Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 579 Discussion of Technology Diffusion

Chapter 579 Discussion of Technology Diffusion
By the time the three major Ye Hus arrived at Wangzhang City, Li Guangqin had already held the Khan Enthronement Ceremony for Mou Yu Khan's eldest son Moheda in the name of Ke Dun.

Li Guangqin named the new Khan Tianqin Khan, and the nobles in Wangzhang City also recognized this title.

San Sanyehu thought for a while, and there seemed to be no reason to object.

Li Guangqin once visited the Three Great Forest of Steles, and she took the Three Great Yehus to promise that the new Khan would not limit the privileges of the Three Great Yehus, and that everything would be the same as it was during Mou Yu Khan's time, and they would enjoy the same rights.

With such a promise, the three major Yehus had no reason to object, and Pugu Yehu, one of the three major Yehus, was originally a branch of the Pugu family in the grassland, and he and Li Guangqin were of the same clan, and Li Guangqin became the regent. Ke Dun, of course, is more beneficial to them.

The Three Great Yehus are the leaders of the three most powerful tribes in the entire Uighur. They all support Li Guangqin, so there is no suspense about the matter.

Seven days later, according to Uighur custom, Mou Yu Khan's body was placed in a tent outside Khan City. Under the leadership of Li Guangqin, Khan's eldest son, Moheda, cut his own cheek and sprinkled the blood. in front of the tent.

Li Guang held Moheda in his arms, stopped his wound, and led him to ride around the tent seven times.

Immediately afterwards, the other noble heads started circling the tent, and when all the nobles had circled, the herdsmen of Khan City also circled the tent far away.

The Uighurs originally did not build mausoleums, but Li Guangqin decided to build a new Forest of Steles for Mou Yu Khan [-] kilometers away from Khan City, and buried Mou Yu Khan in the new city. In the forest of steles.

Many nobles naturally supported this decision, a new Forest of Steles meant that there would be one more Ye Hu, and everyone would have a new upward path.

Datang Xuanwei made Zhang Dada very satisfied with this result. Datang Heqin Princess became Regent Ketun, which made it easier for Datang to control the Uighurs. After talking with Lu Anya for a while, he appointed Lu Anya as Datang Xuanwei Deputy Envoy , responsible for the work in Khan City.

Ke Dun's first order after taking office was to expel those Zoroastrian monks who preached to Mou Yu Khan.

Li Guangqin's meaning is also very simple. Doesn't your Zoroastrianism say that the Son of Light can resist darkness and prevent all evils from invading?Why was Mou Yu Khan poisoned to death all at once?
Doesn't this mean that Zoroastrianism is a deceitful person who spreads useless heresies?
After Ke Dun's preaching, it really dealt a huge blow to the reputation of Zoroastrianism, and many monks could only leave the Uighurs to find new places to preach.

Next, Li Guangqin made another shocking decision. He wanted to hire some Han teachers from Longyou for Khan.

This decision was once again opposed by the head of the nobles, but Li Guangqin still ignored these objections by saying that educating the Khan was "a family matter". Khan invited several "famous teachers" from Longyou.

My Daxie haircut took this task and set off again, and the storm on the grassland gradually subsided.

Although the storm subsided for the time being, Li Guangqin only used Ke Dun's identity and Datang's tiger skin to suppress it. There were still many conflicts within the Uighur, although they might erupt.

Goods from Longyou poured into the Uighurs continuously, and the Uyghurs could only exchange livestock products such as cattle, sheep, milk, and cheese for goods from the Tang Dynasty. Many people have died in the snowstorm this year, and the food in spring will not be enough.

However, the number of people killed by snowstorms is a minority after all, and the population on the grasslands has increased after all.

Lu Anya and Zhang Dada rode horses and looked at the Jinchuan flowing through Wangzhang City. Lu Anya said:
"I have already written a letter to His Royal Highness King Yue. Blindly plundering economic colonization can only intensify Uighurs' resentment towards Tang Dynasty. This kind of economic suppression will inevitably cause greater rebellion in the future."

Zhang Dada also nodded. Although the method of supporting economic compradors in the past divided the Uyghur people, it did not reduce the Uyghur people's aversion to Datang.

Zhang Dada also sighed and said: "This month's trade volume is getting lower and lower. In the words of merchants and players, 'these Uighur poor ghosts can't squeeze out any money'."

Lu Anya said: "So it is not advisable to blindly exhaust the river, let alone the river is right in front of our house."

Zhang Dada asked, "So what are your thoughts?"

Lu Anya said: "My idea is very simple, that is to eliminate backward technology and production capacity to Uighur, so that Uighur can also enjoy the dividends of development."

"For example, Longyou's cotton and wool textile technology has reached the era of steam engines. There are many rivers on the grasslands, and hydraulic looms can be used. If those outdated hydraulic looms can be eliminated and brought to the grasslands, then the grasslands can also develop the wool textile industry."

