Chapter 285 Divide and Annihilate!
Yu Chixin defeated Dai Ze's army and divided the Tubo army into north and south.

Yu Chixin left Zheng He in the south, and when the Tubo army collapsed, Zheng He's cavalry rushed up and used firecrackers to squeeze the Tubo army.

As Yu Chixin expected, the Tubo army was terrified by the cannons and grenades.

They were squeezed by Zheng He's cavalry and Yuchixin's infantry, and finally collapsed completely.

Xue Hu and Zhang Wu from Shangli in Wuwei City came out with their troops, and chased the Tubo people fiercely, showing the anger of being besieged.

After Zhang Guangde pushed the cannon into Wuwei City, Zhang Guangde asked suspiciously:
"Boss Yuchi, what about the Tibetans in the north?"

It was only then that everyone remembered that the Tubo army was divided into two, and Yu Chixin had been chasing and suppressing the Tubo army in the south, but he did not pursue the defeated Tubo army in the north.

Yu Chixin said: "Our military strength is not superior, we can only eat the Tubo people in the south."

"However, as long as we control the road from Wuwei to Qilian Mountains and prevent the Tubo people from breaking through to the south, their supplies and supplies won't last long, and they will surrender to us within three days."

Xue Hu immediately said: "Gao! There are deserts and wastelands to the north of Wuwei City. There is no way to supply them on the spot. These Tibetans don't carry much dry food, and they will collapse by themselves."

"The Tubo people in the south can plunder on the spot and escape back to Tubo, so Boss Yuchi gave priority to defeating them!"

Everyone looked at Yu Chixin with even more admiration, no wonder he can be the commander-in-chief, this strategic thinking!

At this moment, Zheng He was only seen riding his horse and leading a group of Tubo captives back to Wuwei City.

"Gah, that kid Dai Ze pretended to be a soldier and ran away. These are his own soldiers, and I was captured by Boss Yuchi."

I only saw that these Tubo warriors were wearing tiger skin skirts, with gold and silver on their arms, and they were indeed Dai Ze's personal guards.

Yu Chixin was not disappointed, he was already very satisfied to be able to eat Dai Ze's [-] elites, and if he wanted to capture the general of the place alive, the Tang army did not have enough control over the area, so there was still no way to do it.

It is already quite good to have this result, and Yu Chixin did not expect too much.

After comforting Zheng He, Yu Chixin did not lead the army into the city, but used the old barracks of Tubo, and remodeled and built several camps for prisoners of war, and locked the Tubo prisoners in.

In addition, Yu Chixin gave Xue Hu a thousand elite soldiers, ordering him to play the banner of King Jianning and completely control Wuwei City.

Xue Hu and Zhang Wu held the banner of King Jianning, surrounded by more than 1000 elite soldiers, and drove into Wuwei City.

When he learned that Xue Hu, who was guarding Wuwei City, was a subordinate of King Jianning, cheers erupted in Wuwei City.

Fang Guan, who was under house arrest in the Jiedu Shifu, also showed "tactfulness".

With the "support" of two internal guards, he opened the gate of Jiedushi's mansion, put on the official robe of the court, and with the guard of honor of Jiedushi, he respectfully welcomed Xue Hu, the envoy of King Jianning.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Guan said in front of the Jiedu envoy's mansion: "King Jianning is a king who is highly valued by His Majesty, and he has the post of governor of Longyou. This time, if the Tubo invaded Hexi, if King Jianning had not Xingyi Army, I am afraid that Wuwei City would fall into Ugly hand."

Immediately afterwards, Fang Guan shed two lines of tears in public, grabbed Xue Hu's hand and said:

"Fang Guan has neither the ability to comfort the people, nor the ability to win thousands of miles. In addition, Guan is old and incompetent, and he is ashamed of His Majesty's kindness!"

Then Fang Guan took out the memorial in his sleeve, which was written by Ni Dayou in imitation of Fang Guan's handwriting.

