Chapter 315 Big Victory!captured!
Pang Yawei's Beiting cavalry rushed for a long distance and rushed to the outside of Zhangye City without stopping for a moment.

Pang Yawei did not enter the city, but ordered the soldiers to rest against the base of the wall for one night.

Counting the time, after Wang Xiangjun on the hot air balloon observed the chaos in the Tubo barracks, Pang Yawei decisively ordered the cavalry to mount and attack!

At this time, it was indeed the most chaotic time for the Tubo army. Dadou Bagu lost his way to retreat, and the Tubo army had no rear supplies and no way to retreat. Even generals like Gar panicked.

Originally, the rumors were only spread privately in the military camp, but Dai ran all the way from the main entrance of the camp to the commander's account of the Chinese army, so the news is confirmed!
Dai Ze is Shang Qi Xin'er's own son, who was appointed to guard the Great Fighting Valley!

He has already run back, so the big bucket must be lost!

The news quickly spread in the barracks. From the commander to the soldiers, everyone became confused.

Ba Wu, a young nobleman in Tubo, felt a chill in his heart. He had a strong premonition that the last time he was at the Jinshan Pass was about to happen again!
must run!

Having experienced the baptism of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood last time, Bawu was already very sharp.

His camp is just outside the entire military camp, which is also the place he chose on purpose.

Although the outlying camps are easy to attack, they are also the easiest to escape.

He quickly looked in the direction of Zhangye. Under the sunlight, a heavy armored cavalry rushed towards the Tubo camp.

Bawu's pupils contracted, and he immediately called out to the soldiers of his team.

"Tang Jun is here! Run!"

After Bawu finished speaking, he mounted his horse with his saber and rushed out of the barracks without looking back.

The soldiers behind originally wanted to resist with knives, but when they saw the Tang cavalry in full armor smashing down the horses and fences with the momentum of the earth shaking mountains and rivers, these soldiers completely gave up the will to resist.


Shang Qixin, who was sitting in the command tent of the Chinese army, was horrified to find that a banner with the words "Yichi" had been drawn up, and the army of Yuchixin, whom the Tubo army had been searching for for a long time, finally appeared!

It still appeared when the Tubo military camp was the most chaotic.

Shang Qi Xin'er's head was buzzing, and the surrounding officers and messengers were all waiting for him to give an order, but he couldn't utter a word.

Dongri Marang immediately stepped out and said, "Dalun, let's evacuate the camp first, and raise a flag on a nearby high ground to gather soldiers for a fight!"

Shang Qi Xin'er was at a loss as to how to make a decision, but another general under his command, Gar, said:

"Absolutely not! Our army has 5000 people. Although the Tang army is elite, the number is small!"

"If Da Lun withdraws from the barracks, the morale of our army will collapse! These 5000 people will all become the prey of the Tang army!"

Gal knelt down and said, "Please put up the commander-in-chief flag immediately, and tell the soldiers that you are still in the army! Then use the personal guards to take over the various ministries, and then fight a bloody battle with the Tang army!"

Dongri Malang roared and said: "The barracks are in chaos! Dalun raised the commander-in-chief flag, wouldn't he become a living target for the Tang army! Gar has ulterior motives, please kill him!"

Gal also tried to reason and said: "Although the big fight is lost, we still have food, grass and livestock, and we haven't reached the point of immediate collapse. Now that we abandon the camp and flee, we will abandon the army! If you talk about it, please kill it." Winter Marang!"

While the two were arguing endlessly, Shang Qixin still couldn't make up her mind.

Suddenly a fire broke out in the barracks, and Gal and Dongri Malang finally stopped arguing and looked in the direction of the fire.

not good!The haystacks where the hay was stored and the barn where the grain was stored were on fire!
Seeing this, all the Tubo generals present had cold hands and feet.

Tang Jun is really steady and ruthless.

The timing of the battle was just right, and the goal of the battle was clear, and there was no chance for Tubo to stand up.

Shang Qixin also saw the thick smoke, and he finally regained a trace of clarity.

He said: "Break out, go to the nearby highlands and set up the commander's flag."

Gal sighed in despair. Now the conditions for him to stick to the camp no longer exist. He can only make plans after withdrawing from the camp according to the plan of Winter Marang.

Pang Yawei's heavy cavalry plunged into the Tubo barracks in one breath, and his goal was also clear. Instead of attacking the coach's tent in the center, he rushed towards Tubo's granary and haystacks.

After setting fire to these key places, Pang Yawei rushed to the herd of livestock surrounded by the Tubo army.

The Tubo camp was completely chaotic, without a superior to command the battle, a small number of commanders and centurions used their prestige to gather some subordinates to defend themselves.

More soldiers were running around like headless chickens.

At the same time, Yu Chixin's infantry charged forward in the formation of a long snake formation.

Under the protection of her subordinates, Shang Qi Xin'er finally rushed out of the camp.

Standing on the high slope, looking at the camp below completely immersed in flames and chaos, everyone was silent.

Even Marang and Gar in winter didn't talk about raising the handsome flag anymore.

Yuchixin's long snake formation had already surrounded the Tubo army camp, a large number of Molotov cocktails ignited the wooden fence, and one after another the tents were also ignited, and the flames spread rapidly.

