Chapter 300 Unexpected Encounter
Although Prince Ye Hu is not good at strategy, he is not proficient in power.

But he did take the lead and treated his soldiers very well.

So he gave an order, and twenty Uyghur dead soldiers set off from the Uyghur barracks next to Fengxiang Mansion, heading north all the way to intercept and kill the Uyghur envoys seeking marriage.

The Uyghur Mission is an official mission, and it must have taken the official road leading directly to Fengxiang Mansion.

Go south from Mobei to Lingzhou, then pass through Yuanzhou and Longzhou, and finally arrive at Fengxiang Mansion.

Among them, Guyuan City in Yuanzhou is the only way for the envoys to go south.

Guyuan City, the ancients commented on its mountain and river geography as:

"The left controls Wuyuan, the right leads Lanhui, Huangliu circles the north, Kongtong blocks the south, according to the shoulders of the eight counties, and the key points of the three towns."

Now all the officials in Guyuan City are standing at the end of the city, looking into the distance. After a while, a knight holding a banner appeared in the sight of all the officials.

Today's Governor of Yuanzhou, He Gong, the highest official in Guyuan City, is standing solemnly outside Guyuan City, waiting for the knights who hold festivals to walk slowly in front of him.

"He Gonggong, governor of Yuanzhou, is welcoming the Jianning King Jing Festival!"

Following the governor's shout, all the officials in Yuanzhou saluted King Jianning's banner.

It was Li Daoyuan of the Eastbound Brigade who was holding the Jianning King Jing Festival. After everyone finished saluting, he said to everyone:
"Li Daoyuan, Sima Li Daoyuan of Jianning Prince's Mansion, paid a visit to Governor He."

He Gongzheng immediately took Li Daoyuan's hand and said: "The envoy has worked hard all the way, and you can feel at ease when you arrive in Guyuan City!"

Then He Gong was looking into the distance, only to see tens of thousands of livestock being driven out of Guyuan City.

Li Daoyuan originally traveled east to visit the great rivers and mountains of the Tang Dynasty.

But I didn't expect that Li Yan had captured the strong men, and King Jianning had a mission to let them bring nine thousand miscellaneous animals and one thousand war horses to report victory to the Tang court.

At the same time, he sent this batch of captured livestock to the Tang court and handed them over to his father for disposal.

And the paperwork of the victory has been spread all over the state capitals along the way.

When the news reached Lingzhou, everyone in Lingzhou scoffed.

What is the quality of King Jianning?Others don't know, but the Lingzhou generals have all seen it.

Although in Li Tang's clan, he can be regarded as brave and good at fighting.

After the Maweipo mutiny, it was indeed King Jianning who escorted the emperor all the way to the north, and moved north to Lingwu to ascend the throne.

But how capable King Jianning is, others don't know, even Guo Ziyi, who has been a teacher of King Jianning, doesn't know?
Lingzhou belongs to Shuofang Jiedushi, and many people have seen the emperor enthroned in Lingwu. Of course, they know that when King Jianning went west to Longyou, he was deliberately exiled and marginalized for the stability of the court.

As for restraining Longyou, this is just a joke.

How could these arrogant soldiers in Longyou be restrained by a county king who has no soldiers, no money, and is not favored?
Even if the emperor went to Longyou, it would take a lot of effort to tame these generals, right?

Then Lingzhou could occasionally hear some rumors about King Jianning.

What King Jianning has entered Shazhou.

King Jianning took control of Beiting.

King Jianning marched into Hexi.

Everyone in Lingzhou smiled, thinking that these were all stories and rumors.

After Fang Guan, the envoy of Hexi Jiedu, took office, everyone in Lingzhou had an attitude of watching the excitement.

Before appointing King Jianning to be in charge of Longyou, and now letting Fang Guan, the former prime minister, control Hexi, the attitude of the court is interesting.

Later, the people in Wuwei City said that Fang Guan was deflated in the hands of King Jianning.

Now Lingzhou finally has some new understanding of King Jianning. Maybe this King Jianning really has some tricks?
However, the victory report said that King Jianning commanded the Beiting Army and "mediated" Gele Khan's western expedition. He wanted to donate [-] miscellaneous animals and [-] horses to the court. Laughed.

The imperial court set up Shuofang Jiedushi and annexed the Hetao area, the main purpose of which was to defend against the nomads in the north.

The Xiongnu, Rouran, Turks, Uighurs, and northern nomads played in turn, and the border troubles in the north never stopped for a day.

The people of Lingzhou naturally know how powerful the Uighurs are. Although the Uighurs are still submissive to the Tang Dynasty, Lingzhou is often plundered by small groups of Uighur "bandits". They naturally know the fighting power of the Uighurs.

How many people are there in Beiting Dufu Mansion?
How many people are there in Longyou?

The imperial court almost drained the border area of ​​soldiers to counter the rebellion. These people were not even enough to defend the land of the Tang Dynasty. Let alone take the initiative to attack, they interfered with the Uighur Khan's personal conquest.

But when Li Daoyuan led [-] livestock to Lingzhou, Lingzhou was shocked.

The imperial court set up a horse market in Lingzhou to buy war horses from the Uighurs.

But the Lingzhou officials saw the strong horses behind Li Daoyuan, and they knew what kind of inferior horses they received from the Uyghurs.

And the herds of cattle and sheep, if it hadn't severely injured the main force of the Uighurs, where did they get so many livestock?
Lingzhou did not dare to be negligent, and immediately recruited the army and civilians to help drive the herds of livestock, and prepared fodder along the way to escort Li Daoyuan and his party to continue south.

The letters from Lingzhou were also sent to the states along the way, and also to the court hall of Fengxiang Mansion.

When the court received the letter of victory from King Jianning, the first reaction was that King Jianning was bragging.

