Chapter 478
The emperor moved into the Daming Palace, and the Shanghuang went to the Xingqing Palace.

Three provinces, six ministries and various temples moved into Nanya, and the heart of the empire beat again.

Early in the morning, Wang Chengwei put on the red auspicious clothes again, and stood at the gate of the main hall of Hanyuan Hall, trembling all over, waiting for the emperor to summon him.

Although braziers were set up on both sides of the aisle, it was indeed cold enough in Chang'an this year. Wang Chengwei was wearing a cashmere thermal underwear, but he still couldn't resist the bone-chilling cold wind.

The eunuchs who cleared the snow were working hard. There was a lot of snow last night. They needed to clear the square in front of Hanyuan Hall.

Wang Chengwei is the champion of the new division, standing at the forefront of the team.

At this time, a eunuch came to the front of the team and said loudly:
"Xuan, the first Jinshi in the new department, Longyou Wang Chengwei enters the palace to have an audience!"

Following the father-in-law, Wang Chengwei walked through the long corridor of the main hall and walked to the main entrance of Hanyuan Hall.

"Young Scholar, please."

The eunuch smiled and said to Wang Chengwei.

And Wang Chengwei also got Pei Mian's instruction, a piece of silver cake slipped from his sleeve and stuffed into the eunuch's hand.

The smile on the eunuch's face was even wider, and he said: "The miscellaneous family Yu Chaoen is the secretary of the sage."

Wang Chengwei was startled, he didn't expect that he would meet a big man in the future.

Yu Chaoen is a great eunuch who will be in charge of the court in the future, but now his job is Secretary Secretary, which is not a high-level position.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was established in the Tang Dynasty, and Shangshujian is a department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is responsible for managing the royal collection.

Si Shangshu sounds powerful, but he is actually the emperor's secretary.

But being able to serve as the emperor's secretary is quite powerful, and it's no wonder that Yu Chaoen will be able to flourish in the future.

At this time, the censor in the hall standing beside the main hall cast a reprimanding look, and Wang Chengwei immediately shut up.

In addition to impeaching officials, the censor also has the task of maintaining the court's discipline.

When the emperor held various ceremonies, there would always be a censor in the palace standing by to supervise.

If it's just an ordinary small problem, the censor will turn a blind eye, but if it's a disgrace in front of the palace, then the censor can immediately participate in the performance.

Wang Chengwei immediately waited for the emperor's call according to the etiquette trained by the Ministry of Rites yesterday.

After a while, another old eunuch came out and shouted:
"Xuan, Xinke Jinshi, Longyou Wang Chengwei entered the palace."

Wang Chengwei immediately thanked the emperor according to etiquette, and then followed step by step into the hall.

Only now did the censor in the palace show a satisfied expression.

In the Hanyuan Hall, besides the emperor sitting high on the throne, there are several officials sitting in the hall.

Yesterday's Ministry of Etiquette training already talked about the responsibilities of these officials, Wang Chengwei just glanced at them roughly.

The ones closest to the emperor are Qiju Lang and Siju Sheren. The Tang Dynasty paid more attention to historians, and these two people were responsible for recording the emperor's daily life notes.

The daily life note is a summary of the emperor's daily work, and all the affairs of the emperor's foreign ministers must be recorded under the witness of the historian.

After the emperor's grand trip, a special historian will be responsible for compiling the emperor's memorabilia, which is a summary of the emperor's life's merits and demerits.

It is the consecration of the Hanlin Academy to start after the living man and the living man.

The Hanlin Academy in the Tang Dynasty was not the Imperial Academy in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was an institution that provided literary services to the emperor. Li Bai once enshrined the Imperial Academy.

On weekdays, I presented poems to the emperor, or explained literary works to the emperor. This time, the emperor interviewed Jinshi, so it was normal for an official from the Imperial Academy to be present.

Then came the officials of the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Rites and the Imperial College.

Li Heng gave these officials seats, and after Wang Chengwei went to the palace, the emperor also ordered the eunuchs to say:

"Jinshi is the state's minister, so give the champion a seat."

After Wang Chengwei sat down, the old eunuch who had just guided him in stood on the imperial steps and said loudly:
"The topic of this imperial examination is——Guangwu, the time is [-] minutes, please answer the number one scholar in [-] minutes!"

It really was this topic, it was one of the topics that Wang Chengwei and several other Jinshi candidates bet on.

There is no final conclusion on the format of the questions in the palace examination. During the Taizong period, poems were used for interviews, and Gaozong liked to use practical strategies.

The emperor likes to ask a specific problem and ask Jinshi to come up with a solution.

Li Heng's question was more succinct, and he directly gave a historical figure. Does this make him evaluate Emperor Han Guangwu?
It seems that the emperor wanted to listen to Rainbow Fart, and directly compared himself to Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty.

However, Li Heng is indeed the master of Zhongxing, and it is normal for him to compare himself to Guangwu.

It seems that the emperor wanted someone to praise him for this imperial examination question.

Wang Chengwei thought for a while, and he already had a draft in his mind.

A stick of incense was lit in the center of the hall, and when the stick of incense was completely burned, a clear drum sounded, indicating that the time had come.

The old eunuch said: "The number one scholar please answer."

Wang Chengwei stood up and said:

"The subject of the minister's imperial examination is, "On the Disadvantages of Guangwu"!"

