Chapter 288 Datang Academy of Sciences

If we say that the most influential guild in the entire player base is a small guild with less than thirty players.

This trade union named "Datang Academy of Sciences" is a semi-official and semi-player organization.

Players entering the "Datang Academy of Sciences" need to go through the review of the players in the Academy of Sciences, and can only join this union after being approved by King Jianning.

Players who can join the "Datang Academy of Sciences" are players who have invented and promoted the development of science.

Joining this trade union not only symbolized honor, but also gained the support of King Jianning.

"Datang Academy of Sciences" adopts a system of rotating presidents. Each player takes a ten-day rotation. The president can apply to King Jianning for project funding and scientific research support.

It can be said that every invention here is greatly changing the appearance of Longyou.

Players with hundreds of jobs are trying to find technology that can be brought into the game.

In addition to these three buildings, the "Contribution Point Store", "Job Transfer Washing Point Center", these shops that ordinary people don't understand at all, are all hidden in the corner of the player square in a low-key manner.

Behind the player hall is the original Yamen of the Governor's Mansion.

Following the suggestions of Cui Tao Shangbo and other civil servants, Li Yan also fine-tuned the system of the Governor's Mansion.

First of all, the criminal prosecution court of the Governor's Mansion was moved to the opposite side of the player's square.

Ordinary cases naturally do not need to be tried by King Jianning himself. King Jianning appointed Zhou Hao, who is proficient in "Tang Law Shuyi" as the "Chief Judge" of King Jianning's Bafu, to be fully responsible for the criminal and prison litigation affairs in Longyou.

At the same time, King Jianning also followed Zhou Hao's suggestion to separate the criminal proceedings of Yizhou from the chief officials at the level of the governor, and appointed a judge in charge of prisons to handle it.

Zhou Hao also imitated the system of later generations, set up appeals and circuit courts, and transferred the power of death penalty cases to the level of the governor, assessed the county-level judges, and eliminated officials who were not proficient in Tang law.

For ordinary people, there is a place for redressing grievances, and major rulings must be heard in public. This is already a remarkable progress.

The people all shouted Jianning Wang Yingming.

Zhou Hao also caught several knife and pen officials who used judicial omissions to blackmail the people, which made King Jianning's reputation rise to a higher level.

In addition to the judiciary, King Jianning also reformed taxation.

The function of taxation was allocated from the households of the governor's mansions and merged into the Yantie Bureau to establish the Yantie Tax Bureau.

Jiang Lun is still responsible for the judgment of the salt and iron tax bureau by King Jianning's Bafu. Now he is in charge of the sale of salt and iron in the entire territory of King Jianning, as well as the collection of land tax and commercial tax.

Since King Jianning came to Longyou, he has been reducing the rent of the people and the land tax of farmers.

Coupled with the suppression of tyranny and the clearing of the land, for most farmers, the arrival of King Jianning is really an earth-shaking change.

The common people only need to pay the rent according to the cultivated land, and do not need to bear the rent of the big households as before.

However, King Jianning stipulated that there must be compensation for all labor, and that the labor conscripted for government projects will be paid according to the number of working days.

All these made the lives of the people in Longyou better.

However, when the land tax was reduced, the Yantie Tax Bureau strengthened the collection of commercial taxes.

All goods traded in Longyou are subject to transaction tax. Jiang Lun's suggestion to King Jianning is to set up salt and iron tax courts at important checkpoints throughout Longyou.

King Jianning naturally adopted Jiang Lun's suggestion, and the Yantie Tax Court was established on various important roads in Longyou.

Jiang Lun's plan is very simple. All goods traded in Longyou will be subject to a commercial tax of [-]% of the total value of the goods.

After the transaction is completed, you can get a tax-paid deed, and you can travel to Longyou with the deed.

The name of the goods purchased or sold will be written on the deed, and then the name of the goods already purchased will be written.

As long as you hold and pay the tax deed, you can travel to Longyou unimpeded.

If the goods do not match what is recorded in the deed, it will be deducted to pay taxes and even fined.

The Salt and Iron Tax Court is also responsible for arresting nearby merchants who smuggle salt and smuggle ironware.

The Yantie Taxation Court was also separated from the governor's office of each state, and the income was distributed to each governor's mansion and county governments in a certain proportion. King Jianning controlled local taxation and justice through these two institutions.

In addition, the profits turned in by merchants and players, and the income from the Uighur tea horse trade.

King Jianning's treasury was full, reversing the previous situation in which Longyou rent and mediocrity had been in arrears.

Li Yan looked at Longyou's income compiled by Jiang Lun, and said with satisfaction: "Now that Longyou's finances are improving, Jiang Sima has contributed a lot!"

Jiang Lun heard the system beep:
[Player Jiang Lun's reputation in King Jianning's heart has increased! 】

[Player Jiang Lun won the treasured title - "Financial Expertise"]

[Player Jiang Lun obtained the achievement - Modern Financial Transformation, and was rewarded with 50 contribution points. 】

Jiang Lun didn't expect such an unexpected surprise. He only saw the last notice flashing across the server, attracting the envious eyes of other players.

The achievement system is also something that players are chasing after. This time, Jiang Lun's server-wide announcement let players see another achievement route.

Complete the reform of social sciences, and you can also get achievements!
All of a sudden, those players who usually like keyboard warriors the most also found their own direction!

Isn't it social science reform?Isn't that system reform?

Advise King Jianning!
Li Yan didn't expect that the reward he gave to Jiang Lun would attract the collective efforts of so many government enthusiasts.

It's just that most of the players' so-called "reforms" are unrealistic ideas.

But Li Yan still has to read it carefully, and then reply to these players one by one, so as not to dampen their enthusiasm.

If there is real gold in the shit, next time we can propose reform measures that meet the current disadvantages.

After encouraging Jiang Lun, Li Yan paid attention to Qin Chuan and his party.

For the large-scale attack on Tubo East Road from Dangjin Pass, Li Yan couldn't gather so many soldiers, and secondly, he couldn't gather so much food and grass.

But players like Qin Chuan wanted to give it a try, and Li Yan would not stop their enthusiasm.

Anyway, this is just an idle move, it would be better if there is something to gain, even if there is no gain, it will not be a loss to Longyou.

June has ended, Li Yan turned on the system.

"System, have you settled in June?"

Li Yan is gearing up, now is the time when people are most needed, the battle in Wuwei City is fierce, and there is a huge shortage of officials in Longyou, finally it's July!

A lot of results were achieved in June, and Wuwei City was also occupied, so a large amount of luck points should be credited.

It's finally time to recruit new players!

(End of this chapter)

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