But Tang Jun's cannons were ready, and the sound of cannons rang out, bringing even greater chaos to the Tubo camp.

Both Gar and Dongri Marang knew that raising the commander-in-chief flag would not only fail to gather any soldiers, but would also become the target of the Tang army's artillery.

Lost, completely lost.

There were tears in the eyes of the escaped Tibetans. This army camp was his Paize brothers, and also a whole generation of young men from the Tubo host.

These people died, and lost all the wealth that Shang Qixin'er had accumulated in this life!
Gal wiped the tears from his eyes, and said to Shang Qixin'er:

"Da Lun, it's not safe here, Tang people may find us at any time. Please tell your subordinates clearly how to go!"

Now there are only a hundred people around Shang Qixin'er, and more than 30 of them are Gar's personal soldiers.

Gal was forcing Shang Qixin'er to give the order to retreat.

Everyone was looking at Shang Qi Xin'er, and Shang Qi Xin'er swept across everyone's faces.

He knew very well that if he ordered a retreat now, his prestige would be greatly damaged.

A retainer like Gar, who was originally a separatist regime, might definitely turn to Zanpu and refuse to listen to his orders.

Even a loyal retainer like Dongri Marang, I'm afraid he will be obedient to himself after he returns.

Shang Qixin looked at Dongri Marang, but Dongri Marang didn't respond.

Winter Marang is not a fool either, anyone who decides to withdraw at this time will be liquidated in the future.

He definitely cannot bear this responsibility, so the order to retreat can only be given by Shang Qixin'er.

When Shang Qi Xin'er saw her personal guards, their eyes were full of fear.

Shang Qi gritted her teeth and said, "Find a small road and return to the host road!"

"As ordered!"

After receiving the order, the group immediately escorted Shang Qixin'er and ran towards Qilian Mountain.

High-ranking members of the Tubo army like Shang Qixin'er fled the battlefield, and the outcome of the war was already doomed.

Before dark, the Tang army had completely captured the Tubo camp.

The 5000 Tubo army killed more than [-] people in the chaos.

2 people finally surrendered to the Tang army.

Yuchixin's soldiers were few, but 1 people escaped in the end.

But these deserters had no way out, they had no food and grass, and they had to clear the walls between Zhangye and Wuwei, so even if they escaped, they would not be able to eat.

Zheng He led the light cavalry, and first snatched the biggest spoils of this battle - Tubo's livestock herds!
This time, Shang Qixin'er gambled heavily on Hexi and brought a total of [-] heads of various types of livestock!

Get rich!Get rich!
Looking at these livestock, Zheng He smiled obsessively!
Shandan Ranch is going to get rich!

Zheng He also knew that it was impossible for all these livestock to be given to his Shandan pasture.

However, breeding some good breeds from them can also bring good breeding cattle and sheep to Shandan Ranch!

There are also some yaks and antelopes among them, which are all good species that cannot be bought in Hexi!

After confirming the victory, Cui Tao also led his people out of the city immediately. His task was to count the prisoners of war and resettle these Tibetan prisoners!
More than 2 people!This is labor!

According to the rules of the last Jinshankou, all Tubo prisoners of war had to serve the government for two years.

The Tubo captives captured at Jinshan Pass last time are still repairing the city wall for Datang!

These more than 2 young and strong laborers can definitely add a few more roads and mines to Zhangye!
Cui Tao treasured these prisoners of war very much. He immediately asked people to set up a prisoner of war camp near Zhangye City, screened these prisoners of war, and detained them separately.

Next, all players began to look at their own panels, and many keen players have discovered that their own experience points are prompted.

"[Zhangye Decisive Battle], get 1000 professional experience points! Your [General] professional level has been raised to level 9!"

"Obtain the blue title - [Hexi Defender], you can use this title and get the exclusive badge of the forum."

"The trophies obtained are as follows: the gold body of the Tubo warrior, the tiger skin skirt (incomplete) of the Tubo warrior, and the Tubo spear, etc. You can turn in these trophies to the military officer and convert them into corresponding contribution points."

Get rich overnight!
The players celebrated the harvest of this battle, but Yu Chixin and other generals and players did not relax.

They still need to chase down the defeated [-] Tubo soldiers, and Shang Qixin'er and other Tubo high-ranking officials didn't catch any of them.

Yu Chixin immediately called Pang Yawei, you and Zheng He, the two generals of the cavalry.

"It's not yet time to take it lightly. There are still [-] defeated soldiers in Tubo, and Shang Qixin'er has not caught them. If they attack Dadou and pull the grain and return to Tubo, we will not be able to do all the work."

Yu Chixin said to Pang Yawei: "Old Pang, work harder and take the cavalry to support Zhang Wu in Dadou Bagu."


Pang Yawei immediately went out to rectify the troops.

Yu Chixin then said to Zheng He: "You lead people to chase down the defeated Tubo soldiers and search for traces of Shang Qixin'er."


Yu Chixin stood up and said: "I'll go and inform Cui Tao to send out the captain of the player and bring the united soldiers from the village to reoccupy the village."

Yu Chixin finally said: "Let the army staff get ready and report the victory to the staff!"

(End of this chapter)

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