After saying this, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Even the living man who was recording the emperor's behavior almost dropped his pen.

Disadvantages of Guangwu?

You must know that Emperor Guangwu was the founder of the country and the master of ZTE in ancient history. He has no moral flaws and treats heroes very kindly. He is a model of emperors through the ages!
This Wang Chengwei wants to talk about the disadvantages of Guangwu?
As soon as this explosive theory came out, even the emperor cast a concerned look.

Wang Chengwei knew that his goal of becoming a pioneer had been achieved, he cupped his hands and said:
"Preferential treatment of the gentry has led to local tyrants becoming powerful, and powerful families controlling the government. This is Emperor Guangwu's number one disadvantage!"

Is it wrong to favor the gentry?

Li Heng cast a questioning look.

I only heard Wang Chengwei say: "In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the tyrants continued to marry and control the government. The tyrants stole the villages. The aristocratic families occupied the prefectures and counties. With the Yellow Turban Rebellion together, the Eastern Han Dynasty will lose its vitality."

"Guangwu won the country too quickly and failed to rectify the county. After he ascended the throne, he wanted to clean up the land and the world was in turmoil again. In the end, nothing happened. Isn't this the disadvantage of Guangwu?"

Now everyone gasped even more, this is not talking about Guangwu, it is clearly talking about this dynasty!

Li Heng remembered the report from Guo Ziyi on the front line that Shi Siming of Hebei was ready to surrender, but asked the court to grant him the Jiedushi of the three towns as it had done to Anlu Mountain before.

In order to suppress the rebellion, the imperial court appointed many Jiedu envoys. These Jiedu envoys occupied the power of prefectures and counties. Aren't they the aristocratic families that Wang Chengwei said?

Good guy!
The emperor understood what Wang Chengwei meant. Emperor Guangwu won the world. In addition to his opponent Wang Mang who was really disappointing, he was also the leader of the joint armed forces of the landlords.

The local forces in these places have not been liquidated. After Emperor Guangwu ascended the throne, there was an earth break, which was the "Da Suo Maangyue" in the Tang Dynasty. In the end, bandits broke out everywhere, and some states and counties rebelled. In the end, the entire Eastern Han Dynasty did not engage in land broken.

This is admonishing me to sort out local forces and abolish the separatist vassals and towns.

But Li Heng coughed, if he was ten years younger, he would definitely do this, but at this age and body, should he leave a split Tang Dynasty for his descendants?

Wang Chengwei continued: "The second disadvantage of Guangwu is that the inner dynasty controls the outer dynasty. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the relatives, eunuchs, and scholars fought endlessly. The eunuchs abolished the emperor, and the queen mother came to the court to listen to the system. These are all because Guangwu is close to the inner court and alienated. What a bad example foreign ministers set for future generations!"

After saying this, the old eunuch next to the emperor immediately knelt down and said:
"Your Majesty! The old slave Li Fuguo swears to the heavens that he will be loyal to the saint and have no other intentions!"

Li Heng said: "Get up! The champion is talking about Guangwu! Why are you kneeling!"

The old eunuch on the imperial steps looked at Wang Chengwei below with vicious eyes, but Wang Chengwei didn't care at all.

It turns out that this is Li Fuguo, the famous eunuch who was powerful in the two dynasties, and the famous eunuch who started the eunuch's intervention in politics in the middle and late Tang Dynasty.

But although the emperor said that Wang Chengwei was talking about Guangwu, everyone knew that he was talking about this dynasty.

In the past year, the emperor formed the Shence Army and asked the eunuch Li Fuguo to serve as the military observer. The eunuchs were appointed and dismissed in several wars.

This all shows that the emperor trusted the eunuchs around him more than the local generals and court ministers.

The civil servants present applauded secretly, and finally someone advised the emperor face to face, not to trust these eunuchs too much.

Li Heng's complexion was also not very good-looking. An example like An Lushan came before him. How could he trust those generals with hundreds of thousands of troops?
As an emperor, Li Heng didn't have much sense of security either!

Only the eunuchs around him controlling the Shence Army can give Li Heng a false sense of security.

But Wang Chengwei's words also alerted Li Heng.

Maybe these eunuchs are still loyal ministers to him, but what about when he dies?
Will they launch a coup to support the emperor they need according to their own ideas?
Li Heng began to think, but the whole hall was silent.

It was clearly a countermeasure time for Wang Chengwei for a stick of incense, but it was delayed for more than a stick of incense.

Li Heng then said:

"Mr. Zhuangyuan, I see that you said in the practical policy of the Jinshi Division that you want me to change the Yuan."

"Now that Chang'an has been restored, I am also planning to change Yuan after Zhengdan."

"Originally the year name sent by the Ministry of Rites included 'Jianwu', but I don't want to use it now."

"Today's strategy is correct, I will add one more question for you, and present to me a new year name."

It was even more astonishing that the whole house was full now. The matter of the emperor changing the yuan was only discussed among the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

It stands to reason that this kind of matter should be discussed by the Ministry of Rites, then discussed by the Political Affairs Hall, and finally submitted to the emperor for decision.

Now the emperor actually asked a champion who had no official status.

Wang Chengwei, who was at His Royal Highness, bowed and said:

"The "Book of Changes" has a saying: 'Great Qianyuan, the beginning of all things'."

"I dare to enter the 'Qianyuan'!"

The emperor stroked Dayue: "Great Qianyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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