Chapter 304 Big fight or small fight?

Shang Qixin'er summoned her generals and announced in front of them the order to demote Dai Ze to commander.

"Now Tang Dynasty Chen Bing Qilian Mountain Pass, please come to discuss how to fight this Qilian Mountain Pass?"

Those who can enter Shang Qi Xin'er's tent are all generals above a thousand commanders.

The news that Dai Ze lost his troops and killed [-] pioneers has reached the Chinese army.

The generals in the handsome tent look at me and I look at you, but no one wants to speak first.

The reason is very simple, Dai returned in a big defeat, and the morale of Tubo was greatly shaken.

This is a ten thousand elite!

Even [-] sheep should not collapse so quickly.

In the end, only Dai Ze fled back to the south of Qilian Mountain with less than a hundred guards around him.

The terrifying fighting power of the Longyou Tang army made the Tubo generals in the camp want to retreat.

But rationally, they also knew that Shang Qixin'er launched an attack in the summer and mobilized all the troops of the host country, and it was absolutely impossible to go back like this.

If you go back now, the blow to Shang Qixin'er's prestige will be huge.

But because Dai lost the position north of Qilian Mountain, although Shang Qixin'er still had [-] elite troops, the Tang army had already occupied the key pass of Qilian Mountain Pass.

Attacking Qilian Mountain by force at this time will have to pay a huge price.

Thinking of this, Shang Qi wanted to whip Dai again.

If it weren't for his rush, the Tubo army wouldn't be so passive!
But time can't be turned back, Shang Qixin is also thinking, fighting is definitely going to happen, but how far will it go?
It is to eliminate one Tang army and avenge ten thousand pioneers.

It is still necessary to capture Wuwei or Zhangye City, and drag the entire Tubo into the water according to the original plan.

Shang Qixin looked at the generals under her command, and said with a serious face: "According to what the Tang people in Longyou said, you should speak freely during the military discussion, and you must order and prohibit it after the military discussion is over."

"Let you speak now, don't express your opinions, and wait until the military discussion is over, and then issue the general order, everyone, don't want to disobey!"

After finishing this sentence, Shang Qixin'er's ten thousand husband chief Gar said:

"Wise talk, Garr thinks we should continue to attack!"

Shang Qi's eyes lit up, and she wanted to make such a main battle speech at this time.

Gar said: "Qilian Mountain is not a golden mountain pass. This old Tang Dynasty road is wide and there are many passes that can be passed."

"According to General Dai Ze's news, oh Bu Dai Ze's commander, there are only 5000 Tang people at most, and it is impossible to completely defend Qilian Mountain."

"The general thinks that we can continue to cross Qilian Mountain according to the original plan!"

"it is good!"

Shang Qixin'er clapped her hands and stood up, expressing her strong support for Gar's suggestion.

Seeing Shang Qixin'er's attitude, Gal continued: "The Tang army is not strong enough to defend Zhangye and Wuwei at the same time!"

Shang Qi Xin'er nodded again and again. Gar's judgment was the same as his own. The Tang army only had [-] troops on the front line. Although there were cannons and explosive grenades, it would be too stupid to divide the troops to defend the two cities.

Gar said: "I once heard a story told by merchants from the Tang Dynasty, which is called "Wai Dian Da Ai."

"Tell me in detail!"

Gar grinned, showing a cunning that was completely different from his thick appearance, and said:

"The people of Tang Dynasty were good at defending the city, and Commander Dai Ze has already suffered from this loss."

"However, this also shows that the Tang people are cowardly and dare not fight us Tubo warriors in the wild."

"Tang people only rely on the sharpness of their weapons, so we can pretend to besiege Wuwei City, and then ambush the reinforcements who come to rescue on the road!"

Shang Qixin laughed loudly when she heard the words: "Okay! This plan is good!"

Then Shang Qixin'er took out a wooden slip and wrote the order on it.

"Gar, this Dalun orders you to lead the [-] vanguard troops of the headquarters to break through the Qilian Mountains and be the vanguard of the army!"

Gal secretly hated himself for taking the lead, but he never expected to accept such an unlucky job for himself.

The 1 elite led by Dai Ze were all defeated by the Tang people, and Shang Qixin'er only gave [-] people, and they had to cross Qilian Mountains. Isn't this a gift?

Gal also understood what Shang Qixin'er meant. If the 1 people in Gal could not break through the Qilian Mountains, he would punish Gal and find a reason to return to Tianzhu City.

Thinking of this, Gar's dissatisfaction became even stronger.

Shang Qixin'er used to be a good head of the family who was clear about rewards and punishments.

But now that he is old, Dai committed such a serious crime, he didn't even kill him to apologize, but was demoted to commander.

Shang Qixin'er when she was young would never do this.

And this order made Gar even more chilling. If Shang Qixin'er really wanted to use her own strategy, she would definitely not just hand over 1 horses to herself.

Gal was a little more certain that Shang Qixin'er was really old.

The young wolf pack leader will lead the pack to expand its territory and hunt for more ferocious prey.

And the old wolf pack only thinks about suppressing the newcomers in the wolf pack, just to maintain his authority in the wolf pack.

If Shang Qixin'er said to withdraw the troops, it would definitely hurt his prestige as a big talker.

