Chapter 531 Taoist Temple
In the end, Prince Li Chu and Li Fuguo reached an agreement, first to deal with the King of Yue together and squeeze him out of the battle for the throne, and then the Prince and King Qi will compete for the throne.

The crown prince and Li Fuguo were watching Du Hongjian enter Hexi.

Du Hongjian was a hero from Conglong and the governor of the Shuofang army. The emperor had ordered him to lead the Shuofang army into Hexi to guard against Tubo's invasion from the north.

When Du Hongjian entered Hexi, he would definitely fight for power in the Hexi area. At that time, King Yue and Du Hongjian would inevitably clash.

As long as there is a conflict between Du Hongjian and the King of Yue, the censors controlled by them will write a letter to play the King of Yue.

Once King Yue lost the emperor's family, Li Chu and Li Fu would continue to write to the emperor to split Longyou Hexi again and re-appoint a Hexi Jiedu envoy.

As long as there is no fertile Hexi land, then Li Tan, a border prince, will soon be kicked out of the competition for the heir apparent.

And Li Fuguo naturally has his own ideas.

The three towns of Hexi are fertile, and the Jiedushi of Hexi is a fat job that the prime ministers will fight for.

If the fat of Hexi can be torn from the mouth of King Yue again, and the Shence Army can extend its tentacles to Hexi, then Li Fuguo's power will expand again.

And Li Fuguo also has another thought, that is, through this cooperation, he will get closer to the prince.

In fact, Li Fuguo did not necessarily support King Qi in this seizure of the heir apparent.

Whether it is King Qi or Queen Zhang, they are more dependent on Li Fuguo than Li Fuguo is dependent on them.

For Li Fuguo, whether it is King Qi, Empress Zhang's own son, or the crown prince, as long as anyone can guarantee that his power will continue after the new emperor ascends the throne, then Li Fuguo can support them.

Li Fuguo, who holds the Shence Army in his hand, has long since embarked on a different path from the eunuchs before him.

The relationship between him and Queen Zhang is more like that of a partner, and Li Fuguo can withdraw from the alliance at any time.

Li Fuguo and the prince do not have a life-and-death conflict, and this cooperation is also Li Fuguo's temptation.

If the prince can guarantee his own power, then Li Fuguo doesn't mind supporting the prince again.

After all, Li Chu is the prince, so he is more likely to ascend the throne.

For Li Fuguo, it doesn't matter who ascends the throne, as long as he is Conglong's hero!
Dou Shen brought back Li Fuguo's reply that he agreed to form an alliance. The prince was overjoyed, and now he is looking at Hexi, when Du Hongjian and the king of Yue will have a conflict.

Li Chu believes that this day will come soon.

In Lingzhou, the snow disaster before Zhengdan was finally brought under control. With Zhang Tianlun's relief, the people of Lingzhou finally survived the coldest time.

As the Zhengdan holiday gradually ended, soldiers on vacation began to return to the barracks.

Tan Yong is a chief of the Shuofang Army. He is from Tanjia Village, which suffered the most severe snow disaster. Before Zhengdan, he heard that his hometown was hit by a heavy snow disaster, and Tan Yong was eager to return home.

When he returned home, Tan Yong found that his ancestral house had been crushed, but fortunately, no one in his family was injured.

And Zhang Tianlun has brought the porridge team to Tanjia Village. Zhang Tianlun organized the people to rebuild their houses while giving porridge. Tan Yong also joined the team and began to help the villagers rebuild their houses.

Tanjiacun finally survived the snowstorm, and Tan Yong's family was naturally grateful to Zhang Tianlun, and Tanjiacun even wanted to write a new poem for Zhang Tianlun.

But Zhang Tianlun only told the people of Tanjia Village two things.

The first thing is that the rice grain for disaster relief was ordered by King Yue to bring Zhang Tianlun to Lingzhou. This is the kindness of King Yue, and Zhang Tianlun dare not monopolize it.

The second thing is that Zhang Tianlun is a Taoist priest of the Quanzhen Sect. Du Hongjian, the governor of Lingzhou, has agreed to build a Taoist temple of the Quanzhen Sect in the north of Lingzhou City. After Zhang Tianlun's disaster relief is completed, he will go to that Taoist temple to practice. , the folks really want to offer incense, and they can go to Lingzhou City to worship Sanqing in the future.

After talking about these two things, Zhang Tianlun took the porridge team to another village.

After Tan Yong finished his vacation, he returned to the barracks again, and talked with his comrades in the same group. Everyone's hometown was more or less badly hit by snowstorms.

Zhang Tianlun traveled almost all around Lingzhou, giving porridge to the people, organizing the rebuilding of houses, and treating many people.

The entire Shuofang army was almost praising King Yue's benevolence.

Soon after returning to the barracks, Tan Yong received an order from the brigade commander to rectify the soldiers under his command and prepare to set off for Hexi.

Tan Yong was a little puzzled, since Lingzhou was hit by a disaster and there was not enough food and grass in the barracks, why did he set off for Hexi at this time.

The brigade commander also said helplessly that this was the order of the imperial court. Tubo Nanzhao attacked Xichuan, and His Majesty was worried that Hexi would be empty, so he asked Du Jiedu to lead the Shuofang army to Hexi to assist the King of Yue in guarding Hexi.

Hearing that he was going to help the King of Yue guard Hexi, Tan Yong immediately became energetic.

This time the snow disaster got the food sent by the King of Yue, and Tan Yong was holding back his energy to repay the King of Yue.

