Chapter 484

Qujiang Pavilion outside Chang'an City is not an isolated small pavilion, but an exquisite royal garden.

After the Luming Banquet, the last banquet held by Xinke Jinshi in Chang'an City was the Wenxi Banquet led by the number one scholar.

In the late Tang Dynasty, after the imperial examination system became more important, the emperor and princes and ministers would also participate in the Wenxi Banquet to have fun with the Jinshi.

But in this period, Wenxi Banquet is a private banquet for Jinshi of Xinke, but being able to hold it in Qujiang Pavilion also shows that the emperor attaches great importance to Jinshi.

In addition, the emperor also gave [-] qian in gold, symbolically subsidizing the number one scholar to organize a wedding banquet.

Qujiang Pavilion is located in the south of Chang'an City, and it complements the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in the north of Chang'an City.

But now the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in the north of Chang'an City is still called the Pagoda of Da Ci'en Temple.

The Wenxi Banquet is a night banquet, with drinking from night to sunrise, and during the Wenxi Banquet, the female family members of the rich and powerful families in Chang'an will also sit on the boat and secretly observe these new scholars.

Although the atmosphere in the Tang Dynasty was open, officials and officials still paid attention to fame and integrity.

At that time, people valued talents again, and these unmarried Jinshi scholars were very popular.

Although it would not be the case of finding a son-in-law under the list in the Song Dynasty, it is very normal for a rich lady in Chang'an City to want to choose a son-in-law among the new scholars.

These painted boats are decorated very gorgeously, the more magnificent the more powerful and powerful.

Some wealthy daughters who are bold and unrestrained will sit on the painting boat and watch the Jinshi in the Qujiang Pavilion go to the banquet from a distance.

The Qujiang Banquet also had to compose poems, and the new scholars would stand up and compose poems in front of Qujiang, so that the ladies on the boat could take a good look at their talents.

Compared with the Luming Banquet with a teacher, the Qujiang Banquet is more free and the atmosphere is more lively.

This year is different from previous years. In the past, if you were selected as a Jinshi, you had to take part in the selection test of the Ministry of Officials. If you didn't have a suitable position, you had to wait for an official at home.

This year was the palace examination where officials were directly awarded, and everyone got the position.

As a result, the atmosphere is naturally more lively, and there are many more boats on the Qujiang River than in previous years.

Especially the top few of this year's Xinke Scholars.

There was news in the palace that the number one scholar Wang Chengwei was favored by the emperor, and he was awarded the seventh-rank Wannian County Chancellor.

And from No.2 to No.4, they were also awarded the palace servant Yushi from the seventh rank, this is the speaker selected by Qingliuhua.

Gu Kuang and Wei Yingwu were not married, and they were at the right age for marriage, which naturally aroused the interest of many noble ladies in the court.

We must know that many children of ministers' families, if they do not have the ability to take the Jinshi examination, they will only be low-level officials who pass the door and become officials.

Nowadays, the imperial court pays more and more attention to the results of imperial examinations in the selection and appointment of officials. This year, these new scholars will have to be awarded official positions, and they may also be able to become marquises and worship ministers in the future.

This is much better than those dudes.

Another reason is that Chang'an was hit by war. Many people who had marriage contracts before could not fulfill their marriage contracts. There are many "leftover women" in Chang'an city. This time, the new scholars are the best candidates for marriage.

Wang Chengwei presided over the opening ceremony, and presented all the same years with the "Tongnianlu" printed on Longyou white paper and bound beautifully, and finally announced the opening of the banquet!
After all, being named on the gold list is one of the four great joys in life, and the entire Qujiang River is full of laughter.

Drinking all night, even if the player lowered the effect of drunkenness, he still couldn't hold on.

After dawn, Wang Chengwei asked the carriage that had been waiting for a long time to take the same year back to his residence.

The cold winter wind made Wang Chengwei tremble. Instead of getting in the carriage, he put on his coat and prepared to walk back to Chang'an City.

Tomorrow is the day when Wang Chengwei takes office, and today is also the last day of his status as a new scholar.

Just when Wang Chengwei was about to take a walk to take a look at Chang'an, the greatest city in the world today, but before he had walked far, he heard the ringing of a bell.

The law and order in Chang'an is good, but it's morning, and it's still in the outskirts of Chang'an, Wang Chengwei also became nervous.

Although it is said that you can be resurrected after death, the attribute points on this body have been washed away.

At this time, a young servant's clear voice sounded: "The number one scholar, is it the number one scholar?"

Wang Chengwei looked back suspiciously, only to see a luxurious carriage appearing behind him, surrounded by a group of knights, is this a wealthy family returning to the city from a trip?

I only saw the young man who spoke just now came riding a horse and said:
"Mr. Zhuangyuan, my servant is Yunque, a servant in Jingzhao Mansion. My lady has seen Mr. Zhuangyuan compose poems on the boat. Why did Mr. Zhuangyuan return to the city alone?"

It turned out to be the carriage of Cui Guangyuan's mansion, Cui Guangyuan was from Jingzhao's mansion, Jing Zhaoyin was a high-ranking official from the third rank, and the first and second ranks in the Tang Dynasty were super-conferred. Except for the founding heroes who had titles, the six ministers were nothing more than regular officials. Three products.

Jing Zhaoyin from the third rank is definitely an important minister of the court.

Cui Guangyuan served as Jing Zhaoyin for three times, and repeatedly jumped between Datang and Pseudo-Yan. Apart from his special "judgment of the situation", one of the reasons is that he came from a rich family.

