Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 615 Luoyang Offensive and Defensive Battle

Chapter 615 Luoyang Offensive and Defensive Battle

Yu Chixin and Zhang Guangde continued to pretend to be hunters and went all the way south, heading towards Zhuozhou, where Fan Yang is now governed.

Zhuozhou is near today's Beiping, and it has been the capital of Yan State in the north since the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period.

However, the Zhuozhou City in the Yanzhao period has long been burned down by many wars. Today's Zhuozhou City is actually a new city, and it took only a hundred years to build it.

However, at this time, Fan Yang Jiedushi Shi Chaoyi was not in Zhuozhou City. After returning in vain at Yuguan, Shi Chaoyi received an order from his father Shi Siming to lead Fan Yang's army southward quickly and took Zizhou from An Qingxu.

Shi Siming directly took the main force of Taiyuan and occupied the Xiangzhou that An Qingxu gave up.

According to the secret agreement reached by An Qingxu and Shi Siming, An Qingxu gave up these state capitals that he could not manage, and Shi Siming provided him with weapons and food.

With support, An Qingxu defeated Guo Ziyi who annexed Heyin in one fell swoop, and besieged Luoyang City again.

But the siege of Luoyang this time seems not as easy as the last time An Lushan captured Luoyang.

Zhang Xun was worthy of being the number one city defender in the Tang Dynasty. Luoyang City was managed by him like an iron bucket, and An Qingxu couldn't attack it no matter what.

At the beginning, An Qingxu used crowd tactics to organize a large army to climb the city wall from the west of Luoyang City, but Zhang Xun had already made full preparations, and the rain of arrows fell from the city wall, killing a large number of An Qingxu's soldiers.

Finally, a ladder leaned against the city wall, and another large pot of golden juice was poured down. The hot golden juice was boiled dung, which made soldiers fall from the ladder.

Falling rocks and sleepers fell from the city wall and broke the ladder. An Qingxu stormed for a whole day, except for the loss of soldiers and generals, no one even climbed the city wall.

Now An Qingxu knew that he had hit an iron plate, and after Ming Jin withdrew his troops, An Qingxu gave up the idea of ​​a frontal breakthrough.

An Qingxu ordered the soldiers to dig tunnels, intending to attack Luoyang City through the tunnels.

But Zhang Xun had already figured out the siege routine, and arranged personnel to monitor the movement underground.

Before An Qingxu's tunnel was dug into Luoyang, Zhang Xun sent people out of the city to dig out the moat water, diverted the water into the tunnel, and drowned all An Qingxu's men who dug the tunnel.

This time, An Qingxu's subordinates were hit hard. An Qingxu knew that it was impossible to attack Luoyang City by force now, so he planned to besiege Luoyang City first, and then attack the city after Luoyang's soldiers and food were exhausted.

Unexpectedly, when An Qingxu was preparing to besiege, Zhang Xun actually sent a light cavalry out of the city.

Guo Mu was one of the first players to take refuge in Zhang Xun. After Zhang Xun served as the left behind in Luoyang, Guo Mu stayed in the army as a captain of the expanded cavalry.

Guo Mu is very interested in cavalry combat. His favorite game before was "Horse and Blade". After entering Datang Fengyun, he frantically improved his riding skills, and finally raised his riding skills to the proficient level.

When he was in Luoyang, Guo Mu often asked Nan Jiyun for cavalry tactics. Although the army under his command only had [-] natives, they were all elites brought out by Guo Mu.

After An Qingxu changed his tactics and encircled rather than attacked, Zhang Xun immediately summoned his generals.

"At this time, the enemy is sleepy. If a general goes out of the city to fight, he will be able to exhaust the enemy army. Who among the generals is willing to invite Ying to fight?"

After Zhang Xun finished speaking, all the soldiers were silent.

Zhang Xun sighed, if Nan Jiyun was still in Luoyang, he would definitely take the initiative to invite Ying to fight.

At this time, Guo Mu, who was standing in the back row, said loudly: "The last general is willing to go!"

Zhang Xun raised his head and saw Guo Mu's appearance. He thought that before Nan Jiyun went to Qingzhou, he had recommended Guo Mu to Zhang Xun, saying that he had the talent of a fierce general.

Zhang Xun was overjoyed, he pulled Guo Mu and said, "If Captain Guo can make a contribution in this battle, Zhang will ask the imperial court for credit in the future!"

Guo Mu went directly to the barracks wearing armor, and led the team out from the east gate of Luoyang.

It can be said that Guo Mu exhausted all his efforts for the three hundred soldiers under his command.

He not only ate and lived with the soldiers, but also continued to give money to improve the food of the soldiers. The three hundred soldiers did not have night blindness, which is also the result of his continuous nutrition for the soldiers.

An Qingxu's camp was brightly lit, and Guo Mu found his target easily.

Quietly passing through a forest, Guo Mu picked up the binoculars, only to see that An Qingxu's camp was very irregular, and the camp could be said to be quite irregular.

In fact, the soldiers An Qingxu recruited were bandits in Henan Province a few months ago, or they were refugees who couldn't eat. One can imagine their military discipline.

After a few days of storming Luoyang, the morale of An Qingxu's army was a little low, so An Qingxu specially provided drinks to the army today, hoping to boost morale.

