Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 332 Laid down Tianzhu City, Chapter Went to the Mid-Autumn Festival

In Zanpu City, the city named after Zanpu, the greatness of Zanpu is everywhere.

The palace where Zanpu lives is called Zanpu Court, Zanpu’s private garden is called Zanpu Lin, and now a huge Buddhist temple is to be built outside Zanpu City, also called Zanpu Temple.

In order to build this temple, Chisong Dezan recruited [-] males from the Hejian area. The males of these families worked on the construction site every day, and the women set up tents outside the construction site.

The construction of Zanpu Temple is very fast, and half of the main hall of the Buddhist hall has been built.

There are also opponents in Zanpu City for this buddhist temple that has risen from the ground.

Bon priests are dissatisfied with foreign Buddhists competing for their beliefs, and several confrontations have broken out in Zamp City.

However, the priests of the Bon Religion were really poor at debating scriptures, and they failed several times in debating scriptures.

The failure of these debates once again caused the prestige of Bon religion to plummet. Many people secretly went to the Buddhist temple to help with work, expressing their devotion to the Buddha.

After all, compared with the cruel teachings of the Bon religion, the reincarnation of Buddhism is quite attractive to ordinary people.

Although this life is just a humble Wen Mo, as long as he can accumulate virtue and do good deeds, maybe he will become a noble nobleman in the next life?
The incense in front of the Zanpu Temple became more and more prosperous, but the priests of the Bon religion became even more annoyed.

The dispute between Buddha and Ben is also a battle between the old and new factions in the royal court of Zanpu.

The conservative Tubo nobles opposed Buddhism, insisted on the ancient Bon religion, and insisted on using cruel primitive blood sacrifices to support the gods.

And those ministers who are more enlightened don't like the cumbersome sacrificial rituals of the Bon religion, and even less like the barbaric blood sacrifices that frequently kill. Zamp declared Buddhism the state religion.

Trisong Detsen has only been on the throne for more than a year, and he is still a very young man.

Buddhism has been introduced to Tibet since his father's reign, and the previous Zanpu's policy of fully turning to Buddhism also made him a victim of political struggle.

The previous Zanpu was poisoned by an anti-Buddhist minister!
Although everyone will shout that Zanpu is sacred, there are more than a dozen Zanpu who died unexpectedly in the past, far higher than the emperors of the Central Plains Dynasty.

The chaotic situation at the beginning of Chisong Detsan's accession to the throne allowed him to develop a character of not showing emotions.

Through a series of means, Chisong Dezan got rid of the anti-Buddhist minister who poisoned his father.

And through the method of adding Dalun, the relationship with Sifang Dalun and the powerful officials in Zanpu City was consolidated.

Now Trisong Detsen finally has prestige and can grasp some real power.

Chisong Dezan never expressed his belief in Buddhism, but he still ordered the construction of Zanpu Temple.

Chisong Dezan still respected the priests of the Bon religion and insisted on the cumbersome rituals of the Bon religion. This series of actions also prevented the priests of the Bon religion from attacking the anti-Buddhist ministers because Zanpu killed them.

Chisong Dezan's composure made everyone in Zanpu City praise him as a wise Zanpu.

However, the composure shown by Chisong Dezan is just a prudence when the crisis has not been resolved.

Today, Bon priests still have great influence in Zaptin, they can preside over sacrificial activities and explain the warnings from heaven.

Of these two powers, the former firmly controls the ceremonial activities of Zanputing and all Tubo nobles, whether it is conquest and sacrifice at the national level, or weddings and funerals at the personal level, there is no legal rationality without the presence of Bon religion priests. and sanctity.

The latter allows the priests of the Bon religion to have the right to speak. Once a disaster occurs, the priests of the Bon religion can use the will of heaven to attack Zanpu's governance, and even force Zanpu to perform a series of sacrificial ceremonies.

As the most noble and sacred Zanpu in the whole of Tubo, Trisong Detsen naturally does not like Bon religion.

He still has doubts about the Western Paradise in Buddhist scriptures, but he yearns for the set of rules formulated by Buddhists.

Zanpu is the only spokesperson of the Buddha in the world. Zanpu has the supreme power, and also has the power of the secular world and the power of the spiritual world.

Although Trisong Detsen tended to Buddhism, he tried his best to maintain the balance of Zaptin.

He never showed any belief in Buddhism, but ordered the construction of Zanpu Temple.

While he acted piously in accordance with the rituals of the Bon religion, he carried out a series of reforms to the Zanpu royal family.

The Zanpu Royal Court added Dalun, which separated the power that was originally concentrated in Dalun.

It also allowed Chisong Dezan to grasp the method of manipulating the Zanpu royal court.

Zanpu, the supreme god of heaven, finally touched the power of the world one step further than his father.

Trisong Detsen sat in the courtyard, looking northeast.

Shang Qixin'er is Chisong Dezan's most important ally.

The Tubo East Road is a recently conquered territory, and the priests of the Bon religion were unwilling to go far away from the bustling Zanpu City to preach in the Tubo East Road, which gave Buddhism an opportunity.

Trisong Detsen asked his Dharma lecturer, Guru Jihu, to go to Tubo East Road.

