Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 564 Measuring the Material Power of Silla

Chapter 564 Measuring the Material Power of Silla
"Shougui?" An Xiyu rubbed his eyes, he didn't expect his son to get off this strange ship?

In addition to An Shougui, several Tang soldiers in red capes also jumped off the boat.

At this time, the Silla soldiers guarding Nanpu surrounded them and surrounded Su Xing and others who disembarked.

An Shougui was nervous that the Tang army and the Silla people would clash again, so he shouted loudly:
"I am An Shougui, the son of An Xiyu, the governor of the North Province! I have an important matter to see the governor according to the military order of the Tang Dynasty!"

Following An Shougui's shout, there was indeed an officer in the defenders who knew him. This officer quickly restrained his subordinates, and the tense atmosphere eased a little.

When An Xiyu heard his son calling his name, he hurriedly led his men over.


An Shougui didn't expect to see his father directly in Nanpu City, he quickly shouted: "Father!"

What happened in the past few days was like a dream. An Shougui's experience of being captured by the Tang Army flashed through An Shougui's mind, and tears flowed down his face.

An Shougui rushed in front of An Xiyu, quickly knelt down and said, "Father, my son has something important to report!"

An Xiyu's heart was also full of doubts, and he quickly pulled An Shougui and said, "Wait a minute, there are too many people talking here, let's talk about it later."

Then An Xiyu said to Feng Minglang beside him: "Find an interpreter who understands Chinese, and arrange a resting place for those Tang military masters."

An Xiyu pulled An Shougui to a quiet place, An Shougui couldn't bear it anymore, he said in a crying voice:

"Father, our army has been defeated!"

An Xiyu already had a bad premonition, but when he heard his son say the result, he still froze in place.

An Shougui told the story of the battle in detail, emphasizing the terrible weapon of the Tang artillery, and described the scene where the artillery bombarded the camp.

An Xiyu only felt that his hands and feet were cold. The Tang army was originally braver than the Silla people, and their weapons and equipment were much more advanced.

However, in recent years, people in Silla have recruited blacksmiths to develop iron smelting. Originally, An Xiyu thought that Silla's weapons could catch up with Datang.

Unexpectedly, Datang actually possessed a cannon, this powerful new weapon!

Soon An Xiyu thought of something even more terrifying. He grabbed his son's arm and said, "You said that the defeat was a few days ago, so why did you arrive in Nanpu today? Could it be that you came here on that strange boat?"

An Shougui nodded in despair and said, "Exactly! Father, I took a boat early this morning and arrived at Nanpu Port in the evening."


An Xiyu asked in horror.

An Shougui nodded firmly and said: "It's absolutely true! Father, I didn't close my eyes for a moment on the boat. It really happened from dawn to dusk. It only took half a day from Dahang City to Nanpu Port!"

Half a day!

An Xiyu was silent. In fact, the reason why An Xiyu dared to test the bottom line of Tang Dynasty and ordered his son to lead troops to attack Andong Dufu was because of the cover of the mountains in the north of Silla.

When the Tang Dynasty destroyed Goguryeo, Datang used the troops in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty, and it took several years to completely defeat Goguryeo.

Not to mention that Goguryeo has often fought against the Central Plains since the Sui Dynasty, and its national strength has long been dragged down.

But when An Shougui told An Xiyu that Tangren's clippers would leave in the morning and reach Nanpu Port, which is only a few dozen miles away from Pingcheng, in the evening, An Xiyu felt extremely cold all over his body.

This feeling of shattered sense of security is really too bad. The people of Tang have such weapons, and the city walls of Pingcheng are not enough to defend, so the whole Baekje is no danger for Datang.

An Xiyu grabbed his son's shoulder and yelled: "The people of Tang Dynasty wiped out your army, why did you let him back?"

An Shougui understood his father's pain, and after seeing the strength of Tang Ren, he also suffered the same pain.

An Shougui immediately said: "Datang needs to build a port in Dahang City, and needs manpower. When my son comes back this time, he is asking his father to recruit the people of the North Province to build a pier for Datang!"

An Xiyu pointed at An Shougui and scolded: "Recruit civilians to build a pier for Datang? Are you confused after losing a battle!?"

An Shougui knelt down, hugged An Xiyu's leg and said:
"Father! With the strength of the Tang Dynasty, now our Silla can resist the soldiers who have exhausted the whole country. How long can we resist?"

An Xiyu was also an envoy to the Tang Dynasty, and he knew about the combat power of the Tang Dynasty. Even without counting such terrifying weapons as artillery, the people of Silla had no chance of winning against the Tang army.

An Xiyu was silent.

An Shougui continued: "There are ten thousand elite Tang soldiers in Pinglu Town. If these private soldiers cross the sea by boat and land from Nanpu to attack Pingcheng, father, how long can you stop them?"

An Xiyu remained silent.

The two thousand elites that An Xiyu handed over to An Shougui were recruits trained by the An family with all their strength.

In addition to Anjia, the private soldiers of several big families in Beidao are less than 1.

Moreover, the private soldiers of those big families are simply mobs, and it is impossible to be the opponent of Tang Jun.