Now there are still [-] Uighur elites assisting the Tang Dynasty to quell the Anlu Mountain Rebellion, so the Tang court is also very aware of the combat effectiveness of these Uighur elites.

The news of Gele Khan's expedition to the west was also known to the Tang Dynasty.

If it was in Xuanzong's court, Datang would definitely reprimand the Uighurs and send troops to Ge Luolu to maintain the status quo of the division of the grassland.

But now the imperial court has no ability to interfere in the grassland, so it can only let Gele Khan send troops, and the Tang court even dare not send envoys to reprimand the Uighurs.

But the result was unexpected. The documents of King Jianning's victory report were not taken seriously by the princes at first, thinking that King Jianning lied about his military exploits in order to return to the Central Plains.

The ministers of the prince's faction wrote to the emperor one after another, impeaching King Jianning for "deceiving his father and lying about his military achievements".

The emperor's approach was to stay in the middle and not send it out, diluting the influence of this matter.

But soon, news came from Lingzhou that King Jianning really sent people to escort [-] livestock captured from Uighurs to Fengxiang Mansion!
If this news is not enough to prove the Jinshan Great Victory, the old Uighur Khan passed away, and the new Khan sent envoys to claim the vassal status of the Tang Dynasty, and the submissive attitude of asking to marry the Datang Princess, also shows that the Jinshan Great Victory is not a fiction.

The court shook!

At this moment, the whole court finally believed that King Jianning really succeeded in intervening in the Uyghur and defeated the old Uighur Khan's army!

Just at that time, the imperial army stormed Xijing and was defeated in Qingqu, losing troops and generals.

The batch of livestock sent from Longyou can be said to be a timely delivery of charcoal.

The emperor strictly ordered all states and counties along the way to ensure that the batch of livestock was sent to Xijing intact!

In the enthusiastic "farewell" of the officials in Lingzhou, Li Daoyuan led the civilian husbands enlisted by the government to drive the livestock and continued southward to the outside of Guyuan City, the seat of Yuanzhou Prefecture.

He Gongzheng, the governor of Yuanzhou who got the news, led the officials of the whole city out of the city to meet the envoy of King Jianning.

Yuanzhou's geographical location is important. Although it is only a central state in terms of population, since the rise of Tubo, Yuanzhou has been promoted to Shangzhou by the Tang Dynasty.

He Gongzheng, the governor of Yuanzhou, is a proper second-rank official.

The official position of Zhengyipin in the Tang Dynasty is rarely granted, and the governor is a proper official of the frontier.

He Gongzheng also served as the "supervisor of the military forces in Yuanzhou", that is, to control the garrison in Yuanzhou, that is, the governor of Bianzhou who was caught by the military and government.

As long as He Gongzheng is transferred back to the imperial court, he can only be regarded as a mediocre minister if he serves as the six ministers.

Serving as Zaifu is also a normal promotion.

However, at this time, such a high official respected Li Daoyuan, the "temporary worker" of the Jianning Palace, which shocked the officials of Yuanzhou.

After He Gongzheng, the governor of Yuanzhou, personally welcomed Li Daoyuan into the city, when he had an interview with Li Daoyuan alone in the governor's mansion, he said with a look of embarrassment:

"Li Sima, I'm not afraid of your jokes. This time, I am courteous to others, and I have a request from you."

Li Daoyuan didn't know that this majestic governor of Shangzhou would ask him for help if he had any troubles.

However, Li Daoyuan's task is to safely send the livestock to Fengxiang Mansion, but this task also requires the assistance of the state capital along the way.

So Li Daoyuan said politely: "Please tell me, Mr. He, as long as Li can do it, he will try his best to help Mr. Fu."

At this time, Governor He sighed and said, "I, Daxie Lifa, the Uyghur begging envoy, is also in Guyuan City."

Speaking of this, He Cishi has an expression like eating shit.

The Uighurs asked to marry the princess of the Tang Dynasty. If it was the emperor's time, the Uighur envoys would not even be able to enter Xijing City.

It is estimated that he was scolded by Honglu Temple minister outside Baqiao.

How could a majestic princess of the Tang Dynasty marry a barbarian on the grassland?
My Daxie Barber is an old minister who has served Khan for two generations. He is proficient in Han affairs and is also very familiar with Datang.

He naturally knew that it would be very difficult for a foreign country like Uyghur to marry a princess of the Tang Dynasty.

But difficulties are difficulties. Tubo also married Princess Wencheng and Princess Jincheng. Since Tubo can do it, why can't Uighurs!

It's a pity that the current Uighur has been broken by King Jianning. The defeat of Jinshan caused heavy losses to the Uighur Yazhang soldiers, and the Uighur is already a strong outsider.

The biggest difficulty facing me, Daxie, is how to bluff the Tang court and force him to marry the princess.

So the old man finally chose Guyuan City.

After my Daxie barber arrived at the post house, there was a small quarrel every day, and a big quarrel every two days, making things difficult everywhere.

He Gongzheng personally arranged capable subordinates to wait on Daxie's haircut, and finally the group of Uighurs stopped arguing in the posthouse.

But they started to mess with other moths, visiting the Guyuan military camp for a while, and going out to hunt in the city for a while.

Li Daoyuan is also a person with exquisite faces, he immediately understood what He Gongzheng meant.

King Jianning was the one who defeated the Uyghur Khan, and because of the diplomatic relations between Datang and Uyghur, He Gong had no choice but to let this old Uyghur traitor go.

Now that the envoy of King Jianning is here, Li Daoyuan can come forward to teach me a lesson, Daxie, and I'll cut my hair!
But the people in Guyuan City didn't know that a group of Uighur dead soldiers were also rushing to Guyuan City.

(End of this chapter)

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