Chapter 538 Grand Strategy

This time, the news that the crown prince and the King of Qi had submitted a letter soon spread to the backyard of the Longyou Dudu Mansion.

Putting the information on the table, Shang Bo said with a sneer: "The war in Henan Province requires the soldiers from Longyou to suppress the rebellion. Du Hongjian was asked to go to Hexi to defend against Tubo. Today, the army from Longyou is going to be transferred into the customs. It is clear that the crown prince and the king of Qi have teamed up to deal with the king of Yue."

Zhang Leyan said with a smile: "Isn't mobilizing the Longyou army to enter the pass, isn't this something we players have been clamoring for for a long time? Isn't this a good opportunity to deepen Longyou's influence into the pass?"

Zhou Shi also said with a smile: "This is exactly what we want. As long as the elite from Longyou enter the pass, then we will have the military power to influence the pass!"

Regarding the optimism of his lieutenants, Shang Bo frowned and said: "Things are not that optimistic. The loyalty of our players is naturally no problem, but the native generals and soldiers cannot be guaranteed. If they leave Longyou, these soldiers may also lose us. control."

Now Zhou Shi and Zhang Leyan also stopped laughing, obviously the crown prince and King Qi mobilized the Longyou army to enter the pass with ill intentions, after the Longyou army entered the pass, they will definitely use all kinds of lures and lures.

This is also a big test for the loyalty of the Longyou indigenous soldiers.

Shang Bo said: "I have also communicated with Yu Chixin, and now is not a good opportunity to enter the customs."

"We already have a big detour strategy. Entering Guanzhong conflicts with our grand strategy. The staff thinks that we should stick to the big detour strategy. This is the most beneficial choice for Datang and the King of Yue."

Everyone nodded. The big roundabout strategy is the kingly way. First settle the east of the river, and take the credit for pacifying the Anshi Rebellion to occupy half of the country, which can ensure that the King of Yue has sufficient legitimacy to succeed to the throne.

In contrast, it would be a bad idea to use the Longyou Army to enter the Guanzhong and seize the throne in a coup d'état.

Zhou Shi and Zhang Leyan also nodded, the big detour strategy is the top priority in Longyou now, almost all senior generals and players are in the northeast, ready to implement the big detour strategy.

However, as one of the persons in charge of Chang'an, Zhang Leyan and Zhou Shi were still a little unwilling.

If there is an army that obeys the orders of the King of Yue in Guanzhong, then it will be much more convenient to stay in the backyard to do things.

And in case there is a change in Chang'an, they can react quickly instead of falling into a passive state.


Hearing Shang Bo say no, the two raised their heads again.

Shang Bo said: "However, King Yue thinks that having a Longyou army in Guanzhong will be of great benefit to Longyou."

Looking at Zhou Shi and Zhang Leyan, Shang Bo said: "So according to King Yue's intention, we strive to control the number of Longyou troops entering the customs to a relatively small number, and try to let players control the elite to enter the customs."

Zhou Shi and Zhang Leyan were naturally overjoyed, and they immediately got busy.

Shang Bo personally prepared gifts and went to Princess Yanguang's residence.

Shangbo also has a signboard on Princess Yanguang's mansion, and he can enter the mansion directly without passing through.

Usually the princess would listen to the music in the back garden at this time, and Shang Bo came to the back garden led by the maid.

Sure enough, Princess Yanguang was lazily lying on the chair, her eyes slightly lifelike. This lazy look was in contrast to the usually shrewd and capable princess, which made Shang Bo's breathing a little short.

"What's the use of looking good, it's just a game!" Shang Bo collected his mind and moved forward slowly.

Hearing Shang Bo's footsteps, Princess Yanguang opened her eyes and said with a smile:

"The embassy who stayed in the business is a rare visitor."

The resentment in Princess Yanguang's mouth made Shang Bo tremble, and Shang Bo quickly explained: "Recently, the affairs in the backyard are busy, and Bo really can't get away."

Shangbo's tone is like a social animal explaining to his wife that the company can't pay the public food for years of overtime.

Princess Yanguang just vented her emotions a little, she quickly sat up and put on her clothes and said, "I'm just joking, who in Chang'an City doesn't know that the Empress Dowager is a very busy person."

"I don't know why Bolang's visit today is for such a big event?"

Princess Yanguang output a meal, making Shang Bo beg for mercy.

But after talking about the business, Princess Yanguang put away her joking tone.

After listening to Shang Bo, she said: "After the defeat of Xiangzhou, my father was in a bad mood. Some ministers in the court even proposed to temporarily move the capital to Fengxiang Mansion, but this made my father very angry."

Shambo immediately understood what the princess meant.

Xiangzhou is very close to Luoyang, and Luoyang and Chang'an are each other's front and back. Now that Xiangzhou is in trouble, it is not known whether Luoyang can be defended with the troops of Zhang Xun and Guo Ziyi alone.

And once Luoyang is conquered, the good situation of regaining the two capitals will be ruined before, and it will even return to when Anlu Mountain went south to attack Tongguan.

For the insecure Emperor Li Heng, An Qingxu was too close.

So close that he couldn't sleep or eat.

The proposal of the crown prince and King Qi is very attractive to the emperor.

However, Li Heng also knew that the long-distance water could not quench the near-thirst, even if the Longyou army entered the pass, they would not be able to reach Chang'an within two months.

