Chapter 472 Jinshi Gathering
As a Jinshi of Xinke, Wang Chengwei has had a rough time these few days.

If it is a normal imperial examination, the palace examination will be held after the results are released, and the emperor will let the candidates take the official selection examination with a few words of encouragement.

There are four items that need to be inspected in the Quanxuan examination, namely appearance, character, handwriting and document processing ability.

Candidates who pass the selection examination can be awarded official positions.

But this time the imperial examination is different from the previous ones, and now that there are serious vacancies in the Tang Dynasty, the emperor ordered that officials be awarded directly after the palace examination.

However, because the emperor was still on his way back to Chang'an, the Qionglin banquet that was supposed to be held after the palace examination has not yet been held.

However, these few days, the Xinke Scholars continued to entertain each other. While everyone was in Chang'an, they kept in touch with each other, and when they really entered the officialdom, it was difficult for everyone to see each other.

There is another characteristic of Jinshi who has reached the peak of virtue for two years. Jinshi is not very old.

The champion Wang Chengwei is 22 years old, and Gu Kuang and Wei Yingwu are only 24 or [-] years old.

The oldest one is only 40 years old. Anyone who knows something about officialdom knows how high the gold content of this subject is.

The fellowship of the same subject is a very close relationship, which is naturally a kind of political alliance.

Under Wang Chengwei's suggestion, he hosted a number of banquets in Mingyue Tower, which brought everyone closer together.

Wang Chengwei spent a lot of money, and every banquet was rich in food and wine. He was a little unconvinced as the number one scholar at first, but after eating a few banquets with him, he was immediately convinced.

Today is the time for Wang Chengwei to entertain the same subjects again, and more than 30 Jinshi have booked the top floor of Mingyue Tower.

Preparing such an ancient banquet is not an easy task. Fortunately, Wei Yingwu and Gu Kuang, two fellows on the list, helped.

Wei Yingwu was born in Wei Shi, Gyeonggi. Although his family has declined, he is still a child of a family and has received a complete etiquette education.

Every time he greets the guests, his etiquette is impeccable, and everyone is convinced that he is the No.3.

And Gu Kuang studied under Li Mi. Although Li Mi had a low reputation, he served as an important minister during the emperor's time, and he was even called the prime minister in civilian clothes in the emperor's mouth.

Gu Kuang followed Li Mi, and treated people with courtesy and thoughtfulness, so every time the invitation was sent out, Gu Kuang was invited to call everyone to the banquet.

Xinke Scholars gather in Mingyue Building every now and then, which has also become a hot topic in Chang'an.

Originally, Wang Chengwei planned to bring candidates from other subjects to the banquet, but Gu Kuang and Wei Yingwu jointly opposed it as soon as he proposed it.

"The Jinshi department is the most expensive. If you hire the Mingjing department, I am afraid that the same department will feel that we don't respect them."

"Mingjing Division is also holding a banquet, so the number one scholar should not force it."

To sum it up, what the two of them mean is "Don't force yourselves into different circles."

Wang Chengwei had no choice but to dismiss this idea. Every circle has its own rules, and players like Wang Chengwei are not strong enough to break Chang'an's rules.

Let's wait until King Jianning enters Chang'an in the future.

The host, Wang Chengwei, made a toast, and then everyone began to drink and eat. Some well-informed Jinshi began to talk about their latest court news.

The reason why Wang Chengwei held such a banquet was not only to connect with each other, but also for the news.

You must know that there are at most 30 Jinshi in the first branch of the Tang Dynasty, and they will definitely be awarded officials this time. Many of them are the children of powerful and powerful families and local prominent families. The news of these Jinshi is much better than that of ordinary officials in Chang'an. .

The imperial examination is also for being an official, so the topic of selecting officials is the eternal theme of the banquet.

A well-informed Jinshi said:

"I heard that this time His Majesty will interview all the candidates in turn, and will ask a practical question, and ask for an oral answer on the spot. Then His Majesty will list a new order according to his own scores, and then grant positions according to this order .”

Another candidate asked: "Does that mean that No. 1 in the Palace Examination can choose a position by himself?"

"That's what it means. The higher the ranking, the more positions you can choose, and the lower the ranking, the fewer positions you can choose."

Now everyone's eyes lit up.

And such good things?

You must know that in the past, if you passed the Jinshi examination and participated in the official selection examination, you couldn't help yourself to pick and choose, and you often went to the position as soon as you had any position.

If you are unlucky, the positions selected for this round of selection are all in remote places, so you have to give up your fame or go to these remote state capitals to take up positions, which is almost the same as being assigned to the frontier.

Can you still choose this time?
The well-informed Jinshi went on to say:
"And the results of the palace examination this time have nothing to do with the previous results, they are just ranked according to the practical policy of the palace!"

Now everyone is even more excited!

If the results of previous exams are counted, the number one pick like Wang Chengwei has the greatest advantage.

