Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 489 The Ambition of Female Players

Chapter 489 The Ambition of Female Players

Outside Tingzhou City, Li Yan and the people under his command greeted his nominal sister in the heavy snow.

Li Yan also had complicated emotions in his heart regarding the princesses who had been close to each other in the history of the Tang Dynasty.

For these women who married far away to the frontier for the sake of the country, Li Yan naturally respected them in his heart.

In Datang, a total of 21 clan women married to the frontier, and their sacrifices also brought Datang temporary peace.

However, Li Yan did not agree with this method of marriage.

To curry favor with other races by sacrificing women, in Li Yan's view, this kind of behavior is nothing more than seeking skin from a tiger.

Those alien races who seek to marry the Tang clan are all wolves, tigers and leopards, and they will never give up attacking Datang just because of a married princess.

Trying to exchange for peace on the border through marriage is like the six countries ceding cities in order to bribe Qin, and it is doomed to lose both people and land.

With such a mood, Li Yan received his royal sister with a grand ceremony, and welcomed Ningguo Princess and his party into Tingzhou City.

Pu Guhuai'en's son, Pugu Guangqin's elder brother, Pu Gujun, was ordered by the emperor to join the Zuo Xiaowei guerrilla general as a send-off envoy to escort Li Guangqin to the Uighurs to marry him.

Pugu has inherited the outstanding appearance of the Pugu family, and is a young and handsome young general.

However, although he inherited Pugu Wynn's bravery, Pugu did not have the wisdom of his younger sister.

He rode a horse along the way, but he felt that Longyou was very prosperous, but he didn't realize the powerful strength behind the prosperity of Longyou.

Therefore, Pugu's attitude still regards Li Yan as an ordinary vassal.

"I have seen His Royal Highness the King of Yue!"

Pugu also didn't understand why the Uighurs insisted on making their younger sister and Li Yan sworn brothers and sisters. In order to catch up with the disaster relief King Jianning, Pugu chased all the way to Tingzhou, and he also accumulated some dissatisfaction in his heart.

Pu Guzheng said directly: "Your Highness, please marry Shemei as soon as possible, oh Bu Ningguo Princess, so that we can go to the grassland as soon as possible, so we can't miss the princess' wedding date."

Li Yan smiled slightly, he was planning to send off the marriage team quickly, but what Pu Guzhen said hit him right.

But just when Li Yan was about to agree, he would marry Li Guang as soon as possible, and send them to Uighur to get married.

Li Guangqin's personal maid came over suddenly and said to Li Yan:

"Your Highness, the princess said that there is heavy wind and snow on the prairie now, and I hope the team that sees you off will stay in Tingzhou for a few days. Your Highness won't mind, will you?"

Stay overnight?

This year, the entire north has encountered a snowstorm, and it is indeed a bit dangerous to set off for the grassland now.

Although the Uighurs made a request for marriage, they did not urge the date of marriage, which is why Li Guangqin was able to procrastinate for so long.

It is really inhumane to let a weak woman go to the grassland in this kind of weather.

Thinking of this, Li Yan said: "If the princess is willing, he can stay in Tingzhou as long as he wants."

The maid immediately said: "Then I will bother Your Highness!"

At this time, Li Bi came up and asked, "Your Highness, where does the princess live?"

When Li Yan went to Tingzhou, he brought not only Li Mi alone, but also a team of staff and civil affairs officials. Originally, they were all huddled in the Beiting Governor's Mansion in Tingzhou.

But Li Guangqin is a female family member, so it would be inappropriate to be crowded in the Duhu Mansion.

Li Yan said: "Then we live in the military camp in the city, and let the princess live in the Dudu's mansion."

When Li Guangqin moved in, Li Yan didn't even see what his nominal "sister" looked like.

After living in the Dudu's mansion, Pugu Jue waited until the servants dispersed, rushed to his sister's room and asked:
"Qiniang! Why don't you hurry up, what if you miss the real opportunity to get married!"

Pugu Guangqin ranks seventh in the family, and Qiniang is also called by her family.

Li Guangqin asked indifferently: "Does elder brother want me to marry Uighur Khan so much?"

Pu Guzhen was taken aback for a moment, since he was a child, he couldn't say enough about this clever younger sister.

He was speechless for a while, but Pugu couldn't figure it out, it was his younger sister who offered to take the place of the Tang family's marriage, why did she procrastinate and refuse to leave when she arrived in Longyou.

After arriving in Tingzhou, as long as he swore obeisance to King Laoshizi Yue, he could set off for the Uighur king's tent city.

But the team stopped again and insisted on waiting in Tingzhou for a few days.

To wait for the blizzard to stop, the blizzards on the grassland are one after another, do we have to wait until the spring of the next year before starting?

Seeing that the Central Plains was about to be pacified, but he accepted the task of sending his sister to get married, unable to help his father kill the enemy on the battlefield, Pugu was anxious and wished he could return to the Central Plains immediately.

