Chapter 567
Guan Zhongzhi's study?The art of enriching the country and enriching the people?
What a big breath!

Both Gao Shi and Yuan Zai looked at Wang Yadong suspiciously. Are there still Confucian scholars who practice Guan Zhongzhi's studies?

The art of enriching the country and enriching the people, this tone is too big!
Yuan Zai first asked: "What is the art of enriching the country and enriching the people?"

Wang Yadong said proudly: "The way to increase the wealth of the world is the art of enriching the country and enriching the people!"

Yuan Zai looked at Wang Yadong with great interest, and continued to ask: "These are too far-fetched, let me ask you, if you were appointed as the head of Jiangnan Shipbuilding Department, what would you do to increase Jiangnan's wealth?"

Wang Yadong had already made preparations on the way here, and he said eloquently:

"The problem in the south of the Yangtze River lies in the shortage of money and the transportation of water!"

Yuan Zai and Gao Shi looked at each other, and what Wang Yadong said was indeed on point.

Jiangnan was originally rich, but because of the water transportation, a large amount of manpower was required to consume in the water transportation system, resulting in a huge burden on Jiangnan water transportation, and the imperial court collected a large amount of taxes every year, which actually caused the burden on Jiangnan Road to be far greater than other roads.

The problem of money shortage is tantamount to magnifying the exploitation of the people in Jiangnan Province, and the superposition of the two makes Jiangnan's problem even more serious.

"Then how to solve these two problems?" Gao Shi asked.

Wang Yadong resolutely said: "Of course it's Haimao!"

This is exactly the same solution as Li Daoyuan said, but how to solve the problem of outflow of Tang money brought about by the sea trade?
Wang Yadong said: "But it's not just as simple as developing maritime trade. You two have thought about why my Datang trade is so prosperous, but money still flows out?"

Both Gao Shi and Yuan Zai shook their heads.

"That's because of the trade deficit. When the goods exported by Datang are smaller than the goods imported by Datang, it is a trade deficit. A country is like a shop, like a store. The goods sold by the store are less than the goods bought. Shops will naturally lose money."

Wang Yadong's metaphor was easy to understand, Gao Shi and Yuan Zai both nodded.

Although Datang exported a large amount of silk porcelain every year, the demand for foreign commodities such as spices and jewelry was also strong.

Those big food merchants traveled thousands of miles to Datang to do business, isn't it because doing business in Datang is profitable?
The Bohai State was able to develop because of its profit from the grain trade with Datang, which created a prosperous Haidong country.

Although Wang Yadong does not have specific economic data, it is still accurate to judge that Datang Maritime Trade is in deficit.

Yuan Zai was very interested in the metaphor of Wang Yadong, and he asked again: "How can we increase the wealth of Datang?"

Wang Yadong said: "Exports are greater than imports, that is a trade surplus. If you want to enrich the country and people, you must increase Datang's trade surplus, so that the wealth of the world will flow to Datang."

"Then how to increase the surplus?" Gao Shi asked the question he was most concerned about.

Wang Yadong said: "It's the same as every household, so it is natural to increase commodity exports and reduce commodity imports."

"This is about Shibosi. My silk from Tang Dynasty is very popular among Fan merchants, but because there is no uniform price, all regions compete to lower the price for a little profit. Silk that is worth tens of thousands of gold overseas is often sold at a very low price in Jiangnan. It's cheap and that's one of the reasons for the trade deficit."

Yuan Zai nodded. Jiangnan is a silk producing area. When sea trade was not banned, various ports often fought price wars in order to compete for merchants to call, and the selling price was very low.

"My method is to classify the silk sold in all ports according to the quality, and set a minimum price for each grade of silk. If the price of silk sold to fan merchants is lower than the minimum price, the seller will be punished."

Yuan Zai nodded, this is a good idea.

Wang Yadong said: "Actually, there is another important reason why the common people's silk is sold cheaply. That is, the common people do not know the value of silk overseas, so they are deceived by foreign merchants to buy it at a low price."

"If the common people know the value of overseas silk, how can they sell silk at a low price?"

Yuan Zai couldn't help clapping his hands at this time. In fact, Wang Yadong had another meaning. If the fleet of Datang officials or non-governmental organizations went to sea, it would be considered that the price of the purchased silk was low, but after being shipped overseas, Datang still made money. It is not as it is now, most of the silk trade is earned by foreign merchants.

"In addition to encouraging exports and encouraging the people of Datang to participate in maritime trade, there are also restrictions on imports."

Yuan Zai asked, "How should this be restricted?"

"Imported spices and gems are not necessary for the people of Tang Dynasty. For these things, it is natural to impose heavy taxes on buyers and sellers."

"Imposing heavy taxes, the first is that the profits of those merchants will be low, which is also a means to keep Datang's wealth in the country. The second is to make the prices of these imported luxury goods higher, so the number of people who buy these goods will naturally decrease. gone."

Yuan Zai couldn't help but said to Gao Shi at this moment: "Congratulations to the envoy, with such a great talent in charge of the Shibo Department for the envoy, the money law in the south of the Yangtze River will definitely be ruled!"

