Chapter 529 Planning Master Qin Chuan
In Jinkou City, in order to quickly build Jinkou City, Qin Chuan almost used more than half of the Tubo slaves he bought.

Under the supervision of the Han supervisors, these Tibetan slaves completed the construction of this small city in just two months.

Under the productivity conditions of this era, it is simply a miracle.

However, not far from the edge of Jinkou City, there is a huge mass grave. Those Tubo slaves who had accidents during the construction of the city, or died of exhaustion or infection of the plague, were buried in this mass grave. .

But for the players who came to Tuyuhun and the local natives of Tuyuhun, they have no extra sympathy for these Tubo slaves. The crimes committed by the Tubo people in the Tuyuhun area back then may not be lighter than this. That's all.

The train that Wuyuan and Yunniang took finally drove into Jinkou City. When they got off the train, Wuyuan only felt that his body was weak, and he had to be supported by his servants even to walk.

Yunniang's physical fitness is good, and she told the fifth plain's servant: "Let your young master rest for a few more days, and seek medical treatment in time if you have symptoms such as vomiting, and if it doesn't work, take the train back to Shazhou City as soon as possible."

Fifth Yuan expressed his gratitude to Yunniang weakly, and after telling Yunniang the inn he was staying in, the servant hurriedly rented a car and pushed Fifth Yuan to the inn to recuperate.

And Yun Niang took the letter from Zhao Chen and Wang Xue to the office of the Xuanwei Mission Mansion in Jinkou City.

Attracting investment in Jinkou City this time is the most important task for Tuyuhun.

Jinkou City is an important city built by Qinchuan with a lot of money, and it is an important town for Tuyuhun to attract commercial investment, so Qin Chuan did not return to Tianzhu City for the time being, but temporarily lived in Jinkou City.

The pharmaceutical workshop is a key project, and Qin Chuan, who was notified, came out immediately and greeted Yunniang and her party in person.

Seeing only Yunniang and another young guard, Qin Chuan was a little disappointed, but Zhao Chen and Wang Xue's pharmaceutical workshop is the largest pharmaceutical factory in Longyou, and it is the lifeblood of Jiuquan City. It is already enough to send two people here Not bad.

Qin Chuan invited Yun Niang into the main hall, and Yun Niang felt a little flattered. You must know that Xuan Weishi is a big man on the same level as Zeng Zhizhou. How could she see such a big official before.

But from Qin Chuan's eyes, Yunniang also saw a similar light in Zeng Mu's eyes.

Qin Chuan didn't have much airs about the native Yun Niang, so he asked directly: "Miss Yang Yun, do you think this Jinkou City is suitable for building a pharmaceutical workshop? We have reserved an open space for you at the Xuanwei Mission's Mansion. As long as you are willing to open a branch factory here, the sales in the first three months will be exempted from city tax."

Hearing Qin Chuan's conditions, Yun Niang's eyes lit up.

It has to be said that Qin Chuan's asking price is sincere enough.

Yunniang also followed Wang Xue on a field trip, and very few local officials in charge could offer Qin Chuan such generous terms.

There is no rent on the land, a tax exemption for three months after the sale, and other support is also provided.

But Yunniang is not worried about this, she said frankly: "Xuan Comforter, in fact, before we came, our factory owner Wang also said that it is definitely no problem to build a factory in Tuyuhun, but a pharmaceutical workshop needs to be able to read and use. Skilled workers for equipment, there is a shortage of such workers in the whole of Longyou, not to mention the Tuyuhun area."

Good industrial workers are very important, and Qin Chuan naturally understands this truth, but talent is Qin Chuan's shortcoming.

Not only is there a lack of players, even the natives of Longyou are rarely willing to come to the Tuyuhun area.

Here is a high-altitude wasteland, altitude sickness, harsh natural environment, and unstable regional situation, all of which make ordinary people reluctant to move to Tuyuhun.

Not to mention those high-level industrial workers who can write, count, and manipulate chemical instruments. Those workers are talents from all over the world, so how could they come to spit out the grain.

Thinking of this, Qin Chuan sighed, and had to say that there is always a gap between regions.

In Longyou alone, the Hexi Corridor is the most prosperous and has the most talents. After the Yue King annexed Hexi, the three towns of Wuwei, Zhangye, and Jiuquan rose rapidly. up.

The one that can still maintain its leading edge is Gaochang City, which occupies an important node on the Silk Road. The development of Hexi has the right time and place, and the natural and transportation environment is suitable for the development of farming.

He is a normal player who would choose to farm in Hexi, who would like to come to the bitter cold plateau to farm.

Qin Chuan thought for a while and said: "In fact, we also have people in Tuyuhun who can read and write, but whether you can make them work hard depends on the means of your pharmaceutical workshop."

Yunniang's eyes lit up, and she looked at Qin Chuan. Does Tuyuhun still have so many literate talents?How come I haven't heard of it before?
In fact, Yunniang had already seen the prospect of anti-high-resistance drugs after taking the train along the Dangjin Pass.

