Chapter 412 It's Over (Happy National Day!)
With the fire on the pier, Zhang Wu, who had rested for a day, said to Nan Jiyun who had also finished repairing:

"General Nan, it's time for you to perform!"

"Nan Jiyun!"

"The end is here!"

"Order to lead three thousand cavalry to attack Yin Ziqi's camp at night! After entering the camp, don't love to fight, just set fire to the camp, understand?"

"I will understand at the end!"

Nan Jiyun turned on his horse and roared, "Light the torch!"

Three thousand cavalry raised their torches at the same time, and a long fire dragon appeared in the dark night.

Holding the torch, Nan Jiyun raised his whip vigorously, and the three thousand cavalry shot towards Yin Ziqi's camp like arrows from the string.

Nan Jiyun's cavalry charged and set fire to it, while Zhang Wu took the rest of the army and took advantage of the night to touch the fire.

Zhang Wu did not ask the troops to go fast, but let all the soldiers keep shouting:

"Luoyang is restored!"

"Yin Ziqi is dead, surrender without killing!"

And Nan Jiyun rushed into the enemy camp with the cavalry, he straddled the horse and stepped over the fence of the camp, and then Nan Jiyun threw the torch in his hand forcefully:

One by one torches were thrown into Yin Ziqi's camp built along the water. These torches crossed the sky, like a fire dragon soaring into the sky, illuminating the puppet Yan camp.

The infantry led by Zhang Wu gradually approached the barracks while shouting.

When Luoyang recovered, Yin Ziqi's cry of death spread to the camp, and the puppet Yan army, which was already in panic, completely collapsed.

Yin Ziqi was old and a light sleeper, and had already woken up when the pier exploded.

He put on his coat and walked out of the camp, waiting for him to see Nan Jiyun cavalry throwing torches and Zhang Wu's army shouting slogans.

Yin Ziqi hurriedly said: "Not good!"

"Hurry up! Put up the banner of this commander-in-chief! Let people shout out that this commander-in-chief is not dead!"

The soldiers began to shout: "Luoyang is fine! Yin Ziqi is still in the army!"

But their voices were not as loud as the infantry led by Zhang Wu.

Among the rebels, there were also many soldiers who wanted to escape, and they also shouted along with Zhang Wu's troops.

Just like that, the defeat spread to the whole army, and Yin Ziqi watched helplessly that some of the soldiers around him began to flee
The flames burned from the pier to the granary, and the barracks in the front row were all set alight by Nan Jiyun's cavalry, and the Chinese army had already begun to flee.

Yin Ziqi sighed and said, "Our army has been defeated!"

Yin Ziqi has a set of golden armor, which was given to him by An Lushan back then, with gold leaf on the armor pieces, Yin Ziqi has to wear this set of gold armor every time he fights.

Yin Ziqi did not run away directly, but went back and changed into this iconic golden armor.

Perhaps it was a long-term hint, when the left and right guards saw Yin Ziqi put on the golden armor, they immediately felt a lot more relieved.

Yin Ziqi said to the left and right:

"The barracks is in chaos, if you want to survive, follow me and kill!"

The guards under him were still hesitating at first, but they saw that the surrounding soldiers had already started fighting each other, vying for the way out of the camp.

When they saw the golden armor on Yin Ziqi's body again, they all raised their weapons and said:

"Wish to break through with the commander in chief!"

Yin Ziqi got on his horse, and he immediately gave up the idea of ​​saving the army, and immediately fled in the direction where the barracks were not on fire.

In Suiyang city.

Zhang Xun, who was preparing to fight the next day, heard explosions outside the city.

He hurriedly boarded the city wall, and saw the fire in the puppet Yan army camp.

"Could it be a fire? No!"

Zhang Xun saw the "Fire Dragon" rushing up from the lower reaches of the Bian River, it was a cavalry!

Xu Yuan, Zhang Xun's deputy, also heard the movement. After climbing the city wall, he saw the fire dragon crashing into the enemy camp.

Xu Yuan quickly asked: "Commander, where did this army come from?"

Zhang Xun immediately said: "It's Nan Jiyun! General Nan is back!"

Xu Yuan was stunned, he looked at the burning enemy camp suspiciously and asked:
"Did Nan Jiyun really borrow soldiers? Where did so many cavalry come from?"

Zhang Xun was also a little puzzled. The cavalry in Pengcheng and Linhuai combined was only 3000. Could it be that Pengcheng and Linhuai sent troops together to rescue Suiyang?

how can that be?Since Suiyang was besieged, Zhang Xun often wrote letters to Xu Shuji and He Lanjinming, but all the letters fell into the sea.

If they had the intention to save Suiyang, they would have sent troops long ago, so why would they spare no effort to rescue Suiyang when he ran out of ammunition and food?

Zhang Xun asked Nan Jiyun to break through the siege and ask for help, mainly to show the defenders in the city, so that they had hope for reinforcements.

In addition, he also hoped to preserve Nan Jiyun, a powerful general of the Tang Dynasty, and let him leave Suiyang City.

But Zhang Xun didn't expect that Nan Jiyun could really borrow soldiers back.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xun heard Zhang Wu ordering the soldiers to shout.

"Luoyang is restored!"

"Yin Ziqi is dead, surrender without killing!"

The fire in the enemy camp below is getting bigger and bigger, especially the grain and grass next to the pier is on fire, and the flames are soaring into the sky, illuminating Bianshui.

Xu Yuan said excitedly: "Commander! The enemy army has been defeated!"

Zhang Xun was able to defend Suiyang for eight months, so he could see that the enemy's camp was on fire and the granary was burned.