Shuofang and Hexi are in the same spirit, and it is their duty to help the King of Yue guard Hexi!

The morale of the soldiers was high, and they were all willing to go to Hexi to assist the King of Yue in resisting Tubo, which naturally made Du Hongjian happy.

But another thing to worry about is the food and grass for the army.

Lingzhou was hit by a snowstorm, and the imperial court did not provide any relief, only saying that it would waive the rent for the next year.

The soldiers under Du Hongjian's command were all recruited from Lingzhou. If the Jiedu envoy's mansion refused to save them in the event of a snowstorm, the soldiers would definitely mutiny.

So Du Hongjian could only send the general rations to the disaster relief, and let the soldiers go back on vacation to help the family tide over the difficulties.

Now the snow disaster is finally over, but the rations of the Shuofang army are already empty.

Without food and grass, how to get to Hexi?
Thinking of this, Du Hongjian complained more about the court.

In order to suppress the rebellion, the Northwest paid too much.

Guo Ziyi took away most of the Shuofang army, and all the 200,000 elite troops in Longyou were transferred into the pass.

Now these soldiers do not know how many are left.

However, the actions of the court are still chilling. Lingzhou was hit by a snowstorm, and the court did not provide any assistance in kind.

Now the Shuofang Army was required to help defend Hexi, but the court only ordered Du Hongjian to raise food and grass by himself.

Now that there is no spring plowing, and there is a once-in-a-century snowstorm, where can we go to raise food and grass by ourselves?

Is it possible to snatch the seeds waiting for spring plowing from the people's homes?
Du Hongjian became more and more dissatisfied with the court's random command.

In the past few days, the imperial court issued one order after another to urge the Shuofang army to quickly march into Hexi, and Du Hongjian suppressed all these orders.

The rest of Zhengdan is not over yet, and now let the hungry soldiers go to Hexi, I am afraid that the Shuofang army will mutiny if they go halfway.

When Du Hongjian was worried about food and grass, Zhang Tianlun, who had finished the disaster relief near Lingzhou, begged to see Du Hongjian again.

Du Hongjian received Zhang Tianlun happily, and after hearing Zhang Tianlun's report on the disaster relief situation in the nearby areas, Du Hongjian even said: "Master Zhang has worked hard, and the people of Lingzhou are really a great merit!"

Then Du Hongjian added another sentence: "The mountain in the north of Lingzhou City was handed over to Zhang Zhenren to build the Taoist temple. The documents for the construction of the Taoist temple have been completed."

Du Hongjian gave Zhang Tianlun all the land title deeds. This mountain was originally a dilapidated Buddhist temple, and there lived two monks, one old and one young.

The monastery was poorly managed, and no one came to cultivate the temple fields. After the snowstorm, the two monks almost starved to death.

Du Hongjian used some tricks to get the young monk to hand over the land title deed of the temple, and arranged for them to become monks in the Great Buddha Temple in Lingzhou City.

The procedures for the Buddhist temple are complete. There was originally a Buddhist hall on the mountain. Although it was collapsed by the snow disaster, it can be transformed into a Taoist temple.

Directly using the Buddhist temple to change the way to view, which also saves a lot of trouble, and there are [-] acres of land under the mountain, so Du Hongjian is not treating Zhang Tianlun badly.

Zhang Tianlun quickly thanked: "Infinite Heavenly Venerable! Thank you Du Jiedushi!"

Du Hongjian and Zhang Tianlun were already very familiar. He pulled Zhang Tianlun and said, "Don't be too busy thanking the real person. Du has one more thing to bother the real person."

"Jiedushi is too polite! Whether it's going up the mountain of swords or going down into the sea of ​​fire, Pindao will help Jiedushi get things done!"

Seeing Zhang Tianlun patted his chest to assure him, Du Hongjian was even more emotional, where did the King of Yue find these talents, who were able to do things and speak nicely.

Du Hongjian said directly: "The imperial court asked the Shuofang Army to assist in the defense of Hexi, but the army went ahead without moving the food and grass. Master Zhang also knew about it. Now the Lingzhou granary is empty. I don't know about the food and grass?"

Zhang Tianlun secretly laughed, and got the news from the imperial court's Longyou Governor's Mansion Liu's backyard. The imperial court ordered the Shuofang army to enter Hexi, and the staff began to study how to deal with it.

It can be said that before Du Hongjian received the order, Longyou had already prepared several sets of plans.

Shuofang's army had no food, and all of this was expected by the staff.

The staff office has already made sufficient plans, and even prepared a large amount of food in Wuwei in advance.

Zhang Tianlun said with a smile: "Pindao thought it was a difficult problem, so it turned out that the army needs food and grass! Don't take such trivial matters to heart, and I will definitely help Jieshuai solve them!"

Originally, Du Hongjian wanted to ask Zhang Tianlun if there was any surplus food for disaster relief, but Zhang Tianlun agreed without hesitation.

Du Hongjian was afraid that he had heard it wrong, so he hurriedly asked, "Is there really a way?"

Zhang Tianlun agreed: "There is no joke in the army, and the poor Taoist swears by the ancestors of the Sanqing that within ten days he will be able to deliver food and grass to the barracks!"

Now the problem that had troubled Du Hongjian for many days was easily solved. He stood up excitedly and asked, "Could it be that a real person knows Taoism and can conjure food and grass?"

Zhang Tianlun said with a smile: "Poverty cultivation is not enough, how can we produce food and grass. These food and grass are already prepared by His Royal Highness Yue Wang."

(End of this chapter)

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