Chapter 499 Cleanse Player
In this doorway next to the Daming Palace, there was a queue at the door at this time, and a white and clean player stood in the queue, looking anxiously at the slowly advancing long dragon.

This player is called Mu Rong, and he is a Nine Test player.

Originally, Nine Test players like him had basically accumulated experience points in Longyou, and were working as low-level officials while waiting for opportunities to change jobs.

However, Mu Rong is a player with an adventurous spirit. He is not willing to be like other players, nesting in Longyou as a small official, and upgrading step by step.

After the release of the expansion pack of "Chang'an Fengyun", Mu Rong immediately sold all his belongings, borrowed a sum of money from his friends, and vowed to come to Chang'an City to make a fortune.

But after Mu Rong sold all his belongings and came to Chang'an City with the caravan, he soon found that his thinking was too simple.

His attribute value is not enough, and he is not qualified for the bad people recruited by Shan Tao's Jingzhao government office.

Although bad people refer to those social idlers with criminal records, social idlers also have physical requirements.

With Mu Rong's physical attributes, he can't even pass the bad guys' primary election.

If you can't be a bad person, joining the Wannian County Government is also a good choice.

But even if you are an official or government servant, you still need to settle in Chang'an.

Yes, the ancient household registration system was very strict. Although the Tang Dynasty loosened the household registration system due to the development of the commodity economy.

However, this era still pays attention to prestige and family background, and officials and yamen servants all need local people to serve.

It is not that there are no officials in the Chang'an County Yamen, but these players have obtained Chang'an household registration through various methods, and Mu Rong's travel expenses have spent all his net worth, so there is no money left to operate a Chang'an household registration.

Moreover, there are only so many vacancies in Wannian County, and there are so many players who have flowed into Chang'an. Mu Rong's body is almost a whiteboard attribute, and he has no experience in official work, so it seems that he will not be interviewed.

In addition to the job opportunities of these two government offices, it is for the merchants and players in Chang'an to work as buddies.

Originally, Mu Rong came to Chang'an City all the way for better development.

If you want to be a buddy for others, you might as well stay in Longyou and run a business.

Mu Rong was not reconciled, he wandered around Chang'an City, and finally found this opportunity for him.

This method is to cut off the troubles once and for all, and enter the palace as a eunuch!

As soon as Mu Rong's crazy idea popped up, he couldn't restrain it at all.

After repeated demonstrations and inquiries in Chang'an while checking historical data, Mu Rong confirmed that his method was really feasible.

Being a eunuch is a very promising career in Datang!
First of all, there is no restriction on the origin of eunuchs, as long as the background is clean, one can enter the palace and become a eunuch.

Mu Rong has a set of detailed Longyou identity certificates, which fully meets the conditions for entering the palace as a eunuch.

Secondly, eunuchs have a strict career promotion system.

There are also grades of eunuchs. There are handy eunuchs who clean and empty toilets, and there are also eunuchs who have mastered professional skills in the Food Bureau and Clothing Bureau.

If you are smart, you can be promoted to be a general servant eunuch, or be promoted to a professional eunuch in various bureaus in the palace.

Among them, Shangshuju, which worked as a secretary for the emperor, was the best place to go.

Although Mu Rong didn't strengthen his attribute points, he was also literate, which was a much higher starting point than other poor people who entered the palace as eunuchs.

As long as he can find a backer in the palace and find a way to enter the Shangshu Bureau, he can become a glorious eunuch in the future.

Next is the eunuch of the hall, the eunuch of the palm seal, and the eunuch of the imperial court. To be an eunuch, you don't need to take the imperial examination as hard as Wang Chengwei.

Mu Rong, who had nowhere to go, resolutely devoted himself to such a "promising" career!
But thinking of the great future of being a eunuch in Datang, Mu Rong once again borrowed a sum of money from a merchant player and joined the team who voluntarily entered the palace.

And Mu Rong also caught up with the "good time" this time!
The emperor had just returned to Chang'an, and the palace was short of manpower. It was the time when there was a large-scale shortage of eunuchs in the palace.

According to the old Chang'an people who lived near the gate, if they wanted to be eunuchs during the Kaiyuan and Tianbao years, they had to spend a lot of money to bribe the eunuchs in charge before they could enter the palace.

It doesn't look like it is now, as long as you are ruthless to yourself and willing to suffer such a knife, you can enter the palace and become a eunuch.

In addition, the Shence Army is expanding its enrollment, and the number of responding eunuchs and officers is also expanding.

In the Shence Army, there are a large number of eunuchs and supervisors. Of course, those who can be eunuchs and supervisors are relatively high-level eunuchs.

However, when these eunuchs were released to serve as military supervisors, many positions were vacated in the palace, and there were many more opportunities after entering the palace.

Mu Rong was holding the eunuch's entry "suit" bought in the nearby Fangshi, and stood anxiously in the line.

Although the threshold of this industry is not high, there are thresholds.

The biggest threshold is to enter the palace with such a knife.