In such a situation, even if the Bing Sheng is resurrected, it will not be able to save the completely collapsed army.

Zhang Xun said decisively: "The reinforcements came from the lower reaches of the Bian River. Yin Ziqi's army camped along the river. After being defeated, they must flee towards Suiyang!"

"Beat the drums! Let the young and strong in the city hurry up and follow me out of the city to kill the enemy!"

Xu Yuan hurriedly stopped Zhang Xun and said, "Shuai Zhang! The soldiers in the city are exhausted and have been out of food for many days. It is too risky to go out of the city now! Why don't we wait until dawn!"

Zhang Xun said, "The enemy camp has already been defeated. If I were Yin Ziqi, I would definitely break out of the camp and gather the troops around the camp."

"The enemy has 10,000+ people. If he is allowed to organize again, I am afraid that he will fall into a deadly battle again."

"Now, before Yin Ziqi can gather his troops, we want to completely defeat the puppet Yan army!"

Zhang Xun was indeed Yin Ziqi's old opponent.

Just as Zhang Xun expected, after Yin Ziqi broke through with his soldiers, he immediately had his flag erected, ordered his soldiers to light the bonfire, and gathered the soldiers who had escaped from the camp.

Originally, Yin Ziqi had gathered thousands of people, so he ordered the escaped soldiers to hold torches to guide more people to gather.

But at this time, the gate of Suiyang City suddenly opened wide, and Zhang Xun personally led his troops to kill it!
"Kill! Capture Yin Ziqi alive!"

The soldiers in Suiyang City had a deep hatred for Yin Ziqi, and now that Yin Ziqi was defeated, although they were famished with hunger, they still showed amazing fighting power.

Zhang Xun was 57 years old, and he was still charging forward with the Mo Dao in his hand, and he rushed directly to Yin Ziqi's phalanx where Yin Ziqi gathered the defeated soldiers.

Yin Ziqi did not expect that Zhang Xun, an old opponent, would venture out of the city to fight at night.

It happened that he had just gathered the soldiers, and the soldiers were still in shock.

Sure enough, with a charge of the Suiyang defenders, the soldiers who were originally frightened birds put down their weapons and fled again.

This time even Yin Ziqi's personal guards abandoned him and ran away.

Yin Ziqi despaired for a while. He was about to get on his horse and escape, but because the golden armor on his body was too eye-catching, Tang Jun took it as a target.

Feathered arrows flew directly towards Yin Ziqi, and a feathered arrow just hit his horse.

Yin Ziqi quickly left his horse and fled, but saw an old man rushing up with a Mo knife in his hand.

"Tie Yin is to die!"

Zhang Xunchong was the fastest. He had fought against Yin Ziqi countless times on the city wall, and he was naturally very impressed with the golden armor on him.

At this time, Zhang Xun was so hungry that he was skinny, but he still stabbed Yin Ziqi in the back!
Yin Ziqi, who had been frightened out of his wits, was stabbed by Zhang Xun's Mo Dao in a panic. He was in severe pain. He turned his head and saw Zhang Xun's pale face, vomited blood and said:

"Death at the hands of the king! Fortunately!"

After saying this, Yin Ziqi vomited blood and died on the spot.

This battle went from night to day.

Nan Jiyun led the cavalry to charge eleven times, burning down more than half of the puppet Yan's camp.

Zhang Wu's infantry kept shouting outside the barracks while receiving the surrendered troops, and by dawn it had swelled to 5 people.

Most of Yin Ziqi's men surrendered directly to Zhang Wu, and a small part fled the battlefield as stragglers.

There are also those who died by throwing into the Bian River, those who were trampled to death in the barracks, and countless soldiers who were burned to death by the fire. These need to be counted slowly after the war.

The enemy general Yin Ziqi died in battle, and this largest rebel army in Henan can be regarded as completely destroyed.

Although the rebels still occupy Bianzhou City and several important cities in Henan Province, they are obviously at the end of their battle.

After one night, the battle situation in Henan was completely reversed!

Nan Jiyun recommended Zhang Wu to meet Zhang Xun.

After hearing Zhang Wu's deeds, Zhang Xun finally understood how Nan Jiyun borrowed the troops from Bianzhou and Linhuai.

He held Zhang Wu's hand and said, "General Zhang! A righteous man!"

Then Zhang Xun said to Nan Jiyun:

"He Lan Jinming is the Jiedu envoy officially bestowed by the imperial court on Jingjie. You killed him to save Suiyang, and I am the one to blame."

"I will plead guilty to the court."

Nan Jiyun said to Zhang Xun: "Shuai Zhang! He Lan Jinming was killed by someone from Nan! You have the credit for defending Suiyang and the credit for killing the enemy general Yin Ziqi. You can't ruin your future because of this incident! "

Zhang Xun said: "I'm just a dying old man. I don't have any future to speak of. Nan Ba, you are the rare and powerful general in the ages. You can't get involved because of this incident."

At this moment, Zhang Wu smiled and said:

"Don't argue, you two. He Lan Jinming was killed by me, Zhang Wu. He Lan Jinming's nephew, He Lanjing, can prove it."

"Now that Suiyang is out of the siege, I will hand over the Bianzhou and Linhuai troops to the two."

"Recovering the South Road depends on two people!"

Both Zhang Xun and Nan Jiyun were shocked, but saw that Zhang Wu had already mounted the horse and said:
"The rescue of Suiyang was just for Zhang's ego. Now that the siege of Suiyang has been lifted, it's time for Zhang to leave."

After making such a great contribution, Zhang Wu just left?

And just left with the crime of assassinating He Lan Jinming?

I only heard Zhang Wu singing while riding the horse:

(End of this chapter)

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