Chapter 468 Economic Infiltration

Speaking of the gift of returning to Chang'an, Li Mi was full of praise for the idea of ​​presenting a new calendar.

As the emperor's former confidant, Li Mi knew what Li Heng wanted most.

Introduce a new calendar to highlight the new dynasty and new atmosphere!
This is also what the emperor longs for most when he is waiting to return to Chang'an, and that is to be recognized by the whole world, and his new dynasty is no worse than the emperor's era!

Li Mi said with some concern: "The new calendar has been revised in such a hasty way. I wonder if it can be more accurate than the Dayan calendar?"

Li Mi once served as the emperor's secretary and junior supervisor, an official position in charge of the imperial court's collection of books.

It took the monk and his party eight years to calculate and compile the Dayan Calendar, but Wei Yuan said that it only took two months to calculate it, which is really unbelievable.

Li Mi was worried that King Jianning would compile a fake calendar in order to present a new calendar, which would be easily attacked by court ministers.

However, Li Yan has great confidence in Wei Yuan. A few days ago, Wei Yuan reported that 22 effective calculation points have been obtained for the sun, moon, and star trajectory maps in various places. Wei Yuan has accurately calculated the revolution period and the more accurate summer solstice and winter solstice. day, the next step is to perfect the details of the heart calendar.

It will take another month for the emperor to return to Chang'an, during which time Wei Yuan can complete the new calendar.

Li Yan reassured: "Don't worry, Mr. Bi, Wei Yuan will definitely be able to compile a calendar that is more accurate than the Dayan Calendar!"

Seeing that Li Yan was so confident, Li Mi stopped talking.

The carriage entered the boundary of Beiting from Gaochang City. This year's snowfall in the north was suddenly ahead of schedule. A blizzard suddenly hit Beiting, causing many people's houses in Beiting to be crushed by snow.

Beiting Chief Protector Cao Lingzhong is a veteran of the Tang Dynasty, and has always had prestige in Beiting Chief Protector.

After the snow disaster, Cao Lingzhong immediately wrote to the Governor's Mansion, and Li Yan immediately asked Gao Chang to donate a large amount of cold-proof clothes and temporary tents to Beiting.

Cao Lingzhong also asked the soldiers of the Beiting Protectorate to help the people rescue the disaster, and finally controlled the development of the disaster.

By the time Li Yan arrived in Tingzhou, Cao Lingzhong had arranged for the people affected by the disaster to be in the military camp. However, the loss of livestock and houses caused by the snowstorm had severely weakened Tingzhou, which had just quelled the turmoil.

Li Bi thought that this time the snow disaster would starve the ground, but when he arrived in Tingzhou, he found that the disaster relief work was smooth and orderly.

Li Mi didn't know that the snow disaster in Tingzhou had been foreshadowed for a long time. Several players who studied the weather had already issued an early warning of the snow disaster to the Dudu Mansion.

Players and officials at all levels in Beiting have also prepared disaster prevention and relief plans. This large-scale snow disaster that caused tens of thousands of households to be displaced in the history books did not cause too much population loss due to the efforts of the players.

Li Mi saw the porridge shed orderly distributing porridge, the Beiting soldiers who were helping the people rebuild their houses, and seeing all kinds of supplies being distributed to the victims. He couldn't help admiring. The control of the grassroots has surpassed that of the Emperor.

The entire Longyou was built like an iron bucket, and the efficiency of the Longyou government was enough to put any county in Guanzhong to shame.

However, Tingzhou was not affected by the snowstorm, but the Uighurs and Geluolu people suffered from the snowstorm.

In Uighur Khan City, Mou Yu Khan could not help frowning when he heard Pugu Yehu, who galloped to Khan City, report on the snow disaster in Beilin City.

He encountered a snowstorm in the first year of his succession. The grassland tribes are very superstitious, and there have been many rumors in Khan City.

Mou Yu Khan is also ruthless, and quickly kills those who spread rumors.

But killing people alone cannot stop the spread of rumors.

Pugu Yehu, who came to Seoul on a special trip, knelt on the ground and said:

"Khan! The Forest of Steles has been severely damaged! Half of the houses in the city have been crushed, and half of the barns have collapsed. The most important thing is that the hay for this winter has not been properly accumulated. Please be kind Khan and save the Forest of Steles!"

Compared with houses in the Central Plains, tents on the grasslands are more likely to be crushed by snow.

Snow suddenly hit the north, and Beilin City, which was not yet ready for winter, was the hardest hit.

Mou Yu Khan frowned. Many places were affected by the snowstorm this time, and some tribes even lost contact with the whole tribe during the snowstorm.

Even if there is not much forage in Khan City, how can it help other places.

What's more, Mou Yu Khan knew very well that the upper class nobles like Pugu Yehu had already accumulated a lot of wealth by relying on the monopoly system of Tang goods.

Nowadays, many tribes are suffering from disasters, not only natural disasters, but also man-made disasters!
Herdsmen are obsessed with buying goods from the Tang Dynasty, and they don't have enough winter supplies.

The upper-class aristocrats like Pugu Yehu exploited the herdsmen through Tang goods, requiring the herdsmen to only have single clothes for the winter.

After a snowstorm, Pugu Yehu came to Khan City to cry and beg for relief.


Mou Yu Khan took a deep breath to calm down his anger.

Pugu Yehu is an important force of the Uighurs and one of the nine surnames of the Uighurs. Mou Yu Khan's status is far less stable than that of the old Khan. For these princes inside the Uighurs, he can only appease and win over them.

