Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 541 Father-in-Law's Struggle

Chapter 541 Father-in-Law's Struggle

Looking at the empty Bohai Sea, Nan Jiyun didn't understand what Zhang Duanyang was talking about.

Zhang Duanyang pointed to the Bohai Sea and said: "Nanlang, don't look at the Bohai Sea and look at the wide sea. In fact, it is only a five-day voyage to cross the sea from here to Youzhou. If we set up a shipbuilding factory in Qingzhou, we can go straight to Huanglong and attack Anshi. The old thief's lair?"

Nan Jiyun was stunned for a moment, this was a path he had never thought of!

But is it really feasible to attack across the sea from Qingzhou?
Of course Zhang Duanyang knew it was feasible. In normal history, after King Xuanzhi of Pinglu killed Xu's father and son, he returned to Datang soon. .

However, as expected by the players, the combat effectiveness of the Pinglu Army was too weak, and it was not an elite opponent for Shi Siming.

On the normal timeline of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Xuanzhi was defeated and killed. His lieutenant Hou Xiyi built a boat and crossed the sea, and came to Qingzhou. After killing the Qingzhou bandits, the imperial court still named him the military governor of Pinglu, but he commanded the Qingzhou area. .

Since you can cross the sea from Pinglu to Qingzhou, you can naturally cross the sea from Qingzhou to Fanyang.

However, the premise that Zhang Duanyang's strategic judgment can be established is that Tang Jun and An Qingxu will face off in the northern part of Henan Province for a long time.

However, Zhang Duanyang's prediction was correct. Guo Ziyi and An Qingxu fought in the northern part of Henan Province, and both sides made preparations for a long-term confrontation.

An Qingxu got the reward from the emissary. Shi Siming, an old fox, does not want Anyang City, but is willing to secretly fund An Qingxu's grain and grass.

Angry, An Qingxu drew out his sword and chopped off a corner of the table. Cui Youqian, who saw this scene, quickly advised:

"Your Majesty calm down, the old thief Shi Siming is willing to give food and grass, which shows that it can still be used."

An Qingxu touched the sword and said, "I just took over the throne that day, and I was going to kill the rebels Shi Siming and his son. At that time, Yan Zhuang stopped me, saying that the morale of the army was not stable."

"Now Yan Zhuang, the thief, has surrendered to the Tang family. Think carefully, maybe Shi Siming was responsible for bribing Yan Zhuang and fled back to Hedong on purpose."

"Hedong is the foundation of my father's army, but now it is in the hands of outsiders. If I want some food and grass, I have to beg from historians and thieves. What is the reason for this!"

Cui Yougan didn't dare to speak. With An Qingxu's series of military victories, An Qingxu's reputation in the army became higher and higher.

Cui Yougan didn't dare to contradict him in plain clothes anymore, so he said: "If not, Your Majesty, let's go to Hedong. Could it be that Shi Siming can tie us up and offer it to the Tang family?"

"Go back to the east of the river? We have a few soldiers in our hands, and we don't have food, grass and weapons. How can we go back and be Shi Siming's puppet?"

An Qingxu said calmly: "Hedong is just managed by the old thief Shi Siming, and I will take it back sooner or later. The most urgent thing now is to defeat the old dog Guo Ziyi first. If Luoyang can be regained, then Dayan can be brought back again." banner!"

Cui Youqian quickly agreed.

Next, the Tang army and the puppet Yan army began to fight back and forth inch by inch near Heyin County.

Neither side dared to invest too much troops, they were careful to test each other's strength.

Although the overall intensity is not high, the local competition is very fierce, and Luoyang City can hear the sound of killing on the battlefield.

However, Zhang Xun, who stayed behind in Dongdu, showed his ability as a master of defense. Zhang Xun ordered soldiers to shuttle through the city gates and main roads, making it look like the Tang army had sufficient troops, and stabilized Luoyang's army.

In addition, the people in Luoyang City are also being evacuated out of the city. If it really comes to the time when the rebels besiege the city, a large number of people will become a burden instead, which will cause turmoil in the hearts of the army and the people.

In addition, Zhang Xun personally led people to inspect and strengthen the city wall every day, and formulated a strict city defense plan.

And from the time when martial law began to guard the city, this old scholar also put on armor and took the lead in patrolling the city wall.

With Zhang Xun's actions, the hearts of Luoyang City were finally suppressed.

Although the battle was intense, the fortress built by Guo Ziyi also blocked An Qingxu's army going south, and the Tang court finally recovered from the panic.

The war turned towards a protracted war, and a large amount of manpower and material resources were transferred to Luoyang.

Li Heng finally figured out the situation of the battle. He once again awarded Guo Ziyi the position of Marshal of the National Army and Horses, allowing Guo Ziyi to open a mansion and build teeth, and coordinate the battle against An Qingxu.

He also ordered the soldiers and horse envoys of the Shence Army to be reinstated. The eunuch Li Fuguo led [-] elite Shence troops to Heyin to support Guo Ziyi.

The battle situation calmed down for the time being, and the emperor didn't mention dispatching the King of Yue's army to enter the pass.

After the brief alliance between the crown prince and the king of Qi, the crown prince and the king of Qi began to fight again as Li Fuguo led his troops away from Chang'an City.

