Chapter 607 Arbitrage Space
Zhang Leyan also looked at this player. The player who stood up was called Sun Lang, a businessman player who claimed to be a financial expert.

Sun Lang's job is to be a master of knowledge about finance and economics. He also found a way to get an account to enter the game after he saw Datang Fengyun's promotional video on the Internet.

After Sun Lang entered Datang Fengyun, he only produced one program "Datang Economy", which also received a lot of broadcasts on the Internet.

And after Sun Lang entered the game, after doing some reselling business, he shouted to engage in the financial industry in Datang, and then came to Chang'an from Longyou.

Sun Lang was determined to make a career in Chang'an. He joined the Chang'an Branch of Wangfu Bank, determined to make a difference in the financial industry.

It's a pity that Sun Lang has a lot of financial knowledge, but it is really useless in Datang, a place where the currency system is not perfect.

After finally holding back until today, Sun Lang finally had a place to use his skills. He stood up and said:

"The value of currency lies in its purchasing power. What is the best commodity to anchor currency value in Datang? It is food!"

Zhang Leyan also nodded. In this era, the criterion for measuring purchasing power is how much food can be exchanged for money.

During the most prosperous Kaiyuan period, the price of rice in Chang'an was very low.At that time, the price of rice per denier was less than [-] yuan, and the people in Chang'an could easily fill their stomachs.

However, with the beginning of the Anlushan Rebellion, the price of rice in Chang'an began to fluctuate violently. Now the price of rice has risen to [-] yuan to buy once rice, and many people in Chang'an can no longer afford food.

Sun Lang looked at the crowd and said, "Although recasting new money is profitable, it takes time and effort. It is still an illegal act and may be brought to justice."

"Can we financial people earn this dirty money? That's definitely not possible!"

Sun Lang was full of pride in the financial industry. He scanned around and finally talked about his own method.

"How do we make money in the financial industry? We need to find room for arbitrage! As long as there is room for arbitrage, we can turn small money into big money!"

Everyone looked at Sun Lang blankly. Among the merchant players in Chang'an, not many were engaged in finance, and most of the financial major players were busy building a new economic system in Longyou. No one could understand what Sun Lang meant by "arbitrage".

Sun Lang picked up a glass of water, took a sip and said:
"Arbitrage is a profitable model. In fact, Qianyuan Chongbao has the same effect as the principal's issuance of gold coupons. We just need to copy the homework."

Many players were still bewildered, but Zhang Leyan was somewhat enlightened.

Sun Lang didn't hold back anymore. He said directly: "The imperial government must have forced the common people to use the Qianyuan Chongbao at the beginning. It was the same way when the principal issued the gold-yuan coupons."

Everyone nodded. From the fifth Qi's memorial passed down by Mu Rong, this was also suggested to the court. This was also a copy of Emperor Gaozu's practice when he issued Kaiyuan Tongbao.

"However, the currency value of Qianyuan Chongbao is not enough, and now there are so many privately minted fake money ready to make a fortune. This kind of compulsory use of Qianyuan Chongbao will definitely have the same problem as the gold round coupons back then. The value of the currency will definitely depreciate!"

Seeing that everyone was still at a loss, Sun Lang said: "In fact, the most important thing about currency is circulation and exchange. If everyone in Chang'an thinks that Qianyuan Chongbao is worthless, then grain merchants can't refuse to accept Qianyuan Chongbao, then what will happen? what?"

"Price increase!" shouted a player who traded grain.

Sun Lang snapped his fingers and said, "That's the price increase. If the price of grain increases, the prices of other commodities will also increase. Therefore, the imperial court's compulsory implementation of Qianyuan Chongbao will definitely lead to price increases in the end."

At this time, a player raised his hand and said, "That is to say, we should hoard food now and sell it after this round of price increases?"

Sun Lang smiled and said, "Of course this is a way to make money, but we are in finance and we focus on arbitrage. What we want to earn is not a single transaction."

"This rise in prices did not happen simultaneously across Datang, but was conductive."

"Refer to the golden round coupons issued by the principal at that time. At that time, Nanjing and Shanghai were the most sensitive to prices, and inflation appeared shortly after the issuance. However, in places far from these big cities, the golden round coupons maintained a stable currency value for a long time, especially in those days. In the Northeast region that was taken back from the Japanese, the value of the gold-dollar notes has been stable for a long time.”

Everyone looked at Sun Lang suspiciously. Although the principal's collapse of the gold coupons was written in the textbook, there was no in-depth analysis in the book of how the gold coupons collapsed.

Sun Lang continued: "This is because of the authority of the imperial court. In capitals and big cities where there are many dignitaries, the imperial court is easily disenchanted because of the close relationship."

