Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 335 Players Preparing to Take the Imperial Examination

Looking at the map, Li Yan conceived a crazy plan.

It's just that to implement this plan, the staff office needs to demonstrate the feasibility, coupled with the preparation of materials and organizational mobilization, it cannot be completed in a short period of time.

Now Li Yan still set his sights on Wuwei City.

Today's Wuwei City is the tentacles of King Jianning's influence extending to the Central Plains.

After Wang Chengwei entertained Wang Jun, a bold idea came to his mind.

What's the point of being a small tax collector in Wuwei City?
Nested in Longyou, Wang Chengwei is just an ordinary player.

You're already playing games, so why not give it a go?
The Taiyuan Wang family is the worst among the five surnames and seven Wangs.

But being able to rank among the five surnames and seven Wangs is not an ordinary family.

Although Wang Jun is a side branch, he is also one of the five surnames and seven Wangs.

After going offline, Wang Chengwei carefully checked the current imperial examination system in Datang.

The imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty belonged to the initial period, and many systems were not as standardized as later generations, but they had already occupied most of the officialdom in the Tang Dynasty.

Whether it is a poor family or a wealthy family, if you want to enter the officialdom, you need to pass the imperial examination.

According to the regulations of the Imperial Examination in the Tang Dynasty, each prefecture must recommend talents to the imperial court and go to the capital to take the imperial examination.

According to the prosperity of the state capital, there are 3 people from the big state, 2 people from the middle state, and 1 person from the small state. Those who are recommended to take the exam in the capital are called Gongsheng.

In addition to Gongsheng students, Tai students in the two capitals are also eligible to take part in the imperial examination, and these are the candidates who take the exam.

Now the two capitals have fallen, but according to historical development, this year the emperor held the imperial examination again in Fengxiang Mansion.

It was this imperial examination that Wang Chengwei took a fancy to.

The normal imperial examinations are held in spring, also known as Chunwei.

But this spring, the emperor's royal driver only arrived at Fengxiang Mansion, so Chunwei was also deduced to autumn.

Counting the days, if there are no accidents, the imperial examination will be held in Fengxiang Mansion at the end of September.

It is already July, and if he leaves now, Wang Chengwei will definitely be able to catch up with the imperial examination in September.

Liangzhou, where Wuwei City is located, is Shangzhou. According to the regulations of the Tang Dynasty, the governor of Liangzhou is also eligible to recommend three people to take the imperial examination.

According to the design of the early Tang Dynasty, there were six imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty.

There are six subjects of Xiucai, Mingjing, Jinshi, Mingfa, Mingshu and Mingshu.

The scholar department has the highest requirements. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, Emperor Taizong punished the governors of various places because the people recommended by the state capitals to take the scholar examination were not good enough.

Since then, fewer and fewer people took the Xiucai examination, so that in the mid-Tang Dynasty, the Xiucai examination was no longer taken.

Mingjing, the assessment is the degree of proficiency in the meaning of the scriptures.

In the Tang Dynasty, according to the level of proficiency in the scriptures, it was divided into the second classic, the third classic, the five classics, and nine officially determined canons. As long as you really master the classics, you can freely choose the exam.

The first step is to post scriptures, which is to choose some silent scriptures to fill in the blanks in the memorized scriptures.

This is a breeze for the player, anyway, the player can use the panel to query scriptures at any time.

The second oral test is an interview with the examiner, where the examiner asks questions and the candidates answer. This is a relatively difficult part for players.

But as long as the ancient prose skill is enough, you can still take the exam.

Finally, there is the written test, which is about policy theory, which is the topic of application for civil service examinations in later generations.

This requires candidates to explain the topic and propose countermeasures to various practical problems.

The Jinshi examination is similar to the Mingjing examination, but the second part of the oral examination is changed to a composition.

Compositions are poems and prose, and one poem and one prose examines the examinee's literary attainments.

In the early Tang Dynasty, Mingjing was more valuable than Jinshi, but with the development of imperial examinations, the Tang Dynasty attached great importance to literature, and Jinshi gradually became the most valuable of the six subjects.

By the mid-Tang Dynasty, there was an unspoken rule that "the prime minister must come from a Jinshi", and the Jinshi background was also higher than that of officials who entered the officialdom through other means.

But despite this, the imperial examination system in the Tang Dynasty still had many loopholes.

The Tang Dynasty did not have the system of using blurred names to copy the papers like the Song Dynasty, and the examiners who corrected the examination papers could see the names of the candidates.

Moreover, the chief examiner has great authority. In the Tang Dynasty, the chief examiner was called a teacher, and all the students who were taken by the teacher were naturally the accomplices of the teacher.

In the mid-Tang Dynasty, the Niu-Li faction struggle was actually a struggle between the two prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty and their disciples.

Taking part in the imperial examinations in this era is not just about talent and learning.

Wang Chengwei was preparing to take the Jinshi examination, which did not include interviews, only scriptures, poems, and policy theories.

Among them, posting scriptures is a question for players to give points. As long as Wang Chengwei downloads the nine scriptures, he will definitely be able to pass with full marks.

Although poetry is a bit troublesome, relying on the huge number of poems in later generations, it is not difficult to get away with it.

As for policy theory, is it still difficult to beat players?

However, as I said before, the exam may not be a problem for Wang Chengwei, but if he wants to pass the exam, he still needs contacts and resources.