Then Fang Guan handed the memorial to Xue Hu and said: "Please envoy to deliver this memorial to Your Highness, and please bring it to Your Majesty. I would like to resign as Hexi Jiedu Envoy."

Having said that, Fang Guan coughed a few more times in cooperation, trembling like a 90-year-old man.

Xue Hu smiled secretly, this old fox's acting skills are really good.

Who would have thought that this old man, who seemed to be in his dying years, had only taken in a wife like a wife half a month ago?
But it was just for show, Xue Hu quickly said:
"Xue Hu is just an envoy of His Highness, and the envoy of Jiedu is a high-ranking member of the imperial court. How could this memorial to beg for bones pass through my hands!"

Xue Hu immediately said: "Your Highness said that the envoy Fang Jiedu is a veteran of the two dynasties and has made outstanding achievements. The reason why Wuwei City was besieged was because Chou Fan broke his promise and broke the contract with Datang and crossed Qilian Mountains!"

"His Royal Highness has the post of being in charge of Longyou, and it is his duty to raise troops to rescue Wuwei City!"

Then Xue Hu pulled Fang Guan again and said: "This memorial should be sent to Fengxiang Mansion by Fang Jiedushi himself."

Fang Guan had no choice but to call a post soldier from Jiedu Shifu's mansion, hand over the memorial to him, and send it to Fengxiang mansion quickly.

Then Fang Guan said: "The military registers and field registers of the four prefectures in Hexi, and the rosters of the officials of the Jiedushi's mansion are all here. Please Sima Xue seal them up."

Fang Guan also handed over the power of the Hexi Jiedu envoy in a half-hearted and half-acting manner.

The truth is that if King Jianning hadn't sent troops decisively this time, Wuwei City would really have been defeated by the Tubo people.

According to the rules of the Tang court, the Jiedu envoy who lost even the city stationed in the festival would definitely be beheaded by the court if he hadn't died with the destruction of the city.

It can be said that King Jianning's army also saved Fang Guan's life.

What is not reconciled is naturally that he will lose the position of Jiedushi that he had so hard to seek, but this time Fang Guan took up the post of Hexi, but he failed to accomplish a single thing, which further deepened the court's impression of his incompetence.

However, Fang Guan was also imprisoned for a few days, and he finally figured out that the Hexi matter is definitely not something he can play around with.

He couldn't even appease the Chishui Army, so it's better not to sit on this volcano.

It's better to resign from the court generously, and it would be good to return to your hometown and become a rich man.

After Fang Guan's performance, Xue Hu grandiosely took control of Wuwei City, and then issued several orders in the name of the Hexi Jiedu Envoy's Mansion.

The people who have made meritorious service in defending the city will be rewarded according to their merits, and those who died on the city wall will be given pension money to their families according to the previous promise.

For those soldiers who died in battle without family members, their pension money was used to help the people in the city.

Then Xue Hu cut the mess with a sharp knife, and arrested several wealthy households in the city who had colluded with Chang Pingcang to steal the imperial court's grain, and all of them were arrested in the yamen of the Jiedu envoy's mansion.

Then the Jiedu envoy released evidence that these ten big households had taken food from Changping warehouses for a long time, so that Wuwei City was short of food and was almost conquered by Tubo.

Immediately afterwards, Xue Hu dealt with a group of officials and artisans who were stealing, raping, and cheating, and were greedy for money in the arsenal of the Jiedu envoy's mansion, and cleaned up the Hexi Jiedu envoy.

Yuchixin outside the city completely wiped out the Tubo army in the south, and ordered Zheng He to escort the prisoners back to Zhangye.

But Yu Chixin looked at the map, and immediately sent troops to block the main road from Wuwei to Zhangye, preparing to trap the rout soldiers in the north to death in the desert.

Just when the news of the great victory spread among the player groups, Qin Chuan, who set off from Jinshan Pass, had already penetrated into the territory of Tubo East.

 df mighty!

(End of this chapter)

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