Chapter 599

At this time, Emperor Li Heng missed his old friend Li Mi.

In the past, at such a time, Li Mi was always able to give advice and point out the direction of Datang.

But now that Li Mi is no longer by his side, Li Heng felt a sense of loss.

Since Li Mi did not come to inquire, the emperor still had the chancellors, so Li Heng opened the Hall of Yanying again and summoned the prime ministers to discuss countermeasures.

The prime ministers entered one by one, and Li Heng's eyes first set on Pei Mian.

Pei Mian cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I invite you to recruit troops."

After saying this, the rest of the prime ministers couldn't help sighing and shaking their heads, but no one stepped forward to speak.

But Li Heng said: "Now the guards, what about this year's spring plowing?"

It is already February, which is the most important time of the year. If the spring plowing cannot be completed, then there will be no harvest for half a year this year.

Who knows when this battle will end, Guan Zhong finally regained a bit of vitality, if he recruits troops now, it will basically drain Guan Zhong's vitality again.

Guanzhong is the foundation of the royal family of Li and Tang, and the people in Guanzhong are also the most supportive of the emperor, and it is also the source of the imperial army of the Tang Dynasty. If there are soldiers now, it will definitely make the people feel alienated from the emperor and the court.

Pei Mian said helplessly: "Your Majesty, if there is no guard now, Tongguan may not be able to defend."

After saying this, Li Heng was also silent.

Brother Shuhan guarded Tongguan back then, and finally Tongguan was broken. His father came up with the memory of him coming out of Chang'an overnight. Li Heng didn't want to experience such a life again.

As emperors who can participate in politics, the crown prince and King Qi are also in the Yanying Hall.

Seeing the frown of the father, the two princes stood up at the same time and said: "Father, my son is willing to recruit soldiers!"

Then Prince Li Chu glanced at the brothers beside him, and King Qi returned a firm look.

Seeing his son like this, Li Heng felt a little relieved.

I only heard the prince say: "Father, I think that there are many bad people in Chang'an city, plus the servants of minister Xungui, Chang'an can recruit [-] elite soldiers!"

Li Heng's eyes couldn't help but brighten up. There are many idle young people in Chang'an City. These people usually cause trouble on the streets and engage in some gray things. They are inherently unstable factors in Chang'an. It is better to recruit them into the army. middle.

As for the other point, all the officials and nobles in Chang'an City would raise domestic slaves, so each family could produce a few strong domestic slaves, which would definitely be a good source of soldiers.

Li Heng thought for a while, and said to Li Chu: "Does Cui Xiang think that Chu'er's method is feasible?"

Cui Guangyuan stood up bravely and said, "His Royal Highness's method is feasible, but the people in Chang'an are so tricky, I'm afraid it will not be easy to recruit soldiers."

Li Heng thought for a while and said: "Leave this matter to Jing Zhaoyin and Dali Temple. Anyone with bad deeds will be arrested and sent to the barracks. As for the matter of domestic slaves, I will personally talk about it tomorrow!"

Now the matter of recruiting soldiers in Chang'an is decided. In fact, everyone present knows that this is not a recruiting, but it is actually a recruiting by the imperial court.

It's just that the emperor didn't hand over this matter to the prince who made the suggestion, but let the former Jing Zhaoyi Cui Guangyuan take charge.

Seeing that the prince was in the limelight, King Qi also came out to express his willingness to go to Nanyang and Jingchu areas to recruit soldiers for the court.

At this time, the Jingchu area was still an area with relatively strong folk customs, but it did not belong to the core area of ​​the Tang Dynasty, so the Tang court generally rarely recruited troops from these areas.

However, since the end of the Han Dynasty, the population of the Jingchu area has begun to develop greatly, and there are also some barbaric folk customs here, so this is also a good source of soldiers.

The emperor nodded, and finally sent Miao Jinqing, the prime minister who knew the best soldiers, to the Jingchu area to recruit soldiers. At the same time, he granted Miao Jinqing the position of Jingxiang Jiedushi, and gave him the right to establish a government and establish teeth.

Cui Guangyuan secretly concluded that it seems that the emperor does not want the prince to intervene in military power, especially at this sensitive moment.

After making a plan to recruit soldiers, the emperor seemed to regain a sense of security.

And Zhang Duanyang, who was recruiting new troops in Pengcheng, received a message from Nan Jiyun.

At this time, Zhang Duanyang was visiting the military camp with Luo Yun, a businessman who was transporting food northward, when he heard Nan Jiyun's envoy say:
"General Zhang, General Nan heard that Luoyang was besieged, and they are anxious to lead the Qingzhou Army to rescue Luoyang!"

Zhang Duanyang nodded. Now Luoyang is left behind by Zhang Xun, the person Nan Jiyun admires the most. Now that Luoyang City is besieged, Nan Jiyun in Qingzhou will naturally not be indifferent.

Back then, Nan Jiyun took away 1 people from Luoyang, and recruited another 1 people when he pacified Qingzhou, and now he has [-] elites.

Zhang Duanyang said to the messenger: "You tell General Nan that Qingzhou must never be given up. Luoyang City is high, and Zhang Liushou can defend it. Tell him not to send troops easily!"

