Chapter 446 Xiangzhou

In Anyang City, the seat of Xiangzhou, Li Guangbi, appointed by the imperial court as the Jiedu envoy of Hedong, stood on the city wall.

Xiangzhou is north of Luoyang. If Luoyang's puppet Yan army returns to Hedong, it must pass through Xiangzhou.

Therefore, before Luoyang surrendered, Li Guangbi led his army straight to Anyang City and took this important city.

But standing on the wall of Anyang city, Li Guangbi felt a little uneasy in his heart.

This uneasiness is not due to some mysterious sixth sense, but the attitude of the entire Xiangzhou people towards Tang Jun.

In the Guanzhong and Henan areas, the people did not say that the Tang army was welcoming the king's army, but at least they welcomed it warmly.

Li Guangbi was fighting in Guanzhong. As long as the puppet Yan army retreated, the local people would open the city gate and surrender.

Guanzhong is the place where Datang started, and the hearts of the people were cultivated the deepest. Every time they went to a place, the local people led the way and provided information, and even voluntarily joined the army to fight against the fake Yan.

An Lushan entered Chang'an, did not send troops to slaughter the city, and wanted to win over Chang'an's hearts, but Chang'an continued to resist. In the end, An Lushan could only set the capital in Luoyang, because the false Yan was unpopular in Guanzhong.

But in Xiangzhou, all this is reversed.

Xiangzhou is a military state established in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and it was also the most prosperous state in the north.

Before the Sui Dynasty, the government of Xiangzhou was Yecheng, and the capital of the Northern Qi Dynasty was in Yecheng. Xiangzhou was the Gyeonggi area of ​​the Northern Qi Dynasty.

Later, the Northern Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Northern Qi Dynasty and broke through the city of Ye. The leader of the army was the Shangzhu Kingdom of the Northern Zhou Dynasty at that time, and the future Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian.

Yang Jian ordered the city of Ye to be burned down, and the people of Yecheng moved to Anyang City. Since then, Yecheng, a famous city in the north, has perished.

Since the Sui Dynasty, the people of Xiangzhou have been hostile to the imperial court.

Tang inherited many inheritances from Sui, and also inherited this hatred.

The Tang court has always had a suppressive attitude towards Xiangzhou scholars, and often extracts Xiangzhou's wealth. Even in disaster years, it rarely reduces taxes for Xiangzhou people.

Xiangzhou does not belong to the three towns of Hedong, but after Anlu Mountain raised troops, the whole territory immediately responded to Anlu Mountain.

When he arrived in Xiangzhou, Li Guangbi clearly felt that the people's sentiments were completely reversed.

The common people reacted indifferently to the imperial army and recruited civilian husbands to join the army, and these civilian husbands abandoned their homes and jobs and fled.

Let the people provide military food, and these people are willing to burn their own granaries.

Li Guangbi had to ask Guo Ziyi to deliver food from Luoyang to Anyang City.

In Anyang City, wells are blocked every day, warehouses storing ordnance often catch fire, and even convoys transporting food from Luoyang encounter unknown attacks.

Li Guangbi finally understood why Anlu Mountain, which was so powerful that day, began to stagnate immediately after entering Guanzhong.

If this goes on, it will take a long time for Tang Jun to digest Anyang. When will he be able to go north?

In fact, Li Guangbi also knew in his heart that as long as the imperial court put in some effort, appointed local officials, and pardoned some powerful local leaders, this kind of resistance could always be eliminated.

But can the imperial court have this time?
Li Guangbi didn't know if the court still had the time and patience.

The hostility of Xiangzhou scholars and people towards the imperial court is not just one or two things.

Maybe it was a few corrupt officials sent to Xiangzhou, maybe it was the unfair result of a certain imperial examination by the imperial court, maybe it was the poor career of a certain Xiangzhou official, or maybe even a certain Xiangzhou child lost his life in a certain battle.

Such a long-term hatred requires an outstanding state shepherd, a group of grassroots officials who can promote the righteousness of the court, and a long-term investment from the court to make up for this injustice.

Does the current Tang court still have the ability to make Xiangzhou return to his heart?

Li Guangbi didn't know, and neither did Guo Ziyi who was in Luoyang.

During this period, Guo Ziyi wrote to the imperial court many times, requesting that the imperial court first digest the territory of Luoyang and Henan, take advantage of the winter to dredge the water transportation again, and wait until the beginning of spring before attacking.

But all these letters fell into the sea, and the court did not respond.

Guo Ziyi was apprehensive. After regaining the two capitals, the talk of "quick victory" really spread in the court.

This kind of argument has even spread to the army. Now in the army under Guo Ziyi's command, many generals have proposed to attack the three towns in Hedong quickly and end the war as soon as possible.

Unlike Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi, front-line generals who were worried, the Tang court was indeed full of optimistic estimates of future wars.

When the emperor knew that the emperor had returned to Chang'an under the escort of Prime Minister Li Lin, the joy in his heart made this health-conscious emperor also drink two more sips of medicinal wine from Longyou tribute.

