Chapter 48
"The furnace is on!" Zhang Tiezheng shouted at the top of his voice, and opened the gate of the blast furnace.

Although the master Jian said that no matter how loud the shouting, it will not affect the quality of the molten iron in the blast furnace.

However, Zhang Tiezheng still kept the old tradition of craftsmen, believing that as long as he shouted at the top of his throat, he could burn high-quality molten iron.

The red molten iron flows down from the blast furnace, and the craftsmen push the gears together, and the crawler turns to transport the molten iron out of the blast furnace.

Jian Xia came over, looked at the red molten iron, inspected it and said: "Unqualified, send it to make farm tools."

Zhang Tiezheng and his son were dumbfounded, they were also old blacksmiths, and they could tell just how good the quality of the molten iron was.

This kind of molten iron is more than enough to forge military weapons, but it is still unqualified in Jian Xia's eyes.

What kind of thing does this master craftsman want to make? He has such high requirements!

At this time, beside the Dashuixia Iron Works, a large blacksmith shop was in the process of forging iron for the imperial court.

These were the blacksmiths that King Jianning liberated from the three families of Anyang and Wu. Li Yan bought a group of blacksmiths from other big families and put them in the ironworks near Dashuixia.

Datang did not discriminate against craftsmen as much as later generations, but craftsmen had to bear heavier corvee than ordinary people.

In the small book, the children of the craftsman will also make another book, and the craftsman household can also get the same land grant as ordinary farmers, but the craftsman household often has to go to the nearby government blacksmith shop to perform corvee, and is even required to go to the two capitals. Labor at a nearby arms factory.

It’s okay if you live near the two capitals, like the artisan households in Longyou Road, if you go to the two capitals to serve in the military, you will have to go to the two capitals for half a year, and after half a year of corvee service, one year will pass.

Therefore, most of the artisan households do not have manpower to farm, and they either rent it out to people from the same village or sell it to the local rich.

Over time, the land allocated to artisan households has become less and less. Generations of artisan households like Zhang Tiezheng have lost their land and become professional blacksmiths in the state capital.

There are also many craftsmen who directly joined the big clans and became the craftsmen of these families for generations, specializing in making ironware for them.

Even a big family like An Yangwu paid great attention to skilled craftsmen.

When a daughter is born as a dowry at home, it is also a very heavy dowry to marry a few craftsmen as a dowry.

But now King Jianning's reputation in Guazhou City is booming, and these big families are also afraid of being liquidated by King Jianning.

When Li Yan recruited artisan households, they took the initiative to tear up the slave registrations of the artisan households in their hands, and handed them all over to Li Yan.

So this blacksmith's shop was built near the Dashuixia Iron Works.

The molten iron was introduced into the steel troughs, and before the steel troughs cooled down, the craftsmen pushed the carts to the blacksmith shop and began to make farm tools with clanging bells.

Now the player's exploration work has been completed, the construction of the iron factory has also been completed, and the Datang player's construction team has earned enough contribution points, and is ready to go home.

However, there are also some players who stayed. The system provided players with several jobs in Dashuixia, and several life-stream players chose to stay.

Lei Meng and Qin Chuan were already returning home. After working as cattle and horses for half a month in this unshitty place, they longed to return to the bustling Guazhou City.

Among this group of players was a player named Jiang Lun.

Jiang Lun was an economics major, and entered the game "The Wind and Cloud of the Tang Dynasty" by accident. Because he didn't have any special skills, he joined the construction team to be a hero.

This time everyone earned a lot of contribution points. They failed to participate in the last major event of the Guazhou rebellion. Most of the three-test cattle and horses were very dissatisfied. They clamored to return to Guazhou City and exchange attribute points to join the army as soon as possible. .

However, Jiang Lun has no interest in fighting and killing, and he can be regarded as a farming player.

However, he did not compete for the few positions set up by the system in Dashuixia, but consulted a large amount of information and prepared a proposal for self-recommendation.

"Back to Guazhou!" Lei Meng returned to Guazhou City with the players of the construction team.

At the same time, in Shuofang County, with the gathering of Qin Wang's army from all walks of life, the cards in Emperor Li Heng's hands finally became thicker.

At the suggestion of Li Fuguo, the eunuch who "knows the soldiers", Li Heng decided to leave Shuofang and go to Fufeng to establish a residence.

The place where the emperor stayed for a long time was called "walking", and "walking" was equivalent to the accompanying capital of the imperial court, and it was also the temporary court.

Leaving Shuofang, which is remote and closer to the frontier, and going to Fufeng, which is closer to the battlefield but has more developed transportation, is also the unanimous suggestion of Li Heng's court.

And Li Heng couldn't wait to leave Shuofang, Guo Ziyi's lair, so Li Heng didn't wait until Zhengdan, and hastily ordered to move Xing to Fufeng Mansion.

In the secret performance of the great eunuch Li Fuguo, Li Fuguo said directly:
"Saint, Fufeng Mansion is located in the west of Guanzhong, not far from Xijing, so it is convenient for His Majesty to personally command the battle to attack the two capitals."

"The general will be located in Fufeng. If His Majesty sends a golden plate to summon Guo Ziyi and other generals to go south, you will have no reason to shirk."

"Fufeng Mansion is the hub of water and land transportation, and the military funds raised by the imperial court do not need to be transported to remote Shuofang."

In all fairness, although Li Fuguo was denounced as a traitor by the upright ministers of the court, he is indeed a soldier.

He proposed that the general line be located in Fufeng, and there is no problem in terms of strategy. If the strategy of going south is to be adhered to and the emperor's line is moved to Fufeng closer to the front line, it can save the long-distance fatigue of military capital transfer and encourage the frontline sergeants more. morale.

Datang's finances and taxes mainly come from Jianghuai and Shuzhong, and Fufeng Mansion in the Guanzhong area is obviously closer to Datang's wealth center than Shuofang.

However, what Li Heng valued more was that Fufeng was close to Xijing, so that he could concentrate his efforts to retake Xijing and welcome back the emperor.

So Li Heng sent his confidant eunuch Yu Chaoen to Fufeng Mansion to set up a line, and was going to return to Guanzhong to personally supervise the battle in Xijing.

Just when Li Heng was about to leave Shuofang, a middle-aged official in a green official robe asked the emperor in front of him.

Today's Li Hengxing's number of officials has expanded several times, those civil servants who fled the two capitals, and envoys from all over the country who were loyal to the King's Jiedu Envoy, all came to Lingwu one after another.

Li Heng was no longer the embarrassing look he had just left for Lingwu. Originally, he didn't want to see this green-robed official.

But when he heard that this green-robed official had just met the emperor Li Longji in the middle of Shu, Li Heng hurriedly asked the Yellow Gate to summon this official to the palace.

The official in a green official robe was about 40 years old. He followed behind the small yellow gate with a calm expression, and stepped into the emperor's palace with confidence.

"Xuan supervises the censor Li Xing, the fifth Qi face saint!"

 Ps, in fact, Suzong moved from Lingwu to Pengyuan (Ningzhou, now Ning County, Gansu) in October of the first year of Zhide, and Fifth Qi also met Suzong in Pengyuan.

  However, there were too many relocations of Emperor Suzong. In fact, only Lingwu and Fufeng played a key role.So let's simplify it and change it to move directly from Lingwu to Fufeng. This can be regarded as the butterfly effect of the protagonist's time travel.

(End of this chapter)

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