But according to this method, only counting the results of the palace examination, everyone will be back on the same starting line again!

Originally, Wen Wu was the first and Wu Wu was the second. Although everyone had a good relationship, everyone felt that they could do it, and their hearts became even hotter.

At this time, someone asked again:

"I don't know what kind of official position the imperial court will take out this time?"

This question was on everyone's mind.

The starting point for Xinke Jinshi to enter the officialdom is the highest among all disciplines, starting from the seventh or eighth rank.

But also from the seventh rank, there are high and low positions in this position.

The most noble is naturally the imperial censor. Serving the imperial censor from the palace of the seventh rank is the most dreamy position for Jinshi who first entered the officialdom.

The position of censor has a long history. In the early days, there were very few censors.

The officials of the Tang Dynasty had three institutions, namely Yushitai, Dianyuan, and Jianyuan. The imperial censors in the palace belonged to the imperial court.

However, since the Wu and Zhou Dynasties, the three courts basically worked together. The censors at the Yushitai, the censors in the palace, and the supervisory censors were collectively referred to as Yanguan.

Although it is from the position of the seventh rank, the censor can impeach all officials and admonish the emperor. If something special happens, he can be appointed by the imperial court as an imperial envoy to supervise the work in the local area.

The Yushitai censor is the seventh rank, the censor in the palace is the seventh rank, and the supervisory censor is the eighth rank. In theory, Jinshi can start as an official from the palace servant censor, but there were very few vacant censors in the imperial court before.

At this time, the well-informed Jinshi said:

"I heard that this time the imperial court took out five censors!"

Everyone took a breath!

Also Cong Qipin, although the county magistrate of Xiazhou is also Bailihou, he is not in the same breath as the imperial censor.

In the past, Jinshi with a background had to practice outside for several years before he had the opportunity to be transferred to Chang'an as a censor!

And this time, as long as the top five in the palace test, they can reach the sky in one step!
"There are still several county magistrates in the lower county, county magistrates in the upper county, county lieutenants in the big county, and the positions of supervisors in the six ministries."

All Jinshi cheered, this time the imperial court really showed sincerity in selecting officials for Jinshi!
At this time, the owner of the store brought up a pipa girl, followed by an old man with a stooped body to accompany her.

I can only see the heavy makeup on the face of this pipa girl, but the rough fingers and wrinkles that cannot be covered by makeup show that the age of this pipa girl is already gone.

Restaurants like Mingyuelou have musicians, pipa players, or storytellers resident there. They have a cooperative relationship with the restaurant. Part of the reward money for the performance will be handed over to the restaurant, and the restaurant will also introduce business to them.

The owner of the restaurant is a smart person. Every time Wang Chengwei entertains Jinshi, he will cook some elegant dishes, or invite some good musicians. This further strengthens the reputation of Mingyue Tower among scholars, and the business is good. Not a lot.

The boss said with a smile: "This matchmaker was a famous pipa master in Chang'an during the Tianbao period. She has just returned to Chang'an today, so I invite you to play a song for all the nobles."

"The matchmaker's reward money will go out from the small shop, and I hope all the distinguished guests will enjoy themselves!"

Seeing the boss being so upbeat, everyone applauded.

Wang Chengwei looked at the matchmaker, only to see that she was wearing a plain long dress with only a wooden hairpin stuck in her head.

But the pipa in his hand was of the highest quality.

Wang Chengwei thanked the boss and said to the matchmaker:

"Matchmaker, please play a song for us!"

The matchmaker bowed to everyone. It seemed that the pipa player was only 30 years old, but now that there was a war and the rich families had to flee to protect themselves, this kind of woman in the dust was naturally more devastated.

The matchmaker quickly responded, with a flattering smile on her face.

The old accompanist behind her also sat down, posing as if she was about to play.

The Jinshi present shook their heads, thinking that this woman was too flattering.

Wang Chengwei knew the virtues of these guys. He listened to this song and thought about wanting a pipa player to be graceful, elegant, cool and noble. These guys are those who have read too many stories about talented scholars and beautiful women. How many of these singing girls can survive the mud? of.

However, Wang Chengwei's ability to appreciate music has also improved a lot these days. If it's just an ordinary pipa player, let her play a piece and give her some rewards. Next time, don't ask the boss to introduce her upstairs.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chengwei was surprised when the matchmaker made a move.

There was only a sound of plucking strings, like a phoenix crowing, which shocked everyone to stop drinking wine glasses!
Immediately afterwards, the beautiful melody flew out from the pipa in the matchmaker's hand, and everyone held their breath for fear of missing a note.

The soothing rhythm gradually turned into a tense one, and Wang Chengwei nervously grabbed the wine glass in his hand, as if he was facing a storm.

When the song is over, everyone is immersed in the wonderful music.

Wang Chengwei had listened to Yu Xiaoxiao's pipa a lot, and was the first to recover. He took the lead and shouted: "Good!"

 The next chapter will be updated at 12 noon!
  Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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