Fengxiang Mansion has entered the countdown to return to Chang'an, and the dawn of victory is already in front of us. It seems that Datang will heal the pain soon and return to the prosperous age of Kaiyuan Tianbao.

Since the recovery of Tongguan and Luoyang, Chang'an has regained its natural barrier.

Changan has regained its sense of security, and the market has gradually regained its vitality.

There were no homicides in Chang'an City these days, and there were no new clues about the Jinggongfang case or the female corpse at Zhuqueqiao, so Shan Tao could only send someone to keep an eye on the East Palace.

However, during this period of time, the players in Chang'an were not idle.

Because the manpower of the Ministry of Industry had to repair the palace, the task of repairing the East and West cities was contracted to the merchants in Chang'an.

Guo Ping, as the head of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce, naturally also participated in the project of rebuilding the West Market.

It's not that there is no benefit at all for the merchants to pay.

The east and west cities were burned down by Anlu Mountain, and the original shops were in ruins.

Many of the original owners of these shops also died in the military disaster.

The Ministry of Industry asked these merchants to undertake the reconstruction of the East and West cities. As long as the merchants contributed money and effort, they could obtain shops of corresponding size.

You must know that in the most prosperous Kaiyuan period in Chang'an, a shop in the East and West cities was sky-high!

When the emperor’s prime minister, Yang Guozhong, married his daughter, he took out three shops in Dongshi as a dowry. Everyone in the world lamented how generous the prime minister was. You must know that even the emperor was willing to use four shops as a dowry when he married his daughter.

Guo Ping knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he borrowed some money from his friends, and mortgaged a sum of money from the Wangfu Bank, and won the reconstruction rights of twenty shops at once.

The imperial court required the merchants to rebuild all these shops before the emperor returned to Chang'an.

If the shop cannot be rebuilt, it will be taken back. Guo Ping can't wait to go to the construction site to move bricks these days.

But as long as you can win these shops, it's all worth it.

Guo Ping was busy building the store, while Su Nuan and Yu Xiaoxiao from Pipahang watched a player assemble a strange device on the stage.

Cheng Ji also watched curiously as a huge thing was assembled bit by bit, and she asked curiously, "Two sisters, what is this thing?"

With a huge black body and a complex structure, Cheng Ji has seen a lot in the Princess Mansion, but she has never seen such a thing.

And Yu Xiaoxiao and Sun Nuan put this thing on the stage, what is it for?

Su Nuan smiled and said, "This is a musical instrument."

"Musical instruments?" Cheng Ji became more interested.

Such a huge thing turned out to be a musical instrument?How to use this thing?

After finally assembling the final parts, Lu Hang, who was sweating profusely, wiped the sweat from his forehead, transported the piano all the way from Wuwei to Chang'an City, and then reassembled it. His deal was finally done.

Lu Hang is a new player who only entered the game after the eighth test. The players who entered the game with him are basically still serving as small officials in Longyou.

In reality, Lu Hang is a technician in a musical instrument factory. He doesn't want to work in the game, so he opened a musical instrument store in Wuwei.

Moved various musical instruments in reality into the game, saxophone, violin and piano made by Luhang.

This order from Su Nuan and Yu Xiaoxiao is the largest order from Air China.

With such a long distance, there is naturally no way to transport the piano directly.

Lu Hang dismantled two pianos, packed the parts, and transported them to Chang'an with the caravan.

Then Lu Hang reassembled these parts himself, and after he finished debugging, he said to Su Nuan:

"Miss Su Nuan, the piano you ordered has been installed."

Su Nuan walked over and stroked the black piano. In the real world, she had already completed the adaptation of Qin Wang's Breaking the Array, and changed the chimes and exhausted parts into piano scores.

Although I have practiced in real life, this is the first time I have played the piano in the game.

Su Nuan sat down on the stool and pressed the keys with both hands.

He only heard melodious notes jumping out of the piano, Lu Hang looked at his work with a smile.

Cheng Ji looked at the piano in surprise. How could this strange thing have such a nice sound?
Su Nuan's fingers danced quickly on the piano, and the melodious melody floated out from the piano, and now Cheng Ji was completely dumbfounded.

What kind of instrument is this?
The sound of the piano is melodious and majestic, and the timbre is also unique. What surprised Cheng Ji was that it is a fixed tone instrument, and the melody is as smooth as an orchestral instrument like the pipa!
How exactly is this done?
The knowledgeable musicians gathered around the stage, talking about the piano's clear timbre and rich musical expression.

Some young musicians have also become interested in pianos. It seems that they can sell pianos to aborigines?
Lu Hang thought of opening a musical instrument business in Chang'an.

After Su Nuan and Yu Xiaoxiao settled the final payment to Lu Hang, he simply used the money to buy a shop in Anyifang, planning to sell his musical instruments in Chang'an.

But the busiest thing in Chang'an recently is the seventeen players who came to Chang'an to take the imperial examination.

In Xingzhong Shumenxia Pingzhang, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Pei Mian, issued an order from the court that all candidates for the examination must complete the final registration within three days. This event has attracted the attention of the whole world. An imperial examination is finally about to kick off.

(End of this chapter)

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