But this time the fuse was Wu Qi who had just arrived in Chang'an and served as Du Zhilang.

Duzhilang was called "Planning Prime Minister" by Chang'an officials, and he managed the imperial treasury. Although his rank was not high, he had great power.

Fifth Qi was promoted to Du Zhilang because of his relationship with the East Palace. The officials of Qi Wang Li Family naturally regarded him as a member of the Prince's faction.

Since Fifth Qi took office, officials from Qi Wang's lineage began to attack Fifth Qi continuously.

In particular, Fifth Qi served as the envoy of Jianghuai Zuyong, the envoy of salt and iron in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, organized the establishment of salt courtyards, and was in charge of canal water transportation.

The more things you do, the more handles you will naturally leave behind.

These days, there are more and more memorials on the emperor's desk to participate in the Fifth Qi. Li Heng's attitude towards this is to stay in the middle, but he did not severely punish those officials who made the memorials.

The emperor's attitude made Fifth Qi very panicked.

We must know that when Fifth Qi was in charge of Yangzhou, there were many ministers who wrote to impeach him.

When the Jianghuai Salt Institute was established, Wu Qi did not know how many scholars he offended. At that time, scholars in Jiangnan even scolded Wu Qi as "the beetle of the Tang Dynasty" at the poetry meeting.

But at that time, the emperor's attitude towards these ministers participating in the Fifth Qi Qi was to reject the memorial and relegate several officials who took the lead in impeachment.

But now that Fifth Qi returned to Chang'an, he was never summoned by the emperor alone.

Even though he has not been in charge of Duzhi for a long time, Fifth Qi has been impeached more than he has been in Jianghuai for a year.

Regarding King Qi's attack, Donggong's counterattack was somewhat caught off guard.

They just counterattacked a few officials from the Qi Wang family who charged more fiercely, and did not make much noise.

It was rumored that the crown prince became very angry in the East Palace, and some even said that the crown prince felt that Wuqi's butt was too dirty, so he was not going to continue to protect him.

During this period of time, Eunuch Mu Rong, who was collecting information, was exhausted to death.

Eunuch Mu was busy peeking at the memorials every day, recorded them with the in-game recording function, and then sent them to Shangbo to get a large amount of experience rewards.

Who would not want to do such a good thing!
Those generals and players chased the horse bandits for three days, and the experience gained in the end was not as much as the memorial made by Eunuch Mu.

During these days, Mu Rong's level has risen rapidly, and Gao Lishi's ambush in the palace has gradually begun to play a role.

Xiao Muzi was quick in handling things, low-key and not pushy, this evaluation gradually spread among the eunuchs in charge.

The eunuch in charge of Shangshujian also observed Mu Rong secretly. This guy is the most active in delivering memorials every day, and his hands and feet are also the most agile.

Moreover, Xiao Muzi was literate and well-behaved, so he was soon praised by the eunuch in charge.

In addition to the old relationship initiated by Gao Lishi, this is also related to the "little gifts" in Longyou that Xiao Muzi often sends casually.

Eunuch Mu is generous with both up and down shots. Master Zhou eunuch's eyes are blurred, and Eunuch Mu gave him glasses.

Eunuch Zhang, in charge, suffered from chilblain, and Eunuch Mu gave him a special chilblain ointment.

The gifts offered by Mu Rong are often not expensive, but they are all rare items, or items that the other party needs urgently.

These gifts are also in line with Mu Rong's identity, but they can show his intentions.

After finishing his day's work, Eunuch Mu began to sort out the information and send it to Shangbo, and at the same time began to continue his "big eunuch promotion plan".

Eunuch Mu opened the notepad and once again recorded the character and preferences of a senior eunuch in the Shangshujian.

In addition, Mu Rong recorded what father-in-law taboos, which father-in-laws have bad relations with each other, and which father-in-laws have relations with higher-ups.

"I still need to use a mind map, it's too difficult to use a notepad."

Mu Rong sighed with emotion. He is currently learning practical mind maps by himself, but it will take a lot of time to organize the previous records into the mind map.

After saving and closing the notepad, Mu Rong lay down on the Datong bunk and continued to review today's work.

Life in the palace can be said to be boring and boring. Being a eunuch in Datang belongs to a profession with a high ceiling and a very low ceiling, and the median income is not very good.

Mu Rong also serialized the documentary literature of "I Became an Eunuch in the Tang Dynasty" on the forum, and it is now the most popular serialized post on the forum.

After updating the latest chapter, Mu Rong began to reply to the players' private messages again.

Although there are cynical players everywhere on the forum, in fact, there are still quite a few players who want to enter the palace and become eunuchs.

Nowadays, it is not easy to overtake another car on a curve. Eunuch Mu Rong's rapid increase in level has given many players the idea of ​​entering the palace.

Mu Rong replied to several players who were hesitant to enter the palace, and introduced to them the promotion prospects and professional ceiling of the eunuch profession. Ended a busy day.

As night fell in Chang'an City, candles were lit in Cui Guangyuan's study.

Cui Guangyuan looked at the cronies and subordinates in the room, and then at Shan Tao and the business blog that secretly came to Cui Guangyuan's house.

He looked at Shang Bo nervously and said, "His Royal Highness the King of Yue really wants to support Cui's visit to Prime Minister?"

(End of this chapter)

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