Fengxiang Mansion.

Under the door of Zhongshu is the highest authority in the Tang Dynasty, also known as the Zhengshitang.

However, Zhongshumenxia is a large institution, and there are not only prime ministers like Tongzhongshumenxia Pingzhangshi working in it.

There are also officials at all levels assisting the counselors and prime ministers in their work.

"Supplements" belongs to Zhongshu's sect, and it is an admonition official system similar to Yushitai.

Supplements means to supplement vacancies, and together with Buque, Zhengyan, and Sijian, it is called admonishing doctor.

Advising officials have always been humble but powerful, and Zuo Shiyi is a seventh-rank official, but he has the power to participate in all officials and admonish the emperor.

However, the atmosphere under Zhongshu's door was a bit tense at this time. After an old man walked into the mirror hall where the advising doctor worked, everyone even stayed away from him.

The one who walked in was an old man with a gray beard, wearing the court uniform of a seventh-rank official, with a sad look on his face.

The old man's name is Du Fu, and he is currently serving as Zuo Shiyi.

To say that this Du Fu also had a long career, Tianbao Six Years, the emperor summoned talents from all over the world to go to Chang'an to take the imperial examination.

Li Linfu, the prime minister at that time, reported to the court that "the virtuous king is in power, and there are no virtuous people left behind in the wild."

It means that the sage emperor is in power, and there are no sages left outside the court.

Li Linfu actually used such absurd reasons to announce that everyone would fail the imperial examination this time.

Du Fu's imperial examinations were not smooth, so he could only become an official by making friends with powerful people.

Through the continuous contribution of poems, when Tianbao was ten years old, he was appreciated by the emperor because of his poems, and he was qualified to "participate in the selection sequence" and wait for the assignment of official positions.

However, Du Fu's family was poor and he had no money to bribe officials, so he was never granted an official position.

After that, Du Fu got several Zhima officials, and his official career has not been smooth.

When the Anlushan rebellion occurred, Du Fu was planning to go north to join the Lingwu court, but unfortunately he was captured by the rebels together with Wang Wei.

Although Du Fu's official position was small, he was not strictly guarded by the rebels.

Finally, in the second year of Zhide, Du Fu escaped from Chang'an, Xijing, which was occupied by the rebels, and defected to Li Heng, who had just arrived in Fengxiang Mansion.

Although Du Fu is not a big official, Li Heng knew his poem name when he was still in the East Palace.

The important thing is that Du Fu escaped from Chang'an in Xijing to join him, which further shows the popular expectation of the Lingwu court.

So the emperor was very happy and awarded Du Fu the position of collecting relics from the left.

The Hall of Mirrors is the place where the admonishing doctors under Zhongshumen work.

It is taken from Emperor Taizong's meaning of "using people as a mirror to understand gains and losses", which also explains the duty of admonishing officials-to advise the king.

Du Fu was squeezed out by his colleagues, mainly because of his recent memorials.

According to the history of the original time and space, Du Fu was demoted to Huazhou by Emperor Suzong because he wrote a letter to complain about Fang Guan's injustice.

But in this time and space, Li Yan, a butterfly, caused a huge storm.

Fang Guan was not dismissed from office, but served as the Hexi Jiedu envoy.

In the eyes of everyone in the court, the emperor still treated Fang Guan kindly.

So Du Fu did not write a letter for Fang Guan.

But this time Du Fu was squeezed out by his colleagues, and the root cause was also the players brought by King Jianning.

The cause of the incident was because of a poem.

After the player copied "The Officials in the Stone Trench", after it was passed from Longyou to Fengxiang Mansion, Du Fu was full of admiration after reading it!
Originally, "Shihao Officials" was a realistic poem written by Du Fu after he was demoted to Huazhou in Fengxiang Mansion, and what he saw and heard on the way to visit relatives.

"Officials in the Stone Trench" tells the story of officials arresting civilians as soldiers, and the son of this family died in battle, leaving only his wife and grandson.

The old man fled over the wall, and the officials in charge of conscription still refused to let the family go, and even wanted to arrest the old woman to serve as a soldier.

This poem describes the suffering of the people under the conscription system. The whole poem is catchy, but it deeply exposes the suffering of the people.

This poem was also copied by a certain player in Longyou, and because the poem did not use allusions, it was easy to understand and quickly aroused the resonance of the common people.

This piece of "Officials in the Stone Trench" copied by the players was passed on to the master Du Fu, and Du Fu was full of praise for this article.

Du Fu's official career was bumpy all the way, and he witnessed the suffering of the people with his own eyes.

Therefore, he wrote to the emperor, requesting the emperor to abolish the conscription system of forcing the common people to serve as soldiers, and restore the military conscription system of Zhechongfu in the early Tang Dynasty.

Of course, this is Du Fu's scholar's opinion. The Fubing system in the early Tang Dynasty was already unsustainable because of the collapse of the land grant system.

The Zhechong Mansion had long since been abandoned, and Du Fu's proposal to restore the Fubing system was the same as the previous scholar's letter to the imperial court to restore Zhou rites, which was a politically naive disease.

It stands to reason that the emperor can receive a lot of such advice in a year.

Admonishing officials such as doctors have low positions, and many people have little knowledge. They always like to put the words of sages and the Four Books and Five Classics on their lips.

Say something like "To the Lord, Yao and Shun".

It is as unrealistic as Confucius asked the monarchs to respect the emperor of Zhou and restore the rule of Zhou.

