Chapter 494
By the time Shi Sui drew the portraits of the two suspects, it was already evening.

Then Shan Tao took the portrait again, compared it with Yicheng's daughter-in-law and other people living in the inn, and confirmed that it was these two people.

Everyone was amazed by Shi Sui's superb sketching skills.

The son of Yicheng was so surprised that he couldn't close his jaw. According to his own description, he was able to draw a real person, and the painting was accurate. What kind of god is this?
Wait, fairy?
The son of Yi Cheng pulled Shi Sui down to his knees and said, "Grandpa Immortal, Grandpa Immortal, please show mercy and save my grandpa!"

Because of the deep poisoning, Yicheng has fallen into a coma now.

Knowing that there is arsenic in the poisoned wine, the son of Yicheng was also in despair.

Arsenic poisoning is intractable to immortals, and this is how it is in the impression of people in Datang.

Even if he didn't die at that time, he would die of bleeding within a day or two.

But seeing Shi Sui's painting technique like a fairy, the son of Yi Cheng had a glimmer of hope again, he hugged Shi Sui's leg and cried out.

Shi Sui said blankly: "I only know how to paint, but I can't cure diseases and save lives."

Shan Tao couldn't bear to look at the appearance of the son of Yicheng.

The matter has been clarified, the two father and son did not collude with the thieves, but secretly used the post station to make a small living.

Thinking of the viciousness of the other party, Shan Tao felt compassion.

"Find a car and take your father with us, and come back to Chang'an City with us. If you can make it to the city, maybe you still have a chance."

After Shan Tao finished speaking, the son of Yi Cheng immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to him non-stop. He quickly found the carriage of the post station, and pulled Ma Yi Cheng back to Chang'an City with Shan Tao.

It's getting late now, and it's not easy to find the murderer. Shan Tao brought Yicheng's family outside the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion, and then called out a person from the Yamen.

This is a woman in a soap-colored bureaucrat's attire, and she climbed into the carriage with Shan Tao.

Seeing Yicheng lying in the carriage, the female player in official clothes checked it out and said:
"It's arsenic poisoning, didn't you wake up after inducing vomiting?"

The son of Yicheng nodded quickly, and the official said:
"This is difficult to deal with. The best solution for arsenic poisoning is dialysis and blood exchange. There is no such condition now."

Shan Tao asked: "Sister Zhang, is there no other way?"

The player's name is Zhang Juanhua, and he is the wife of Wu Zhonghua, an eighth-level fitter who invented the steam engine.

Before retiring, Zhang Juanhua was a doctor in the factory. After entering the game, she joined a player guild called "Living Hua Tuo".

These are a guild organization formed by players with medical background in reality.

Aunt Zhang became Doctor Zhang again, which made her feel respected and needed.

Although Aunt Zhang is only a doctor in the infirmary of a factory, she has rich experience and is good at using the method of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine to treat patients, so she is better than some doctors and players with professional background in this Tang world.

After all, being a doctor is not only about curing diseases and saving lives, but also about being a person with the world.

Zhang Juanhua quickly became famous in Longyou, and this time the Living Huatuo Guild was planning to expand its business in Chang'an, so Zhang Juanhua went to Chang'an.

Along the way, he treated illnesses and saved lives. After arriving in Chang'an, someone in Cui Guangyuan's house happened to be sick. Zhang Juanhua cured the patient under Shan Tao's recommendation.

Excited, Cui Guangyuan gave Zhang Juanhua a position as a medical officer, and he hung up to work in Jingzhao Mansion.

A few days ago, due to the collapse of houses in the cold winter, a small-scale cold epidemic occurred in the crowds of Chang'an City, which was also put out by Zhang Juanhua.

Cui Guangyuan trusted Zhang Juanhua even more, and arranged for her to live in a house next to Jingzhao Mansion.

"Take it to my house."

Shan Tao and the son of Yi Cheng took the old Yi Cheng into the small courtyard where Zhang Juanhua lived.

Zhang Juanhua said: "The best drug to treat heavy metal poisoning like arsenic is penicillamine."

Shan Tao's eyes lit up and he asked, "Penicillamine, is it related to penicillin?"

Zhang Juanhua said: "Don't dream, penicillamine is harder than penicillin. Zhao Chen and Wang Xue's pharmaceutical factory has been tinkering for so long, and they haven't invented penicillin yet."

The renewed hope of the son of Yicheng was extinguished, and Shan Tao asked: "Is there no other way?"

Zhang Juanhua said: "There are also ways, infusion to correct the imbalance of electrolytes in the body, and then use activated carbon to absorb toxic substances, but whether they can survive or not depends on the patient himself."

Shan Tao immediately said: "Doctor Zhang, why don't you try?"

Zhang Juanhua thought for a while and said: "Then I can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. I will prepare the infusion solution. You can find some carbon ash and crush it."

Soon Shan Tao found a bowl of crushed charcoal ash, and Zhang Juanhua had already poured the prepared saline into the bottle. She took out a needle from the high-concentration alcohol and carefully stuck it into the back of Yicheng's hand. in the blood vessels.

The son of Yicheng covered his eyes in fright, he had never seen such a cure.