Giving 1 people from our own headquarters to attack Qilian Mountain is also a poisonous plan that kills two birds with one stone.

If the 1 people in our headquarters are defeated by Tang Jun, it will weaken the strength of our headquarters, and Shang Qixin'er's position will be more stable.

If her plan is really successful, then Shang Qixin'er will immediately swing her troops over Qilian Mountain, and then Shang Qixin'er will be responsible for the next battle achievements and prestige.

Gal hated secretly, and he saw Dai Ze in the corner again.

This idiot, just because he is Da Lun's son, was punished for killing ten thousand troops?

Just because of his stupidity, everyone has to pay a greater sacrifice to cross Qilian Mountain.

Thinking of this, Gar could hardly restrain the anger in his heart.

However, at this time, Qi Xin'er still had great prestige in the army, so Gar could only respectfully accept the wooden slip with the military order engraved on it.

The Tubo army in the north of Qilian Mountain moved, and the Longyou Tang army in Hexi did not stop.

After the commendation ceremony, high-level players in the Hexi area also organized an online military meeting.

After several battles, players found that online communication is very efficient.

And the forces that need to be mobilized in a war are far more than a few staff officers from a corps.

Whether it is an ancient or a modern war, a war is a huge organizational project from making plans to soldiers going out, from confrontation to chasing the enemy after the battle, and then to gathering prisoners and rewarding them for meritorious service.

A powerful army cannot be commanded by a few generals with superior force.

And a war that spans the entire Hexi region requires more overall planning and arrangements.

This joint meeting was organized by the player with the highest status in Hexi, together with the staff members who stayed in Zhangye City.

Zeng Mu, acting for Suzhou Civil Affairs, Cui Tao, acting for Ganzhou Civil Affairs, and Xue Hu, acting for Liangzhou Civil Affairs, are responsible for the logistics support of Yu Chixin's army.

Zhang Wu, the inner guard player who helped Xue Hu capture Wuwei City, was also taken over by Yu Chixin, and was responsible for rectifying the streamlined Chishui Army.

But what gave Yuchixin the most headache was the problem of weapon logistics support.

"Old Zeng, when will the weapons from Guazhou be delivered?"

Zeng Mu said: "It's not that our people in Suzhou don't work hard, the weapons in Guazhou haven't been produced yet!"

Yu Chixin sighed. Last time, in order to defeat Dai Ze's army as soon as possible, all the grenades and shells in stock were used up.

Now the weapon workshop in Guazhou is being built day and night, but there is still a huge gap in the front line.

Yu Chixin asked again: "The last time the allicin and hemostatic medicine worked well, is there any more?"

Zeng Mu smiled and said, "Hemostatic medicine is a Chinese patent medicine, and it has been mass-produced now, but it is not easy to extract allicin, and allicin is made by Zhao Chen and his workshop, and the raw materials are collected from the hands of ordinary people. Has it been provided for free?"

Yu Chixin understood what Zeng Mu meant, and he said, "I'll give you the money after I dispose of the livestock captured last time."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yu Chixin finished speaking, Cui Tao jumped out: "Are you going to sell those livestock? Our Shandan Ranch is in short supply of livestock!"

Yu Chixin said with some headaches: "I heard from Xue Hu that many merchants from the Central Plains have come to Wuwei City, and the purchase price of livestock is very high."

Cui Tao raised his voice and said, "In order to support the war, we in Zhangye have tightened our belts for a long time! Zheng He, the shepherd supervisor, was dragged by you to fight! Now that you have spoils, you are going to sell them!?"

Yu Chixin also had a headache, so he had no choice but to say, "Then let Zheng He pick one, and bring the good ones back to Shandan Ranch."

Zeng Mu said again: "Do you have any cows? Give me a few hundred cows, and it will be used to offset the previous allicin money!"

Cui Tao immediately said, "Why do you want cattle? Do you have pastures in Jiuquan?"

Zeng Mu sneered and said, "Ranch? Why do you want that thing? I've already built a cattle farm!"

Cui Tao sneered and said, "You Jiuquan also want to develop animal husbandry? The climate and conditions over there are not suitable for animal husbandry."

But Zeng Mu said: "Who said that raising cattle is just animal husbandry? We in Jiuquan want to go to a high-end industry!"

Seeing that the two sides were bickering again, Yu Chixin immediately said, "Okay, okay, don't argue, I'll send two hundred cows to Jiuquan, and let Zheng He choose the remaining good animals." How about taking it away, and giving the rest to Wuwei City to rebuild the city defense?"

This result finally satisfied everyone, Yu Chixin continued:
"According to Lin Jianguo's investigation, the Tubo army camped in the south of Qilian Mountain, and they haven't retreated until now. It seems that they are going to attack Hexi."

Cui Tao also resumed his appearance as a military adviser. He shook his feather fan and said, "This is inevitable. If the striker is destroyed, he will go back home. It will deal a huge blow to Shang Qixin'er's prestige. This battle must be fought."

"But this battle can be big or small."

Yu Chixin asked: "How do you beat the big ones? How do you beat the small ones?"

Cui Tao said: "Big fights have the advantages of big fights, and small fights have the advantages of small fights. It's up to Yuchi to make your choice."

(End of this chapter)

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