The encounter with Wang Jun this time gave Wang Chengwei an opportunity.

Wang Jun is a side branch of the Wang family in Taiyuan, but even if it is a side branch, it is one of the five surnames and seven Wangs.

There are many aristocratic families in Hedong. Among the seven prime ministers of the emperor today, Pei Mian is from the Pei family in Hedong, and Cui Yuan is from the Cui family in Hejian. These are big families that frequently marry with the Wang family in Taiyuan.

If he can get the brand name of the Taiyuan Wang family, and then use this brand to make friends with Zaifu, Wang Chengwei will have a chance to be admitted to Jinshi!

This is a very important opportunity!
After the Tang Dynasty was admitted to Jinshi, it was necessary to take the examination of the Ministry of Officials before being awarded an official position.

However, there were not many vacancies in Datang, but for Jinshi who had reached two years of virtue, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Because of the destruction of the Anshi Rebellion, the various yamen of the imperial court are very short of talents.

That's why Emperor Li Heng restarted the imperial examinations without recovering the two capitals.

The top ranks of Jinshi can be awarded positions from the eighth rank or the ninth rank.

This can already be awarded to the county magistrates of ordinary prefectures and counties, and he can be a supervisory censor if he stays in the capital.

Able to get the official position of the court!
Isn't that a lot of experience?

Of course Wang Chengwei knew that King Jianning and the players couldn't just be nesting in Longyou.

Entering the Central Plains is not just something that can be achieved by fighting.

Now King Jianning can attack Shuofang and Hehuang, but once he sends troops, he will be regarded as a traitor like An Lushan by the people of the world.

Although axioms are all within the power, even in modern society, the role of morality is immeasurable.

As strong as a big country, when you want to do things, you have to put on the mask of democracy. This is the power of the people.

If King Jianning wanted to rule the Central Plains, he could not rely on force alone.

The establishment of the backyard of the Dudu Mansion represents the line of King Jianning.

In addition to preparing to enter the Central Plains militarily, it is also necessary to enter the Central Plains politically.

In other words, the power of King Jianning must also have power in the court and participate in the political game of the center.

Wang Chengwei obviously saw this opportunity.

But the top priority is to let Wang Jun move his family to Wuwei first.

As long as the Wang family recognizes Wang Chengwei's identity as the Taiyuan Wang family, he will have a ticket to open the joint when he arrives at Fengxiang Mansion.

In many cases, the status of a wealthy family is just a stepping stone, but most ordinary people can't even get this stepping stone.

After entertaining Wang Jun well in Wuwei City for a few days, Wang Jun also saw the stability and prosperity of Wuwei.

The dazzling array of goods in the shops, the confident and safe people, these are the sights that Wang Jun did not see when he fled from Taiyuan to Lingwu.

Although Lingwu was far away from the rebellion, all Lingwu soldiers were dispatched to the front line to counter the rebellion, and the entire Lingwu City was very depressed.

Not to mention Taiyuan. After Shi Siming occupied Taiyuan, he extorted violently. All males over the age of 14 had to join the army.

Even a prominent family like the Taiyuan Wang family was forcibly expropriated by Shi Siming, and the Taiyuan Wang family was forced to donate a large sum of money.

Wang Jun's idea of ​​moving his family to settle in Wuwei City became even stronger.

However, although Wang Jun's family is a side branch, there are hundreds of people including women, children and family members.

Although the Wang family has some wealth, if they cannot buy land, these wealth will be empty.

Wang Jun quickly asked:

"Uncle Clan, I wonder if it is possible to buy land in Wuwei?"

Sure enough, there is a show!

It seems that Wang Jun has already moved his mind to move the family here.

It's not in vain that Wang Chengwei took him to wander around Wuwei City these days.

Wang Chengwei said: "There is no land sale in Wuwei City."

Sure enough, there was no more land, and Wang Jun was a little disappointed.

Wang Chengwei changed the subject and said: "Now Liangzhou grants land according to Dingkou. If the clan nephew moves the whole family here, I am willing to serve as a guarantor for you in the Governor's Mansion and grant the land according to Dingkou."

grant land?

Wang Chengwei's eyes lit up.

There has long been no land to grant in Hedong. Didn't expect to be able to grant land in Hexi?
Wang Chengwei said: "Wuwei City suffered military disasters one after another, and many people fled. A lot of land was vacated after Dasuo Maungyue. Xue Chengshou decided to re-grant land in Liangzhou."

"However, if you want to acquire land in Liangzhou, the governor's office has an additional requirement."

Additional requirements?

Wang Jun quickly asked: "What request?"

Wang Chengwei said: "The governor's office requires that for every ten acres of land, one acre of land needs to be reserved for the construction of workshops. If multiple households are combined, a large workshop can be built."

"In addition, the city guard also requires that big families must be split up to grant land, and the same clan and surname cannot be granted adjacent land."

Wang Jun was stunned.

Wang Chengwei said: "Clan nephew, it's not that the clan uncle doesn't help you, it's His Royal Highness Jianning's consistent policy to suppress the wealthy clan."

"However, Uncle Clan also said, we big clans, don't always stare at a little bit of land, but take a long-term view."

Wang Jun asked suspiciously: "Looking long-term?"

Wang Chengwei said: "Land is used to grow food, but a good workshop can earn far more money than land."

"Instead of annexing land and exploiting the people, it is better to build factories and start industries, and get support from the governor's office."

"Industry prospers!"

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