Zhang Juanhua asked his wife Wu Zhonghua to grind the needles for the infusion. Because there is no plastic industry, the tubes used for the infusion are small intestines of cattle and sheep.

Zhang Juanhua said: "The next step is to see the patient himself."

Shan Tao finished handling the matter and returned to the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion.

He put two lifelike portraits on Cui Guangyuan's desk, and the well-informed Jing Zhaoyin was also taken aback.

Sometimes the government will issue wanted documents, but in this era, descriptions of physical features are the main focus, and even portraits are simply sketched.

This is the first time Cui Guangyuan has seen this sketch like a photo.

Of the two people staying at the inn, one has a thick beard and a scar on the corner of his eye.

The other has a bad nose, thin beard but bright eyes. Cui Guangyuan felt chills when he saw it, as if the two were staring at him through the portrait.

The painting is so real!

Cui Guangyuan didn't expect that there were so many strange people under the King of Yue, and they could draw such a miraculous portrait.

Because it was too real, Cui Guangyuan closed the portrait and said:
"These two daring thieves dared to attack the envoy of the King of Yue. This government must strictly investigate to the end!"

The portraits are all there, and the next step is to find people.

In fact, the players in Chang'an have already been busy during this time. Shan Tao has already posted the portrait in the regional group chat, and the players in Chang'an City have already started searching for these two guys.

Shan Tao said: "My subordinates have asked people to continue to draw a few more pictures. Please allow us to paste the portraits of these two thieves on the city gate, and offer a reward for the capture of these two thieves!"

Cui Guangyuan immediately said: "Yes! The government government took out a thousand copper coins and used it as a reward for arresting the criminal!"

Shan Tao immediately took the rewarded portraits and quickly posted them on various city gates.

Day two.

In the Shence Army barracks on the outskirts of Chang'an, two men dressed as military officers were drinking in their tents.

As the emperor's forbidden army, the Shence Army was deeply valued by the emperor after returning to Chang'an.

At the suggestion of Li Fuguo, the captain of the Shence Army, in addition to letting the Shence Army guard the Taiji Palace and Daming Palace in Chang'an City, the emperor also set up a military camp outside Chang'an City to train a new Shence Army.

These two officers are officers at the brigade commander level, and they can be regarded as the backbone of the Shence Army.

The scale of this military camp is not large, and it was just established by Li Fuguo. There are only two to three hundred people in the entire camp. These two brigade commanders are the leaders of this Shence Army.

A brigade commander with a full beard on his face drank and said, "Liulang, this mission was done beautifully. The captain said that when the limelight passes, we will be promoted to captains!"

This brigade commander named Huang Liulang has a sparse beard and a very eye-catching rosacea nose.

Holding the wine bowl, he said: "Da Lang, this time we killed the envoy of the King of Yue. I'm always not at ease."

Huang Dalang raised his wine glass and said: "We came out of a village, and now we can reach the end of this brigade commander. After finally climbing up to the high branch of the captain, why do you lose the courage you used to have?"

But Huang Liulang shook his head and said: "This king of Yue is not an ordinary vassal king, and after killing the envoy of the king of Yue, my heart is always pounding, and I don't know why. panic."

Huang Dalang and Huang Liulang are from the same village. Although they are not blood brothers, they are considered to be of the same clan.

After the Anlushan Rebellion, the two brothers were recruited into the army.

As the Shence Army fought all the way, the two brothers were promoted to the brigade commander because of their superb shooting skills and accumulated credit.

For ordinary people like them, the brigade commander is basically over.

Because there is no background, the good jobs in Suwei Palace are not available, so they can only be stationed outside Chang'an City.

The two brothers were drooling looking at the bustling Chang'an city, but they wanted to stay in this deserted village.

The boss of their boss, a Shence Army captain surnamed Sun, approached them and said that he had entrusted them with an important job.

This task is to ambush and kill the envoys of the King of Yue at the inn, and if they are successful, they will be promoted to captains.

Lieutenant Shence Military Academy is regarded as a middle-level officer, and this Lieutenant Sun also promised that the two of them can be transferred back to Chang'an to station.

The brothers of the Huang family ambushed to Lingshui Station, and finally successfully completed the task.

But when he returned to the barracks, Huang Liulang became even more disturbed.

He drank a glass of wine, suppressed his beating heart, and suddenly a soldier ran in in a panic.

This soldier is also from the same village as the Huang family brothers. Upon seeing the two, the soldier immediately said, "Two brigade commanders! Your portraits have been pasted on the city gate!"


Huang Dalang raised his feet and said, "Is it the portrait of the government's sea arrest document? It seems that Ma Yicheng's family is alive and well, so there is no need to panic. We hide in the barracks and can't go out, so we can survive with just a portrait." found us?"

The little soldier was out of breath, because he forgot the rules in the army in a hurry, but directly used the address in the village: "Uncle, it's not that kind of portrait, oops, I can't tell, anyway, just looking at the portrait, you can think of the two uncle!"

"The two uncles have other acquaintances in the army. It would be a disaster if someone reported it!"

At this moment, the neighing of war horses suddenly came from outside the barracks!

(End of this chapter)

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