According to the general process, Du Fu's remonstrance would be accepted by the emperor, and then the emperor would write back saying "I already know", and accept this remonstrance.

This has been the rule of the Li and Tang royal families since Emperor Taizong. Advising the emperor is the job of advising the doctor. Whether the emperor accepts it or not is the emperor's own business.

The emperor will also accept the letter of remonstrance, expressing that he is humbly accepting advice, and can also leave a good reputation of humbly accepting advice in history books.

It's just that Emperor Taizong is the only one who can humbly accept the advice of his courtiers and make corrections.

The position of admonishing doctor is mostly used to decorate the court.

According to the general procedure, there is nothing wrong with Du Fu's writing, and the emperor will not punish him for his words of a scholar like him.

But Du Fu himself is a hard-headed person. He wrote letters one by one, but Du Fu wrote letters one after another.

Originally, this matter was nothing, but what people did not expect was that Du Fu completely angered the emperor in a letter.

Du Fu's point of angering the emperor is also very simple. Du Fu talked about the prosperity and prosperity of the emperor's period, and criticized the current court's continuous arrest of people as soldiers, which led to the tragic situation of the people's displacement.

This time he touched Li Heng's Ni Lin.

Is it I who made the world like this?
It is obvious that the emperor caused the Anshi Rebellion. In order to quell the Anshi Rebellion, I eat light meals every day, and even the newly-appointed empress has to weave in the palace!

This blind Du Fu even brought out the Emperor's period to slap me in the face!

Li Heng was a gentle emperor most of the time.

Even his character has some weakness.

Otherwise, Li Heng couldn't have been the crown prince for so many years in the last dynasty.

You must know that it is not an easy thing to be a prince under the hands of the emperor.

But once the matter involved the emperor, it touched Li Heng's bottom line.

So the emperor rejected Du Fu's memorial.

This naturally aroused discussion in the court. You must know that the emperor rejected the letter of remonstrance.

The main job of Zuo Suyi is to admonish the emperor. If the emperor rejects the letter of remonstrance, Zuo Suyi will be embarrassed.

At this time, there are only two options, or continue to write to the emperor until the emperor is willing to accept the admonition.

The other is to resign, expressing a protest against the emperor's refusal to accept advice.

It's just that for a spokesperson, these two paths are equal to the death penalty for a political career.

Constantly writing letters to the emperor will only arouse the emperor's greater disgust, and if he does not do well, he will be relegated to a remote state capital.

However, Du Fu is also a hard-headed man. He still diligently wrote to the court, which made Li Heng very angry.

The colleagues in the Hall of Mirrors did not dare to talk to Du Fu, for fear of being implicated because they got too close to Du Fu.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the door of the Hall of Mirrors.

The small yellow gate of the decree came in!
Many admonishing doctors stood up one after another.

Spokesperson is a highly mobile position.

Because a letter of advice was appreciated by the emperor, there were many speech officials who were promoted quickly.

Among them, Wei Zheng during the Taizong period is the best example. This one became the prime minister by persuading the king and left a good name.

But because of admonishing the emperor, more people were relegated.

Every time the little yellow gate that proclaims the decree enters the Hall of Mirrors, it means that someone is favored by the emperor, or relegated by the emperor.

"Zuo Supplements, Du Fu accepts the order."

Everyone looked at Du Fu one after another, and many people had already begun to gloat secretly.

Du Fu has been writing letters to the emperor recently, and the Hall of Mirrors is already well known to everyone.

Sure enough, Huangmen, who proclaimed the decree, read out the imperial decree.

The content of the imperial decree is four or six parallel prose, which generally means that Du Fu made false comments on the court ministers and deceived the crowd to interfere with the battle of Wang Shi to recover the two capitals.

The emperor demoted Du Fu to the captaincy of Zhechong in Wuwei City, and ordered him to rush to Liangzhou immediately to take up his post.

Everyone looked at Du Fu gloatingly, the emperor's appointment was somewhat black and humorous.

Captain Zhechong is considered an ancient position, and now almost no official is awarded alone, usually the county magistrate or governor concurrently holds the post.

The job of Lieutenant Zhechong is to manage the Zhechong mansion, and now almost all the Zhechong mansions in various parts of the Tang Dynasty have been abandoned.

Don't you, Du Fu, want to restore the Fubing system again?The emperor asked you to be a Zhechong captain and see how you can restore the military system.

Du Fu accepted the imperial decree with a normal face, and the Huangmen who passed the decree asked him to immediately take off the seventh-rank court clothes that Zuo picked up. Captain Wuwei Zhechong was an official of the eighth rank, so Du Fu was demoted.

The other officials in the Hall of Mirrors watched Du Fu walk out of the Hall of Mirrors with a smile, and after the Huangmen who delivered the decree left, the well-informed began to discuss.

"I heard that His Majesty was going to demote Du Fu to Huazhou."

"Huazhou? Isn't Huazhou in Guanzhong? Why is it changed to Yuanwuwei?"

"I heard that it was the envoy of the Longyou Dudufu who went to the emperor and said that King Jianning admired Du Fu's poetic talent, so the sage sent Du Fu to Wuwei."

"It's too miserable. I heard that Wuwei is a remote and desolate place, and there are barbarians around that place."

"That's right, Wuwei is sandwiched between the Uighurs and Tubo, and there are barbarians intruding all the time. Du Fu may be in danger this time."

"This King Jianning is really harmful, you must not have anything to do with him!"

"Yeah yeah!"

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