"In addition to the textile industry, I heard that Shandan Ranch also has a lot of advanced animal husbandry technology. We can also cooperate with Shandan Ranch to let them do animal husbandry experiments on the grassland, introduce some new animal husbandry technologies, and increase animal husbandry. output and quality."

Zhang Dada was also thinking about it. What Lu Anya said was indeed true. Before, the households of the Uighur people were emptied by the Tang Dynasty products. Now that the sales volume is declining, it means that the herdsmen really have no money.

A group of poor ghosts without money, something is really going to happen.

The goods sent to the grassland these days are much more likely to encounter robbers than before, and Zhang Dada is also having a headache about this.

This set of development theory of Lu Anya, in fact, is also clear to Zhang Keda. This is the development model of post-war Asia, the head goose model.

The economic recovery in Asia after the war can be called an economic miracle. In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the country that develops first takes the lead, and then the countries behind follow with the eliminated production capacity of the previous countries, and finally realize the development of each economy. .

The first goose was naturally Fusang, which received a lot of American aid after the war, followed by Bangzi Country, which also received development dividends, and finally we accepted the final legacy.

However, Zhang Keda thinks more than Lu Anya, eliminating technology is a sensitive matter, and the attitude towards technology diffusion in Longyou is quite inconsistent.

There are extreme technical conservatives who are determined to keep technology secret and cannot let a single technology leak out. These players think that Longyou's technology is the first, and they have no one to communicate with Longyou's technology. Guaranteeing that all technologies stay in Longyou is the only way to maintain advanced best way.

The other is the technology development faction that supports the outflow of some eliminated technologies. These players believe that backward technology can also enable other regions to develop, so that the more advanced sickle in Longyou can harvest longer leeks. Otherwise, the sickle in the industrial age is not going to root out the surrounding area up?

Zhang Dada sighed and said, "It's not for me to decide on Longyou's overall foreign technical policy. I will also write to the King of Yue to explain the current situation of the Uighurs. This matter should be left to the Governor's Office to decide."

Lu Anya was also helpless, she followed Li Guangqin to Uighur, and relied on Khan's death to seize power, but the poverty of the Uighur family shocked her.

Mou Yu Khan's father lost the battle, and Mou Yu Khan almost emptied the Khan's family property in order to appease other noble heads.

When Li Guang personally takes over the master, it will be a huge mess.

The money that Li Guangqin used to hold the funeral for Mou Yu Khan and appease other nobles was all paid out of her dowry.

As Li Guangqin's mastermind, Lu Anya naturally wanted to find a way for Li Guangqin to make a fortune. Now the era of shouting and killing on the grasslands has passed, and now is the era of competing for who has more money.

The two Uighur proposals were sent to Li Tan. Li Tan was also very troubled by such a technical problem. He forwarded it to Jiang Lun of the Yantie Taxation Bureau, asking for the opinion of the Yantie Taxation Department.

This time, it naturally sparked a big discussion on technical secrecy on the forum. This can be regarded as the topic of menstruation on the forum, and Li Tan was not even interested in clicking on it.

Just after the Uighur situation stabilized, Wang Xuanzhi finally fled to Dahang City.

When he arrived at Dahang City, he was immediately surprised by the current appearance of Dahang City.

Is this still Dahang City?
More than 2 Silla civilians worked hard in Dahang City, and Pang Ju decided to build a large port directly in Dahang City.

In order to arrange for the rest of the people, Pang Ju built a row of houses in the port, and also built welfare buildings such as collective canteens and bathhouses.

Although the time is short and they are just some wooden houses, for the Silla civilians who are not regarded as human beings in the local area, it is very happy to be working in Datang.

It is really comfortable to be able to eat enough food every day, eat fish for three meals, and take a hot bath.

Hearing that Dahang City has jobs and includes food and housing, many nearby Han and Hu people were also attracted to come here, Pang Ju naturally accepted them all, and Dahang City soon became a prosperous seaside city.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Xuanzhi immediately went to Pang Ju and cried out what had happened to him, and then ordered Pang Ju to recruit all the peasants to fight back to Yingzhou City!

Wang Xuanzhi didn't know how Pang Ju managed to conjure up so many people on the seashore, but he thought of conscription as soon as he saw people!Call back to Yingzhou City!

Pang Ju almost vomited blood when he heard it. It’s okay for these peasants to let them do their jobs. Wouldn’t it be death for them to fight Cai Wenjing?
Pang Ju served Wang Xuanzhi with good food and drink, and arranged for some beauties to accompany him, finally appeasing Wang Xuanzhi for the time being.

Yu Chixin, who set off from Yuguan, also led the army to the outside of Yingzhou City.

(End of this chapter)

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