A few days ago, there was good news that Shang Qixin'er had announced that she had converted to Buddhism, and she swore an oath in Tianzhu City and sent troops to Hexi.

Speaking of this, Chisong Dezan felt that Shang Qi Xin'er was in line with his own wishes.

Any Tubo Zanpu longs for fertile land.

Hexi and Longyou in the Tang Dynasty are lands that Tubo has coveted for a long time.

Shang Qixin'er has made a secret agreement with Chisong Dezan that as long as Shang Qixin'er can occupy the land of Hexi and cut off the connection between Longyou and Datang Central Plains, then Chisong Dezan will mobilize the entire Tubo army to attack Datang's Longyou. right place.

Counting the days, Shang Qixin'er has already passed the battle.

Chisong Dezan thought well, and the beautiful maid brought the freshly picked fruits, and the young Zanpu was finally able to enjoy the beautiful afternoon.

The atmosphere in Zamp City has begun to change, and the veterans who have held power for too long are unwilling to give up the power in their hands.

The young Zamp is also sticking out his fangs, trying to wrest power from these old antiques.

It's just that the young Zanpu didn't know that Shang Qixin'er, his most important ally, was dead.

Shang Qixin'er's head was hung on Zhangye City. This time the Northern Expedition failed completely, which brought great chaos to the Tubo East Road.

Bawu and his companions finally crossed the Qilian Mountain Pass and returned to Tubo East Road.

The crime of killing Dalun was like a mountain, weighing on everyone's hearts.

In any case, due to the long-term brainwashing of the Bon religion, nobles still have a sacredness in the hearts of these ordinary Tubo warriors.

Only Bawu, who hacked Dalun to death with his own hands, felt that the bones of these superior nobles seemed to be softer, and the other warriors couldn't resist the news of killing Dalun by themselves.

Ba Wu understood that after crossing the Qilian Mountains, the team's support had already been dispersed.

He called everyone together and said, "I have kept my promise and brought the brothers back to the host country."

Ba Wu looked around, he didn't see the joy of escaping death, but only saw the deep confusion on everyone's faces.

Shang Qi Xin'er died, and Shan Qi Xin'er's successor, Dai Ze, also died.

All the [-] elites of Tubo's host country were left in Hexi, and this time they returned to the host country, it was really a filial piety for every family.

Everyone knows that the host is over.

And where are the warriors who killed their lords?
If Zanpu sent a new Dalun, Shang Qixin's warriors like them would definitely be cleaned up.

If the news of their killing Dalun leaked out, then it must be a cruel death sentence.

There was originally a goal of crossing the Qilian Mountains to support everyone, but now this goal has been completed, leaving only a group of people whose beliefs have collapsed.

Ba Wu said decisively: "Now I am going back to my manor, the war is over, we are just ordinary people who escaped by chance."

After Ba Wu said this, he directly picked up his luggage and headed towards his manor.

Bawu's words awakened everyone, the war is over.

No matter what the process is, it is better to come back with full arms and legs, than those who died in Hexi or were captured by the Tang army, right?

Dalun died, Dalun's heir died, and a large number of castle owners died.

When you come back, you can still protect your family.

With this goal in mind, the warriors who escaped finally had new hope.

They dispersed on their own and returned to their manor.

Bawu is even more eager to return home, his manor is not far from Tianzhu City, and it only takes seven days to return home from Dadouba Valley.

These Tubo warriors returned home excitedly, and Qin Chuan's troops had already reached the edge of Tianzhu City.

Monk Yuantong's arrangements in the past few months also played a big role. The serfs near Tianzhu City rushed out of the cellar to join Qinchuan's Great Tang Rebel Army.

Qin Chuan's leapfrog tactics were executed very successfully. He pulled out all the castles perfectly, and just jumped all the way to the city of Tianzhu.

After losing the castle owner, the remaining manor owners also closed the gates of the manor tightly as Qin Chuan expected, and only guarded their one-acre three-point land.

Without the leadership of a castle lord, lacking a prestigious leader, these manor lords only want to guard their property.

They don't know where the Tang army came from, and where the magic soldiers descended from the sky.

But they all know that these Tang troops can easily destroy even the castle owner, and they are more than enough to deal with them.

Qin Chuan marched fast along the way, the only and final obstacle was Tianzhu City.

Tianzhu City is the city where Dalun lived, and the core of Tubo East Road.

No wonder Qin Chuan marched too fast, the news of Shang Qi Xin'er's defeat had not yet reached Tianzhu City.

Today, the Tubo warriors staying in Tianzhu City are still desperately resisting.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Chuan and Monk Yuantong decided on the strategy of "surround but not fight".

The rebels recruited by Monk Yuantong were just ordinary slaves, and they were reorganizing and training troops while besieging the city.

Qin Chuan picked up the binoculars, looked at Tianzhu City and said, "Thousands of calculations, I didn't expect that we came early!"

Yuantong couldn't understand his pretentious appearance, so he couldn't help reminding him: "Marshal Qin, there are still two or three thousand elites in the city."

Qin Chuan said with a smile, "Don't panic! We'll go back to Shazhou to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival when Tianzhu City is conquered!"

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