Seeing that his father was silent, An Shougui immediately said:
"Father! I, Silla, and Datang are not enemies!"

After saying this, An Xiyu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, he is always comparing the strength of Silla and Datang, but Datang and Silla have not officially launched, and the Tang army has not reached Pingcheng.

An Shougui said: "The Tang Dynasty is an elite, but after the Great Tang Emperor Zetian, he has no interest in the land of the peninsula. Now as long as the war is eliminated, the Tang Dynasty will still be our superior country in Silla!"

An Xiyu nodded hastily. Silla and Datang did not go to war, and the matter has not reached the point of irreversibility.

An Shougui said: "However, our Silla built a city on the banks of the Yalu River, which has already offended Datang. If we want to eliminate the war, we must satisfy that Pang Canjun!"

"Pang Canjun was ordered by Wang Jiedu to build a port and dock in Dahang City, not to stay in Dahang City for a long time."

"If we can satisfy Pang Canjun, complete the construction of the pier as soon as possible, let Pang Canjun return to the Jiedu envoy to return to his command, and say a few good things about us in Silla, then the matter of our city building on the Yajiang River will be over?"

An Xiyu nodded quickly, he suddenly remembered something and said:
"What are you still doing in a daze, follow me to meet Tang envoy!"

An Xiyu hurriedly ran to the pier, and after ordering the soldiers guarding the pier to retreat, An Xiyu immediately said to Su Xing respectfully:
"It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar. The envoy Tang has worked hard all the way, please return to Pingcheng with the envoy and the old man, and let the old man do his best to be a landlord."

Seeing this high-ranking Silla official who talked so much about others, Su Xing didn't have a good face. He just said impatiently:
"You are An Shougui's father, the Northern Province is in power, right?"

An Xiyu nodded quickly.

Su Xing was originally a craftsman player, so he didn't like this kind of mission.

He is more concerned about his own voyage. At this time, he has accumulated a lot of voyage materials, and he is preparing to edit them and post them on the Internet to show off.

But being dragged by An Xiyu, the governor of the North Road, to talk non-stop, Su Xing said a little irritably:

"I came to Silla today, and there are only two things!"

An Xiyu hurriedly said: "The ministers are all ears!"

"The first thing is, my Tang Dynasty needs civilian husbands, the more the better!"

"As for the work of the civilian husband, it is the work of repairing the port and the dock. You can rest assured that our Datang will not treat the civilian husband badly. Pang joined the army and searched. Three meals a day are guaranteed. If you do it well, you can still Naturalized Datang."

"The second thing is that a fleet will dock at Nanpu Port in a few days. It will be replenished at Nanpu Port at that time, and the recruited civilians will also board the ship at Nanpu and drive to Dahang City."

An Xiyu was secretly startled when he heard Su Xing's words. The fleet docked at Nanpu, which meant that Datang had a powerful fleet coming to Nanpu!

An Xiyu's thoughts of resisting all disappeared, and even the fleet of Datang was ready, so if he didn't cooperate, he would be too ignorant.

However, it is still necessary to ask how many civilian husbands are needed. An Xiyu endured the fear and asked:

"May I ask the envoy, how many civilian husbands are needed?"

Su Xing thought about it, and Pang Ju didn't tell him how many civilians he would bring back when he set off.

There are already 2000 Silla captives working in Dahang City, and another [-] people will be almost there, right?

Su Xing raised two fingers and shook them in front of An Xiyu, and An Xiyu's face changed.

"My lord, this, this is really too much, can you have less?"

Su Xing said dissatisfiedly: "That's the number, it can't be less!"

An Xiyu could only answer with a crying face.

Then Su Xing asked again: "Do you have a shipyard in this port?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Is there any dried aniseed?"

Although this voyage was successfully completed, Su Xing also found many problems.

The wood sent by the wooden sailboat needs to be air-dried to drain the water, so that the hull can be strong and not cracked.

However, it takes six to seven years for a mature pine log to drain in the natural environment. Even if it is heated and dried in a greenhouse, it will take at least six months before it can be used for shipbuilding.

Suxing's clipper ship has a small hull, so there were no major problems during the voyage, but various small problems also appeared on the hull.

If you want to build a clipper ship that can really sail on the ocean, you must use qualified wood.

So Su Xing saw the dock on Nanpu Port, and asked An Xiyu eagerly.

An Xiyu quickly said: "Some, some, if the envoy needs it, I can give it to you!"

Su Xing said: "Since there is a dock, there must also be shipwrights? Let them follow us to Dahang City!"

Seeing An Xiyu's approach, Su Xing said: "Then you should transport half of the people there first, and I will speak a few words of kindness to Pang Canjun for you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After settling down Su Xing and his party, An Xiyu said to his son behind him: "Did you hear that, Great Tang needs [-] civilian husbands."

An Shougui's face was pale and he said: "Thanks to my father, I was able to get the Tang envoy's forgiveness, but ten thousand civilian husbands are also very tight."

An Xiyu said to Feng Minglang behind him: "Pass on my order to recruit 1 civilians to Nanpu port! We must gather these [-] people no matter what!"

(End of this chapter)

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