"However, in relatively remote areas, the authority of the imperial court is still there. People in some poor areas tend to submit more to the imperial court, and are more likely to be superstitious about the imperial court's propaganda."

Everyone nodded, this kind of thing is not uncommon now.

The more enlightened the people are, the less they trust the imperial court, and the people in remote areas are often more loyal.

"What did the generals under the headmaster do? After issuing the golden round coupons, they took planes and ships to places other than Nanjing and Shanghai to buy supplies, and then took the trains that transported military supplies to Nanjing and Shanghai to sell them. After getting money, they went to remote places to collect supplies, and many generals made a fortune by reselling them, so much so that the military aircraft under the headmaster at that time were used to resell supplies.”

After saying this, everyone immediately understood that what Sun Lang said was actually very simple, that is, to use the difference in the depreciation speed of the currency in Chang'an and other regions, and to use the difference in currency value to resell.

The eyes of the businessmen and players present lit up, this is a trick!
The depreciation of Chang'an's currency is almost a consensus among everyone, and the price of rice in Chang'an is the highest in Datang, even if it is simply selling grain to Chang'an, it is still a profitable business.

And Sun Lang's arbitrage model seems to be no problem, and the headmaster personally demonstrated it back then, and more importantly, all of this does not violate the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and it belongs to making money standing up!

Players are gearing up one after another. For merchant players, chaos is often a good opportunity to make money!
Just as the merchants and players in Chang'an were gearing up to make a fortune, the first batch of silver coins minted by Longyou Wangfu Bank also flowed into the market.

Unlike the arbitrariness of the Tang court, Li Tan and Jiang Lun were very cautious about adjusting monetary policy.

The Wangfu Bank only minted [-] silver coins, all of which were recast at the mint by the bank through the silver coins collected by the players from foreign merchants.

And this batch of silver coins will flow into the market in various cities in Longyou in the form of government project settlement.

After the new year, the major newspapers in Longyou began to spread the news. From February onwards, all government salaries and settlements for contracted government projects will all be made with new silver coins.

The value of a silver coin is one hundred renminbi. The Wangfu Bank also conducts the exchange business of silver coins and copper coins. The Wangfu Bank mobilizes the copper coins in the treasury to each branch to ensure that the people who take the silver coins to the bank will be able to exchange them for corresponding copper coins. .

At the same time, public security officials at all levels also began to severely crack down on the illegal minting of coins. Longyou also promulgated a new royal decree. Those who minted coins privately will be punished by beheading, which is an unforgivable crime!

Jiang Lun was also a little nervous, [-] silver coins is actually not much, but this is a solution to alleviate the money shortage in Longyou.

If it can be stabilized, the Wangfu Bank will issue more silver coins and gold coins with larger denominations.

The value of currency lies in confidence. What Li Tan needs is to build the confidence of the people in using silver and gold coins, and this is also the confidence of the people in the entire Longyou region in the King of Yue.

However, the final result is still gratifying. The first batch of silver coins flowed into the market very quickly. Except for the people who entered the bank to exchange silver coins for copper coins at the beginning, most of the silver coins were successfully circulated in Longyou.

After Jiang Lun breathed a sigh of relief, he fell into another predicament.

The Governor's Mansion does not have enough silver to mint silver coins.

In fact, China has always been short of silver. After the Ming Dynasty occupied Yunnan, it solved the problem of silver mining.

But now Yunnan is under the rule of Nanzhao. Although the players in Chengdu have just regained Huichuan Prefecture, Huichuan Prefecture is the Tang territory occupied by Nanzhao, and Huichuan Prefecture is not a mountainous area, so they can win.

If you want to reach Yunnan, I am afraid that Xichuan's new army is not enough.

In addition, there are silver mines on the grasslands, but mining silver mines in Inner Mongolia is difficult and costly.

Are you really going to Fusang?

Jiang Lun put this idea aside for the time being, since the silver mines are not enough, let's issue gold coins directly!

Ge Luolu's gold mountain has been mined for such a long time, and Longyou already has a lot of gold reserves. Jiang Lun ordered the foundry to step up work and quickly mint the first batch of gold coins.

However, Jiang Lun had some doubts about the circulation of gold coins. The Great Tang and the Great Han attached great importance to burials, and wealthy families liked to be buried with gold utensils. If the gold coins issued could not be circulated, the value of currency circulation would be lost.

But now we can only take one step at a time.

The one who had the same idea as Jiang Lun was Prince Chengwei of Chang'an Wannian County.

Wang Chengwei, who has been very low-key since he took office, suddenly sent invitations to the Jinshi of the same subject in Beijing, inviting them to hold a party of the same subject.

(End of this chapter)

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