Under the sanitation and disinfection conditions of ancient times, many people were infected and died after being stabbed. Although improvements have been made throughout the generations, the mortality rate is still as high as [-]%.

Although the player can temporarily block the pain, the "debuff" of body infection is inevitable.

When he first entered the game, the old player who guided Mu Rong told about a man who was scratched by an arrow because of hunting, developed systemic sepsis and died without timely treatment.

This hapless player became the anti-tutorial of any new player's beginner's guide.

The resurrection point can heal physical injuries, but after cleansing, you have to stay in the special room of Xi Renju, and you can't go out until the wound has healed.

So Mu Rong asked the merchant player to buy some antibacterial drugs on credit to prevent infection.

After queuing up, we finally got to Mu Rong.

The old eunuch in the doorway checked Mu Rong's identification, and then looked at Mu Rong's teeth as if looking at an animal.

Then he was asked to take off his clothes and examine his body carefully.

"Passed the initial test, have you brought anything?"

Mu Rong immediately took back the eunuch gift bag and said, "Bring it!"

The old eunuch said with satisfaction: "It seems that he understands the rules, unlike the previous few who don't understand the rules, it is really a cat or a dog who wants to enter the palace."

Then the old eunuch took out a document and said: "After purifying, the roots of the world will be broken. After signing and drawing, we can't turn back. Let's ask you again, Mu Rong, Liangzhou, if you really want to enter the palace after purifying yourself?" ?”

Mu Rong had already inquired about the procedure, and he immediately swore to the heavens: "Mu Rong of Liangzhou, voluntarily purifies himself and enters the palace, and I will bear all the consequences!"

The old eunuch nodded in satisfaction, handed the document to Mu Rong and asked, "Can you write your own name?"

Mu Rong immediately said: "The grassroots are literate and can write and write!"

The old eunuch raised his head and glanced at Mu Rong, but he didn't expect that he could still write.

You must know that although the career prospects of eunuchs are good, and they can even be compared to ministers in the Tang Dynasty, scholars are still ashamed to be eunuchs.

Eunuchs who can write their own names these days can be regarded as high-level talents.

The old eunuch saw that Mu Rong was well-behaved, and the name he wrote could be regarded as Zhou Zheng. It seemed that he had read some books.

He said to Mu Rong: "If you can make it through, you can find me in Shang's study after entering the palace."

Mu Rong immediately said excitedly: "Dare to ask your name!"

The old eunuch saw that Mu Rong was doing so well, and said with satisfaction: "My surname is Zhou, and there is only one Duke Zhou in the Shangshufang. When you mention my name when you enter the palace, someone will naturally bring you to me."

The old eunuch continued: "You should go through the first pass first. It is much more dangerous to purify yourself than a child at your age."

Mu Rong shrank his head, but now there is no turning back.

He walked into the house, and there was a little eunuch waiting for him standing in the house. Behind this door was a row of low, small houses, these small houses were only the size of a toilet, and the doors were closed tightly.

Walking along the way, you can smell urine and blood, and you can hear faint wailing.

Mu Rong already wanted to run away, but when he thought that he was already poor and white, he could only worry about it, wasn't he just playing a game?Are you afraid of getting clean after playing a game?

The little eunuch took him to a small room, which was dark and made of adobe, without a single window inside, and it was pitch black even in daytime.

In the center of the room is a strange chair with a strong smell of blood.

After a while, two middle-aged men walked in.

The two middle-aged men were dressed in the clothes of officials, and they were carrying boxes in their hands. When they saw Mu Rong, they asked, "Have you brought anything?"

Mu Rong nodded hastily, and took out the gift bag bought in Fangshi.

A straw, a large bag of straw ash, a small jar, and a red string.

Two middle-aged men stepped forward, reconfirmed Mu Rong's identity, and said, "You voluntarily voluntarily purified yourself. If your ancestors asked about it, how would you answer it?"

Mu Rong immediately said with the prepared words: "Mu Rong voluntarily cleansed himself, and he committed his own crimes. It has nothing to do with the two of the ancestors who asked about it!"

The two middle-aged men nodded, one of them tied Mu Rong to the chair, and the other began to sharpen the knife.

The following process made Mu Rong wish to quit the game, but he was afraid that there would be problems if he quit the game.

He could only watch the two middle-aged men cut open their skins and force his abdominal cavity to squeeze out the two things as if he was going to the toilet to defecate.

Then an official put two things into the small jar that Mu Rong brought, covered the wound with grass ash, and swung six clean knives.

Then another official inserted a straw into him, sprinkled grass ash on him, and finally put the thing into a jar. Mu Rong's "torture" was finally over.

One of them said to Mu Rong: "If my father-in-law is rich, you can go to the Qi's house in Xuanpingfang to redeem the second treasure."

Then the two left the room with the jar, and the little eunuch closed the door of the house.

Fortunately, Mu Rong turned off the pain perception, but soon a full server announcement made Mu Rong feel that it is better to delete the account.

[Player Mu Rong, transferred to a special profession - Eunuch, completed historic achievements, and won the only title in the entire server! 】

(End of this chapter)

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