Li Guangqin said: "The Uighur Khan is not in a hurry. Why is my brother more anxious than the bridegroom? When the Uighur set off that day, the Uighur envoy didn't say the date, but only said that he arrived at the Uighur King's Tent City safely."

Pu Guzhen was even more speechless. He had never won a fight with this clever younger sister since he was a child.

Li Guangqin continued: "If brother is in a hurry, go to the grassland and marry Uighur Khan by yourself!"

"Me!" Pugu was furious, but couldn't hold back a word.

Li Guangqin was lazily lying on the bed while escorting his own brother away.

This is the inner house of Beiting Duhu Mansion, and this house has also been transformed by players.

The walls and the ground are hollowed out, and the hot air generated by the charcoal fire circulates between the walls and the ground. The whole house is warm and keeps the severe cold out of the house.

Li Guangqin had only seen this kind of building called "warm house" by the people of Longyou in Longyou. He heard that it was a way to keep out the cold promoted by King Yue this year.

If this kind of greenhouse cannot be built, the people in Longyou can also build a kang at home. The kang is a sleeping platform made of bricks and adobes.

What surprised Li Guangqin the most was that most people in Longyou could use the warm kang, and very few people died of freezing in Longyou this year.

Longyou is really different, Li Guangqin wants to stay in Tingzhou, he just wants to have a closer look at whether the King of Yue is really a real dragon lurking in Longyou as the people in Longyou said.

If the King of Yue is really a dragon, then he must take this opportunity to climb up to the King of Yue.

Li Guangqin was very clear-headed. His situation in the Uighur had nothing to do with what the Uighur Khan thought of him, and it had nothing to do with love.

The emperor loved Yang Taizhen so much that he still let Chen Xuanli strangle Concubine Yang to death in Maweipo.

The Uighur Khan is the co-lord of many Uighur tribes and the overlord on the grassland. He may pamper himself because of Li Guangqin's beauty, but his age is getting old, and Li Guangqin has no idea of ​​fighting in the Uighur Palace.

If you want to gain status in Uighur, you still have to look at Datang's strength.

Datang can suppress the grasslands, no matter how much Uighur Khan hates himself, he will let himself sit firmly in Ketun's seat.

If the Great Tang falls and the Uighurs and the Great Tang turn against each other, then even if the Uighur Khan favors him, he will abolish Li Guang's position as a relative.

When he arrived on the grassland, Li Guangqin had only one backing left, and that was Datang.

But now it seems that King Yue, who defeated the old Khan and wiped out [-] elite Uighur tooth tents, is a better backer.

When Li Guangqin arrived in Tingzhou, a group of players were also gathering in Tingzhou.

This group of special players all belonged to a guild, a guild composed entirely of female players.

The name of this guild is "Half the Sky", and the president is a second-test female player named Lu Anya. The only requirement for joining the guild is "female, alive".

At first Li Yan was worried for a while, and ordered the system to monitor the guild.

Later, it was discovered that these female players were clear-headed and did not want to fight in Datang. This was just an organization for female players to help each other.

Because the game Datang Fengyun has no way to pinch your face, let alone change your gender, and in this real world of Datang, female players are indeed more difficult than male players.

Female players are good at music, education, and scientific research, and female players account for the majority of Baigong players.

But among generals and official players, female players are obviously at a disadvantage.

Although Mulan served in the army in ancient times, Mulan was also a woman disguised as a man, and this is the only one that has appeared in thousands of years.

Female adventurer players have to put in more effort than male players to get the same rewards.

So the goal of Half the Sky is also very simple, that is, female players form a group to help each other and find tasks suitable for female players to complete.

Lu Anya sat on her seat and said to a group of Yingying Yanyan in the room:
"Everyone be quiet, this time Princess Ningguo is getting married, this is our good opportunity!"

Everyone looked at Lu Anya. The president mobilized the crowd and summoned everyone to Tingzhou for Princess Ningguo's marriage?
Lu Anya said: "The wife of Uighur Khan is called Ke Dun, and she has great influence in Uighur."

"The genial Princess Ningguo in history is not a simple character either."

"Our female players can assist Princess Ningguo, just like Princess Jieyou and Feng Yu who got married in the Han Dynasty, and we can also build a career in Uighur!"

The atmosphere in the conference room gradually became intense. These female players were also players who wanted to become generals and officials. Although the Uighurs were submissive to Longyou, there were also many small tricks in the dark.

Moreover, the Uighur royal court was wary of Longyou.

In the vast Mobei grassland, the Uyghur Qingqi who control [-] strings, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, and the Uighur is still the biggest force on the grassland.

If it is really possible to establish a Datang faction in Uyghur through Princess Ningguo, it will definitely gain a lot of experience.

More importantly, a new way out has been found for female generals and officials!
After the meeting reached a consensus, Lu Anya will find a way to get in touch with Princess Ningguo and get in among her dowry female officials.

Soon she found such an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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