You must know that although Mou Yu Khan is the heir designated by the old Khan himself, Prince Ye Hu, who originally had the right to inherit, is still in the Tang Dynasty!

As long as Prince Ye Hu is still around, Mou Yu Khan's Khan position will always be threatened.

Reluctantly comforted Pugu Yehu a few words, and gave him some forage for the winter, and then another tribal chief came to cry for poverty.

After finally dealing with these things, Khan City can be said to be bleeding heavily this time.

Mou Yu Khan wanted to cry but had no tears, and soon the Princess of Datang and his relatives would arrive, and he was almost unable to get married!
How about borrowing some from the Datang merchant who sold the loan last time?
But when he thought of the harsh loan conditions, Mou Yu Khan felt a little pained.

These Datang merchants have never done business at a loss, and borrowing money from them always has to pay a huge price.

But the dignified Uighur Khan's wedding, if it is too shabby, it will also lose the face of the royal court.

Fortunately, Datang Heqin's team walked slowly, and Mou Yu Khan was about to drag on.

At this time, Jiang Lun was leading a group of economical players to settle accounts in the Wangfu Bank in Shazhou.

Yang Yan followed behind Jiang Lun, looking at the strings of numbers on the blackboard, his eyelids twitched.

Who knew that in such a building, the number casually mentioned by the boss, Jiang Lun, was a huge amount of money and food!
Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars were transferred out following Jiang Lun's few orders.

If you ask Yang Yan where the heart of Longyou is, Yang Yan can say with certainty that the meeting room of Wangfu Bank is definitely the most core place in Longyou!
Here, how much money is just a series of numbers, Longyou's massive funds are determined here, accompanied by the deployment of countless materials!

Unlike his good friend Liu Yan, who was planning to follow the route of being close to the people and officials, Yang Yan was going to go to the end on the road of finance minister.

When Yang Yan was assigned to the Yantie Tax Bureau, Jiang Lun didn't pay much attention to this well-known financial expert in the mid-Tang Dynasty.

One is that Yang Yan is still young now, and he is not the financial minister who has power over the Tang Dynasty.

The second is that Yang Yan is an aborigine after all. From the perspective of economic players like Jiang Lun, the aborigines will definitely not be able to learn finance and economics.

But what Jiang Lun didn't expect was that the initiator and implementer of the "Two Tax Law" had an amazing talent in finance and economics.

Sure enough, these people who can leave their names in history books are not ordinary people!

Following behind Jiang Lun, Yang Yan quickly mastered these seemingly complicated economic theories, and Yang Yan even humbly asked Jiang Lun for advice on mathematics, and Yang Yan was also quite familiar with the mathematical formulas that once gave Jiang Lun a headache. talent.

This also made Yang Yan stand out quickly and became Jiang Lun's right-hand man.

Compared with the good face of the Uighurs, the Geluolu people are much more honest.

Ge Luolu also encountered a snowstorm, and Ge Luolu's Jinshan King asked Longyou for help immediately.

Although Ge Luolu Xuanwei envoy Timur said a lot of good things to the Ge Luolu people, Jiang Lun always insisted on "using loans as aid" and refused to provide free assistance to the Ge Luolu people.

King Jinshan had to use the two newly discovered gold mines as collateral to borrow money from Datang to buy disaster relief supplies.

An angry Ge Luolu comforted Timur and scolded Jiang Lun as an "inhuman vampire".

However, in Yang Yan's view, his boss's robbery this time can be said to have been planned for a long time.

The Wangfu Bank had already started hoarding supplies for the winter, and even these supplies had already been shipped to a warehouse near Ge Luolu.

And these two newly discovered gold mines were also coveted by the Wangfu Bank for a long time. Taking advantage of the Ge Luolu snowstorm to get the gold mines this time was also something that Jiang Lun had already planned.

Compared with the caressing about the Ge Luolu people, what the Wangfu Bank building discussed today is a loss-making deal.

"Lao Jiang, is the loan from Lingzhou too large?"

"The money for young crops in Lingzhou hasn't been recovered yet? If we borrow so much money this time, when will we get back the money?"

"The governor of Shuofang made Du Hongjian not borrow money from the imperial court, but borrowed money from King Jianning. What's the reason for that?"

"If you want me to say that it is also in accordance with the rules of Ge Luolu people who borrow money, let Du Hongjian take out things as pledges."

Jiang Lun sighed. After doing too much financial work, it is really easy to care about every detail.

Those sitting here are all senior officials from the Yantie Taxation Bureau and the Wangfu Bank. They do not support this plan to aid Lingzhou.

Jiang Lun winked at Yang Yan beside him, and Yang Yan immediately said:

"Everyone, first of all, it is His Highness's order to help Lingzhou. Du Hongjian, Shuofang's military governor, is Conglong's hero. He is neutral in the court, and he is also worthy of wooing."

"This time Lingzhou was hit by a disaster, and our Longyou lending a helping hand will also help win the hearts of the soldiers and people in Lingzhou."

"And we have also negotiated with Du Hongjian Jiedushi. From now on, our Longyou merchants can enter and leave Lingzhou freely, and the Wangfu Bank can also establish a branch in Lingzhou. Isn't that enough?"

Jiang Lun coughed and said, "This loan is not an interest-free loan, but our Longyou's economic penetration into Lingzhou. I will leave it to Yang Yan to organize the Wangfu Bank Lingzhou branch."


 Recently, there are transitional plots, and the author also writes very painfully.

  However, these foreshadowings are also necessary.

  There are a lot of things at home recently, and we will add more at the beginning of next month!

(End of this chapter)

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