And Cui Guangyuan is Jing Zhaoyin, and the magistrate of Wannian County that Wang Chengwei went to take office is the magistrate of Chang'an City, and Cui Guangyuan is his immediate boss.

This question was definitely not asked by the young servant, they all said that it was the young lady in Cui's mansion who visited Qujiang at night and returned to Chang'an, that is, she watched the banquet in Qujiang on the boat.

Wang Chengwei said: "I originally wanted to go back with my friends from the same department, but Wang wanted to see what Chang'an City looked like in the morning, so he walked back to the city by himself."

Yunque heard what Wang Chengwei said, and immediately said: "My lady said that it is cold in the morning, so please come back to the city with us on horseback."

After saying this, a servant naturally came to Wang Chengwei and gave Wang Chengwei the horse under his crotch.

Looking at the gorgeous carriage behind him, Wang Chengwei was stunned. Was the Tang Dynasty so open?
But today's world style is indeed open, and the empress Wu Zetian has only passed away for a few decades, and there are quite a few women in Chang'an who show their faces.

The lady from Jingzhao Manor should not be married yet, so she didn't get off the carriage herself, but asked the servants to invite Wang Chengwei to go with her.

That is to say, the Tang Dynasty could still do this. If the later Song Dynasty did this, it would have ruined Miss Cui's reputation.

Wang Chengwei thought about it for a while, but he was not polite, and quickly got on his horse. The servant named Skylark immediately followed Wang Chengwei, and said near him: "My lady wants to say a few words to Mr. Zhuangyuan."

Wang Chengwei rode to the side of the carriage, only to see the curtain of the carriage pulled up, revealing a bright face.

Cui Guangyuan was born in the Cui family of Boling, one of the prominent families, and his appearance is quite good.

The young lady of the Cui Mansion is indeed very beautiful.

"I've met the young lady of the Cui family!" Wang Chengwei saluted immediately.

The young lady of Cui's mansion immediately said: "My concubine's name is Shujun, and she is the third in the house. The number one scholar can call me Shujun or the third lady."

When he came up, he announced his name. Of course, Wang Chengwei would not directly call the girl's boudoir name, but just said, "Miss Cui San."

Cui Shujun looked at Wang Chengwei with a smile and said: "Shujun once heard his father praise him, saying that the number one scholar is a literary and musical star descending from the sky, and he also has a heart of worrying about the country and the people. This time as the magistrate of Wannian County, he will definitely benefit the people of Chang'an."

Hearing Cui Guangyuan praise him so much, Wang Chengwei could only smile.

Cui Shujun added: "I heard that after the imperial examination, Duke Zhuangyuan organized a project to rebuild new houses for the people of Chang'an. Shujun and a few sisters in the boudoir also donated some money."

Wang Chengwei has some headaches. In the real world, he is a single mother and fetus. He has never spoken to the opposite sex since he was a child.

But the other party kindly invited her to go with her, and she was the daughter of her immediate boss in the future. Wang Chengwei had no choice but to say: "Young lady is kind, I thank you on behalf of the people of Chang'an!"

Unexpectedly, Cui Shujun was very interested in helping the people of Chang'an. She asked again:

"But even the ministers of Chang'an have paid for it. I heard from my father that this time the heavy snow has collapsed thousands of houses, and many people can't afford firewood. Just relying on this donation, can the people survive the winter?"

Wang Chengwei looked at the other party, but he didn't expect this lady from Jingzhao Mansion to be really interested in disaster relief.

Wang Chengwei said: "Of course, fundraising is just a small matter. There are many houses in Chang'an that have been crushed, and there are many people without firewood."

"Then Zhuangyuan Gong will be appointed as Wannian county magistrate. These people are also the people under Zhuangyuan Gong's rule. How will Zhuangyuan Gong rescue the disaster?"

The snow disaster in Chang'an a few days ago also caused headaches for the entire Jingzhao Mansion.

Cui Shujun also heard his father Cui Guangyuan complain in the inner house that the people's houses collapsed and no one helped them, and they asked the Ministry of Industry to ask for disaster relief money, but they were pushed around.

Cui Shujun was also curious about how Wang Chengwei, the newly appointed Wannian county magistrate, would do disaster relief.

Wang Chengwei said: "I am going to open up the public offices in various fangs to resettle the people affected by the disaster. But to rebuild the houses, we can only rely on the people themselves."

Cui Shujun sighed, building houses in Chang'an would cost a lot of money, and now the people of Chang'an might not have the money to repair these houses.

However, Wang Chengwei is already a good official to allow the public office to resettle the disaster victims. Cui Shujun saluted Wang Chengwei:

"The number one scholar is indeed benevolent. Shujun and a few friends in her boudoir also want to do something for the people of Chang'an. If there is any donation, please don't forget to notify the Jingzhao Mansion."

"At that time, I will trouble the little lady."

Wang Chengwei already has a plan for the rescue of the snow disaster, but although Cui Guangyuan is tantamount to taking refuge in Li Yan, he is a well-known fool in the Tang Dynasty after all, and Wang Chengwei is not so obsessed as to reveal his plan.

Wang Chengwei followed the convoy to Chang'an City, and said goodbye to Cui Shujun at the gate of Jingzhao Mansion in Guangdefang.

On the second day, Wang Chengwei put on the green robes of low-ranking civil servants and went to Jingzhao Mansion to report.

(End of this chapter)

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