Zhang Duanyang sighed and said: "With Zhang Liushou's character, he should have written to General Nan. You just need to persuade your general for a few days."

Sure enough, as Zhang Duanyang expected, after the messenger returned to Qingzhou, Nan Jiyun received a letter written by Zhang Xun, who stayed behind in Luoyang.

Zhang Xun's meaning was the same as Zhang Duanyang's. Qingzhou controls Jiaodong, and its strategic position is very important.

After Nan Jiyun received the letter, he bowed in the direction of Luoyang with tears in his eyes, and then hurriedly trained Qingzhou recruits.

With Luo Yun's food, Zhang Duanyang's recruiting work in Pengcheng was much easier.

He just came up with the slogan of being a soldier and eating food, which quickly attracted the refugees in the mountains north of Pengcheng.

These refugees gathered into different refugee groups according to their respective origins and hometowns, and the leaders of these groups were the refugee marshals.

The largest of them escaped from Zizhou. The commander-in-chief of this group was named Ma Yang, who was originally a military official in the government office of Zizhou.

After the fall of Zizhou, the entire Zizhou prefectural government office was almost martyred for the country. Ma Yang led his officials to break out from the prefectural government office, and then gathered some local refugees from Zizhou's native township, and then came to Pengcheng together.

Because Ma Yang had been an official in the state capital, and he himself was a soldier. He was strong and strong, so he was elected as the leader of the refugees and the commander of the refugees in Zizhou.

Speaking of handsome refugees, this group of Zizhou refugees is only 5 people, including a large number of old people and children, and only less than 1 people can be called young and strong.

Under the agency of Ma Yang, they reclaimed the forests in the mountains to catch wild animals, but there was no conflict with Pengcheng.

Because of this, Zhang Duanyang's first recruiting target was Ma Yang's Zizhou refugees.

Hearing that the senior officials of Pengcheng were going up the mountain, Ma Yang expressed a very welcome attitude.

Although the mountains and forests in the north of Pengcheng can be considered prosperous, they cannot support such refugees.

There are 5 refugees in Zizhou alone, not to mention that the entire Henan Province is in a military disaster, and the refugees on the mountain will attack each other to occupy the territory. Many people have starved to death this winter.

Ma Yang didn't want to live such a life anymore. Hearing that the government was willing to recruit, he naturally welcomed Zhang Duanyang happily.

Zhang Duanyang also had a guard with him, which fully demonstrated his sincerity. After meeting with Ma Yang, Zhang Duanyang made a condition that Ma Yang could hardly refuse.

"Old and weak women and children can settle part of them in Pengcheng. If they are willing to go to Qingzhou, they can also be granted land by the government. The young and strong can stay in Pengcheng and join the Pengcheng army."

When Zhang Duanyang said this condition, not only Ma Yang, but also other high-level refugees behind him all had their eyes lit up.

For Zizhou people, Qingzhou is not far from Zizhou, and the climate and living habits are similar.

These refugees were unwilling to go to Qingzhou before, because Qingzhou's rebels were powerful, and these refugees could not beat Qingzhou's rebels.

Hearing that the imperial army had wiped out the Qingzhou thieves, the refugees like Ma Yang dared not go to Qingzhou again, for fear of being besieged by the government.

Now that Zhang Duanyang personally stated this condition, the refugees only need to go north to Qingzhou, which is simply a great thing.

For Zhang Duanyang, there is really no problem in making this condition.

Nan Jiyun is the general of Qingzhou appointed by Zhang Xun, who stayed behind in Dongdu. He is an official appointed by the imperial court and has the power to control Qingzhou.

The people in Qingzhou are not one out of ten, and a large amount of land has lost its owner, and it is a waste of a large area of ​​land to be abandoned.

If the refugees from Zizhou can be gathered together, and they can be arranged to open up wasteland in Qingzhou, it will be a good thing for Zhang Duanyang.

Sure enough, Ma Yang immediately agreed to Zhang Duanyang's conditions. Zhang Duanyang selected 3000 refugees from Zizhou, and the rest escorted the old and weak to Qingzhou.

The news that the imperial court recruited the refugees from Zizhou spread quickly. With the example of the refugees from Zizhou, Zhang Duanyang's recruitment work was easy.

After having soldiers, Zhang Duanyang led the soldiers to force a "dictatorship" against the powerful families in Pengcheng.

Zhang Duanyang doesn't need to be charged with those big families who are rich and unkind and occupy a lot of land. The things they committed themselves are enough to make them ransack their families and exterminate their families.

Then Zhang Duanyang directly promulgated a decree that the land occupied by a family should not exceed a hundred acres at most, and the end of Pengcheng's tyrants came.

But even in Pengcheng, where the folk customs are tough, Zhang Duanyang, who has just recruited the refugee army, is not worth mentioning.

The refugee army was recruited from refugees from all over the country, and had nothing to do with the local tycoons, and even hated them.

After quelling several small rebellions, no one expressed any objection to Zhang Duanyang's land restriction order.

With these lands, Zhang Duanyang resettled some of the refugees, and the rest let them go north to Qingzhou to grant land. After some operations, Zhang Duanyang raised [-] young and strong refugee troops, and resettled all the refugees in the northern mountainous area of ​​Pengcheng. .

(End of this chapter)

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