend the city according to the content of yesterday's training.

At first, these newly recruited soldiers were a little flustered, but under Wu Fan's leadership, they gradually calmed down and followed the training step by step yesterday.

The boiled golden juice was poured on the climbing ladder, and the Tibetan soldiers climbing in the front row were poured with hot golden juice, and the disgusting and pungent smell rushed into their nostrils. Falling down the ladder.

Those Tubo soldiers who endured the attack of the golden juice were hit by boulders and rolling logs on their heads. There was no place to dodge on the narrow climbing ladder. These Tubo soldiers were directly smashed to the ground by the stones and rolling logs.

Coupled with Sun Duyan's superb archery skills, he was always able to hit the officers hiding among the soldiers. The two enemies on the ladder were quickly wiped out. Seeing the heavy losses, the Tubo people finally left their bodies and retreated .

"Wan Sheng!" The soldiers defending the city cheered. Xue Hu watched Tubo who had retreated and boarded the camp first, but it was not as easy as other players.

Sure enough, this tentative attack was over, and Dai Ze, who had made up his mind, finally ordered the whole army to attack Wuwei City!
(End of this chapter)

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