Princess Yanguang said: "I know you came here for the proposal of the crown prince and King Qi, but wouldn't it be beneficial for you, King Yue, to let the Longyou army enter the pass?"

The women of Li Tang's royal family are all politically sensitive.

Shang Bo said: "Shang Bo came here this time not to oppose this plan, but because Longyou now wants to defend against Tubo and Uighurs, so it is not appropriate to send too many troops into the pass."

Now Princess Yanguang understood what Shang Bo meant, she nodded and said, "Of course my father also understands this truth, but all of this depends on the development of the war in Xiangzhou."

Shang Bo understood what the princess meant, and how many Longyou soldiers the imperial court wanted to recruit depended on the outcome of the battle in Xiangzhou.

If Luoyang can be defended and the safety of the two capitals is guaranteed, then the emperor will not rush to recruit too many Longyou troops to enter the pass.

But if Luoyang failed to defend and the bandits came back, the emperor might order all the elites in Longyou to be recalled.

Shang Bo sighed, and the princess saw it clearly, just as the princess said, all of this depends on the battle in Luoyang.

In front of Luoyang City, Guo Ziyi led an army of [-] troops to station in Heyin County. Although the Tang army had a large number of troops, the hearts of the army were floating at this time, and news of various defeats was flying everywhere.

Guo Ziyi could only patrol the barracks and give speeches to stabilize the morale of the army, which suppressed the floating morale of the army.

Back in the commander's tent, Guo Ziyi frowned. He never expected that the puppet Yan'an Qingxu would make a comeback in just one month, and the Tang army was unable to fight back.

Guo Ziyi looked at Luoyang City full of worry. Zhang Xun's East Route Army had only 5 people defending Luoyang, and the other 3 people were taken by Nan Jiyun and Zhang Duanyang to attack Qingzhou.

Now the Tang Army has only 15 people near Luoyang, and many of them are soldiers who have just been reorganized and trained.

Although the Tang army near Luoyang can use river transport to supplement food and grass, but now it is the dry season in winter, the river is shallow and narrow, and water transport ships often need manpower to pull fibers to travel, and food and grass supply is also very difficult.

Guo Ziyi looked at the map, and he was more worried about the situation in Hedong.

Before the imperial court sent a prime minister to negotiate with Hedong, Shi Siming and his son surrendered to Datang, and Datang granted their father and son Taiyuan and Fan Yang the festival.

But Guo Ziyi has dealt with the Shi family father and son for many years, and he knows what kind of person Shi Siming is.

For an ambitious man like Shi Siming, if the Tang army continues to win, he will obediently hibernate, just like An Lushan did before the rebellion, defending the northern border for the Tang Dynasty.

But once An Qingxu rebelled, Shi Siming might jump to An Qingxu's side again and again when he saw the opportunity.

Although An Qingxu in the northern part of Henan Province seems to be powerful and noisy, in fact, Guo Ziyi does not think it is a climate.

The real threat to Datang is the troops from Hedong.

Once Shi Siming rebelled again and joined forces with An Qingxu to attack Luoyang, Luoyang would be in danger.

Guo Ziyi expelled this bad idea from his mind. All he can do now is to strengthen the defenses around Luoyang to resist An Qingxu's attack.

At this time, Nan Jiyun, who was halfway there, also received the news of Xiangzhou's defeat.

Nan Jiyun quickly found Zhang Duanyang and asked:

"The Tang army in Xiangzhou was defeated. Commander Li Guangbi escaped from Xiangzhou alone. He has already written a letter of guilt in Luoyang. Now that An Qingxu is sweeping the northern part of Henan Province, General Zhang, can we still fight in Qingzhou?"

Zhang Duanyang said resolutely: "Fight! Of course we must fight! We must fight quickly!"

Nan Jiyun asked: "But Zhang Liushou? There are only [-] troops on Zhang Liushou's side. Shouldn't we lead our troops back to Luoyang and help Zhang Liushou guard Luoyang City?"

Zhang Liushou means Zhang Xun stayed behind in Dongdu, Nan Jiyun asked worriedly.

Zhang Duanyang said: "Luoyang has 15 troops left behind by Zhang, and 3 troops under Marshal Guo. If [-] people can't defend Luoyang, they can't hold it with [-] of us."

"The thieves started in a hurry. It is not easy to attack Luoyang, but the officers and soldiers have been defeated one after another, and their morale is now low. We urgently need a victory to boost our morale!"

"On the other hand, the Qingzhou thieves, because of An Qingxu's victory, these thieves have all come out of the Taihang Mountains. This is the best chance for our army to defeat the Qingzhou thieves in one fell swoop!"

Hearing Zhang Duanyang's analysis, Nan Jiyun also understood, he immediately called the officers under his command and said:
"Now that the general wants to destroy the Qingzhou thieves, who can be the vanguard?"

All the officers looked at each other in blank dismay, they were a little afraid of the bandits and dared not go forward.

Nan Jiyun put on the cloak and said: "In this case, please follow me and charge!"

After saying this, Nan Jiyun took the lead and led an army of [-] to enter Qingzhou in one day.

After repairing Yizhou, Nan Jiyun took the lead and rushed into the Qingzhou bandit camp. The Qingzhou bandit soldiers who had just descended from Taihang Mountain were beaten to pieces!
Zhang Duanyang immediately led the rest of the rear army to chase north, the Qingzhou bandits were completely wiped out, and the Tang army won a big victory!
(End of this chapter)

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