No matter what, Tuyuhun is also a part of Longyou, and it is not ruled out that Longyou will send troops from Tuyuhun to attack Tubo in the future. The people who come in and out are all potential customers who buy Rhodiola medicine.

With such a huge demand, and the medicinal material Rhodiola can only grow on the plateau, considering the market and cost, it is very cost-effective to build a factory in Jinkou City.

The only question is whether there will be enough workers to run the pharmaceutical factory.

Qin Chuan stood up and said, "I'll take you to meet these people who can write and count."

Qin Chuan rode on the horse, while Yun Niang and the others sat in the carriage, all the way to a camp near Jinkou City.

Qin Chuan took Yun Niang into the camp. It turned out that this was a temporary prison, and a group of prisoners with short hair were imprisoned inside.

Yun Niang looked at Qin Chuan suspiciously, not knowing where the industrial workers who could write and count were.

Qin Chuan pointed to the short-haired prisoners and said, "That's all. They are monks from monasteries as large as Tuyuhun, and they can read and write."

Yunniang suddenly realized that the industrial workers Qin Chuan was talking about were these people.

Tubo Zanpu is vigorously promoting Buddhism, and Dongdao Dalun is also the first to respond to Zanpu's call and personally take the lead in converting to Buddhism.

Nowadays, the struggle between Buddhist worshipers and anti-Buddhists in the royal court of Tubo is becoming more and more intense. After Shang Qixin'er announced her position of worshiping Buddhism, a large number of Buddhists poured into the Tuyuhun area.

And Qin Chuan quickly conquered Tianzhu City and occupied the Tuyuhun area, and these monks became Qin Chuan's prisoners.

For these monks, Qin Chuan originally planned to use them as ordinary prisoners and slaves.

But soon Qin Chuan discovered that imprisoning these prestigious monks with ordinary slaves could easily arouse the slaves' will to resist.

As an intellectual class, monks have their own prestige and seditiousness. In the end, Qin Chuan could only imprison these monks and let them do some jobs such as printing newspapers.

Yunniang's eyes were also brightened. Monks can read and write, and many monks are also proficient in medical science. For the workshops, these monks can work with simple training. They are the best pharmaceutical workshop workers.

But I just don't know if these monks can adapt to the work on the assembly line and work safely in the pharmaceutical workshop.

Thinking of this, Yunniang felt a little headache. She didn't expect to run a workshop with so many troubles. Yunniang admired the proprietress Wang Xueqi who ran the pharmaceutical workshop by herself even more.

After Yunniang inspected the address of the workshop and the surrounding supporting facilities, she was quite satisfied with Jinkou City.

Unlike Jiuquan, a large city that is naturally inhabited, Jinkou City is a man-made city.

As the designer of Jinkou City, Qin Chuan claims to be a "master of urban planning".

Qin Chuan considers himself a "professional" with thousands of hours of experience in the "Cities Skylines" and "Epoch" series of games!
It can be said that Jinkou City was built with the goal of being an industrial city from the very beginning.

The main urban area of ​​the city with convenient commuting and higher density residential areas are all areas reserved for urban workers.

Surrounding Jinkou City is a large industrial park.

The factory area reserved for Chenxue Pharmaceutical Workshop is the largest piece of flat land in the chemical industry area.

The industrial area is close to the railway, making it easy to get products onto the train.

There are abundant water resources nearby, which is convenient for the chemical workshops that will move in in the future.

Qin Chuan even built a fire station on the edge of this industrial area, which can be said to be very thoughtful.

There are wide roads in and out of industrial areas, and Qin Chuan even planned a light rail that crosses the urban area, making it easier for workers working in industrial parks in the suburbs of the city to commute to and from get off work.

Yun Niang was also optimistic about the development prospects of Jinkou City, so she quickly came to the post office and wrote an urgent letter to Wang Xue, telling her the situation here, and suggested that Chen Xue Pharmaceutical should open a branch factory in Jinkou City to develop Rhodiola medicine.

In the next few days, Yunniang was very busy looking for the production area of ​​the rhodiola plant.

Fifth Yuan finally recovered from the altitude sickness, and after he recovered, he was also shocked by the huge planning of Jinkou City.

The entire mining area of ​​Jinkou City is the largest industrial area. It can be said that Jinkou City is a city built around mines.

Fifth Yuan took his servants and watched these mines send a large amount of ore to the train.

Fifth Yuan spent some money to invite the supervisor in charge of transportation of a mine, and hosted a banquet in the best restaurant in Jinkou City to entertain him.

After drinking and eating, the fifth original question and answer: "Master Zhang, I have a doubt, why is the mine in Jinkou City not smelting ore into steel or reprocessing it into iron for sale like the one in Dashuixia?" Ah? Isn’t that more profitable?”

The chief Zhang shook his head and said: "Isn't this because Jinkou City was not built before? The fifth brother has a look at the largest industrial park next to the mine. You can smelt the ore by yourself, so you don't have to make a lot of money for those profiteers in Longyou!"

(End of this chapter)

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