Hearing the chaotic voices in the barracks, Guo Mu felt even more unbearable. An Qingxu's subordinates were nothing but a mob.

Such an army can naturally achieve results when the wind is down, but it is also prone to collapse when the wind is headed.

It can only be said that the Tang army is also half-baked. Guo Mu once visited Guo Ziyi's army, and there were even 60-year-old old men and young soldiers under 16 years old recruiting soldiers in Guanzhong.

As described in Du Fu's "Song of Soldiers and Chariots", after several times of recruiting soldiers in Guanzhong, almost all the young and strong have been stuffed into the army. They can also arrest the young and old into the army.

Guo Mu ordered to look at the chaotic camp, and said to his subordinates:

"You follow the captain of the school, you must not love to fight, and withdraw when you hear the order, do you understand?"

All the soldiers agreed one after another, Guo Mu looked at the faces of his subordinates and said with satisfaction: "Come on!"

Guo Mu led the people all the way to An Qingxu's camp. After entering the camp, Guo Mu set fire to it and shouted: "Tang army night attack!"

An Qingxu's camp was unprepared, and many soldiers were knocked to the ground by Guo Mu before they took up arms to resist.

Guo Mu let go all the way, and actually broke into several layers of defense of the camp. When the surrounding soldiers became elite, Guo Mu immediately shouted: "Retreat!"

His subordinates gathered behind Guo Mu one after another. Guo Mu looked at the electronic map and went back to the original route again.

After Guo Mu led his men out of An Qingxu's camp, the puppet Yan soldiers did not dare to leave the camp to pursue them.

"Don't chase after the poor!"

Guo Mu came back with a big victory. When the sky was getting dark, he led the cavalry into the city in a grand manner. Each soldier had several heads of fake Yan soldiers tied to their horses.

Zhang Xun deliberately arranged for Guo Mu to enter the city through the main gate, and walked along Luoyang Street.

On the side of Puppet Yan, Tang Jun broke into the camp yesterday and burned many camps, and the morale was even lower.

In the next few days, Guo Mu continued to lead people out of the city to fight, burning down a large number of puppet Yan camps.

In the Anqingxu Army, there were some veterans who participated in the Battle of Suiyang, and they once again felt the fear brought by Nan Jiyun back then.

At this point in the development of the matter, An Qingxu could only order his subordinates to gather to protect themselves, but there was a gap in the siege of Luoyang City.

Guo Mu came to a small courtyard in Luoyang City with a bag of rice.

An old man is sitting in a wooden wheelchair and is sitting in the yard basking in the sun.

Seeing Guo Mu come in, the old man opened his eyes slightly. Guo Mu put the rice into the rice vat and picked up the broom to clean the small yard.

"Don't sweep it, it will be dusty everywhere."

The old man in the wheelchair complained, but he still squinted his eyes and watched Guo Mu finish his work, so he asked:

"Did you go out to fight at night in the city a few days ago?"

"Back to the teacher, Zhang Liushou asked me to go out of the city to harass An Qingxu's camp."

"After learning so many ways of using soldiers from me, if you still can't beat An Qingxu's gang of bandits, then you might as well die."

The old man snorted coldly. This old man was Ge Shuhan who was rescued from An Qingxu's prison by the player at that time.

Ge Shuhan was arranged by the players in Luoyang City, and many of them were interested in this former Great Tang military god, and kept visiting him.

But most of the players were unwilling to come back after being scolded by Ge Shuhan for his bad temper a few times. Only Guo Mu kept coming to the door, and finally let Ge Shuhan speak and taught him some cavalry tactics.

Ge Shuhan used to be the Northwest King of the Tang Dynasty, and his defense focus was on the northern nomads, so the characteristic of Ge Shuhan's leadership is mobility.

The light cavalry under his command is the most mobile cavalry unit in the Tang Dynasty, able to fight hundreds of miles on the grassland.

Guo Mu also learned Ge Shuhan's light cavalry tactics, so he was able to come and go like the wind in the An Qingxu barracks.

From then on, Guo Mu performed the disciple ceremony to Ge Shuhan, and today happened to be a day for him to rest and take a bath, so he brought rice to visit Ge Shuhan.

Ge Shuhan still couldn't help asking about the situation in Luoyang. After the question was over, Ge Shuhan was silent for a while and said: "The bandits have lost their vigor. Just add more firewood, and the siege of Luoyang will be solved."

"Teacher, really? Do you have any good plans?"

Guo Mu stood up immediately. In fact, when Luoyang was besieged, the situation in Luoyang was also very bad.

In order to defend the city, the people of Luoyang donated all their food, and now the entire city of Luoyang lives on rice bran.

Luoyang originally relied on waterways and water transport to transport grain into the city. After the siege of the city, An Qingxu cut off Luoyang's waterways, and sent people to ambush the water transport ships approaching the river on the bank, cutting off the grain supply of Luoyang City.

Although Zhang Xun once moved some people out of Luoyang City, there are still 10,000+ people and tens of thousands of troops in the city who want to eat and drink.

Suiyang, where Zhang Xun was guarding back then, was a small city with few people in it, but in a big city like Luoyang, the people of Luoyang would not be able to sustain it if they were without food for another month.

Hearing that Geshuhan said there was a way, Guo Mu immediately stood up and asked Geshuhan for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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