Hearing what Yuan Zai said, Gao Shi hurried down the hall. He supported Wang Yadong and said:
"Great talent Wang Lang, would you like to run the Jiangnan Shipbuilding Department for me?"

"Don't you dare!" Hearing Wang Yadong's immediate agreement, Gao Shi was overjoyed, and ordered his servants to hold a banquet in honor of Yuan Zai and Wang Yadong.

During the banquet, Yuan Zai discussed with Wang Yadong the issue of national financial regulation and control. As Wang Yadong revealed his self-taught Keynesianism, Yuan Zai was both surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, in Wang Yadong's theory, the importance of state finance in the political power is the first.

Wang Yadong put forward the explosive theory that "economy is the first priority, and all political issues are economic distribution issues". After his interpretation, these arguments sound so natural.

In fact, since historical development, the status of finance has been getting higher and higher.

Nowadays, ministers of finance can join the political affairs hall as prime ministers, and even every prime minister's team must have a prime minister who is proficient in finance.

The status of the Ministry of Households has also flowed from the last of the six ministries, and now it has become second only to the Ministry of Officials who manage hundreds of officials.

But according to Wang Yadong, the most important thing for the imperial court is finance, and the Ministry of Household Affairs should be above all other ministries.

At first glance, it is indeed a bit explosive, but after Wang Yadong's explanation, it seems to have some truth.

The operation of the imperial court, the salaries of hundreds of officials, the rewards of soldiers' military salaries, and even the expenses of the royal family all need money.

If the Anshi Rebellion hadn't been for the continuous blood transfusion from Jianghuai to Guanzhong, the Li and Tang courts would have been defeated long ago.

Finance is the lifeblood of the imperial court!This statement is very much in the mind of Yuan Zai, who was born as a financial minister. After some exchanges between the two, Yuan Zai even introduced Wang Yadong as a confidant.

Jianghuai City Shipping Envoy is the minister of Jianghuai Jiedu Envoy. Gao Shi only needs to appoint Wang Yadong and file with the court.

Jianghuai City Shipping Division is based in Donghai Port to the east of Yangzhou (the coastline of Jiangsu in the Tang Dynasty was farther west than it is now, and Yangzhou is very close to the coastline). This is the largest port for foreign trade in the Jianghuai region. It only takes half a day to sail through the waterways of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. can arrive.

At this time, Li Daoyuan was also supervising the construction of new sea ships in the dock of Donghai Port. Hearing the news of Wang Yadong's appointment, Li Daoyuan also came to the port to greet him.

After seeing Li Daoyuan, Wang Yadong held his hand tightly and shouted: "Great God! I finally saw the real Daoyuan!"

As a star player, Li Daoyuan has a great reputation all over the Internet.

His "Travel Notes" series of Tang Dynasty travel videos have more than [-] million views on the entire network for each issue.

Wang Yadong looked at Li Daoyuan excitedly, and quickly asked, "Did God Li come to Yangzhou to go to sea?"

Li Daoyuan nodded, and Wang Yadong asked again:
"Where is the Great God planning to go to sea?"

"I'm going to cross the sea to Fusang first."

Wang Yadong showed such an expression. Ever since it was confirmed that the game will introduce elements of great voyages in the future, players have discussed in the forum that Fusang, Ryukyu, Treasure Island and Nanyang are currently the top destinations for players.

Among them, the most popular one is naturally Fuso.

Today's Fusang is in the middle and late stages of the Dahua reform, and it is also the era when Fusang is learning from Datang in an all-round way.

Dahua reform is the second largest reform movement in the history of Fuso after the Meiji Restoration.

The origin of Taika reform can be traced back to the reform of Prince Shotoku. With the assistance of the famous Sui envoy Ono, Prince Shotoku implemented the reform of "Twelve Ranks of Crown Ranks" and "Seventeen Articles of the Constitution".

With the reorganization of Prince Shotoku and his death, the social contradictions in Fusang further intensified.

At the end of the seventh century AD, that is, during the period of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Fuso Kotoku (year name Dahua) imitated the Tang Dynasty and implemented the reform of the "bantian system" throughout the country.

The Bantian system, in fact, imitated the land granting system of the Tang Dynasty, and implemented a system in which the land was state-owned and then granted to adult males.

Before the Dahua reform, Fusang was still in a very backward and primitive tribal system, that is, the big nobles enslaved the tribesmen, which belonged to the backward era of the semi-slavery system.

After Dahua was reformed, the bantian system allowed Fusang to enter a more advanced feudal era, and Fusang also ushered in an economic take-off.

In 710 AD, as the capital was moved to Heijo-kyo, Fusang entered the Nara era, which was also one of the most prosperous cultural and economic eras in the history of Fusang.

Merchants and players are clamoring to give Fusang a "black ship attack" in advance, and generals and players are clamoring to break into Fusang and arrange a five-star emperor for Fusang.

Wang Yadong looked at Li Daoyuan with admiration. When others were still talking, Li Daoyuan was already building a ship and preparing to go to sea.

In another port, the race to explore has a competitor.

(End of this chapter)

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